#spiderman fic



A/N: This is the second part of Too Late. 

Peter went back to the tower and received the needed medical attention. His aunt would show up and be so relieved that he was in one piece. She would hold him as he cried and tell him that everything would be okay while silently cursing the world for being so cruel to the young boy who deserved a break. After a while, she would have to leave with Happy to start sorting everything out. Other Avengers would come in and offer Peter their condolences, promising that they would be there for him if he needed anything. Tony practically moved into Peter’s room, not wanting to leave him alone. The worst part came when Y/n’s mother showed up. He expected her to scream at him for killing her daughter. But instead, she just told him how relieved she was that he was okay. She cried, he cried, she explained to him that the funeral would be held a week later and asked that he speak if he was up for it. She reminded him of how much you loved him and told him that he could come by any time. 

Two days later he went back to his Aunt’s apartment. Everywhere he looked he saw you, memories flashing. He remembered the countless movie marathons (and maybe make-out sessions) on the couch. He remembered disasters in the kitchen and the flour fight you had when he discovered you trying to bake his birthday cake last year. He remembered chasing you through the halls, both of you laughing, him kissing you when he caught you in his arms. He slowly made it up to his room trying to keep it together. But, that was honestly pointless. As he opened the door, he saw the multiple shirts he had tried on before your date sprawled across his bed. He pushed them on to the ground and laid down just wanting everything to stop for a minute. But his mind refused him such pleasantries.

Instead, he thought about the nights you had spent studying together. The time that you had discovered he was Spider-Man. He replayed multiple conversations the two of you had had. He remembered the day he asked you out, your first date, the times he went to your house after a particularly bad night whether it was to be patched up or just to talk. His mind continued on like that until he eventually drifted off to sleep.

The next morning Aunt May came in and brought Peter breakfast which he hardly touched. She sighed as she was at a loss for what to do. He stayed in his room all day, only getting up to use the restroom. He just wanted to be left alone and she tried to respect that, no matter how hard it was to watch him push her away again.

After two more days of refusing visitors and ignoring the outside world, Peter’s aunt informed him that your mother had called and asked him to stop by. He honestly didn’t want to, but he figured he owed her that much. So he forced himself to shower and get dressed. He then proceeded to walk the too familiar path to your apartment, which again was accompanied by various memories that caused his chest to hurt. He didn’t know how he was supposed to do this. He eventually made it outside your door, thinking about the first time he kissed you, right there in that hallway. He hesitated, and finally knocked softly.

Your mom answered and Peter could see how upset she was, not that anyone could blame her. She invited him to come inside and take a seat on the couch. He still didn’t know exactly why he was here.

“I went today to get her stuff- from the car. This- I think it belongs to you,” she said handing him the small ring box with the promise ring he planned on giving you that night. As he took it, his eyes closed as he tried not to cry again, not in front of your mom. She too was on the verge of tears as he pulled something else out of the bag. “Th-this was in the trunk, it was her anniversary gift for you, she’d been working on it for weeks,” she said taking a deep breath and handing it to him. It was very neatly packaged in blue wrapping paper with a red ribbon. He turned it over in his hands.

Noticing his hesitation, your mother reassured him that he didn’t have to open it now. He just stared at it. 

“Can I get you anything, Peter? Maybe something to drink? Or to eat? People keep dropping off casseroles,”

“I’m good, thanks,” he replied clearing his thoughts.

“You can go up to her room if you want, I like to go in there. It makes me feel closer to her,” she added.

“Yeah, I think I might do that.”

He absentmindedly walked up to your room. It looked exactly the same as it had when he had last seen it. He looked over your photo wall, glancing through the pictures mostly of the two of you. You were smiling and/or laughing in 99% of them. Seeing them brought a smile to his face. He walked around the rest of your room thinking about the time the two of you had spent together there. He took in your familiar scent and felt if only for a moment at peace. 

After a while, he made his way back downstairs. He thanked your mom and told her to reach out if she needed anything. She asked him if he planned on saying anything at your funeral on Saturday and he told her that he would. Though to be honest he had forgotten that that was even a thing. Not the funeral, just the speaking part. He would have to start thinking about it.

When he returned to his apartment, he wasn’t entirely surprised to find one of Tony’s cars was parked around the corner.

“Hey kiddo, how are you doing?” Tony asked as Peter entered.

“As well as can be expected,” he replied setting down the boxes from your house before sitting across from Tony.

“I wanted to check-in, and bring you this,” he said handing him a small shoebox,”

Peter was confused, to say the least. “Mr. Stark you didn’t have to get me anything,”

“I didn’t, it’s from Y/n. She gave it to me a few months ago, made me promise to hold on to it just in case something ever happened,” he explained waiting to see how Peter was going to react.

“She’s unbelievable,” Peter chuckled, the stopped was he thought. 

“Have you eaten anything today?” Tony asked most likely at Aunt May’s request.

“Not really, but I’m fine,” 

“Are you sure, I can have Happy can go pick something up and bring it by, he’s been worried about you,”

“I’m good, thanks though”

“Peter I’m sorry, I can’t imagine how hard all of this is for you, especially right now. You know that I and everyone else are here for you. If there is anything that any of us can do, all you have to do is say the word and we’re here.”

“I know Mr. Stark, thank you,”

“Okay kid, I’m going to give you some space so you can open that -when you’re ready. Make sure you eat something, if not for you, do it for your aunt who’s worried about you. Let me know if you need anything. Otherwise, I’ll see you Saturday.”

“See you Saturday,” Peter mumbled before taking the three boxes upstairs to his room. 

He sat and stared at the anniversary gift and the apparent contingency plan. He debated which one to open first or whether he wanted to open either of them. Okay, that was stupid, obviously, he was going to open them. It was just a matter of when and in which order. After some thought, he made up his mind and picked up the blue box unwrapping it carefully. Inside, was a scrapbook. It had pictures from kindergarten to the present, but that wasn’t all that it had. It also contained some of your artwork and small memorabilia. For example, there were tickets from various movies, the receipt from your first date, the ribbon from the science fair the two of you won, and other things that Peter had absolutely no idea that you kept. His favorite part though was your handwritten additions. Small notes, song lyrics, quotes, and memories that you used to embellish the pages. You had narrated the entire story and it was beautiful. He spent hours going through it carefully, not wanting to miss anything.

When he finished, he put it back in the box and set it aside. He debated whether he wanted to also open the shoebox tonight as he had just been on an emotional roller-coaster. He hesitantly pulled it closer to him and pulled off the lid. There was a note on top which he read first.

Dear Peter, 

I hope that this note never has to be read. However, it needs to exist. So, here we go I guess. In this box, you will find two things, first a Funko Pop! and secondly a flash drive with a video that I recorded for you. 

The Funko Pop! is Kylo Ren. And you may be asking yourself why out of every character in existence, I would choose him. So here’s my reasoning: 1. You love Star Wars 2. I’m guessing that the world seems a little darker than normal right now, so I figured that he could serve as a reminder that no matter how far into the “dark side” you go that there is always redemption and light.

I love you Peter Benjamin Parker.

Forever and Always,

Y/f/n Y/l/n 

Peter took out the Funko Pop! And set it on his desk as he retrieved his laptop and queued up the video. He tried to mentally prepare himself for it, but it was no use.

Hi Peter,

So if you are seeing this something happened to me. I don’t know whether it was Spider-Man related or not. I guess it really doesn’t matter. I just wanted to tell you not to blame yourself. And believe me, I know you well enough to know that you will try to. Even if I live to be 102 and die peacefully in my sleep of natural causes you’d still be looking for a way to blame yourself. That’s kinda your thing, putting the weight of the world on your shoulders. Anyways, no matter what happened, it wasn’t your fault. I knew exactly what I was getting into when I agreed to be your friend, partner in crime, and your girlfriend.

You are so good Peter. You are truly a breath of fresh air. While others actively ignore the pain and suffering in the world, you go out of your way to make a difference. You protect those who can’t protect themselves and you never expect anything in return. Your life has presented you with so many challenges and so many reasons to turn cold, but instead, they made you kind.

Please keep fighting. Don’t lose hope, find something that inspires you, and use it to make you better. Make the most of every minute because life is unpredictable, beautiful, and ephemeral. That’s kinda the whole point isn’t it?

I could keep talking to you for hours, but at the same time, I feel like there isn’t much more to be said.

I love you Peter, and I know that you will get through this. I believe in you and know that you will do great things in life. There is nothing that you can’t do if you put your mind to it. Keep fighting the good fight. Or should I say keep swinging the good swing. Maybe I should go for, ‘May the Force be with you’? Hopefully that made you laugh or at least smile. God, your smile can save lives. So I feel that it is my personal duty right here and now to remind you to smile everyday. More importantly be the reason someone else smiles.

The world can be dark and scary and cruel. But there is so much beauty and goodness. You just have to seek it out. I wish you the absolute best this world has to offer. I love you, always and forever.  

Oh by the way, just in case there is any doubt, I am totally okay with you move on. In fact I want you to. Find a girl that makes you happy, who makes you more, and then allow yourself to enjoy it. Absolutely under no circumstance do I want you to use me as an excuse to stop living. 

Stay Gold Spider-Man.

And with that, the camera clicked off and the video ended. Peter replayed it again, taking in your voice and smile. This whole thing felt so surreal, like a bad dream that he had simply yet to wake from. That video though, it was something he hadn’t realized that he needed until he had seen it. It was like the fog was beginning to clear and he knew that everything would be okay.

When he woke up, he ate half of his lunch, which satisfied Aunt May. He then sat at his desk to do the impossible task before him. He had to figure out what it was that he wanted to say at your funeral the next day. He must have written and deleted at least 10 speeches. Nothing was good enough. It needed to be perfect. He would sit there in front of that computer for hours. When he finished, he was entirely shocked to see that it was after 2 am. 

May woke him up so that he had plenty of time to get ready for the service. The drive there was silent and Peter was thinking over his speech. When he arrived, Tony came to greet him. He wasn’t surprised to see many of the avengers in attendance. You were always with him at the tower and had become close to several of them. The service was short and sweet, your mom spoke, and then she asked for him to come up and say a few words. 

It was in the moment that he reached the podium that he decided to entirely disregard his speech. And instead, speak from his heart. 

“From the time I was a little kid, I always wanted to be one of the avengers. I wanted to have superpowers and make the world a better place. Y/n taught me that you don’t have to have powers to change the world. You just have to make a choice to be kind and do the right thing. She was one of the bravest and most beautiful people I have ever met. She always saw the best in people and went out of her way to make a difference in the lives of others. She radiated kindness, and inspired those who knew her. She always was there for me and never gave up on me. She taught me how to find the good in everything. She was the love of my life, my best friend, and my hero. She taught me how to become something more than I ever thought I could be. She saved my life in more ways than one and I will carry her with me every day of my life.” he finished quickly returning to his seat.

After that, you were buried and everyone went their separate ways. The following Monday, Peter finally went back to school. It wasn’t easy, but he had to start somewhere. It would take him three more days before he was able to put the Spider-Man suit back on. From there, he took it day by day. Some were harder than others, but he persisted. He walked at graduation and then swung by your grave to talk to you about his future plans. He was sure that you were proud of him. He spent most of his summer in the Avengers tower with Tony. In the fall, he’d be attending college. And from there who knew what would happen. But whatever life threw at him, he would remember to seek out the good and to do kindness recklessly as you had taught him.

Pairing:Peter Parker x Reader

Summary:Peter and yourself finally figure out your feelings towards each other, in the coolest way possible. 

A/N: I’m sorry I’ve been absent for a hot minute, I’ve just been crazy busy! But I’m back and writing for a bit :)

Word Count: 2,561

“No. I stand by my point. Darth Vader would win!” Ned exclaimed.

“No! You’re wrong! Goku would absolutely beat Vader!” You retorted, extended your arms out in exaggeration. Peter simply laughed as you bickered. The three of you dodged your way out of the crowded halls of Midtown Tech.

“Anakin was going to be one of the most powerful Jedi ever! That means Vader is probably the most powerful character-“

“Goku was a Super Saiyan!” You swiftly interrupted.

The warm afternoon New York breeze hit you as the three of you made it out the front doors. The mix of smog from the many taxis and pollen from the new spring trees danced together. You’d always complained about how much you hated Manhattan, but you had to admit, it was home.

“You’re wrong.” Ned stated, matter-of-factly.

“Unbelievable. We’re continuing this tomorrow Leeds!” You replied.

“Bye dude.” Peter simply smiled over at his best friend. Ned warmly fairwelled Peter, and with the quick completion of their handshake, Ned waltzed off. Peter and yourself began making your way to the train station.

In the least creepy way possible, Peter loved watching you. He watched as your lightly curled hair bounced around your shoulders as you walked. He watched the warm sunlight hit your soft cheekbones, prominating all your best features. He watched as your old, warn down Chucks scuffed along the sidewalk as you absentmindedly kicked loose rocks.

“So? Who would win?” You beamed, looking up at your best friend.

“Hmm?” He shook his head slightly, bringing his dreamy mind back to reality.

“Darth Vader or Goku?! C’mon Pete, why’re you being all spacey?” You laughed, pushing a lock of hair behind your pierced ear.

“I didn’t wanna say it at the time, but Ned’s probably right-“

“Unbelievable!” You whined. “You two obviously know nothing! We’re gonna have to touch up on your Dragon Ball Z, Parker.” Your arm extended out to jokingly nudge him. He turned his attention to your denim jacket. Hundreds of different patches scrapily sewn onto it. God, you were just so cool, Peter thought. You were always so authentically yourself, completely and happily oblivious to what others thought.

“Yea sure, when you watch the Prequels I’ll watch the rest of Dragon Ball Z.” Peter chuckled. You simply shook your head.

“You and Ned always go on about how not great those movies are, why would I bother watching them? And plus, what does that have to do with Darth Vader anyway?” You replied, Peters contagious grin rubbing off on you.

“It’s all about Anakin! It’s his whole back story! What are you talking about!?” Peter said, almost offended.

“Ohh…” you paused, “that makes sense.”

“You’re unbelievable, (Y/L/N).”

It had been years now. Years of you and Peter being besties. Your dad was really close with Richard and Ben, Peters dad and uncle. So you’d been family friends for a long time. Your mum would tell you that you always said you were going to marry Peter when you were younger because he could burp the whole alphabet! It was even better when she brought it up at the dinner table, while Peter was right there. You drifted a bit when Peter went through everything with his parents. With moving away to be with his aunt and uncle and all. You finally reconnected with him in High School. It had been like the two of you never left each other. MJ and Ned constantly mocked the pair of you for being ‘insperable’. But you two just really liked each other’s company! Or that’s at least what you told yourselves to fight off the awkward post-puberty sexual tension.

The train was crowded, as per usual. You shuffled your way through the many bodies, finding a comfortable spot for both you and Peter. His arm raised to hold the bar above him, steadying himself as the train began to move. You, however, resumed your comfortable spot of holding Peter’s other arm to steady yourself. The bar was awkwardly high for your shorter frame, and Peter obviously wasn’t complaining. Every so often your fingers would move down to intertwine with his, which was- nice. But you two never talked about it, mainly in fear of ruining the moment.

You stuck one of the AirPods in Peters ear, sticking your other one in your own ear before pressing shuffle. Hooked On A Feeling by Blue Swede began flowing through your ears. His gaze immediately met yours with a grin. God, you were so cool.

The influx of more persons on the train drove your body closer to Peter. The warmth of your body radiating on him, your head practically resting on his broad shoulder. Of course, he wasn’t complaining. Ever since the bite, his senses were always dialed up to eleven, it gave him raging migraines for the longest amount of time, and of course you were the first to notice when something was off with Peter. Straight after Ned found out, Peter told you what happened, and as per usual, you played it cool. After all, your main concern was Peter, not Spider-Man. After long days of heightened senses and skull-breaking headaches, you’d massage his temples for hours on end, softly speaking to him about anything to relax him. You were the one thing that dialled those senses back down to one for Peter. And, God, he loved you for it.

In usual routine, Peter and yourself stopped at the Deli on the way to Peters house. Today you were heading over to his to do your AP bio assignments together. Well, that’s what you told each other. Any excuse to be able to hang out.

“Mr and Mrs Parker!” Mr Delmar greeted the two of you in his usual fashion. You both grinned, greeting him back. The first time he did this, Peter turned into a blushing, blubbering mess. But after about the 6th time, it was purely a habit. “The usual?”

“Yes please,” Peter replied, putting two crumpled 5’s down on the counter.

“Hey Murph.” You swiftly picked up the fluffy cat, holding it in your arms as it purred softly.

“He doesn’t let anyone else pick him up like that, you know!? He’s so grumpy with everyone else, but he loves you, (Y/N).” Mr Delmar explained, laughing slightly about his ‘mean old cat’, as he put it.

Your sandwiches were made within minutes. You kindly thanked Mr Delmar and walked off to Peters apartment. Mr Delmar’s deli really did make the best sandwiches in Queens, but 4:00 PM was such a strange time to each an entire sub, which meant you almost never finished your sandwich. Luckily, Peter’s appetite was constantly through the roof. He would always finish your food for you, you’d honestly never seen someone who could eat so much. Apparently it was another one of the side-effects of the Spidey powers. 

Peter unlocked the apartment building doors and the two of you walked up to his level, laughing and chatting the whole way. Conversation always flowed with Peter and yourself. It was never really that awkward, and it never had to be small talk. You two would always find yourself talking about films, physics, space, existentialism. Just all the usuals. 

The pair of you waltzed into Peter’s apartment. Peter called out a loud ‘hey May!’, to which she came out of the kitchen to greet the two of you. 

“Oh, hey (Y/N),” she smiled warmly, “are you staying for dinner, honey?” 

“Uhm,” you quickly looked up at Peter,

“Yea, of course she is.” He responded for you,

“If it’s not too much trouble!” You quickly added, 

“No it’s absolutely fine! We’re getting Chinese.” May explained, getting cut short of the conversation as Peter dragged you off to his room. 

Being the gentleman he was, he opened the door for you, letting you walk through first, and closed it behind himself. He was quick to throw his bag to the ground as make his way to his old, wooden desk. You softly sat on the bottom bunk of his bed, shuffling back slightly so your back was resting against the wall. You pulled your laptop out of your bag and opened up your assignment. Peter did the same.

An hour of studying and typing and studying and typing, and only biology related chat had passed. “Peter…” You whined. “I hate this, I hate stupid action potentials, and stupid neurons, and stupid synaptic junctions.” You continued, throwing your head back in frustration with a thudto the drywall behind you. He swivelled around in his chair, his gaze finding yours as your head lifted above your shoulders again. You pouted and batted your eyelids.

“I know, I hate it too. But it’s not really optional.” He replied. He was so studious. Which you loved, and envied. But times like these you wish he would just whip out his old, dusty Nintendo 64 and play games with you all night.

Peter wasn’t going to be that easy to get through too. You shoved your laptop off your lap, and waltzed over to where Peter was. His eyes simply followed your frame as you moved. Your body stationed next to him, and turned his chair so he was facing his desk once again, meaning you were stood behind his back. Your warm fingers ran through his brunette hair before resting on his temples. You applied just enough pressure while circling them against his skin. A loud, relieving sigh dripped from his mouth.

“You’re tense.” You whispered,

“When am I not?” He retorted, flashing a smirk.

“You weren’t before you were Spider-Man.” You responded, your voice still low but blunt.

His eyes opened, and his hands softly grabbed yours. He turned his chair to face you, your smaller hands still encapsulated in his.

“Do you not like the fact that I’m now everybody’s friendly neighbourhood Spider-Man?” He questioned, his large brown eyes staring deeply.

“No. It’s not that I don’t like it, you know I don’t have a problem with it. I just… I don’t like that it makes you like… like this.” You shrugged.

“Like what?” His voice was seemingly lower, he wasn’t necessarily whispering, but his voice was husk.

“Tense. You’re always on-edge, you’re always so stiff.” Guess it was honesty hour.

“Maybe- maybe you could help me- be less tense.” He replied, his classic Peter-style nervousness creeping through his broken sentence.

“I’m trying, I thought the head massages helped?”

“Yea- right- yep. They do help, a lot.” He stammered. “I was just- I was thinking maybe, something else?” Peter spoke. His hands had left yours and moved down to your waist, strangely enough, it wasn’t the first time they’d been there, so it wasn’t entirely weird to you.

“What’d you have in mind?” You asked, almost innocently. There was a lot of things you had wished about doing with Peter. A lot of ways you wanted to help him. You just never knew how to initate any of it. And quite frankly, you didn’t know if he felt the same.

In a sudden rush of arousal, Peter pulled you forward and you stumbled slightly.  His hands asserted themselves on your upper thighs and pulled you up so they sat on either side of his lap. Without entirely realising what was happening, you were straddling him. God, he was strong. Your faces were merely inches apart. A deep rosey blush covered your cheeks and your heart pounded against your ribs. The worst part was knowing Peter could hear how fast it was beating with his heightened senses. He could obviously tell how nervous you were. 

You were nervous, but comfortable. Strangely enough, this felt, comfortable. Your hands had wrapped themselves behind his neck, twirling into the soft hair at the back of his head. If there was going to be any time to kiss Peter Parker, this was definitely it. 

A few sharp breaths escaped both of your mouths as your eyes gazed into each others. You both stared in a sort of ‘is this really happening?’ moment. And then, you kissed him. 

Peter and your lips passionately locked together. Your raspberry lip balm now sticky against both of your mouths as your tongues finally met in the middle. This was your first kiss, and what you knew of your best friend, it was his first kiss too. In the strangest way possible, it almost felt like a flower was blooming deep in your stomach. It was the strangest, most pleasant feeling you’d had. The intensity grew gradually. The nerve endings in your skin feeling every small touch. Maybe this was how Peter felt all the time? Every so often, your head would fall away from his slightly, and every time he would pull your body back, aching for your lips to be close once again. 

That’s when you felt him growing beneath you. You’d never sat on a boys lap like this. And in all honesty, you didn’t realise it could grow that quick. Your fingers grasped his brunette hair and pulled his head back gently as you drew your face away too. 

You bit down on your bottom lip and grinned. He just looked back at you with wide eyes, his pupils almost entirely encapsulating his iris’. 

“I’ve never kissed anyone before.” You blurted out, almost too quickly.

“I mean, neither have I.” He shrugged.

“That was good? Right?” You shot back.

“Well,” he glimpsed down, looking at the bulge against the zipper of his worn jeans, “yea.”

You looked at each other once again. Peter’s large hands gripped tightly against your ass checks, firmly holding you against his lap still. Your hands still lightly stroking against the back of his head. Both of you silently wondering what to do about Peter’s situation

In a blink, Peter’s eyes unfocused from your face, and his head snapped around. “Get up.” He flashed. 


There was a loud knock at the door, and just as May let herself in, Peter had hoisted you off his lap. As May entered the room, Peter sat awkwardly in his desk chair, his legs crossed over each other. And you stood just next to him, clearly unsure of why you stood there. 

May glanced for a moment at the situation, realising she had probably walked in at the wrong time. “Uhm, I was thinking we could go down and get dinner now?”

You could practically feel Peter’s eyes roll. 

“Sounds good. I’m starving!” You smiled at May, trying to loosen the tension. 

“Cool! Grab your coat.” May stated, and with that she waltzed out again. 

Peter turned the chair towards you and was about to groan before you caught his lips again. The kiss wasn’t as passionate as the first, but it was nice. It was comfortable. You never thought it would feel this heavenly kissing Peter, but, God, it did. 

You pulled away just as fast as you’d initiated it. 

“We should probably talk about… this?” you motioned in the space between the two of you.


“I- I obviously like you.” You stated. The only reason you stated it so confidently was because of how confidently Peter had kissed you back.

“Well, I obviously like you too.” The corners of his mouth curving upwards, flashing his gorgeous, straight smile.

“Cool.” You nodded, a grin also taking form over your mouth.


Lights Out – P.P

Alrightyyyy this was my first Peter Parker request, and I think it’s kinda bad but it’s a start I guess lmao.

Requested by @incorrectquotesconaisseur :) thank you for the request!

Summary - While hanging with Peter, the reader catches her trashy boyfriend smacking lips with another girl. Revenge ensues.

If you wanted to be added to the Peter Parker taglist, let me know! (Also currently writing a Peter Parker slow-burn series called An Immortals Heart ;))

Jack wasn’t… Perfect. But Y/n could see the light in his heart, she truly thought so. He had a tough bad boy exterior, but inside he was sweet.

Or at least that what she had hoped, but after 3 months it was getting hard to hope.

Jack had brushed her off almost their entire relationship. She thought maybe he was going through something because before they were dating he was such a gentleman. He had gotten her flowers for a week straight before asking her out.

Now he ignored her unless it was the occasional peck on the lips. Or their weekly movie night, those things made her hold on.

“Hey Jack, do you want to go to the movies with me and Peter? He asked if you wanted to join.” Jack shook his head as he walked up the stairs toward his room.

“No, I’m good, kinda tired so I’m probably just gonna go to bed.” He smiled at her, blowing her a kiss. She smiled, catching it, then snapping which turned the lights off in his living room.

“Sleep well love.” She said, heading out his front door and closing it quietly. She then

began her drive to aunt May’s apartment.

Y/n knocked lightly on the door, it swung open mid knock.

“Ready to go?” Pete asked, raising his hands into jazz hands. She smiled with a nod, pulling him from the door.

“So what are we watching?”

“Despite not wanting to see a horror movie, I picked the second Quiet Place because I knew you wanted to see it.” He whipped the tickets from his pocket with a cheesy grin. Y/n’s eyes widened.

“Awe Pete! It’s okay, you can hold my hand if you get scared.” She winked playfully, grabbing his hand and dragging him to her car.


After the movie, they made their way to a coffee shop a little ways from the theatre. It was called ‘Singing Beans.’ Peter held the door open for Y/n, heads whipping towards them as the little bell rang. One

little girl’s eyes lit up, running toward Y/n.

“Are you Lights Out!” She screeched with a big smile, Y/n crouched down to her size.

“Yes, I am!” She said with a snap, causing the light above them to go dark. The child shook with excitement.

“You’re so cool!” A small crowd accumulated around them, asking for pictures and for her to sign their arms. Peter just stood back and watched.

In the middle of getting a free coffee from a barista, Peter shook her arm.

“What?” She asked quietly, thanking the barista a thousand times. He only shook her shoulder again, prompting her to look at him, eyebrows furrowed. He noticed he was pointing out the window with a pained look.

There he stood, Jack.

Kissing another girl.

Y/n nearly dropped her coffee. He was sucking face with Felicity Hardy of all people. The girl people called Black Cat, recently causing minimal havoc around the city. Mostly vandalism disguised as activism.

She stormed out of the shop, leaving Pete behind. Once she stepped out, she turned the street lamp above them off, hearing a sigh from Jack.

“Y/n…” He turned to her, crossing his arms, an innocent look on his face.

“You are so luckyI don’t take the light from your eyes Jack, you piece of shit.” Felicity rolled her eyes, looking around looking disinterested. “You too Felicity, you knew I was dating him.” She hoped that waswould sting Jack, but deep down she knew it didn’t.

“Oh please, as if I cared.” She scoffed with a laugh. She came face to face with Y/n, nearly 3 inches from her face. “You don’t scare me.” Felicity whispered.

The rage built up inside Y/n, rarely did she do this in docile situations. She usually did it when she was in deep shit, but she was so mad. She sneered as she snapped her fingers behind her back, watching as Felicity panicked.

She screamed, touching her eyes, which Y/n didn’t understand, considering she didn’t inflict any pain on her. She just… Made her temporarily blind.

“I can’t see anything!” Felicity screeched.

“Don’t worry, you’ll be able to in a few hours.” Y/n shrugged, looking to Jack. He looked like he could scream too, but from anger.

“God, you’re such a pretentious bitch.” He spat at her, just as two feet came down from the sky, kicking him in the chest and knocking him to the ground.

“I’m sure lots of people could say the same about you.” A voice quipped. Y/n smiled as Spiderman stood on her ex-boyfriend’s chest. “Do you even know what that word means? Because you kind of used it wrong.” He rambled as he webbed Jack’s wrists and ankles to the ground.

“Thanks, Spiderman.” Y/n chuckled.

“Of course beautiful stranger.” She could practically see him winking. “And as for you, maybe you should just sit down with your new boyfriend. Because the webs should dissolve in the amount of time it takes you to regain sight.” He hung above Felicity and patted her head, bringing himself up as she swatted the air around her. He swung in a different direction, visibly landing in an alley 2 blocks over.

Y/n jogged to the alley, walking up just as Pete pulled his shirt over himself. He looked up with a sad smile, immediately turning worried as he saw tears forming in her eyes. He ran to hug her, pulling her into his chest.

“I’m so sorry Y/n, he didn’t deserve you.” He heard her sniffle into his chest, breaking his heart. That stupid boy, breaking his girl’s heart.

“I feel so stupid, he was shrugging me off for months and I ignored it. He was probably cheating the whole time.” This made her sob harder, grabbing at Pete’s shirt and squeezing the fabric between her fingers.

“It’s not your fault, he’s just a piece of work.” He sighed, running his hand over her hair.

“Can we go to your house, do you think May would let me stay over.” She looked up at him, her nose red, along with her tear-soaked cheeks.

“I think so yeah.” His thumbs rubbed tears from her cheeks. “Let’s get home, don’t forget to text your mom.” Y/n texted her mom as Pete walked them to her car.

Jack cheated, I’m staying at Pete’s tonight, love you :(

I’m so sorry bb, I’ll see you tomorrow. (I never liked that douche anyway, he had no manners) Have fun at Pete’s.

Y/n giggled at her phone pitifully, hopping in the passenger seat, mumbling that he could drive back.


Y/n had fallen asleep in the car on the way there. Peter knew this, considering he looked at her every 30 seconds.

He did that even when he wasn’t worried about her.

He parked her car outside of his apartment, quickly making his way to the passenger side. He opened the door and scooped her up easily, shutting the door with his foot. Once he made it inside, May gave him a puzzled look.

“Can she stay the night, we just beat her exes ass because we saw him cheat. She’s really tired.” He whispered. She nodded with a smile.

“Of course she can, night Petey.” She ruffled his hair, heading to her room. Pete pushed his door open with his foot, slowly setting Y/n down on the bottom bunk. He pulled the covers over her and kissed her forehead.

“Good night beautiful.” He whispered, admiring her sleeping face.

'Goodnight handsome.“ She giggled back, pulling the covers closer and turning away.

Oh shit.

An Immortals Heart P3 –Peter Parker

Summary - Y/n is starting to make some new friends, and maybe even joins something, for the first time in a long time.

If you aren’t caught up, the reader is immortal, falling for a mortal (P.P) Part 1 and 2 are under the tag - an immortals heart -

Word Count - 1.3k


Y/n missed making friends, but she was a bit out of practice.

About 70 or so years out of practice, because she didn’t *always* push people away. She had decided that this change was going to be a big one, one where she would let herself be happy and radiant, how she used to be.

So MJ was the perfect first friend. She was quiet and mysterious, and trustworthy. Over the past couple of weeks, she had made casual conversation with her, lots about true crime. Believe it or not, true crime was something Y/n was *very* into. And she was *alive* for most of the popular ones. So she could recall such small details about it.

That amazed MJ.

“Everyone here thinks I’m so morbid but think they’re just boring.” MJ shrugged as they spoke about Black Dahlia. “It’s just interesting, the real problem is when people start romanticizing it.” She pointed out.

“Yes! Exactly, that’s just gross. Like, the way people fawn over Ted Bundy? Revolting.” Y/n gagged a bit.

“Oh, I especially love hearing about those really old crimes from like, the 1910s. They could pretty much get away with anything back then.” Sentences like that always made Y/n feel extra old. Those were her early years, but these people weren’t even a thought at that time. “Speaking of the 1910s has anyone ever told you that you have an extremely 19th and 20th-century face?”

“Uh, I’ve heard it quite a lot.” She laughed. That was true, lots of people had commented on her looks.

“No judgment obviously, you are very beautiful, everyone thinks so. You just have a very unique face, even your voice.” She nodded.

“What do you mean *everyone thinks so*?” Y/n asked, she would never get used to people finding her attractive. At least she didn’t think so. Before she knew she was undying, no one paid any attention to her.

“Well Ned, he’s in academic decathlon with me, is always gushing about you. More than the last chick Liz. I think Peter thinks so too but he’s like, so awkward.” She laughed. “Seriously though, everyone wants you on the team, Harrington is always talking about your exam score.”

Y/n thought for a moment, I mean, it couldn’t hurt. She could pretty much guarantee them a win.

“Well, tell Harrington I’ll take that spot.”

Soon she was dropping into her seat next to Peter Parker again in history. She hadn’t had much of a conversation with him since she started. Besides the ones they were practically forced to have. MJ *did* say he was awkward. So she engaged in one, considering they were both 5 minutes early. Everyone sat around at others’ desks, conversing with friends.

“So Parker, what do you do in your free time?” He looked up from his backpack, making immediate eye contact.

*Which made her stomach feel weird for some reason…*

“Uh, build lego sets with Ned mostly. Watch Star Wars.” He nodded, rummaging in his bag again.

“I love Star Wars!” She gushed. She had gone and seen the premiere of the very first one, she even met Carrie Fischer. It was one of the more remarkable days in her long life. His head whipped back up at her comment.

“Really? You like Star Wars?” A smile played at his lips.

“Yeah of course, who wouldn’t? The new ones are alright but they could just *never* size up to the originals.” His smile widened.

“Exactly! Flash argued with me the other day for 10 minutes over him saying the new ones were *better*. I’m convinced he’s never even seen them!” She laughed at his enthusiasm, his smile incredibly contagious.

“Well, that’s because Flash is an imbecile with no taste in pop culture.” Peter smiled at this, nodding along with her.

“I seriously don’t know how he got into this school in the first place or the decathlon team.”

“He’s on the academic decathlon team too? Maybe it was a mistake joining it then.” She giggled. His smile widened.

“You joined the team?” It looked like the boy had stars in his eyes at the comment.

“Yeah! MJ told me that Harrington wanted me on the team because of my exam scores so I figured why not?”

“Would you wanna study sometime? Harrington gave us a few sources we could use for the next event.” Y/n nodded profusely, giddy that she had made 2 new friends. Hopefully gaining a 3rd once she officially met Ned Leeds. Peter wrote his number down on a piece of paper and handed it to her just in time for the bell to ring.

*It had been a long time since she had been handed a boy’s information.*


Peter and Y/n had been getting a lot closer within the last week. He decided to set up his first study day with her at his apartment today. At the moment he was standing in the bathroom mirror fixing his hair.

*He wasn’t quite sure why though…*

“So, tell me about this girl.” May insisted, leaning on the door frame. Pete groaned, knowing what she was implying.

“She’s just a new girl, she’s in my history class. MJ talked her into joining the academic decathlon so we are studying for the next event. And for our next practice, which will be her first.” May smiled at her boy, brushing some of his hair back with her fingers as he pulled away. “Stop it!” He drug out the words with a whine.

“I’m sorry! I just haven’t seen you this nervous since Liz.”

“I’m not nervous, I’m just, I’m just fixing my hair May.” He sounded defeated, she knew him too well. But she also knew when to leave things alone, and so she did.

“Alright, don’t sneak off to your room right away though, I wanna meet her.” She left him alone at the sink with that.

Minutes later there was a faint knock on the door. Peter tripped on the way to open it, May covering her mouth as he regained his balance. He gave her a look before opening the door.

There stood Celeste, she was wearing a different outfit than she did to school. Now wearing leggings and a big t-shirt.

“Sorry, I jogged here instead of getting a cab so I wanted to be comfy.” She smiled, gesturing to her new attire.

“No! No, you look fine, great even.” Peter stumbled over his words.

*Christ, what is up with me today?.* He thought.

He moved out of the way, inviting her inside.

“This is my aunt May.” He introduced. May smiled kindly, waving at the girl.

“Hello, I’m Celeste. I love your jeans, where did you get them?” May looked down at her jeans with a giggle.

“Thank you! JC Penney, I think.”

“Well, they look amazing on you.” Celeste extended her hand out to her to shake. May did so, graciously.

“It is a pleasure meeting you Celeste. Now you guys go have fun, or study, whatever you’re doing.” She laughed, playfully shooing the kids off to Peter’s room.

Peter led the way into his room, closing the door behind him and immediately digging in his bag. He pulled a binder out and plopped on his bed beside Celeste, who was looking around his room curiously.

“What?” He asked with a short laugh, referring to her puzzled look.

“Nothing, just observing.” She patted the bottom of the bed above her. “Bunk beds huh?” She smiled at him, watching a blush appear on his cheeks and the tops of his ears. “Oh I’m not judging, I would have bunk beds if my mom had ever let me.”

“I have them because Ned stays the night a lot, it’s just easier this way.” Peter shrugged a little, most of the blood leaving his cheeks.

“I’m excited to meet Ned, he seems legit.”

“He is.” They sat for a second, just staring at each other. Pete shook his head, clearing his throat a little. “Anyway, let’s get started.”

And with that Pete went through his binder and rambled the whole night, but he had a funny feeling she could keep up with it. She never slowed him down.

And he liked that.

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An Immortals Heart p2

This is kind of addicting to write lol

Summary - Peter is getting a little suspicious of the new girl, but why?

Y/n’s shoes squeaked down the hall of Midtown. Just a few days ago she had passed the test that was given to her. She finished with flying colors to be expected, by her at least. (She was over 100 years old after all, she had a lot of time to study things, her actual birth year being in 1890.)

She could feel the probing eyes on her as she adjusted her backpack straps on her shoulder.

You would think by now she would have less anxiety doing this.

She peered down at her schedule, her eyes landing in her first period.

American History

Oh, how the world held irony for her.

She led herself to the room number, the bell ringing just as she entered the room. Which is the exact opposite of what she was trying to do. She would never miss the prying eyes of teenagers when she was stood up in front of a classroom.

But she truly missed social interaction with people whose brains were developed the same amount as hers. Because no matter how many years she aged, she knew and felt how young she was inside.

“Hello! You must be Celeste!” She had read his name as Mr. Dell on her papers. She nodded with a smile, coming closer to shake his hand. “Class, this is Celeste, she’s coming from the UK.” There were a few waves and quiet hellos from the sea of teens. Y/n gave a wave as well. “You can sit back in that empty seat by Peter.” He emphasized the name when he noticed the boy wasn’t paying attention.

Peter looked up quickly, putting an arm over whatever he was writing. He nodded dismissively with a slight smile, looking right past the girl to Mr. Dell. This made her quirk an eyebrow, what a secretive boy. She brought her stuff to the back next to him and plopping down in the seat, a few heads following her movements.

Mostly those of boys.

She looked up to Dell as he began telling everyone what page to turn to. She soon heard some whispering from beside her. Something Y/n had become an expert on over the years was eavesdropping.

“Dude, did you even look at her?” A voice asked, then she heard a shove. She noticed Peter, the boy beside her, moved slightly. “Parker!” He whispered aggressively.

“Ned I’m kinda busy here.” He answered with a harsher grumble. She could see in her peripheral that he was gesturing to the page in front of him.

“Okay but seriously, just, just peek at her.” She could barely make out the words. Peter huffed and peered the girls’ way, immediately doing a double-take. Y/n attempted to hide her smile as he blinked profusely.

“O-Okay Ned, happy now?” He stuttered, going back to his paper.

“Yeah, that’s what I thought.” Ned giggled, finally listening to Mr. Dell.

Y/n had figured that would be the last she saw of the boy that day. But it soon became apparent that that wasn’t true when she followed him to her next class, Science.

Another introduction ensued when she entered the room, only after an introduction from Mr. Harrington.

“Hi! I saw your results on the examination, I think you’d be a great addition to the academic decathlon team.” She shook his hand firmly.

“It’s certainly something I will think about.” He then went on to introduce her to the class. Placing her in an empty seat next to a boy named flash.

What a weird name…

He instantly opened his mouth as she sat down.

“Hello, gorgeous, how come I’ve never seen you around here before?” He flashed her a toothy smile and held a hand out to her.

“The answer is kind of obvious don’t you think?” She quirked a brow at him as his smile barely faltered.

“Is that a hint of a British accent I hear?” He titled his head, but she ignored the comment completely.

“I just moved here.” She shook his hand. “And here I thought this was a school for geniuses.” She released his hand and looked up to Mr. Harrington, hearing snickers around her.

“You’re a tough nut to crack, I’ll get there though.” He nodded to himself as Y/n rolled her eyes.

“Alright everyone, page 276.” Harrington set a textbook in front of her with a smile. She thanked him and turned to the page, squinting at the title as if it were a hallucination.

An introduction to aging and regeneration.

This kind of stuff was always happening to Y/n, but it completely befuddled her each time. She pinched the bridge of her nose, letting out a dry laugh.

“What’s wrong princess, stressed already?” Flash whispered, leaning down to her height. She glared daggers at him, causing him to raise his hands in surrender and retreat to his height.

This was going to be a long year.


Peter had watched her for the past 2 weeks. Not in a weird way (or he convinced himself it wasn’t weird…). He was suspicious of her. He just didn’t know what to be suspicious of yet.

“Ned, I’m telling you, there’s something up with her.” He subtly prodded his spoon at her, she sat across the cafeteria with MJ in silence.

“Yeah, there is something up with her.” Peter gaped at him, surprised he was agreeing for the first time. “She’s extremely smokin’.” Peter gave him a dumbfounded look, rolling his eyes.

“Ned I’m serious, I can just feel it.

"Peter Tingle?”

“Ned oh my God!” He whined at the name for his spidey sense. Whether Ned wanted to believe him or not, he needed more info on her. If he was wrong, he needed to be provenwrong.

Pete sent a quick text to May that he would be home late as he entered the avengers compound.

“Hello, Peter.” Jarvis chimed as he walked through the front hall.

“Hi Jarvis, where’s Tony?”

“In the lab Mr. Parker.”

“Thanks!” He jogged to the lab, knocking lightly on the door. Tony held a tool in his mouth and another in his right hand. He used the remaining one to wave Peter in. He dropped the one from his mouth, turning to him.

“Hello boy, what are you doing here?” His eyes remained focused on the task at hand.

“Since Ned doesn’t believe me I wanted to talk to you about this girl at school.” A smirk made its way onto Tony’s face.

“A girl you say? Go on.” Peter ignored the way he was trying to imply things and told him what he told Ned.

“That’s the thing, I have no proof of anything. I don’t even know what I need proof of. There’s just something about her, I can feel it. Like it’s scratching in the back of my head.” His hands waved sporadically as he spoke, words flying from his mouth quickly.

“I’m sure there is something about her, is she pretty?” Tony glanced at him momentarily. His face turning a slight pink.

“That’s- That’s not what I meant. There’s something upwith her. I’m serious. Can’t you like, look her up or something?” Tony threw his head back with a groan at the request.

“I guess so.” He dropped his tools and drug the bit to his computer room, logging into some program Pete didn’t recognize. “What’s her name?”

“Celeste Dockery.” Tony’s hands typed quickly, information whizzing right past Peter’s eyes.

“Everything seems fine Pete. Born February 1st, 2002 in the UK. Sound about right?” He nodded, scanning the documents.

“Where’s her transcripts?” Peter tilted his head at the scene.


“Her school transcripts. They start freshman year. Where’s middle school and elementary?”

“Some people don’t have transcripts that far back, plus it’s the UK so it probably works differently there.” Tony shrugged, unconvinced.

“Okay fine, look up her mom then, Jaqueline Dockery. This program completely tracks addresses right? You would be able to see she moved to New York recently.” Peter insisted.

“Good lord kid, what do you think we are going to find?” He typed some more, coming up with lots of Jaquelines’. He filtered then to the UK. “Well, that’s weird.”


“Every Jaqueline Dockery here still holds residence in the UK and only the UK.” It looked like to Peter that he had convinced Tony. “Alright keep an eye on her I guess, don’t be a creep though.”

Peter nodded in approval. He would keep an eye on her.


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An Immortals Heart

Hey I’ve returned with a new fic for Peter Parker! I’m gonna try and make this a long one. But this is just part 1. This takes place right after Homecoming.

Summary - An Immortal reader decides to move to NYC and go to Midtown High for a change.

Word Count - 1.7k

One of my fave troped that I don’t see very often, an immortal falling for a mortal.

Ps - Shes an immortal that also had the powers similar to deadpool, so she’s literally undying.

Living with the knowledge that you will never die was hard.

It was much harder than Y/n would ever care to admit. She wasn’t one to complain very often, most knew that about her. Y/n just bottled up that pain of it until it burst in one of two ways.

One being snapping at whoever minorly inconvenienced her after a particularly hard day. The other being crying at the most minuscule trigger usually late at night in her bed.

Being immortal meant a lot of things. Things like ‘Don’t tell anyone, it will put you both in danger.’ Or 'You must switch identities once every 25 years.’ Or the one she most thought about 'You can’t have meaningful relationships, you’ll have to watch them die.’

It ate away at her like a hungry termite in a rotting house.

She had met tons of people in her lifetime, many of them so intriguing and unique. The ones she knew were completely one of a kind. That was kind of beautiful if you didn’t think about the crushing feeling that you won’t be with that person very long. Not long before you have to disappear. Not long until that person is among the sea of others you’ve abandoned.

With each move and name change, Y/n became more and more distant from people. She felt it made it easier on everyone, including her.

Which was a lie of course.

But right now was one of those times she absolutely had to have social interaction.

“16 you said?” The man across from her squinted suspiciously in her direction. “Most kids get fake IDs to get beer and stuff. What’s the point of getting one so young?” The truth was that the actual age that Y/n had finished aging was 17. But she hadn’t gone to high school in about 50 years and she kind of wanted to experience it again. There was a gifted school in the area too, she thought that it might do her some good.

“It’s complicated, and really none of your business don’t you think?” She tilted her head at the grizzly man, setting the money he asked for on the table. He shrugged and made the card for her, handing it to her with a smile.

“You have fun out there kid.” He shooed her from his apartment and the door slammed shut behind her. And so she would.

Each time Y/n had to move around and change things up, she came up with a new backstory. And a new name of course. She stared down at her new ID along with her new name.

*Celeste A Dockery*

The 'A’ being for Arabella. She had researched some European names and ran with it. So here was her backstory.

Celeste Arabella Dockery was born in the UK to her English mother Jaqueline Dockery and her American father James Dockery. It wasn’t until she was 9 that her father left them. This prompted her mother to make a big change and move them to the US, believing it was better for them. (They also had a better health plan for her here. She was very ill.)

This was much different from her actual story, but it was one she tried not to dwell on much.

Y/n had picked up lots of dialects. So it wasn’t going to be hard for her to have an American accent with a very small hint of British. Though to act as her mother on the phone, she would have a strong one.

She looked up the phone number for Midtown High and dialed it on her phone. A lady was quick to answer.

“Hi! This is Jenny from Midtown High speaking, how can I assist you.” Y/n smiled as she prepared her extreme, but frail, British accent.

“Hello, Darling! I’ve just moved here with my daughter and was researching good schools and this school came up at the top.” Y/n could hear a sigh at the other end.

“I’m sorry Ma'am but this is a gifted school, you can’t enroll just anyone.”

“So what, is there a test or something she needs to take so she can get enrolled?”

“W-Well there is a test yes but-”

“Great! When can she come in to take it?”

“Uh, I suppose I can set one up for tomorrow, does that work?” The receptionist sounded a bit flustered.

“That’s perfect, what time?”

“10 am?”

“Lovely, she will see you tomorrow.” And with that Y/n hung up the phone.

“Well, that was too easy.” She laughed as she walked up the street, in search of her new apartment.

See, a 16-year-old ID card wasn’t the only one she had. She also had a 19 year old one. She had two whole sets of new fake documents, that’s just what she had to do every 20 years. She had booked this place a few weeks ago from her old home in California.

She had come up with the 20-year plan a long while ago. After the incident, she decided that no one would ever believe she was over 35 to 40. So she had to choose between the ages of 15 to 20. It had gotten her in trouble a few times. This led to having an early change one of those times.

It was nothing new though, even before she was immortal people had mistaken her for a younger age. Now she tried to dress older and style herself to fit the age.

Though it would never stop long-time coworkers from asking how she stayed looking so young.

But she was proud to say she had only told one person that she was undying. That person being her mother after everything had happened to her and sunken in.

The year was 1910 and Y/n had been staring at her wall for at least 3 hours. It couldn’t be true right? It probably wasn’t. The notion wasn’t even in the realm of possibility. The so-called curse was just a silly myth her dad told her as a kid. Right?

Long ago in Athens Greece lived Y/n’s great great great grandfather Alexander. Around the world, Gods were well known, and heroes for the most part, such as Thor. This also meant the ones who weren’t heroes were worshipped and treated extravagantly by many.

Alexander didn’t live the best life, often drowning in poverty. But he didn’t mind that, as long as he had his love Zoe by his side. But Zoe had fallen ill, so he did what he did best, and he asked the goes for help. Zoe had always felt a pull to Athena, so he made sure to speak out to her the most.

Though Zoe just got sicker and sicker, no matter what he said to Athena. So one day he marched to the chapel in anger.

“I will not tolerate this disrespect!” He shouted into the nothingness. “I’ve been nothing but kind and well-meaning but you mean to take Zoe from me!” He stomped his foot harshly on the ground. A stunning silence fell over the room.

“Do you disrespect me?” He heard a piercing whisper through the room. But he was done and tired of the silence he held. For he had come here each day and asked for help and healing. Not only from Athena, but also from Asklepios, the God of healing.

“I do! My wife and I have done nothing but ask for help with no remorse! I even offered myself up to help heal her. She is the kindest soul I have ever come across and you will let her die!” His words spat like venom, this enraged Athena, she liked to be treated with respect.

“Some things are meant to be Alexander. I cannot change the fate you’ve been given, I can only assist in your fate.” She tried to remain calm with him, to give him another chance to choose respect.

“No! You will do as I ask! I’m a loyal servant and you haven’t come to my aid!” That was the last straw for Athena, she had given him another chance and he threw it in her face. She appeared in front of him, making him drop to his knees. A quiet plead fell from his lips.

“Since you’ve chosen to disrespect the gods, I think it’s time I make a deal with you, though it’s not one you will be able to refuse.” He nodded his head vigorously at the offer. “You can have your darling Zoe healed and healthy, but I will curse the next born woman in your family with immortality.” She held out her hand to him with a smile, which he grabbed graciously.

Her grip on his hand tightened as he took it. A white rope-like light wrapped around their hands. Alexander looked back up to Athena, noticing just how mischievous her smile looked now. He tried to pull his hand back but she wouldn’t release him.

After a few seconds she let go of him and shooed him off to see his wife. You could imagine his devastation when he entered his home to find Zoe had passed in her sleep. Athena had lied along with cursing his family.

Y/n had felt not that long ago that she had stopped aging. It was just a feeling she got. She was supposedly 20 but she felt17. She just knew somehow, I guess that was the point.

It would become apparent in later years that she had in fact, stopped aging. Her mother took it well, finally telling her once she reached 35 and hadn’t changed one bit.

Y/n walked into her apartment and flipped down on the bed softly.

“10 am tomorrow? A little early but alright.” She sat up and looked out her giant windows out to the city. This was the first change that she decided would be a fun and big one. Usually, she would move out to a country home with a small-town job and lay low until the next move. But she missed high school, and she had never lived in a big city before so why not? She decided this would be the next move about 9 years ago, and she began saving any and all extra money so she could afford it. Luckily she had a well-paying job back in California, one she would miss.

She kept herself occupied till nighttime by unpacking the rest of the house and making food. By the time she was done eating her extremely late dinner, it was 10:30 and she was exhausted. She layed down in her bed at 10:45 and was asleep within minutes.


Requested: no
Published: December 31st, 2021
Pairing: Established Peter Parker x Reader
Prompt(s): none
Warning(s): none
Word count: 2k
Author’s note: I’m obsessing over Andrew’s Spidey which is why I need to get all these ideas out of my system

☇ my navigation

While at it please read my “Way Too Far From Home” one shot. 


Babe? Babe? Where are you?

You took a long look around yourself, catching breath with immense difficulty while among the scraper high building tops of the New York city skyline. Here at the peak, there was nothing but the East River and tinted windows to look at while your hair constantly whipped in your face. Your knees shook as you gripped the phone, crouching on the metal platform while you were cuffed against its railing. You had twisted and turned until your phone had somehow managed to fall to your ear.  

“I, um,” you licked your dry lips and looked up and over your shoulder as if the flying man that had abducted you would show up and strangle you for good. Then turned to look ahead, whispering to not look down constantly into the dry air. The gaps in the platform were taunting as they revealed the bare bottom of the finest New York pavement. The pedestrians you knew were walking aimlessly over the very spot that could very well be your death bed should everything fall from beneath your sneaker clad feet. “Empire State Building?”

How high?”

“Top high?”

I’m on my way.

The line went dead but you still kept the phone close to your ear as if his voice might penetrate through it again and give you the comfort you needed to not fall apart under preassure.

He was on his way, you kept telling yourself, picturing him swinging through the streets of New York to get you.

You pocketed the phone in your back pocket with a stifled groan, cursing at the sheer complexity of your situation while you stood on shaky feet with hands behind your back that howled in uncomfortable pain. Being snatched from a freaking restaurant was not on your days agenda. Being carried all the way to the top of Empire State and then leftthere, stranded and shaking, to fend for yourself while bound.

Thank goodness your data plan was solid.

Expensive, but solid.

The hairs on your neck rose, and you whipped your head around to look at the metal clad man before you. He had an eye missing, and now steel sat in its place, a result of whatever experiment he had done to himself to accomplish this new look. His hands shook with vibration, consequence of so much power brewing in them while his healthy russet eye beheld you there, tied and unmoving and so close to death. So close to falling to your demise.  

You dared not to think about it.    

“Hey there professor,” you willed your voice into cheerfulness, as you always did when you spoke to the man in class. Organic chemistry, he was teaching, and yet the only chemistry in his attire was the bright yellow liquid swimming in tubes attached to his arms. “How…how’s it going?”

He seethed and took a step closer. Dr. Edward Carlson, infamously known campus wide as Professor Combustion. Teaching at Columbia University. Now looking like a war criminal.

As if he heard your thoughts, fire escaped his fist.

Combustion indeed.

“Y/N,” you nodded against his words, stretching your lips into a humorless smile.

“That’s me,” you said in a sing-song voice, throwing a look at one of the building tops, eager to see a blotch of red and blue swinging your way.

You remember Peter’s words.

“Rule number one,” Peter told you, holding out a finger with his free hand. You both walked hand in hand through Columbia’s garden. “Stall.”

“Stall?” You repeated.

“Yeah,” he said simply, as if he said everything that needed to be said with just that one word had been revealed. “Like, if someone gets to you – which I will never let happen – you need to stall until I get there.”

“Stall with what? Pop culture random facts?”

Peter laughed, stumbling in his steps and halting you as well. You laughed lightly, “What?”

He shook his head and with a grin pulled you to him. “You’re adorable.”

“And deadly,” you added, feigning anger as you looked at him through your eyelashes, puffing out your cheeks while at it.

Peter’s hand cupped your cheek until you stood on your toes to let him kiss you. It was slow and steady, the kiss, filling you with warmth until your toes curled in your shoes. “You’re so deadly even I’m scared of you. And I’m Spiderman.”

“Hey professor,” you called out over your shoulder, listening to the scratching of metal against metal as he twisted and turned forward to assess you. “Right so…I…I don’t know why you’re doing this. Honestly sir, I’ve done nothing wrong. I mean, I did…but not to you sir. Like I’ve never done anything to-”


Your bones stilled, but you pushed harder when you heard him walk away from you. When the sound of metal against metal became too far away. When you looked over your shoulder to see him preparing to ascend. To wreak havoc. “D-did you know sir,” you said with a light shout, and turned to the East River before his eyes could meet your own. “That they use real organs in Grey’s Anatomy. Like they’re actually real. Not real people organs per se, b-but like cow and stuff. I-I don’t know if they actually kill the cows – I mean I hope not – but like…fun fact! I know how much you love the show sir.”

Your laugh was pathetically weak.

But it came through.


Your heart galloped in your chest in a winning spirit. “Yes! Yes sir! One hundred percent legit. Actually-”

Awhoosh reasoned through the air, whipping your hair to the left and cutting off another pop culture reference. You released puffs of air to push the hair off your nose and eyes, hands tied behind your back and all. You vaguely heard Edward Carlson grunt before something detached itself from the Empire State building and fell right to the bottom that was so very far away. Your platform got the end of it, breaking and bending until you almost fell off.

You closed your eyes, feeling tears gather behind. Time passed where only the sound of falling debris made its way to your ears.  

Then hands.

Strong hands grasping your shoulders and the metal that bounded you to the platform. “Peter?”

You watched his mask as he pushed his whole body against you, shielding you from the view you grew accustomed to. It was like a weight dropped from your chest now that there was something between you and the undeniable fear of falling. Peter wrapped his arms around your waist and arms, caging you in, protecting you as your chin rested on his shoulder and he grabbed the cuffs with both hands and finally ripped them apart.

Your sore wrists were freed, and you almost fell to your face.  

Peter cupped your face in his hands, and barely, just barely could you make out the face beneath the mask. The familiar boy you adored. If only you hadn’t been so distracted by the howling wind and lack of air, perhaps then you could have seen the raging fear in his face. Peter pushed your hair from your face, “Ready?”

You nodded, “Yeah.”

Your voice was barely audible as you wrapped an arm around his shoulder, then another around his other. Legs came next and you made them a solid force around his waist. He gripped your thighs as he settled you better against him and even gave your bum a few taps.

You didn’t realize how you had deflated in relief upon his casual behavior. “Ready? Count for me.”

Taking a deep breath, you tightened your grip on him and said, “One-”

He leaped off the building. You didn’t wait until three, you recall screaming in his ear like a banshee, holding him in an unyielding grip as webs shot out of his wrists, attaching themselves to edifices, windows and rooftops and everything else you couldn’t catch under the speed.

“Where do you wanna go?” Peter asked you mid jump, holding your waist with one hand.

“Where do-” You breathed, “Idon'tknow! Home?”

“Home it is.” He took a sharp turn into a street, then slowly he began lowering the acceleration, easing his swings as you made your merry way to the familiar building. You watched the sidewalk beneath you.


“José?” You gaped at the elderly man that sat on the stairs in front of your building. He turned to stand up and open the door for you to walk through, but Peter was quicker than José was – good intentions and all – scaling the lamppost as he said cheerfully, “Thanks José but we’re gonna take the other way.”

“What other way? There is no other way.” You distantly heard the man say. Webs shot out to a balcony, then another one, and another until at last Peter grabbed your balcony and hauled you both over it. There you were, on the safety of your balcony and nowhere near Empire State Building.

You still didn’t let go.

Peter hugged your thighs with his arms and eased. “You can let go now.”

You shook your head and hugged him closer.

Your boyfriend sighed in good humor and asked, patting your backside. “Keys?”

“It’s unlocked,” you muttered into his shoulder.

You could feel him shake his head as he began walking toward the balcony door. He jiggled the lock and found it true to your words, unlocked. “You should start locking your doors Y/N.”

“Okay,” was all you said.

Peter’s strides toward your quaint, clustered kitchen were long and powerful. He settled you onto the counter with ease and pulled his mask off with a tug. “What was that?” You asked him, remembering how the metal wrapped the man like a gift, the sound it made, how fearful it made you be. “What happened to him?”

Peter came back from your bathroom with a first aid kit and only then did you realize that there was blood running down your temple. It pounded, the pain seizing you with every move of your head. You faltered when he pulled out bandages and antiseptic wipes and saw that he didn’t hesitate when ripping open the latter. “I don’t know,” he replied softly and pressed the wipe against the wound without a warning.  Hissing, you willed your body not to move but with no avail. Peter grabbed your jaw softly and held your face so he could clean it, “Take it easy tiger.”

He too had shallow cuts along his face, you noticed from the corner of your eye. “You’re hurt.”

“I’ll heal,” he said simply, which was true and the only reason why you didn’t push further. “But you won’t which is why I gotta take care of you.”

“I can put a bandage on myself, thank you very much.”

Peter chuckled and patted your knee with his hand. You spread them wide so he could fit right between your legs, closing the gap between you so he had better access to the nasty, bloodied cut. Your heart pounded in your chest, but you couldn’t tell if it was from the leftover fear or his near proximity. “There we go,” your boyfriend clicked his tongue when the bandage finally covered the wound. “Good as new.”

“I bet,” you fixed your hair over it so that it wasn’t visible. The shakiness of your hands didn’t go unnoticed. His spidey sense made it easy for him to snatch your hands in his before you could pull them away.  

“You’re shaking,” he observed, his thumbs brushing against your bloodied knuckles.

“Yeah, well,” you put on a bravado, “It’s not every day you’re tied up at the top of the Empire State building and left stranded.”

Despite the lightness in your tone, Peter visibly cringed. You leaned forward and kissed him. “It’s not your fault.”

“I should’ve gotten there sooner…”

“It’s okay Peter really, I’mokay.” You said softly and embraced him long and steady, your arms through his.

He melted into your touch like butter.

It was blissful seconds before you couldn’t help yourself, “You stink.”

“I do?”


“Oh no.”

“You need to take a shower.”

His eyes filled with mischief, “Wanna help?”  

Note: If you enjoyed reading this fic do check out my other work by clicking on one of my masterlist links. If it’s not a bother leave a like, comment and/or reblog. It gives me motivation and lets me know that you liked what I wrote. <3
If you would perhaps want to read some of my work earlier, you can check out my AO3profile, I’ll always make sure to tell you guys when a fic is posted on there in advance!
Lastly, if you wish to be tagged under any of my future fics go to my tag list! I no longer take requests through ask, dm, comments anymore. Once on my tag list post you’ll find a link to a Google Form that you have to fill out in order for your request to be valid! x

PETER PARKER | “Way Too Far From Home”

Requested: no
Published: December 31st, 2021
Established Peter Parker x Reader
just watch out if you haven’t seen the movie because this has majorspoilers
Word count: 1.7k
Author’s note:
Lol this fic is sooo chaotic and I love it! Literally watched this movie two hours ago and am still in such shock. Anyhow I binged Andrew’s Spiderman movies in preparation for my cinema outing and fell in love with him. This is just a way for me to get it out of my system. The convo is all movie accurate because believe it or not I was able to find a cam version somewhere on the internet. ENJOY!

☇ my navigation 

“How do you know Peter?”

“How do I know Peter?” You repeated, “Peter Parker?”

Hands shaking against the wooden chair you were holding; you watched the two teenagers before you. One was curly haired and skinny, with mistrust swirling in her dark eyes. Obviously, she was overwhelmed by yourself, but she didn’t dare show it. MJ was her name. And the boy beside her, with a bizarre ring adorning half his hand and an emotionally very expressive face showed just how your presence messed with his coherence. How every step you took had him glancing at his grandma as if he might grab her and run away to safety. That was Ned.

The question was left unanswered in the pregnant silence, and the air buzzed with tension. You looked from one figure to the other, eyebrows rising more and more as time passed and no one spoke. The girl’s nostrils flared as she beheld you from the other side of the table, acting as if the wood was a protective barrier between her and the unknown.  

Your bubble snapped when she reached for a fork on the table. “All right! All right!”

You gave them your palms, missing only a white flag to symbolize truce. “Peter…” You looked at them. Looked at them good. “Peter Parker…” His name was emphasized slowly, stretched out by your mouth so there was no way in hell they could mistake him. “Is my boyfriend.”

They gaped.

The girl ignored the cutlery and grabbed a bread roll instead, chucking it at your head.

She missed but barely. “What the hell was that for?!”

“For lying!” Ned said in her name and grabbed one for himself.

“No! No, no, no, no!”

He halted.

“I swear I’m not lying!” Why would you be lying? There was no reason to hide the fact that Peter Parker lived and breathed for you. That just yesterday, he had flowers waiting in his hands as he took you out to dinner. That a week ago, he took you swinging with him across New York.

“And why should we believe you?” MJ asked defensively. Your words bothered her a lot more than she let on. “You’re the one that attacked us in the middle of the freaking street!”

“Attacked?!” Your face was blanched white by shock, “Attacked? I-I didn't…”

“No, you attacked us.” Said the girl, shoving an accusing finger in your general direction. “L-like a lunatic!”

Lunatic?” You repeated, bewildered. Then sighed in frustration, remembering at last how you had chased them half a block upon hearing them speak of Peter. One sentence with Peter Parker and Spiderman in it had you swinging at them. Because one moment you were in your room, at home and safe and then the next…

It felt as if you had entered a whole new world. Fear was undeniable.  

“We know you’re lying.”


Ned nodded proudly, his golden ring shining under the faint light. “Yeah, and you know how? You know how we know?”

You dared not to ask.

“BecausePeter,” he said the name as if he knew him as well as he did himself which couldn’t be possible because your boyfriend doesn’t have many friends that you don’t know. He doesn’t have many friends to begin with. “Is herboyfriend.”

Your mouth fell open.


Peter is…

“―cheating on me?!”

You grabbed a bread roll on pure instinct and threw it at MJ. She grabbed another one and would have thrown it right back had the boy not grabbed her by the shoulder, acting as a buffer. “Lets all just take a deep breath.”

Deep breath your ass. You just found out your boyfriend was cheating on you in your least favorite sweater and jeans.

You were absolutely, positively feral.

“Peter told us to wait,” he quickly rattled on, nodding toward an ancient looking square frame of a sort. Your eyes followed his, albeit with a lot more fear, but still they travelled to the box, assessing and calculating.

“There’s a giant lizard out on the lose,” MJ stated, “I’m not taking any chances Ned. Not anymore. Not while-”

Her sentence lay unanswered. She bit the inside of her cheek and ran a shaky hand over her face as if her friend didn’t just reveal her to be another girlfriend of your boyfriend’s. You on the other hand completely and utterly lost every ounce of sanity. Lizard?

You knew only one lizard in your lifetime.

“Peter told me to wait,” MJ continued on, just now beginning to pace around the table. “But…I’m gonna do it.”  

Ned sighed, swaying his hands in the air for emphasis. “I-I just wish…I just wish we could see him.”

Sparks crackled beside you, making you jump three steps back in fear. “What was that?”

“I-I…I don’t know?” Ned said, his answer like a question on its own.

“Ned…” Began MJ, “Do that again.”

He nodded quickly and moved his hands across his face with more emotion, repeating what the words that had just left his mouth. Then, just as the words travelled through the air, sparks lighted up the room, forming a circle. It was as if live electricity bent to the will of nature to comprise a portal for him, to open a pocket in the world you never even thought about. It disappeared, the circle, and the hairs on your neck rose. There was no time for you to fight MJ, or to scream your fear at them.

If they could bring Peter back with a single sentence.

You could strangle him all on your own.

“Just wish we could see Peter,” said Ned at last, forming a circle with his hand. The portal shaped itself until its inner part was a different place completely. An alley of some sort, you managed to make out, empty save for a dark figure that stood in its middle.

Ned’s grandmother gasped behind you.

You willed yourself not to breathe.

“Is that him?” MJ asked, “Peter? Hey Peter?”

Come here, they told him, and you watched the spider-like eyed man point a finger at his chest. His eyes travelled over both Ned and MJ, and it appeared to you that he did not recognize them. That this was something a lot bigger. That the possibility of a mistake could be…

The no doubt Spiderman finally spotted you and his body went absolutely rigid. Then just as you thought he would leave did he sprint toward you with speed that shocked you all. He raced through the open portal and landed himself straight into your arms.

The familiar smell of his skintight cloth filled your nostrils, and the easily recognizable muscular body molded itself against you until you almost lost yourself in the feeling. His strength was enough to make you rise from the ground to fully meet his arms. He even swayed you from side to side in a tight embrace he knew you loved. But then you remembered.

You pushed him off by wiggling and swung your leg at him, hitting his midriff the moment your feet met the floor. Peter jumped back in pure shock. “Ouch Y/N! What the hell?”

MJ and Ned’s mouth fell wide open when the voice that escaped the Spiderman was apparently not what they were looking for. Still, the revelation that had been revealed to you rang in your head like bells. “What the hell?” You repeated, “I’ll show you hell you little cheating weasel―”

Peter took off his mask with a clean tug.

Ned and MJ sprung to action immediately.

“No, no, no!”

“Wait, wait!”

You stopped mid-assault, lightning hard anger cracking in your eyes.

“That’s not Peter,” MJ said quickly, her hands out to calm you from afar.

You scrunched your brows, threw a look at your very-well-could-be-ex-boyfriend to make sure he was there, and looked back as if she were crazy. “What do you mean that’s not Peter?”

“Well―” She cringed at the complexity of the situation. Peter was a silent figure next to you, rubbing his ab clad stomach.

“What MJ’s tryna say is,” Ned quickly cut in. “That's…not her boyfriend.”

“But you justsaid―”

IknowwhatIsaid!” Her voice was small and panicky. She continued her pacing.

“Y/N…” Peter spoke slowly, as if one word spoken differently was enough to enrage you. He pointed a red finger at them. “Whatever they told you is not true. I am not cheating on you. I would never do that to you, and you know it.”

You didn’t say anything.

“Babe?” He prompted, bringing your attention to him. You took note of his messy hair and almost brought out a hand to run through it.

“Then why did she―”

“I don’t know,” he said, “But I have an idea. You look adorable, by the way.”

You glared at him.

“Strain theory, multidimensional reality, matter displacement…all real?” He asked MJ and Ned.

The pair spoke a slow, incredulous yeah.

“Knew it.” Peter turned back to face you, taking your shaky hands in his gloved ones after he deemed you no threat. “What’s going on?” You asked him, truly fearful.

“I don’t know,” he admitted, and ran a finger across your cheek. “I just know it’s all wrong.”

“Yeah, no shit babe,” you said sarcastically.

Peter laughed and looked over at the two shocked teens. “She really believed you?”

“Yeah, but I mean,” MJ said, “I don’t really blame her. It’s all messed up.”

You nodded in agreement, grabbing hold of Peter’s upper arms tentatively as Ned and MJ focused on closing the portal. “I was so worried about you.” Your fingers tightened around him ever so tightly. “When I couldn’t find you―”

Peter looked as if he had melted right on the spot. He hooked a strong arm around your shoulders and neck and pulled you to him until you were flush against him and his Spandex attire. “I know, I know.”

You inhaled his scent, “What are we going to do?”

His lips grazed the top of your head, “I don’t know. But we’re going to figure it out.”

And you believed him.

Note: If you enjoyed reading this fic do check out my other work by clicking on one of my masterlist links. If it’s not a bother leave a like, comment and/or reblog. It gives me motivation and lets me know that you liked what I wrote. <3
If you would perhaps want to read some of my work earlier, you can check out my AO3profile, I’ll always make sure to tell you guys when a fic is posted on there in advance!
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A/N: This was supposed to be part of a 5+1 in response to an ask prompt, but I’ve been stuck for…honestly I have no idea how long at this point, and I really want this one to see the light of day, so I’m posting it. 

Summary: Peter is definitely out past his bedtime, but to be fair, babies are also definitely not supposed to be out in the dead of night…or in dark, spooky alleys. 

It’s a slow night on patrol.

Peter is sitting atop a Subway, his legs hanging over the edge, and he’s just finished munching on a complimentary six-inch. He stands, stretches, and shoots his balled up trash in to the large silver can below him before hopping to the ground, opting to walk in the shadows instead of webbing so that his food can settle.

It’s very early in the morning (or late at night, depending on how you look at it); it’s low traffic hours, so for once, Peter is able to navigate his own city as Spider-Man with ease. Every once in a while, he passes a pair or a group of partygoers, slurred exclamations of “Spider-Bro!” and “Wow, Spider-Man!” making his cheeks burn with pride. He’s just fist-bumping an especially enthusiastic passerby when a new sound reaches his ears.

The cries of a baby definitely aren’t novel sounds to Peter, especially around bedtime in New York, but something about these cries are wrong, aside from the fact that it’s almost 1 in the morning. They seem raw, desperate, even.

Following his ears, Peter comes to the mouth of an alleyway. He listens for a moment more before slowly inching his way into the darkness.

“Hey, Karen,” Peter mumbles. “Do we have night vision?”

“Of course, Peter.”

Instantly, the small space is lit up in a strange, fluorescent green that Peter has seen on numerous ghost-hunting shows.

“Seriously? Green? I feel like I’m on ‘Ghost Hunters.’”

“I believe that was the intended effect. Mr. Stark was aware of your television preferences.”

Peter smiles a bit, but it melts when he realizes where the cries are coming from. Peter carefully steps toward a large dumpster and hoists himself up; a dark blue infant car seat sits on top of a pile of full black garbage bags. Peter quickly dives over the edge of the large bin and wades toward the source of the continuous cries until he’s able to lift the blanket draped over the handle; the smallest baby Peter has ever seen lays swaddled inside. The tiny human’s face is so wrinkly and pinched that even Peter can tell it’s the closest to a newborn you can get without being in a hospital. Peter feels his stomach turn over when reality sets in: someone probably abandoned this baby here. The night vision just picks up the tear tracks on the baby’s cheeks, and Peter’s heart clenches.

“Karen, can you scan the baby for injuries?”

“She appears to be unharmed, Peter, but her body temperature is low. Considering she is a newborn, I suggest skin-to-skin contact if possible.”

“Oh….” Peter considers for a moment. “I have my Midtown hoodie. It’s pretty thick.” He knows his backpack is webbed up behind the aforementioned Subway, about fifteen minutes away, but he knows he can’t leave the baby behind. “You said skin-to-skin, right, Karen?”

“Yes, Peter.”

“Okay, Babygirl, we’re gonna get you warm.” Peter hits the spider logo in the center of his suit, and it becomes lose all around him. He slips out of the top half of his uniform and reaches into the car seat; he carefully brings the squirming infant against his chest and grits his teeth when she cries louder at the movement and harsh cold. He holds the surprisingly light little body with one arm and then the other as he slips them back into his sleeves. He presses the little spider again, and the suit becomes form-fitting around them. “Hey, Karen, can you loosen the suit around Babygirl?”

Immediately, the pressure against his chest lessens, and he cradles the little one there, shivering at how cold she is against his warm skin.

“Can you put the heater on low, Karen? Don’t want to hurt her.”

His suit is instantly less warm than normal, and Peter hugs Babygirl close. She’s still crying, so he tries to bounce her a bit, like he’d seen on countless T.V. shows.

“She’s probably hungry, huh, Karen?”

“Most likely.”

“Mmmhmm…Is there like a shelter or something nearby?”

“May I suggest a hospital?”

Peter smacks his forehead. “Duh. Get me directions to the closest one with a 24 hour emergency room.”

“Done. Directions starting.”

Peter grabs the carrier and sets off under Karen’s direction. It’s an hour journey on foot, but Peter would rather not risk upsetting the baby more than has already been done.

As they’re walking, Peter tries to keep Babygirl as steady as possible, running a hand over her head over and over, cupping the infant to him as he silently pleads for her to calm down. 

“Karen, what calms babies down?”

“Top results include: feeding.”

“Can’t do that.”

“Diaper changes.”

“Also can’t do that.”


“Didn’t see one.”


“Limited ability right now.”

“And singing.”

“If I do that, she’ll scream.” Peter snorts. 

“Why is that, Peter?”

“Let’s just say I’m not the best singer.”

May may not be his biological aunt, but he definitely inherited his tone deafness from her by proxy. 

“You don’t have to be. Just the sound of a voice can be comforting. Studies show that babies are calmed by hearing familiar voices talking, but singing has been shown to be even more effective.”

“What about humming?”

“Close enough.”

“Hmmm…this is weird, Karen, but I have ‘Bella Notte’ from Lady and the Tramp stuck in my head right now.”

“I can play that quietly for you, if you want.”

“That works.”

The opening accordion notes of the Disney classic play quietly around them, and Peter smiles. “I’ve always loved this song. There’s just something about it.”

“Are you going to sing along, Peter?”

“I already told you I’m awful, Karen.”

“You can still hum. The vibrations might be soothing for Babygirl.”

“I guess-hey, Bella. I’ll call her Bella. That’s nicer than Babygirl.” 

“Bella is a nice name. It means ‘beautiful.’”

“I like it. Bella Notte…” Peter takes a deep breath and silently resigns himself to humming for Bella’s sake.  

The baby has quieted down quite a bit by the time the hospital comes into view, and Peter has literally memorized “Bella Notte” as it plays for the 20th time.  

The ER only has a few scattered patrons when they arrive, and thankfully, none of them really acknowledge the strange pair. “Karen, voice disguise.” Peter whispers as he crosses into the reception area. 

“Uh, hi. I’m, uh-”

“Carrying a baby in your shirt?” The receptionist is terse but smiling just a bit as Peter fumbles with the carrier.

“Uh, yeah. I found her abandoned in an alley.”

“Oh, dear.” The woman clicks her tongue and picks up her phone. “Katie,” She sighs after a few moments. “Can you come to my desk please? An infant. Yup. Thank you.” She smiles softly at him this time. “One of our pediatric nurses is coming. There is a single bathroom back here if you you want to take her out…privately.”

“Oh, thank you so much.” Peter tentatively rounds the desk and nods when the receptionist, Patricia, her nametag says, lets him in the locked door.

In the privacy of the one-person restroom, Peter rips off his mask and sags against the wall, breathing deeply and unevenly as he tries to get his bearings. He can’t believe he walked all the way here with a tiny baby in his suit. He presses the logo and carefully extracts her, immediately bundling her in the blanket he’d found her under. He realizes in the light that she’s only wearing a dirty white onesie, and he feels tears spring to his eyes. 

“Don’t worry, Bella.” Peter coos softly, his voice breaking as he really looks over her scrunched up face for the first time. “You’re safe now.” 

Before he can think, he places a featherlight kiss on her little forehead, and his heart flutters. He clenches his eyes against the tears welling there as she whimpers in his arms, exhausted from crying for who knows how long. The boy stares at the baby for a few more moments before sighing deeply and pulling his mask back over his tired features.

Peter keeps the baby cradled to him with one arm and carries the car seat with the other; he carefully opens the bathroom door and inches out into the employee area behind the reception desk. A young woman with a brown ponytail and soft hazel eyes catches his gaze and gives him a small wave; she pushes off of the table she’s leaned against and meets him halfway.

“Hi, Spider-Man.” Her voice is like tinkling bells. “Pat says you have a visitor for me?”

“Yeah….I don’t know her name, so I’ve been calling her Bella.”

“That works for now.” Katie smiles and reaches out. “Mind if I take her off your hands?”

“Oh, yeah, of course.” Peter hesitates and looks down at Bella, his eyes filling again, and he feels himself blush. He looks back up at Katie but subconsciously pulls the baby closer.

“You can hug her good-bye if you want,” Katie offers softly, gently pulling the carrier from his arm. “I’ll be right out front with Pat when you’re ready.”

“Okay. Thank you, Katie.”

The young nurse smiles and leaves quietly.

Peter looks down at Bella, his view of her distorted through tears. “You’re gonna be okay now, Bella. Katie and Pat will take good care of you.” Peter swallows thickly and places her laterally against his chest, bouncing her gently to comfort both of them, if he’s honest. He squeezes her against him and brings his head to rest on top of hers. “This is so weird. I only met you like an hour ago, but…I love you so much, Bella.” Peter sighs and sniffs before straightening up; he continues slightly rocking Bella as he walks toward Katie and Pat, the former continually smiling at him as he hands the tiny bundle over.

“She’ll be okay. Thank you for bringing her to us.” Katie pats his shoulder and holds an arm out. Peter is taken aback for a second until he really looks at her, sees the lines in her face and bags under her eyes. She suddenly reminds him of May, the desire to help and love so evident in every part of her, and he steps into her embrace. Katie squeezes him lightly and rubs a hand over his back. Peter breathes shakily, and she squeezes again before pulling away. “You’ll both be okay,” Katie promises.

“Why…was she abandoned?”

Katie’s eyes turn down at the corners. “Any number of scenarios for why, but Pat told me you found her in an alley.”

“In…a dumpster.” Peter chokes out.

“Sadly, not the first time we’ve heard of that, but she’s definitely better off now that she’s here. Our social worker specializes in infant care, so she’ll find a good foster family for her.” Katie pats his back one more time before holding Bella close to her; she runs a finger over her forehead.

“She was so cold when I found her,” Peter whispers. “But I think I helped warm her.”

“I’d say so; she doesn’t feel too cold at all. You did good, Spider-Man.” Katie turns back toward the door he came through, and Peter holds it open for her.  “You’re welcome to stay here until we’re done looking her over and getting her settled, if you want.”

“I…I want to…” Peter sighs and rubs his arm. “But I already said good-bye. I should go home. Someone is waiting for me. Plus, I trust you guys.”

“Well, thanks.” Pat laughs and rubs his arm. “This is what we do, baby. She’ll be just fine. You did good.”

Peter nods, puts a hand on Pat’s shoulder as he passes, and heads out of the emergency room before he can break down.


It’s after 3am when Peter finally climbs in his window. He shouldn’t be surprised to find May asleep on his bed, but his vision, physical and otherwise, is a little hazy thanks to his senses being on alert ever since he left the hospital. It wasn’t like the normal shriek of danger but a buzz at the base of his neck, like the area there has somehow fallen asleep.

Peter shakes his head when he finds himself still sitting on the windowsill. He crosses to May silently and gently rubs her shoulder. “May?”

May stirs and squints up at him; her eyes widen before she sighs and laughs, slightly delirious. “Oh, shit, Peter. I always forget about you under there.” She sits up and stretches. “Why didn’t you call me? Way past curfew.” She yawns into her hand.

Peter hits the spider logo and strips out of the suit, exhaustion flooding his bones and tears in his eyes at her comment. “I’m sorry, May. Crazy night.”


Peter slips into a t-shirt and sweatpants and turns to face his aunt.

May’s expression falls when she really sees Peter’s face.

“Oh, baby, what happened?”

Peter bites his lip and blinks, releasing a few of the tears he wouldn’t let fall in the hospital. “That’s exactly it. I…I found a baby.”

“Oh my god.” She’s across the room and hugging him before he can blink again. She pulls him back toward the bed and hugs him close as he begins trembling.

May hugs him against her cups the back of his head; she looks down at him and murmurs, “Why didn’t you call me? I could’ve helped you, sweetheart.”

“You’ve never had a baby, May.” Peter says between shuddering breaths. “And I was six when you got me.”

“Touché.” May brushes some bunched up hair form his forehead. “But I had cousins growing up. I know how to deal with babies.”

“I just….didn’t think to. I took care of her, though. Took her to an emergency room. I had it handled.”

“Good thinking, kiddo.”

“It was Karen’s idea.”

“Well good on Karen, then.”

Peter nods mutely, staring blankly at the floor.

May wipes the stray tears from his cheeks and just lets them sit in silence for a few minutes, letting Peter get himself together before a yawn shudders through her. They both laugh a bit, and May asks, “Good?”

Peter nods.

“Good.” May carefully detaches herself and picks up his bedside water glass. “I’ll fill this for you, then bed time.” She goes and returns swiftly, kissing him tenderly on the brow while whispering, “I’m so proud of you, sweetheart. The hero with a heart of gold.”

Peter’s smile is wobbly, but he forces it up for her.

When she leaves, he lays on top of his covers for a little while, staring at his ceiling. Even with his windows and doors closed and locked tight, Peter can’t seem to shake that buzz in his senses.

It’s a little after 5am when his eyes finally fall closed, though the threat was long gone.

Stories below him and hours before, a hooded figure had slipped off into the night, having been at the right place at the right time for his own gain.

Love You More | (Sneak Peek)

“Are you sure?”

All his attention was on you, like the two of you were the only ones here, which you most certainly weren’t. His eyes gazing into yours like they held the whole god damn universe, which they didn’t but to him it was so closest he would get to the stars. Like how could anything else possibly matter besides this exact moment. He was waiting so patiently but eagerly for the words to flow out of your mouth. Like your lips held the key to world peace — his world.

“I’ve always done what was asked of me, what i thought i was supposed to do. Everyone has always made my choices for me but… this time — this choice is all mine. I am choosing this, i am choosing you


Love You More | Pt.9

TASM!Peter x Reader, Bucky x Reader (past)

word count: 2.4k

A/N: I hate action, i such a writing it so i jumped over most of this fight scene, and i definitely wasn’t gonna follow it to a T either, sooo just pretend it was longer and everyone was doing more ahahah im excited for the next part!

Also adding i know i didnt really touch base on the readers powers/abilities but what im thinking is she orginally thought along with everyone else that she could only control the elements, then she started to realize she could do A LOT more like astral projection, ect pretty much her full “unlocking” is she can control all matter/atoms which is pretty much means everything and anything, so she powerful af, ill explain it better later!

Not edited or proof read

I rushed this one

Masterlist(coming soon) | Masterpost

“Are you guys almost done?” You shouted

“Yeah just placing the last one”

“Cool cool” You say as you lean over the scaffolding, your Peter jumps down, perching up top. As the other two land beside you. You turned to face Peter, your universe’s Peter “Y’know I dont think Steve would’ve liked this” You smiled gesturing to the construction of the shield at the statue of liberty.

“It really is a big honour” Peter smiled

The eldest Peter chipped it “This guy must of been really something for them to do all this for”

You missed Steve more than you allowed yourself to and you hated yourself for not saying goodbye but you could never bring yourself to. How could you look at Steve and tell him you were happy for him when you were jealous he got to grow old with the person he loved, he got to live out the timeline you were all supposed to. You were so pathetic you couldn’t mask that jealousy for a 30 minute visit. But at the same time you liked having your last memory of Steve be the Steve you knew, because that Steve that came back was no longer your Stevie.

You smiled sadly “He really was”

“You all are honestly” Peter 3 smiled, placing a hand on your shoulder giving it a reassuring squeeze “Honesty ever since i got here, all i keep seeing and hearing about are all these amazing heroes, i just wish my universe had more of them”

“They have you that’s all they need Parker” You gave him a soft smile, as he squatted down, his brown eyes filling up your irises with nothing but adoration “And you are pretty amazing”

“Yeah, why are you so hard on yourself? You’re amazing, you’re the amazing spider man!” Peter 2 exclaimed

He shrugged “It’s just you guys all fight such cool villains and i just have a lizard. I wonder if my universe as aliens”

“Probably does, they all have to” Peter 1 said “I just dont think they’re provoked”

“What do you mean?”

“Like theres so many superheroes here, its cool and all but Mr.Stark once told me it shows life outside of Earth that were ready for a fight, so since its just —“ He paused taking out his phone “Its an unknown number” He brought his phone to his ear “Um hello?”

“Think one of the villains got a phone?” Peter 3 smiled at you

“It’s a necessity nowadays i wouldn’t doubt it”

“Yeah she’s here” Your universes Peter looked at you, clearing his throat “It’s for you”

You furrowed your eyebrows, you hesitantly took a step forward “Who is it?”

He gave you a sympathetic look, handing you the phone “Sergeant Barnes”

You could feel all the colour drain from your face “Oh”

“I can tell him your busy” he was reaching for the phone back

“He can hear you Pete” You didnt realize you were backing up till you bumped into a warm but firm surface “Woah, you okay?” Peter 3 hands steadied you.

Looking into brown eyes that stared back at you with nothing but concern it made your heart flutter, you nodded. Turning back to face the youngest Peter “Ill be right back”

You started to walk further down the catwalk and you heard the eldest Peter mumble “Who’s sergeant Barnes?”

Before you were far enough they wouldn’t be able to hear you but you could still hear them and any sign that the villains arrived.

You were pacing, trying to breath evenly because when you got overwhelmed and your emotions were over the top you could cause some disturbances so you were trying your best to remember the breathing techniques Tony taught you, you pinched the bridge of your nose


“Y/n” you could hear relief in his voice “What’s going on?”


He was agitated and you could hear it in voice “Dont lie to me, we saw you on tv with the Spider kid, and now i’m hearing about there being bad guys? Are you hurt?”

“Im fine Bucky, we have everything under control” You gritted your teeth, you always hated when he’s treat you like a wounded child

He scoffed “What, you and that kid? And you’re bringing the fight to the statue of liberty, are you serious?”

“It’s not just me and Peter, we have other help” You were trying your best to stay calm, and save your energy for the real fight

He paused sighing, deciding to get to the point “I know y/n”

“Know what?”

“About the night of Steve’s funeral”

Your mouth was dry, it all of a sudden felt like you were swallowing cotton “Which funeral?”

“Doll” he pleaded with you because he didn’t want to say it.

“Don’t” you were shaking your head.

“Why didn’t you tell me? I would of —“

You cut him off “You would have what Bucky? Stayed with me because you were afraid I’d do it again? Like you said, we’re not the same people anymore!”

“I still love you, ill always love you y/n, i just wanted time to figure out who i was, i just needed…”

“What about what I needed!” You screamed cutting him off “What about me? I lost Steve to, i lost time to, i needed you Bucky”

“I’m right here doll, i’ve always been here, you could of called me whenever and you know i would have came running”

“I don’t need you anymore Bucky, i’ve found what i need what i want and for once i’m going to put me first”

You could hear his heavy breathing through the phone and you’re sure his brow was furrowed “What are you saying y/n? I can’t live without you”

“You’ve been doing fine the last 6 months”

“How do you know that? You weren’t there!”

“You left me Buck, remember? you were right to”

“I was right?”

You could feel static in the air, they were close - “We’re just not who we were anymore and that’s okay because change is good, it’s scary but its good”

“You can’t just throw all that history away y/n — it was supposed to be you and i, forever” He whispered

“Buck, we both know so well that forever doesn’t last” you whispered through dried lips, finally defeated “Steve and you will always be the biggest and best part of me, but …”. You paused, turning to look at the three Spidermen in their suits.

Your Peter was perched up, while the eldest was standing, and the Peter you were gonna risk this all for was leaning against the railing his masks in his hand while he was listening intently to the other two, he was smiling from ear to ear, the corner of his eyes crinkled.

Almost like he could feel you staring at him and he turned to you, he gave you the most beautiful smile you ever seen before giving you a small wave which you returned. “I’m thinking about the future now. You’ll always have a part a me, i’ll always love you ” You peeled you eyeline away from the Peter’s turning to look over the edge “I’m not sure if I can ever love anyone the way i love you but i wanna try Bucky, but i can’t do that here” you paused “not when every corner i turn im reminded of everything, everyone i lost”

“What do you mean here? Y/n what’s going on what are you gonna do?” Panic was lacing his voice, he knew you had very powerful abilities and he also knew he didn’t know what you could do with them, the full extent at least because you were still learning about them when he was in the safe house before Wakanda, but all he did know is he didn’t like the sound of it, whatever it was.

“James, i’m gonna be okay, everything is gonna be okay”

“Y/n, answer me”

“I love you” You clicked the phone shut

You walked back over to the boys “Thanks Pete” you smiled, tossing his phone back up to him

“You okay?”

“Yeah i am” You smiled, this time he could see a twinkle in your eyes “We ready to cure some ass?”

You received a series of nods “Good because there here”

“How do you —“ Peter 1 perched up “You guys feel that?”

“Yeah” the eldest Peter nodded, “How did you know before us?”

“Im one with everything, and all that hippy stuff”

You shrugged it off before activating your suit, it went from inky black from your toes to your neck, the nanobots changed to a colourless white, as your eyes changed with it. The sky started to crackle, lightning flashing throughout the sky.

“Y/n?” You Peter questioned

“Not me”

All three men put their masks on, everyone fully alert before a man appeared “Sup Pete? You like the new new?” He held his arms out as electricity shot out of him.

“Oh well, that’s pretty cool” You said to no one in particular

“Who’s this?” Electro turned his attention to you “Look i don’t wanna hurt a lady, just give me the box and everything will be fine”

“I wouldnt be to worried about hurting y/n” Your Peter said “She’s pretty bad ass”

“Is that a challenge?” Electro said with a smirt

“Nope, no, no Max, its definitely not a challenge” Peter 3 said getting ready to stand in front of you

He sent a shock of electricity your way just has Peter 3 was ready to jump in front of you, you caught the electricity with ease, holding it in your hand there was a glowing line between the two of you. The static could be felt in the air, your eyes started to glow more as you rose yourself off the ground.

“Oh shit”

“Y’know, that thing on your chest, was created and designed by a very, very dear friend of mine and i’m not gonna lie, he wouldn’t like this, you being on the wrong side of the fight and all, so i’m gonna have to do something about it”

You put both your hands out using his own electricity to fuel you, you used all the energy you had to hold him into place “Any day now Parker!”

You watched Peter 3 look flustered before he nodded “Yeah yeah of course, on it!” He shouted before getting the arc reactor off and placing the cure on Electro, once it was on you carefully placed him somewhere in the scaffolding and you water Peter 3 run to make sure he was okay.

You dropped yourself down, running to find the youngest Peter, you pasted Peter 2 curing the sand castle guy right before you bumped into a hard figure, you stumbled back a bit.



“You’re alive”

“You thought i wasnt?”

“I stopped hearing from you, logically i assumed the worst” He paused “Please tell me you’re not helping the kid?”

“We’re curing them, its working if that’s what your asking”

“Your eyes are glowing” He ignored your comment

“Its a new thing, it only just started happening i guess” You shrugged

He nodded “You’re unlocking it”

You furrowed your brows “Unlocking what?“

“Everything, your full potential” He stared at you for a moment, almost like he was reading your every thought “tread lightly y/n” he warned before he opened another portal walking through it.

You followed him knowing exactly who he was going to “What’s that supposed to mean?”

“It means —“

“Pete watch out!” You screamed at the top of your lungs just as you watched the Lizard tackle Peter down, sticking his claws in his abdomen.

Strange uses a Eldritch Whip to hold the lizard down as the other two Spider Man went to cure what onces was Doctor Connors.

You shakily went over to your Peter, falling to your knees, he was coated in blood this was definitely a wound his fast healing wouldn’t help on “Oh Pete” tears were rolling down your cheeks, guilt taking over every atom in you, you placed your hand over his wound putting pressure on it “I’m so sorry”

His eyes were glossy, he place his hand over yours “Don’t you care apologize y/n, this isn’t your fault i know what your -“

You shook your head “I’m gonna fix this”

“This is too much y/n, it’ll take you out if not worse”

You had tunnel vision for the only Peter in front of you, you didn’t feel the hand on your shoulder “It’s gonna be okay Pete”

He gave you a weak smile “It is, i’m gonna see May and Ben, and Mr.Stark he’ll probably kick my, y'know but its - what are you doing?!”

Your eyes were glowing, as you started to focus on all the matter surrounding his wound focusing everything you had left in you on him.

“Get her off of me, it too much, this could kill her!” You heard him shout to Peter 3.

Feeling that similar sensation of his hand on your shoulder, you stuck your left hand out, mumbling a weak “Sorry” and blasting him back, creating an almost forcefield-like bubble around the two of you, blocking out any outside voices and anyone who tried to interfere, you could vaguely see Strange using everything he had to break through.

“Y/n please stop”

You had two wounds down and one more to go, you could feel yourself fading but feeling Peter getting stronger. Before you knew it you weren’t strong enough and the bubble around you was flickering, you opened your eyes and was satisfied with Peter’s vitals being stronger than yours before anyone had the chance to say anything a chilling voice boomed through the sky.

“Can the Spider-Man come out to play?!”

Peter shoved you out of the way before the goblin started hurtling pumpkin bomb after pumkin bomb, swooping down and steal the box from Strange. Your vision was pulsating, between reality, darkness and the people were trying to come through. You looked up at Strange “There coming” you mumbled

Using his Eldritch Whips to steal the box back as Doc Ock held his board back, he looked back down at you “Who?!” He yelled through the chaos

You weakly pointed up at the sky.

“Strange no!” Peter shouted before an explosion went off and you used the last of your energy to guide the blast upwards and away from everyone you had left.

Before you knew it, you heard someone screaming your name as you tumbled off the collapsing scaffolding, letting darkness consume you.

Love You More | pt.8

TASM! Peter x Reader, Bucky x Reader (past)

Word Count: 2.3k

A/N: Fight scene is next! Not looking forward to that i suck at writing them so i’ll probably stick close to the script for that or just be very vague with it, not edited or proof read!

TW! This part mentions suicide

Masterlist (coming soon) | Masterpost

Sam stood on his front porch, his phone still clutched in his hand as he stared at the call log. He let out a breath, hitting your name bringing the phone to his ear, when he heard it go straight to voicemail he let out a groan, squeezed his phone so hard that if he had that serum running through his veins he definitely would have crushed his phone. 

He was feeling a mixture of emotions, he was frustrated with how vague you were, he was mad at Bucky for clearly not telling him everything he seen the headlines about you, the video footage of you walking out on Bucky followed by lightning lighting up the sky he thought it was just a fight, an argument because he knew first hand how stubborn Bucky could be but you were always so reasonable, Steve use to tell him you were the glue that kept them together, he was hoping that would be the case with Bucky, you and him. 

He knew this wasn’t going to be easy, everything changed but he gave you your space, gave you time but 6 months was such a long time. He was nervous every goddamn day he would check his phone from any sign that you were alive and well, he would check the news. When he heard in the news a single lightning strike cracked a 100 year old tree in half, he felt some sort of relief but it was clearly intentional, he tried to get Bucky to talk to him but he was like a broken record with the whole “None of your business” 

But he was so fucking nervous right now, that sounded like a goodbye and not just a see you later one like you told him but a your never gonna see me again goodbye. His mind couldn’t stop playing one of the last conversations with Steve he ever had about you on repeat. 

2023 - A little before Steve Rogers Passing 

“Hey Sam?” 

“Yeah Cap?”

A small smile played on his face “You know you can stop calling me that, the shields yours”

An eye roll played out on Sam’s face “You’re always gonna be my Captain” 

Nostalgia was written all over Steve’s face before it fell flat “Y/N hasn’t came by since the stones, i haven’t heard from her, im worried Sam”

“I’ve stopped by multiple times, called texted shes just not answering, I dont know whats going on”

“Bucky won’t tell me anything” he paused, liar Steve thought before continuing “They must be fighting again” a small smile on his face thinking of all Bucky’s and yours stupid fights. 

Sam snorted “Makes two of us, i think shes just not handling all this” He gestured to Steve laying in a hospital bed “Well” 

Steve nodded, he opened and closed his mouth, debating if he should say what he was thinking before starting “I know this is asking a lot of you Sam, but you need to look after her”

“You know i will Cap, always, shes family to me too”

“I’m gonna tell you something that only Y/N, Tony, Fury and I knew, you can’t tell Bucky it’ll just make things worse”

“Yeah of course, my lips are sealed”

Steve nodded “Y/n, she didn’t just go for a walk, fall asleep and wake up here” he referred to the 2000’s “She died” 

Sam’s mouth dropped “What? that wasn’t in any file?”

“I know because we decided it was best kept a secret but a little bit after she woke up she couldn’t remember much but it came back to her, she was hysterical, we had to sedate her. It was like everything she felt before hit her all at once…. but we got her to talk, it wasn’t uncommon after the war for people to commit suicide”

Sam’s eyes went wide not liking where this was headed. 

“Y/n, she lost us, she didn’t have anyone left. She attended not one but two funerals where there was no body, I couldn’t imagine what she felt.” Steve brought his eyes to look at Sam’s because he didn’t want to say it and he knew with Sam he wouldn’t have to “She, did it Sam, she went to — and she did”

“Steve, that’s a lot” Sam got up, he started pacing near the foot of the bed “That changes everything, i gotta —“

Steve cut him off “I know its a lot as long as you know she’s in there and alive that’s all that matters Sam”

“Why didn’t you tell Bucky, that’s his girl” 

“He went through a lot, he was healing, she was healing, she promised me everything was fine”

“He’d kick down that door if he knew”

Steve had a small smile “Yeah i know he would, he wouldn’t let her out of his site, she’s his everything”

“Any idea why they’d be fighting?”

Steve shrugged “Can’t say i do Sam” he knew of course he did, Bucky came to him 2 weeks ago asking for advice about you. How he didnt know he was anymore, didn’t know who you were anymore. That he didn’t want to drag you through the dark tunnel of finding out who he was now, Steve told him that was stupid. 

That’d you’d be more hurt by him saying he needed space, that he needed time because the two of you were already on borrowed time. Steve promised he wouldn’t say anything no matter how badly he wanted to, because he hoped at the time the two of you would sort this out before it was time for him to go but by the looks of things that wasn’t the case. It was a secret that was coming with him to the grave, he knew Bucky would tell Sam when he was ready, when that trust was built he just hoped it wasn’t gonna be too late. 

The front door swung open “What the hell Sam? Was that y/n?! Don’t even lie to me i heard you say her name” Bucky’s brows were creased, pointing his finger at Sam. 

Sam didnt say anything quite yet, he could see the smoke coming out of Bucky’s ears, he knew he had to tell him. It was the only way he couldn’t think of any other excuse that he wouldn’t question “We should go inside”

Sam turned to walk inside but Bucky grabbed his arm to stop him. Sam stared in his eyes. He could tell how worried he was, he could see the panic, the heartache, the sacrifices but most importantly the love he had for you.Sam kept walking nodded for Bucky to follow him to the table, he could hear his heavy footsteps trailing behind him. 

He pulled a chair out and plopped down, Bucky stood there with his arms crossed “Sit down Buck”


“Bucky sit down” 

Bucky lingered a little longer before giving in, pulling out the chair across from Sam “You better start talking Sam” 

“I will, under one condition you don’t interrupt me and know I only didn’t tell you because Steve made me promise”

Bucky nodded so Sam started “One of the last time’s i went to visit Steve, he told me something that only he, Fury, Stark and of course y/n knew. It wasn’t in any of her files for good reasons, it was only needed to know per situation information, that’s why he didn’t tell you. He knew you were recovering, you were bettering yourself and this would have held you back, he told me he knew y/n would tell you when she was ready” He paused “What do you know about the night she disappeared?”

Still a scowl on his face he responded “That Peggy told her about Steve, after the funeral she just disappeared. Steve told me she fell asleep by our spot, that she just woke up and it was 2012, the ground absorbed her or something, right?”

Sam shook his head “She didn’t fall asleep Buck”

“What do you mean she didn’t fall asleep? So Steve lied to me?”

“Bucky, she died”

Bucky stood up, his chair flying back “What do you mean she died? So she’s a ghost?! Stupidest thing i’ve ever heard!” He was pacing now. “Why’d they lie to me!” He slammed his fist down on the table making Sarah jump in the kitchen 

“She committed suicide” Sam wanted to break eye contact with Bucky because now he knew what you meant when you told him how Bucky’s ocean eyes would suck you in like a whirl pool, and Sam was drowning trying to get out as they filled with water

Bucky shook his head “No, no, no why would she do that Sam? Did he say why she would do that, my girl wouldn’t do that, she, she — “

“She lost both of you Buck, she lost you then she lost Steve. You two were all she had, man. There were no bodies to bury, she never got closure. Can’t imagine what she was feeling” 

Bucky walked over taking a seat on the couch, he had millions of questions that he was scared to ask since the answer to his last one was weighing him down he was sure this was one he’d never be able to get off his shoulders. 

“Steve said they ran tests and they were never able to find out how she was resurrected but there assuming it had to do with her powers there was no other logical explanation” 

Bucky nodded, as silence took over for a brief moment, the air was so thick you could cut it with a knife. Till Bucky jumped up off of the couch “She lost Steve”

“We all lost Steve”

“No you dont get it” Bucky ran his hands down his face “She lost Steve, and I - fuck, im so stupid. I wasn’t thinking, “I gotta call her Sam, this is bad, do you think she w-would do it again?”

“Woah Buck, slow down” Sam was standing now “What are you talking about?”

“I told her I needed time, Sam, she gave me the ring back, we broke up. She lost me then she lost Steve” 

“Did Steve know?”

“Of course he knew, he told me i was stupid, i am stupid”

“He knew, that’s why he told me, he knew she was gonna lose both of you all over again” Sam’s eyes widened “That was her on the phone, she told me she was proud of me, she was saying goodbye Buck” 

“Well, call her back!” Bucky shouted 

“I tried it goes straight to voicemail”

“She called me” Bucky whispered “A day ago, she didn’t say anything but I could hear her, then she just hung up” he paused “What if she already…”

“Don’t say it Buck, she’s not, she can’t be” 

“We gotta go now, we gotta go to her place and kick her door down!” Bucky was already walking to the door

“48 hours ago a single lightning strike hit a 100 year old tree in the park” Sam blurted out 

Bucky froze he knew exactly what he meant, and he knew exactly what you were doing when you did that “She let me go” he whispered, wiping the tear that escaped before turning around “She was letting me — usgo” his voice cracked 

“Do you know where else she could have gone? 

“Hey guys?” Sarah spoke from the kitchen “I hate to interrupt but you might wanna see this”

Both men entered the kitchen staring at the TV as Spiderman was on a video call with a news reporter but with his mask off. 

“Just the truth.” Spiderman spoke 

“Oh sure.” Jameson rolled his eyes 

“I thought he wore a mask for a reason?” Bucky questioned

Sarah’s eyes widened “You two missed a lot while you were fixing that damn boat, they revealed his identity just some kid named Peter Parker from queens” she shrugged

“The truth is, that this is all my fault. I accidentally brought those

dangerous people here”

“Well, he admits it!”

“And if those people are watching, just know that I really did try to help you. I mean, I could have killed you -“ Peter says before holding up some weird box, Bucky and Sam look at each other briefly before Peter starts talking again “At any given moment. But I

didn’t. Because my Aunt May taught me that everyone deserves a second chance. And that’s why I’m here”

“And where is “here” exactly?”

“A place that represents second chances” He turns the camera slightly and you can see him at the top of the statue of liberty, as the camera turns back around for a brief second Bucky and Sam could have sworn they saw you before the camera turned back fully on Peter. 

“Did you see that?” Bucky asks

Sam nodded “She did promise Stark she’d watch out after Spiderman, and if Peter is Spiderman shes gonna watch out after him to” 

“The Statue of Liberty?! Good God, folks, he’s about to destroy another national landmark”

“But world, if you’re watching–“

“Believe me, the world is watching–“ 

“Wish me luck. Your friendly neighborhood SpiderMan could really use some.”

Peter’s video ends, Bucky turns to Sam “Do you have his phone number?” 

“When i became Captain America they auto synced phone numbers in my phone, i’m not sure” Sam reached in his pocket

“Well check!” Bucky groaned

“What the hell do you think i’m doing?!” He started scrolling through his contacts “At least we know she’s alive”

“Yeah but not safe, what bad guys, plural might I add, is he talking about?”

“I got it, i found it” He turned his phone around to show Bucky ‘Spiderman’ 

Bucky ripped the phone out of Sam’s hand and hit call puting it to his war

“What the hell man, that’s my —“

Bucky put his finger up “Put y/n on the phone”

Love You More | pt. 7

Word count: 1.8k

TASM!Peter x reader, Bucky x Reader (past)

Warnings: swearing maybe

A/N: The fight scene is gonna be in one of the next few parts, i think were gonna hear from Bucky in the next part Not edited or proof read!

Masterlist (coming soon) | Masterpost

“You have someone?”

“No. I got no time for uh, Peter Parker stuff, you know? —

Do you?”

“Uh, that’s a little complicated”

“No, I understand. I guess it’s just not in the cards for guys like us”

“Well, I wouldn’t give up. It took a while, but we made it work”


“Yeah, me and Mj, my Mj — It uh, it gets confusing here” Peter 2 smiled slightly before noticing the grim look of heartbreak on Peter 3s face, he continued “You don’t think you have one?”

He shook his head “Nah, those days are long behind me” he smiles looking out the window at you, the way the wind was blowing in your hair made you look like the most angelic human he’s ever seen, he watched the way the moonlight shined off the side of your face perfectly illuminating the swoop of your nose down to your lips setting his heart best into a frenzy. You looked slightly anxious and he wanted nothing more than to make sure you were okay.

Peter 2 followed his eyeline, when his eyes found you he couldn’t help but grin,looking back at the other Peter “All our universes might have a couple things in common but doesn’t mean all of them have to have everything in common”

“Whaddya mean?”

“I mean like you two have web shooters, I don't”

“Now you’re just bragging” Peter 3 tossed his head back laughing, he could feel your gaze on him.

He laughed, “No no, just wait, I’m getting there. And maybe our two share an MJ” he gestured to himself and the youngest peter who was still down stairs on the phone waiting for the last cure “but maybe there’s another universe out there where another Spiderman is like me” He paused briefly “Or one where Peter has ay/n instead of an MJ”

He looked down fiddling with his mask “I don’t think my universe has either”

“Maybe that’s because your y/n is here

“Hey! Are you two ready?” The youngest Peter popped back up the stairs “Final cure is finished, Neds gonna portal us over there any second now, then ill take a video and send — Wheres y/n?” He stopped realizing you weren’t in the room.

“She’s still on the phone” Peter 2 gestured to the window

Peter 1 walked over to the window “She looks anxious” He placed the bag containing the cures on a small side table “I should go check on her” He started towards the door.

The eldest Peter gave Peter 3 a look, a knowing look as he raised his eyebrow, nudging his head towards the door. Peter 3’s eyes went wide in realisation.

He jumped up off the stool “Is it okay if I go instead?”

Peter 1 stopped, turning around he looked at Peter 2 who nodded then back to Peter 3 “Y-yeah of course but we have to go any second now, okay?”

Peter 3 noded fiercely “Yeah, of course i’ll be fast” he never felt like he was moving so slow but so fast in his life. His heartbeat was speeding up the closer he got to you.

“Y/n, holy shit, what are you up to? It’s been…” He paused you could see his demeanour changing when the realisation dawned on him exactly how long it had been “way too long”

You could hear Bucky and some girl talking in the background before Sam was shushing them. He mumbled “Dont worry about it” and then you could hear a chair being pushed back.

He moved on was all you could think about after hearing him laughing with a female voice, and of course Sam was leaving the room so you wouldn’t have to hear it. “Yeah” you let out an airy breath “It has been”

“I stopped by a few times”

“I know”

“I called, i texted, Buck he wouldn’t tell me anything y/n, you were – you are like family to me, I wanted us to stick together it’s what Steve wanted and, I-I didn’t even see you at the funeral”

“I’m sorry Sam, i just -“ you sniffled “It’s been hard since, everything” you paused “Im trying”

“Don’t apologise, you never have to apologise to me for anything. We were supposed to stick together as a team, a family. I’ll always be here for you, i’m just happy to hear your voice i was worried for awhile”

“I was at the funeral, I was just…”

“Hiding?” Sam finished for you



“I just needed some time, We lost so many people, Steve left, Bucky left, i just needed to wallow, comprehend everything look for the light at the end of the tunnel”

“Did you find it? The light”

You looked through the window, into the dimly lit house, they must have moved upstairs while your Peter was on the phone. You watched him toss his head back, his hands clapping together at something the oldest Spider Man was saying to him.

“I think, i’m not sure but i’m going to find out” Moving your attention to the small pond of water just off to the side of the house “That’s why i called, I just want to thank you for being patient with me, always being there for me and i know you’re going to be the best Captain America Sam, I’m so proud of you”

“Why does this sound like a goodbye?” He was putting the pieces together, and he wasn’t liking the finished product that connected in his mind, a puzzle he wasn’t sure he wanted to see the end of.

Letting out a shaky breath, your heart felt like it was going to beat out of your chest, blood was flowing heavily to your ears, you spun around finding those golden brown eyes, meeting yours and you knew with the way he was looking at you he could tell you were getting anxious.

Your eyes gazed into his, even at the distance you were you couldn’t help but feel that metaphorical string pulling you to him, screaming at you that you were doing the right thing for once “Sam it’ll never be goodbye, our paths will always cross again, it’s just a see you later”

“Y/n” he was changing his tone from friendly to his newly discovered Captain America voice “What’s going on?”

“Thank you for everything Sammy” Before he could respond you hung up, smashing your phone in the process, Tony made sure you could never be tracked and where you were planning on going your sure your phone wouldn’t work anyway.

You sighed, allowing yourself to feel the breeze around you that wasn’t your doing, like the universe was telling you that you were doing the right thing.

“Are you alright?”

You spun around, your hair blowing behind you “You ask me that a lot”

“I’m a curious person by nature”

“And look where that got you, what was it bitten by a radioactive spider?” You scratched the top of your head pretending to think

He placed his hands on his hips. “God you’re witty, I gotta say I love it.“ He paused taking a deep breath “ I can’t complain, it led me here” He took a step closer “And i just can’t stop but feeling like all the paths i took, all the winding roads, the bumps were all leading me here” he point to the ground

You were trying your best to stay calm, to slow your heart rate back down because you were getting into an emotional territory you haven’t been to in a long time, so you took a gulp of air “To this spot of grass?”

He slowly reached out, his palms were sweating, he couldn’t even hear your heart beating even if he wanted to because his was beating just as loud. He tried to calm down so he could hear yours, he wanted to make sure you were feeling what he was and this wasnt all just in his head, because there was no way, in a logical sense that he could feel this way so soon about someone he just met not to long ago that existed in another universe, this surely couldn’t be a coincidence, maybe Peter the other Peter was right, maybe you were meant to be his Y/n.

The way he felt when he was close to you was like he was floating which was such an extraordinary feeling but scary as well because it made him think what if this was just a dream and he mostly likely was but on the small chance he wasn’t he had to take the leap.

He’d been wrong so many times he just wanted to be right this one last time, this pull he was feeling towards you was real it had to be, he stopped believing in fate after Gwen but this had to be fate there was no other explanation for the feeling in his heart. He licked his lips, shaking his head “No, to you”

You felt like the air was knocked out of you, your heart pounding in your throat. He was so close, you could feel his warm breath on your face, chills ran up your arm “Peter”

“Tell me to stop and I will” He placed his hand ever so gently on your cheek

It was nothing like the one that used to be placed there, the one that lit a match, setting a fire in you and then let it burn in suffocating you in your glass house; till nothing was left but the ashes.

It was something you weren’t used to but god you wanted to be selfish, you were so ready to take and so you did, you lifted your lips to meet him.

When they connected you couldn’t help but feel a shock, this was it, this was him it had to be, he had to feel this too. You cursed at the stars because they were aligning but in a different universe.

You both pulled away, he rested his forehead on yours, between heavy breathing he mumbled out “That was..”


“Did you feel…” He paused because he knew if you knew what he meant you did feel it.

You nodded “I did”

He placed a piece of hair behind your ear, his forehead still resting on yours, he could see your eyes getting glossy “I know” he said sadly “Maybe in another universe” his thumb caressing your cheek “Another lifetime”

“Why not this one?” You spoke softly before he had the chance to question you, a glowing circle appeared in the middle of the lawn, the two of you jumped apart.

Just in time as the last two Peter’s made their way out the front door of the safe house.

“You two ready to go?” Your Peter pointed towards the two of you, his eyes lingering on you to make sure you were okay.

You nodded “Always”

I honestly am so in love with this fic ive had it in my head for so long, ive never had anything as planned out before as it is. I have the next part finished, will post it tonight or tomorrow, i dont wanna upload anything till i have the next next part done as well, im about 25% done part 8.

I have so many random scenes typed out to, i just need to find where they’ll fit since i dunno if you could tell im dragging this out a teeny tiny bit. I just wrote an intense scene and this is my favourite line in it so far (i think this will be after the fight scene);

“Bucky” You felt like you were swallowing knives saying his name “He was the moon, but you —“ Your voice shaky even though you’ve never been more sure in your life “You, Peter Parker, your the whole goddamn galaxy”

Love You More Masterpost

Love You More | pt.5

Word Count: 2.7k

A/N: Not crazy about this part but it’ll do! Not edited or proof read


“So what’s the plan?” you walked through the front door Peter(3) shutting it behind you. 

“Well, if we just send them back, they’ll die. I know its asking a lot but, we can cure then y/n”

You leaned against the island in the kitchen, of course Peter would choose the plan that would help everyone in the end “Okay” you nodded

His eyes went wide “What? Just like that?”

Pushing yourself off the island “Just like that”

“Wow okay, yeah just like that” A smile beaming on his face

“We do this right, we do this as safely as possible for everyone, we get them back safe, we keep you safe and we do it somewhere no people are” You paused “The statue, it’s the safest, its still under construction” Your eyes found themselves searching for a Peter that wasn’t yours “No more lives lost, no more blood on anyones hands” 

Your eyes found him. 

 “We keep you safe too” Peter 3’s voice came out firmly. 


“You said we get everyone back safe, keep Peter safe, keep the world safe but you forgot about yourself so, we keep you safe too.”

You could feel it, that metaphorical string tightening, pulling you to him. 

“Okay Parker” 

Your Peter cleared his throat “Um so we need a lab, we could break into the school but if they see us…”

“Thats to unpredictable, too many variables” The eldest Peter chimed in 

“You don’t have an Oscoprs so that’s out the window too”

“Well we had something like that but it was um, destroyed by the purple alien i was telling you about”

You laughed. 

All eyes landed on you. 

“Pete, you act like you didn’t know Stark at all, im slightly disappointed”

You walked to the front of the island with all the drawers proceeding to open one up “You really think Tony would build a safe house without a secure access to all the technology Stark had?”

“I thought this was SHIELD?” 

You started typing something into the hidden keypad “God no, it’s one of the very few they didn’t know about, Fury and Tony set it up for incidents like this’’ You gestured to everyone in the room. 

A voice boomed throughout the room “Access granted, welcome Flower child”

“Flower child?” Your Peter’s eyes were filled with amusement. 

“You shush Spider boy” 

“Mr. Starks nicknames were something else” 

“Tony was something else” You gave him a small smile before the kitchen island slowly was shifting, all 3 Peter’s moved closer to get a better look. 

As a staircase down below started to reveal itself you continued “This is where Fury hid for a bit when he” getting your air quotation ready ”’Died’, it’s also where Cap and them hid out after the whole accords situation” 

“How does one ‘die’” Peter(2) questioned 

“Fake your death” you shrugged, as you waved for them to follow you down the stairs 

“Totally normal” Peter(3) said to himself. 

Peter (2) place his hand on Peter’s(3) shoulder “Anything seems to go here”

They followed you down the stairs, you placed your hand on a glass door, it lit up green before opening up lights slowly flickered on. It was exactly as it was left. 

You could see the polaroid wall filled with pictures of the team pre thanos, and pre Accords from all the times you all would hide out here if needed. You did a b-line completely avoiding it “We have everything you’ll need to cure them” You watched as their eyes looked over everything “I won’t be any help but um he might” you pointed up. 

“The ceiling?” Peter(3) raised his eyebrow giving you a funny look

“There’s an A.I here?” Your Peter popped up

“Not just any A.I kid” You gave him a sad smile, your hands were shaky “Hey Tones, flower child here with Spider boy”

A few seconds later a familiar voice came through the speakers pulling at your beart strings “Been a hot minute, slacking without me around i see”

Peter’s mouth parted “Y/n wh-what’s going on” he was shaking his head “How?”

“When Tony found out i was hiding Steve and the rest here, he um created his own A.I” You smiled softly at the memory “Y’know to punish them further that they’d have to listen to him every day instead of Friday”

“But I thought he hated them? Why wouldn’t he turn them in?“

Your eyes looked towards the polaroid wall lingering on it longer than you’d like falling on a picture of Steve, Bucky and you. “We were a family and families fight” You shrugged “Anyway” clapping your hands together “Get to work boys!” 

You watched them all talking about who was going to create whos cure, along with small chit chat about their lives. You found yourself getting closer and closer to the wall till your feet were planted directly in front of it. Scanning through the memories. 


“Hey look what i have!” You lifted up a black polaroid camera from behind your back waving it in the air. 

You heard Steve let out a groan, where as Bucky came up planting a kiss on your cheek and taking the camera from your hand “These things just keep getting smaller and smaller”

“Dude, that’s vintage” Sam laughed “Why the polaroid y/n?”

“Well I know Bucks gonna be going to Wakanda soon, and anything can happen right?” You shrugged taking it back from Bucky “We have no pictures together, well none from this century” 

“You’re going to make us take selfies together?“

Sam almost spit out his orange juice “How do you know that term Cap?” 

Steve crossed his arms grinning “Natasha” 

“So…pictures please? I wanna add some to the wall”

Sam came up taking the camera from you “I’ll take it, scootch together”

Steve was on your left and Bucky on your right. 

“All right say… ‘Fugitives’ “

“Hey!” You laughed “I’m not a fugitive”

“Might as well be if your hanging around these two, alright say cheese”

“Cheese!” You all shouted at the same time, for the first time in years you felt at home. 

You reached out and touched the picture, you almost wished that you could get sucked back in. 

“Are you okay y/n?” Your Peter was standing beside you

“Yeah I’m fine Pete” You spoke with maybe a little too much enthusiasm 

“You don’t have to lie to me” He said, his voice low

“You have enough going on, my problems are so minor they don’t matter, it’s fine really”

“How can you say that? Your problems matter, you matter y/n”

Your eyes left his and you looked back at the polaroid pondering for a moment, letting your emotions get the better of you “If I mattered why’d they both leave?” 

“Y/n, I …”

You shook your head “Its fine, you should go help your new friends” a grin taking place on your face as you slowly started to peel the polaroids off the wall “The faster we get this done the safer it is for everyone” What you really wanted to say was the faster you send them home the lesser of a chance your heart would break with the leas time he’d be here stealing it away piece by piece. 

He opened his mouth but closed it almost immediately. You knew he wanted to talk more but it clearly wasn’t the best time. He nodded, walking back to the other two Peter’s. Your eyes followed him and you could feel the other Peter staring at you, you quickly averted your gaze back to taking the polaroids off the wall. 

A sigh escaped your lips as you went to peel the last picture off the wall, you don’t know what hurt most the hard cold truth that all of your friends in these pictures were no longer alive or the thought that you wished you could be too. 

“What are you gonna do with those?” A soft voice said lightly from behind you, shivers went up your spin. 

“I’m not sure, my suit doesn’t really have any pockets”

“I could uh web them for you, so they stay together for the time being?” He offered, he was anxiously fiddling with his hands, he just had this urge that he wanted to do anything and everything for you. 

You turned around to face him “That’s a good idea actually and then i can put them in my boot or something” You handed them to him. 

“May i?” he held the photos up, asking if he could look through them first, you gave him a nod of approval. He carefully flipped through them “Is this?” He held the photo down so you could see, it was that photo of Bucky, Steve and you. 

You smiled, “Thats Steve and that’s Bucky” 

“You three look good for being over hundred” 

You laughed “Thanks Parker, i think so to” 

He looked like he wanted to ask you something, his eyes searching yours for anything that could tell him it was a bad idea “Do you think we could um, take a picture together, so i could have it for when I’m no longer here?”

The smile that took over your face hurt your cheeks so bad “I’d love that” You reached over to the camera “But we have to take two because i want one to” 

You grabbed the camera blowing the dust off of it “I think you should hold it, you have longer arms” 

He took it from you, your hands brushing against each other, you stood next to him as he turned the camera around “Are you ready?”

“Yes, say Multiverse”

He laughed “Of course, okay 1.. 2… 3…”

“Multiverse!” You both smiled at the sametime 

You held the same pose as he clicked one more, he took one and handed it to you while he took the other, you looked up at him tilting your head to the side, you could help but smile as you watched his eyebrows crease with confusion. 

“Is there something on my face?”

“No” you laughed “I was just wondering if you had pockets because” you gestured tochis suit “It doesn’t look like it”

“Oh” he half heartedly laughed “Um i do actually, i didn’t before but i do now, see” He showed you the hidden pocket 

“Look!” You beamed showing him your picture of the two of you “It looks good”

“Yeah” He admired it, staring at you now instead of the picture  “You look beautiful”

Your head shot up to look at him, you opened your mouth to say something at least you think you would have said something back if your Peter didn’t Interrupt but the truth was how could you when he left you that flustered 

“Hey guys, we’re done over here!” He shouted while waving the two of you over. 

You both nodded “Could you web this for me?” your voice was timid like a child 

“Of course y/n” The way his name rolled off his lips felt like it should be illegal for something as simple as saying your name made you feel. He took the pictures for you, the picture of the two of you now on top of the pile instead of the one with Steve, Bucky and you. He webbed them together in a pile “Here, it should last till this is all over” 

“Thank you” You grabbed them stuffing them into the side of your combat boots 

He gave you a nod before he gestured to the other two Peters “We should”

“Yeah, we should”

“So why take the pictures with you? Wouldn’t they be safer here?” He questioned

“Well, yes technically they would but in case anything happens, I’d like to have some of my favourite people with me” You gave a side smile

He stopped, putting his arm in front of you “Woah, nothing is gonna happen to you Y/N, I’m going to make sure of that”

“I appreciate that Parker but my luck has to run out at some point I’m just preparing for every outcome” You shrugged.

He knew that feeling, the feeling after a loss of someone you love, the heartbreak of losing someone you love, that hopeless feeling followed by the numbing acceptance of not really caring what happens to yourself anymore because why does it even matter? Why should you be able to save yourself or even try to when you failed to save the one you love. His heart broke thinking of you going through that even though he knew you were, he wanted to do everything he could to pull you out of that darkness, to not let it swallow you whole like it almost did to him. “The only outcome is everyone is safe, no more losses”

You enjoyed the light to Peter, it was something that you observed every Peter had, you admired it. You hoped at some point in your life you’d be able to find that lightness again but you had this darkness inside you that kept telling you that you weren’t even going to live that long. Looking into his eyes, you could see that he was so sure, so positive that everything was going to work out and that helped put you at ease and even give you a little bit of light in all the dark “No more losses” you smiled back. 

“Nice of you two to finally join us” The eldest Peter smiled, he had a look in his eyes you couldn’t quite place it was almost like a knowing look. 

Your Peter clapped his hands “We’re just waiting for the last cure to finish but the plan I have is to take a video, send it to Jameison telling them where I am, and we wait for them to come, sounds good?” The youngest Peter looked to everyone waiting for confirmation. Everyone nodded agreeing “Good okay, I’m gonna call MJ and Ned let them know the plan and see if he can portal us there, probably easier”

Your Peter went into one of the rooms off to the side to call his best friend as the oldest Peter turned to you “So i know, i got hassled for what i was wearing so i feel it’s fair for me to hassle you.” A small grin on his face “So y/n are you going into battle dressed like you’re going to the gym or?” 

You laughed, looking down at your outfit, you had leggings on and your sports bra tank top thing you stole from Natasha years ago “Nope totally not, um i actually forgot i was still wearing this”

“You’re not cold? it’s kinda chilly down here” He questioned

“No, my body adjusts to the temperature to keep me warm”

“Of course it does, but back to the suit thing, do we need to take you somewhere to get it?”

“No, i have it here” You lifted your arms showing him the two small black bracelets on your wrist, you tapped them together once and small black nanobots started to cover your body from your neck to your ankles “See, simple” You put your arms out spinning around 

“That nano tech?” Peter 3 asked 

“Yup, Tony made it for me”

“That’s so cool”

Your Peter came back “Okay Neds gonna do it any second — Oh good y/n you finally suited up”

“How much longer till that’s done?” You gestured to the final cure, the goblins. 

“About 10 minutes give or take”

You nodded “Okay um, i’m just going to make a quick call okay?”

“Do i need to be worried about anything y/n?” You Peter’s voice was soft

“No Pete, just going to call a friend, I’ll be out front” You started walking back up the stairs, taking your phone off the counter where you left it. 

You had a plan and you weren’t even sure if it was going to work, but if it did, if you lived through this maybe this could be your second chance, if you even deserved one of those and you weren’t sure if you did but he made you feel like you did.

You still had so many loose ends in your century long life and you weren’t even sure if you’d be able to snip those ends off but all you knew is one particular string was pulling you tightly and securely in another direction while others were fraying. 

You knew you weren’t thinking logically about your plan, you weren’t even sure if he’d be okay with it or if you could pull it off but you had to try. 

You made it a good distance from the house before clicking on Sam’s name, hitting call. 



Masterlist|A/N: Will not follow NWH story line to a T, Ill try my best to stick to the MCU timeline but if I don’t, sorry!

“I love him, but I will always love you more”

Bucky was your everything, you fought teeth and nail till he was free from his own mind, so you could finally have your chance to be together, because surely the fact you were both alive in 2024 it had to be destiny.. right? But then he broke your heart and everything you thought you knew with it, will some boy from another universe be able to pick up the pieces you wanted sobadlytoburry

Chapters: Last updated 04/19/22

  1. Outoftouch
  2. Giant Lizard
  3. Multiverse
  4. The Roof
  5. Plan & Polaroids
  6. Maybe
  7. Curing

Part 5 & 6 will be up tonight!

Love You More | pt.4

Word Count: 2k

TASM!Peter x Reader, Bucky x Reader

A/N: Some TASMPeter x reader time in this one! Gotta build that bond some how, theres a teeny tiny parallel in this between both relationships bucky x reader established one and tasm!peter x reader building one, its small but got me good

Not edited or proof read!



“Should we really be leaving him Buck? I can’t help but have this feeling that —“

“Steve’s smart, he’ll be okay, i promise”

You nibbled on your nail, as Bucky led you away from the Stark expo, arm around your shoulder “I know he’s smart, i just, what if by some miracle they accept him? Then i’ll be losing both of my boys”

“Woah” He stopped in his tracks moving to stand in front of you “You’re never gonna lose me doll”

You kept your gaze down “You don’t know that Buck” your voice barely above a whisper

He placed his fingers just under your chin, guiding you to look up at him, once your eyes connected, his hand was on your cheek “I promise y/n, you will never lose me.”

“How do you know that? Y-you cant promise me that, its to unpredictable”

He grabbed your hand like it was a delicate flower “You have this” he placed it in the middle of his chest, you could feel his heart beating “You will always have this and because of that i’ll always find my way back to you doll, i promise” He held his pinky out

You nodded, connecting yours with his, a tear rolling down your cheek, you wanted to believe him so badly, you truly did but a small sliver of you knew it was too good to be true “Okay Buck”

He placed his forehead against yours “You and me till the end of the line doll”

Your legs were dangling off the roof, your phone lingering in your right hand. Your left is hovering over your heart.

Taking a deep breath you opened your call log, every single one was highlighted in red “Missed call Bucky Barnes” the last time he tried to call was over a week ago, he stopped leaving voicemails because your box was full.

You had this feeling inside you that this was gonna be your last fight, the final fight. Just like a year ago was the final fight for some of your teammates.

The phone started ringing, you held it to your ear and on the second ring you heard banging, a door shut before his voice came through the speakers “Y/n?”

You didn’t say anything your voice caught in your throat.

He could hear you breathing “Doll, please say something, anything”

Your mouth opened and shut numerous times, no words came out.

“I lov — “ He started but you never stuck around to hear the rest before hitting the big red button.

God, you were so stupid.

Two steps forward and one step back right?

Did you even take two steps forward? You had to of because this was most definitely one giant leap fucking back.

You could feel someone else coming up from behind you.

“Hey are you okay? I know we don’t know each other but i just cant help but feel a…” The tallest Peter started

“A connection” You both spoke at the same time, you watched his eyes light up and you gave him a small smile, you patted down on the roof beside you.

He eagerly accepted the invitation, you couldn’t help but shiver at the pure sunshine that radiated off of him, you could feel how pure and good he was, like your own Peter but this was different you could feel a longing for something, you could feel all the love he had to give like he was going explode at the seams but that spandex suit was holding it all together.

“I think it’s because of Peter” Your voice was soft, almost getting lost in the breeze

“Hmm?” His brows furrowed together

“The connection, it’s because of Peter. Him and I are…” Clearing your throat “Were close, and i can’t help but feel despite the different universe and all, that connection still there”

He nodded “It makes sense, definitely not the craziest idea out there”

“A couple years ago, maybe more than a couple actually. Nat, an old friend of mine, we were the only girls on the team so we’d have these girl days” You smiled at the memories “We both never got the chance to do all that girly stuff, so it was nice to just have dedicated time to that when we were not …”

“Save the world?” Peter chimed in, his dimples poking through

Laughing you continued “And we’d talk about all we all got here, to that exact moment in time, that maybe we all had these strings attached to us pulling us together. We all just had the same agenda, we all just wanted to help, to make the world a better, safer place. It was a connection we all just shared and I think that’s what made us work so well, because when that metaphorical string started to stray, it tore us apart and we lost.” You hung your head, staring at your lap “I’d like to think that connection carries through to other universe to and maybe it can pull us back together too”

He nodded “I like that idea, I don’t see why it couldn’t. When i lost Gwen, i was so mad at the universe it was so unfair but as the years went on i just kept hoping if the multiverse was real, which it clearly is” he gestured to everything around him “That if there was other me’s out there, they got there happy ending even if i didn’t, and it’s refreshing to see that they did”

“Maybe you just haven’t met your ‘MJ’ yet”

He was staring directly at the side of your face, admiring the way the moonlight shined off of it “Maybe”

“Ill manifest it for you Parker, you deserve your happy ending”

“So do you y/n”

You nodded, staying silent, watching your Peter lead Mj and Ned to the start of the tree line.

“You never answered my question y/n, are you okay?”

A shaky breath left your throat “Honestly? I dont think ill ever be okay, i’m not even sure if i even wanna bother trying, because i keep trying and trying to do good, to save people” You sighed feeling water well up in your eyes, as you turned to look at him “I’ve just had enough, i know this is selfish, i do but i’ve been giving for years” A tear rolled down your cheek “And i-i just wanna take, why can’t i have that” You pointed towards Peter, MJ and Ned who were hugging goodbye before they stepped through the portal that would keep them safe.

“I ask myself the same thing all the time, more so now that I’m here and see both the other Peters have someone, they made it work” He was fiddling with his hands “I keep wondering, racking my brain to where i went wrong”

You nodded in agreement wiping your tear away “Love just isn’t enough sometimes i guess”

He swallowed back all the thoughts of Gwen that were threatening to spill over “It should be though, why isn’t it?”

You shrugged placing a piece of hair behind your ear “I’ve been asking myself that for years”

He smiled down at his lap, this was so easy with you he thought “Yeah i heard, your old like old old” he tried lightening the mood

You laughed tossing your head back, as you bumped his shoulder with yours “You might be from a different universe but that’s not how we talk to the ladies here”

He was flirting, he doesn’t even remember the last time he flirted with someone but he knew for sure he wanted to hear that laugh again.

He laughed with you, raising his hands in defeat “Sorry sorry, my bad, i forget sometimes, it’s been awhile”

“I’ll let it slide just this once because you are right, I am old, who told you? Pete or his sidekick”

“His sidekick”

“See that’s why i don’t have one of those” You laughed “why? you wanna know my story or something?”

“I mean i can’t help but be curious about the most beautiful girl here”

You smiled, a blush creeping on your cheeks “Parker, if you haven’t noticed I’m the only girl here” you gestured to the surrounding area now that MJ was gone.

He cleared his throat before giving you a shy smile “I meant in this universe”

You head snapped forward and a gust a wind blew by causing shivers up your spine

He laughed “Was that you cause i’m thinking that was y —“

“You wanna hear it or you gonna keep talking?” Your tone was playful, a grin took over his face not that it ever left you dont think, he turned his whole body, sitting crossed legged to face you, his head resting in his right palm, as the stars shone off his eyes, you swallowed, your mouth suddenly dry “Well i was born June 3rd 1920, in New York. Um I met Bucky and Steve in 1930, we were inseparable yknow, Bucky and Steve went off to war, both perished or so we thought, obviously wasn’t true”

You were leaving out a lot but it wasn’t because you didn’t trust Peter you had just met him only hours earlier but because you were scared, that burning feeling was melting your heart back together, you were scared because it was happening too fast, too easily “After i found out about Steve it was 1945, i just remember running to our spot, i cried for hours, i must have fallen asleep, the next morning, i woke up here” You pointed to the house below you “And it was 2012”

His mouth dropped “And w-what about your powers?”

You shrugged “I woke up with those to, Bruce, um a really really smart man, he said i must have been born with it, something about my family’s bloodline and that traumatic event triggered it and” you used your hand to gesture to everything “mother nature felt i needed to be protected because whatever i have is sacred, or that i wasn’t needed yet because everyone has a purpose, a timeline and this was mine i guess”

“Like your destiny”

You nodded “Something like that”

He lifted his head out of his palm “So let me get this straight, you” he pointed at you “Plus your two best friends all born over a hundred years ago, all happened to get super powers, and miraculously cross paths again in the 20th century?”

“Yup” you smiled popping the P

He made the gesture of his mind exploding with a whooshing noise “My universe is so lame compared to yours”

“I dont think thats a bad thing, plus can’t be that boring it has you” This time you seen his face colour change to match the red on his suit

“That was smooth y/n, So where’s your other two hundred year old friends?” He could feel your heart rate speed up, you started to shift, fuck he thought, he went too far “You dont have to anwser that im sor -“

You put your hand up “Its fine, um Steve went back to the 1940s to be with Peggy, a girl, And Bucky he’s still here we just, we don’t talk anymore” You shrugged

His mouth went lopsided “Im sorry y/n”

“Its fine”

“You say that a lot”

“Because everything is fine, it’s always fine”

He placed his hand on yours that was resting in your lap “You deserve —“

A cough came from below “Hey are you two coming? I have a plan!” Your Peter was sticking his head out the window below.

Peter 3 pulled his hand off your almost immediately “Yeah, yup were coming”

“Cool” Your Peter gave you a thumbs up before pulling his head back inside the window.

“I forgot to ask” Peter 3 started, offering a hand to pull you up, you gladly took “How did you even get up here?”

“Um the air?”

“The air?”

“Yeah like i just” You moved your hands around him and he was suddenly floating

“Holy shit”

You laughed putting him back down.

“You have got to be the most amazing girl i’ve ever met, that was wow, you have to show me more”

“I will”

“You promise?” He held his pinky out

“I promise”

Love You More | pt.3

Word Count:1.2k

A/N: Just a short one but a nice filler, I hate writing for some many characters so I just wanted to get rid of Ned and MJ lmao

Not edited or proof read.


The door clicked shut, the rain stopped pattering on the windows, but god was the air in here thick. You don’t know why you were surprised being stuck in a room with two Peters, it was of course going to be awkward, it was in their nature. 

“So, you have super powers?”

You looked away from the door landing on the voice of the Spider man that stitched you up “Yup” 

“That’s so cool” He grinned, his eyes lighting up like a child on christmas, it made something warm run through your veins. 

“I mean, you have ’super powers’ too” 

He nodded “Yes but, i hear your’s are better”

You let a smile take over your face “Well, too bad we couldn’t swap for a day to put that theory to the test”

“Crazier things have happened” The older Spiderman in the corner pipped in. 

“Yeah, what’s going on?” you gesture between them

“Well, i can’t tell you, your Peter’s side but i was just doing my nightly patrol and next thing i knew it was day time,  i was here, and it wasn’t my New York anymore” 

You turned your head to the older Peter “About the same for me, i wasn’t doing patrol though, can i ask you something?”

“Yeah of course”

“Do you know how time works here? Because I have someone back home - in my universe, and it’s always been almost a full day since –” 

“A full day? You’ve been here twenty four hours already?” You stood up clutching your side, walking towards the window. 

The two Peters looked frantically at each other like they just got your Peter in trouble. 

“H-he tried to call you earlier but we told him n-not t —“

You peaked over your shoulder “Lying for him already Parker?“ 

“W-what no!” 

You tried to open the window but struggled because of your wound, tall Peter rushed over to help you. He moved to

lean against the window sill as you stuck your hand outside, closing your eyes “Time moves faster here, a minute there is an hour here, vise versa” Your eyes shot open, they were glowing white. 

“Holy shi -“ The Peters spoke together, their voices blending as you listened to the universe, your universe. 

The door opened and your Peter rushed in, followed by Ned and MJ, the hairs on the back of his neck stood up. His senses are going off the chart “What’s going on?!” he frantically looked around till he zeroed in on you. Eyes white, with your hand out the window vibrating ever so slightly. 

“We don’t know, she wanted the window open then she stuck her hand out, closed her eyes said something about time here and boom, her eyes were white” 

Your Peter rushed over to you, being careful because of your wound, slightly shaking you “Y/n?! Y/n?! What’s going on?”

You could hear the chatter around you, making out the sound waves of each voice but your consciousness was to far gone to fully hear what was going on but you could sense the anxiety in the room but you were so close so you kept going till you saw it. 

The multiverse was breaking apart, tearing at the seams. You could see each crack in the timeline, each cracking coming from your universe and Peter took part in delivering the final blow. 

You heard a small voice that you could make out Peter’s, your Peters “You’re scaring me y/n, please stop”

Your eyes closed shut before reopening focusing on everyone in the room, as you tried to keep your balance. 

“What was that?” Peter’s voice was quiet

“The multiverse is shattered” You voice was quiet, in complete disbelief of how reckless you all were.

Your Peter placed his hands on his hips “Well, yeah” he gestured to the two other Spiderman’s standing behind him “That’s why they’re here”

“No Pete, that’s not at all what i meant” You ran your hand through your hair “God this is so bad Peter, have you heard from Strange?” 

Peter turned to look at Ned and MJ, all of their faces had guilt written all over them “About that” 

“What’d you do Pete? I need the full story now, this is so bad” 

Peter 3 stepped from out behind your Peter “I hate to interrupt but your bleeding, you must of ripped your stitches” 

You looked down and sure enough you were bleeding through your bandages “Screw this” you mumbled, ripping the white wrap off, you started pulling out stitches, holding back your tears.

“Woah woah woah, no no” . Fluffy hair Peter started waving his hands at you.

Your Peter put his hand out to stop him “No shes gonna heal them”

“How is that” he pointed towards you ripping out the final stitch “Gonna heal them”

“Just watch”

And he did, they all did as you closed your eyes, a small humming noise came from your throat, only the three with heightened senses picked it up as a glow started to illuminate from your hands, you skin started glowing around the claw marks in your skin and it slowly started to mend back together, leaving scars in there place.

Your Peter moved to stand by you because he knew after this was done you were going to be exhausted, last time this happened Peter almost didn’t catch you as you were falling from the side of a building after you finished healing Tony. 

“Holy shit” 

“Yeah, what he said?” The eldest Peter pointed towards Peter 3, stunned.

Your eyes opened and you started leaning backwards but a firm figure caught you “Thanks Pete”

“Let’s get you to the couch, i have a lot to tell you”

“That you do”

“That was so cool Miss. Y/L/N!”

You chuckled sitting on the couch “Thanks Ned”

“So, start talking” 

And he did, like he always did, everything meshed into one giant sentence but you’ve known Peter long enough to sort the story out in your head.

Rubbing your temples “You’re telling me Strange, our Doctor Strange cast a spell for you, because everyone knows who you are and you couldn’t get into MIT because of it? And everyone that knows Peter Parker is Spiderman from other universes, is here?”

He nodded “Its not as bad as it sounds, I have a plan”

You ignored him, your mind racing to try and put the pieces together “Wait, so where is Strange?”

“Well um, i kind of left him in the Mirror Dimension” 

“I can’t believe this” You placed your head in your hands, shaking your head

“I know its bad y/n, I messed up so bad, but I’m gonn –”

You stood up, heading towards the door, you were about to have a full blown panic attack and the only person you wanted to call right now was Bucky, and you knew you couldn’t do that, you shouldn’t do that but you were going to cave.

“Y/n, please don’t go i need your help, i do - “

‘“I’m not gonna leave you Pete, I promise. I just need a minute, this is a lot.” You reached for his shoulder giving it a small squeeze “Plus you need to get them” you pointed at Ned and MJ “Somewhere safe, and that isn’t here”

MJ started shaking her head “Nuh huh, were staying right here”

You peaked over his shoulder towards them “Unless either of you have any super powers, or abilities i’m not aware of then you go, i’m not gonna be responsible for someone else’s blood on my hands” with that you shut the door behind you, making your way to the roof. 

“She’s so cool” Ned breathed out

MJ turned to him “She just kicked us out”

Ned nodded vigorously “Yeah, we just got kicked out of an Avenger safe house by an Avenger, so cool”

She gave a small smile “Kinda cool” 

Peter 1 turned towards them “She’s right though, you guys should go somewhere that isn’t anywhere near all of this”

“I can portal us to my Lola’s”

MJ lifted up Doctor Strange’s box “But were taking this with us”


Masterlist|A/N: Will not follow NWH story line to a T, Ill try my best to stick to the MCU timeline but if I don’t, sorry!

“I love him, but I will always love you more”

Bucky was your everything, you fought teeth and nail till he was free from his own mind, so you could finally have your chance to be together, because surely the fact you were both alive in 2024 it had to be destiny.. right? But then he broke your heart and everything you thought you knew with it, will some boy from another universe be able to pick up the pieces you wanted sobadlytoburry

Chapters: Last updated 04/25/22

  1. Outoftouch
  2. Giant Lizard
  3. Multiverse
  4. Promise
  5. Plan & Polaroids
  6. Headlines
  7. Another lifetime
  8. The Truth
  9. Curing
  10. Another World
  11. Second chances
  12. Who’s Peter?

Love You More | pt.2

TASM!Peter Parker x reader (eventually), Bucky x reader (Past)

Word Count: 2.7k

Warnings: Angst, swearing, slow burn

A/N: This is gonna be a somewhat of a slow burn with TASM!Peter and the reader! But sometimes when y'know, y'know. 

Never proof read or edited when I first upload lol im a lazy pos.

Enjoy x



“You can’t honestly be thinking of signing this y/n?” Steve was pacing as he held up the Sokovia Accords. 

What’s so bad about wanting to keep this” you pointed to all the Avengers in the room “Together, we do this together but i think the best way to fight those is to stay together, so we figure a way out“

“One hand on the wheel” Natasha smiled, nodding towards you

Steve ignored her “Y/n, if we sign these we’d be signing ourselves over to people like Hydra, the ones that took Bucky”

“How dare you bring Bucky into this” You pointed at Steve “This has nothing to do with him!”

He dropped the accords on the table “This has everything to do with him, he wouldn’t want you to sign this y/n! I don’t want you to sign this, we’re all we have left!” His features softened when he watched you flitch at his tone, lowering his voice he continued “Which is why we gotta stay together y/n”

“Give me a break Cap” Tony placed his drink down pinching his nose “If Y/n wants to sign let her sign” He came over and gave your shoulder a squeeze “At least one of you old timers seems to have a solid head on their shoulders”

Steve’s jaw clenched “Governments are run by people with agendas, and agendas change.”


“Are you sure this is it? Its like in the middle of nowhere” 

You nodded, grabbing cash out of your pocket “Yeah, this is it”

“I can take you further if you want”

Giving him a $100 bill, you shook your head “Its fine, thank you”

“Superheroes,” he muttered under his breath before driving back down the mainroad. 

You watched the lights fade as you started walking forward, the gravel road crunching under your shoes.

You always loved nature, even before you found out what you were capable of. It was always a safe space for you, no judgement, just peace and quiet. You always wondered if maybe that was why you were gifted the way you were, your Grandmother before she passed when you were 10 she used to tell you all the time about how you were destined for great things, that she saw the life you were destined to live, and she told you to keep pushing through that the sun would shine upon you. 

At the time you thought it was due to old age because that was crazy, but it turns out it wasn’t but you were still waiting for the sun to shine because all you could see was clouds and even now out in nature your mind was plagued with old memories invading your every thought, and never usually the good kind. 

The Accords were what tore the team apart and you couldn’t help but think if you wouldnt of signed them then maybe things between Bucky and you would have been different, maybe Steve wouldn’t have left and maybe you wouldn’t be as alone as you were now. .

You were jittering, wrapping your arms around yourself to comfort you from your own mind. 

Why were you so anxious? It was just Peter, young sweet Peter. 

Peter Parker the one you haven’t seen or reached out to since Tony’s funeral and that was what 7 or 8 months ago, it had to have been almost a year. Time was flying by and you were doing nothing but watching it. 

You should have checked up on him, it’s what Tony wanted you to do, he didn’t ask anything of you in his letter to you from his will he pretty much handed over ‘Superhero parent guardianship over the creepy crawler’ to you and you failed him. 

But you had to try to give yourself the benefit of the doubt right? Because you were on your way to help him now, that has to count for something. And Tony didn’t know Steve was going to leave and Bucky was going to take half of you with him, abandoning the rest on the side of the road like excess baggage. 

Your thoughts were loud but nothing was as loud as the rustling you heard coming from the bushes. 

You froze “Who’s there” you lifted your hand up letting it illuminate light so you could see better “I’m not going to ask again”

You used your other hand to wave the trees to sway to the left, you saw glowing eyes staring back at you “Is that a threat?” was all your heard before a giant fucking lizard charged at you, his claw got your side before you had time to react fully. 

“What the — “ You screamed, using the air around you to swirl around whatever the heck that thing was, lifting him off the ground and sending it far away from you. You heard it shouting at you as strong gusts of wind carried the creature with it. 

You laid there clutching your side, panting. Staring up at the stars “Was that my punishment for not checking up on Pete?” You asked absolutely no one, but a small breeze made the bushes to the right of you sway, showing a dim light illuminating in the distance. 

The house.

You grunted pushing yourself up “Was totally my punishment” you mumbled under your breath, as you limped towards the house. 

“We could ask for more help” 

“We have 3 Spidermans. What more help could we use?”

Ned shrugged “Other Avengers, there still some left with cool powers”

Peter 2 and 3 shared a confused look “Avengers?” Peter 2 questioned. 

Peter 1’s eyes opened in shock “Neither of you have the Avengers?” he pointed between them “Thor? Captain America? Iron man?” 

Peter 3 shook his head “Are they a band? Those are some awesome names”

Peter shook his head vigorously “No there earth’s mightiest heroes! I can’t believe you don’t have them”

The older Peter stepped forward “Will they help us? The more the merrier”

Ned cleared his throat “Well, lots of them are uh dead after Thanos, or off world, retired or gone rogue” he paused “But I know there’s for sure three that could help!”

The youngest Peter brought his eyebrows together “H-how do you know that?”

He shrugged “I tapped into one of your phone calls with Happy by accident”

“We’ll deal with that later but i could ask Y/n but i don’t know if she’ll answer she’s been distant since Mr.Stark” 

“Drama in the superhero world?” Ned asked eagerly crossing his arms

“What about the other two?” Peter 3 questioned, ignoring Ned. 

“I’m not, um close with them, I kicked their bu - ass’s one time in a fight and well i just don’t think that would go over very well”

Peter reached into his pocket grabbing his phone, staring at your number, he was hesitant he hasn’t spoken to you in months. It almost felt wrong bringing you into his mess, a mess that wouldn’t have happened if he went to you first.

“Hey Pete, you don’t have to do this” MJ reached over placing her hand in his

He gave her a soft smile “Yeah i do” he pressed on your number, it rang a few times he didn’t expect you to answer so fast “Y/n, I-I need your help, i mes -” he got up, leaving the room.

“So, Avengers” The older Peter tried to ease the silence after Peter 1 left

“Yeah what kind of powers does y/n have? Is she super strong, or fast, or is she magic too?”  Peter 3 quipped excitedly 

“Oh she has the coolest powers!” Ned started his eyes wide with excitement “She controls everything”

“Everything?” The Peters said in together

“Yeah like, the elements she can do whatever she wants with them, or like everything that has matter i think, i’m honestly not really sure that’s just what i’ve seen online” He shrugged casual 

“That sure is something” The eldest Peter said in awe

“How do you get powers like that? Like did she get knocked over by the wind or something” Peter 3 quipped 

“Uh no it’s actually super sad and complicated, they have her story in the smithsonian Peter knows it better then me, he wouldn’t stop bugging her for months about it, i think she was chosen? like by the earth or nature like the earth incubated her in the 40s after Captain America died, then she just showed up out of -“.

This universe Peter entered the room, Ned stopped talking almost immediately. Peter kept his phone in his hand, his eyes still lingering on it, he didn’t have to have the senses he did to know all the eyes were on him awaiting an answer, he cleared his throat “She’s on her way”

“That’s great! I’ve always wanted to meet her, this is so cool she’s like my 3rd favourite Avenger, well i guess she’s first now ever since –” 

“Ned.” MJ glared at him, nudging him to stop.

“Oh, sorry dude”

Peter 1 waved it off “Just don’t bring up the Avengers okay? Especially Captain America and Sergeant Barnes, Please” His eyes looked over everyone, he received nods from everyone even though two of them in the room had no idea who they were. He knew Steve leaving was hard on you, that’s what Happy kept telling him about why you needed space from everything but then Peter read online about how the Falcon and Winter soldier were doing missions together and you weren’t there. So he knew something more was going on. 

He sighed, rubbing his hands down his face, hoping that with y/n helping a weight would be lifted off his shoulders. 

“You know you can talk to us right? I mean at the end of all this we won’t even be here in this universe anymore, and we don’t even know any of these people so we are not biassed towards anyone” Peter 3 offered a kind smile.

Peter thought about it before opening his mouth “It’s just there’s no one left, before it was so amazing, the avengers we were such a good team, i mean from the experience i have and i was only close with Mr. Stark and Y/N but from the stories they told me it was just like the best and now its all gone, everyones well gone” He paused before taking a seat on the couch next to MJ “There’s only a handful of us left and were divided again, not that we were even a team to start with and i just feel this weight on my shoulders, like i have these shoes to fill, there big shoes, and I know everyone has their own things to deal with and y/n has a lot going on, but i should have called her sooner, it’s just a mess, everything is a mess” he paused looking up at everyone “I have to fix it”

Before anyone could respond there was a knock at the door, Peter paused jumping off the chair “That must be her” he walked towards the door.

“That was oddly fast” Peter 3 spoke to no one in particular 

“They’re called super heros for a reason” Ned laughed

Peter took a big breath before opening the door revealing you clutching your side “Hi Pete” you offered him a smile that most certainly did not reach your eyes.

His eyes shot down to your side, he quickly ushered you inside “W-what happened? Your bleeding” He wrapped his arm around your waist as you hobbled further inside.

“You weren’t kidding” You let out an airy laugh as your eyes scanned the room, just as you rounded the corner, 8 pairs of eyes peering into you. 

“Are you okay?” An older gentleman wearing a suit shot up.

“Yeah there’s just like a giant lizard running around, and I was just not paying attention, distracted” you gestured to your head. ”It’s fine really, I just need the first aid kit over there” You pointed towards the bathroom.

The tallest Spider Man wasted no time in running over to retrieve it, as you took your arm off your side, you unzipped your jacket, your white shirt was now stained red.

“Why weren’t you wearing your suit y/n!” Your Peter raised his voice slightly “Mr. Stark said —“

“Do you wear yours everywhere you go?” You cut him off giving  him a slight shove “And i do have it” you raised your arm showing him the bracelet around your left wrist “I just didn’t have time to activate it because i was caught off guard by a giant lizard” you took your white top off, just in your black sports bra now “Oh wow he got me good” 2 big gashes a couple inches long grazed your side. 

The middle Peter was frantically going through the kit “I’m so sorry, i’ve been there” he pointed at your wound “It sucks, c- can i?”

You nodded, as he started to disinfect the wound “So this is quite a mess hey”

His eyes shot down to his feet “I know, I’m so –”

You put your hand up “Don’t apologise Pete, people make mistakes things happen, it’s okay” a shaky breath left your throat as the middle Peter brought out a needle to stitch you up.

“How can you say that? This is all my fault”

“We all make mistakes, but we fix them or we try our best to, that’s what matters”

“Mr. Stark would have been so mad at me” 

“Yeah, he would have been” Peter’s eyes suddenly left yours, you reached your hand out to grab his “But he made so many mistakes to Pete, please stop being so hard on yourself, nobody’s perfect” 

“An Avenger should be, i need to do better”

You smiled “The Avengers were far from perfect, they are probably the most imperfect group of heroes ever”  Peter 3 was now bandaging your side, he gave you a slight nod as he finished. 

“Thank you” You gave him the best smile you could but he didn’t even have to know you like your Peter did to see how it didn’t reach your eyes. 

He felt flustered for the first time in a long time as your big ocean eyes stared into his, he scratched the back of his head “It’s not a problem really, he is my villain and all” he felt his heart slightly break as you turned to face your Peter again. 

“So, are you gonna fill me in i have no idea what’s going on and why there’s two other versions of you standing in a safe house i swore id never come back to” 

Peter’s mouth felt open as he looked around and he pointed at the ground “This is the…?” He trailed off knowing if his thoughts were true he wouldn’t need to finish

You nodded before you could answer another voice piped in. 

“Wait, you don’t know what’s going on? You haven’t seen the news but your an Ave —“ 

“Ned” Peter’s and MJ voices meshed into one

Peters eyes looked back to you, you could see the sincerity in them “It’s fine Pete, uh no i haven’t seen the news, i’ve been out of the loop for awhile” You could feel your heart rate rise as it suddenly started raining outside, all eyes were on you as you swallowed the lump in your throat, 3 people in this room could surely hear how your heart rate picked up and 1 for sure knew that the rain outside wasn’t a confidence. 

You could tell Peter was having an internal battle with himself, he reached out and gave your hand a squeeze before turning to his two friends “Can i uh, talk to you two outside?” 

“Us?” MJ pointed between Ned and her 

Peter nodded, walking towards the front door. 

“But it’s raining” 

Peters eyes went back to you “Not for long”

The two of them reluctantly got up, you closed your eyes again, you haven’t been so out of control of your powers in a long time, you were better than this, but were you really? 

You couldn’t think of a good memory anymore to calm you down because they were all tainted. 
