#tom holland x reader


(un)expected | tom holland x reader

pairing: actor! tom holland x pregnant! reader

warnings: none. after all their hardship, just pure fluff for once.

a/n:thank you all for everything, and for sticking by these two xx this was my fr passion project, i loved writing every part of it ❤️

“I’ve not been this nervous in a while,” you let out as you lean back in the backseat of the car.

A hand covers yours, which is laying on your lap, entwining your fingers together.

“I was this nervous yesterday,” Tom blurts out, and you let out a snort, turning your head to give him a questioning look. “I’m nervous all the time really, so I haven’t really noticed the extra stress,”

“You get nervous? You’re a movie star,” you say matter of factly, raising a disbelieving eyebrow, and Tom chuckles, shrugging.

“Dunno, but I do,” he admits, “So don’t worry… it’s only your wedding,”

“Weddingreception,” you correct him, “As far as god and the government are concerned, you’re my bitch now,”

Tom lets out a bark of laughter, shaking his head before pinching your side playfully.

“I’d contest this, but it’s kind of true, so…” Tom says, grimacing, and you laugh, before leaning in to kiss him gently.

“I don’t mind it,” you whisper against his lips, and Tom makes a contented sound as he smiles into the kiss.

After a second, you pull away, and your face immediately falls into an annoyed expression, letting out a plaintive groan.

“I can’t believe we now have to coordinate 6 unabridged hours of family interaction and the sheer amount of people we invited,” you whine, frowning, “Marrying you was the easy part, trustme,”

“Oh was it? Well I thank you for your contribution then,” Tom jokes, “And you’re the one who insisted on a big party,”

You let out a sound as your turn around, leaning your back against his chest as you lay sprawled on the spacious backseat of the car, the train of your dress bunching in the footwell, but you don’t care much. “I do love a good party,”

Tom chuckles as he wraps you completely in his arms, hand entwining with yours and resting on your sternum. Your head is angled to one side, his leaning over your shoulder as he presses a kiss to your temple.

“Have I ever told you how beautiful you look in this dress?” he says quietly in your ear, and you give a laughing hum.

Mmh, a few times, yes,” you muse, feeling his chest vibrate as he chuckles lowly.

 “Well you won’t mind if I say it again because I swear I almost wept when I saw you,”

“Youtotally sobbed,” you say, frowning playfully as you turn around to give him a disbelieving look, and he grimaces.

“Yeah, like a baby,” he admits with a smile, and you laugh, turning back and leaning into him, taking a deep breath.

Your dress had been a whole affair. It had taken a long while of looking with Beth before you’d found a dress you knew was the one, but after noticing it was way out of your price range, you’d done a quick 180 and chosen a much simpler and cheaper one, much to Beth’s utter horror. After all, given you didn’t want to spend your life savings on your wedding dress. When you’d gone back to buy the thing after thinking on it, you’d found that the difference for the other dress had been paid for already, and all they needed to do was to take measurements and make the appropriate alterations.

When you’d confronted Tom about it, he’d folded like a cheap suit and confessed that Beth had sent a sneaky picture of the dress to his parents and your dad and they’d banded together to pay the difference. Tom had offered, but Beth and staunchly refused to show him a picture of the dress, partly out of tradition, partly knowing you would never let Tom pay for your dress. While you thought it was a rather extravagant gift, you’d just accepted it and been grateful, because let’s face it, you only ever get onewedding.

You sit in silence for a second, just enjoying each other’s company after the bustle of the ceremony and the upcoming reception you know will be packed.

Tom was right. You’d suggested a private, minimal ceremony for just you and your closest family and friends, and then a big party after. You’d never passed up an opportunity to party, especially now you were out of med school and starting speciality training, which meant you were about to become very busy. You and Tom had spent a long time thinking about whether or not to even get married and potentially start a family, but eventually you’d worked out it was manageable.

“The look on my Aunt Ida’s face when I tell her I’m pregnant out of wedlock a second time is going to be worth it all,” you sighs, suppressing a chuckle.

“Not technically out of wedlock anymore,” Tom hums against your skin, and you chuckle, nodding, before turning your head and kissing him.

“Thatis true,” you affirm, smiling, before you feel the car roll to a stop.

“What do you say?” Tom whispers, “Shall we go in, wife?”

You take a deep breath, sitting up and smoothing out your dress, before turning to Tom and holding your hand out to him, giving him a brilliant smile.

“Weshall, husband,”

thank you all x


pairing/AU: university AU – student!tom holland x female student!reader

summary: there’s this girl in tom’s class that he can’t seem to get out of his head. she’s pretty, funny and kind, and every time she looks at him, he gets weak in his knees. but he can’t seem to find the courage to ask her out. not until a friday night uni party turns into the best night of his life

warnings:lovesick tom (like super lovesick), fluff, mentions and drinking ofalcohol, swearing

word count:6.1k

a/n: this story is heavily inspired by the two songs powders by alt-j and don’t delete the kisses by wolf alice so i’d recommend giving them a listen if you haven’t heard them before. both songs are super soft and i wanted to capture that in my fic. this is also my first attempt at writing from tom’s perspective, so we’ll see how that’s gonna go. english is not my first language so if you see any spelling/grammar mistakes, no you didn’t (also i’m not a writer)


Tom’s backpack felt heavy on his back as he stepped inside Professor Larsen’s auditorium. He really didn’t want to be here at 8am on a Monday morning for a three-hour lecture, and he especially didn’t want to be here this Monday morning. Everything that could go wrong had gone wrong today, and it was only 8am. He’d snoozed his alarm a few times too many this morning – leaving him short on time to get ready. He hadn’t had the chance to eat any breakfast either, since his roommate and best friend Harrison hadn’t done the food shop he’d promised to do during the weekend, leaving their shared kitchen snubbed of anything resembling breakfast food. They didn’t even have bread! To make matters worse, when Tom stepped foot outside his flat and into the rainy London air, his bus had driven passed, splashing and soaking him in puddle water, and making him late for class.

So here he was in Professor Larsen’s auditorium. Fifteen minutes late, stomach screaming out for food, and his clothes soaked through to the bone. He quietly made his way down the stairs, careful not to draw any attention to himself and interrupting the class. Half-way down the stairs he found the blond head of hair belonging to his best friend. He sat down with a huff at the end seat, giving Harrison an annoyed look.

Whydid you leave without me? And why didn’t you do the food shop this weekend? It’s yourturn!”, Tom harshly whispered to his friend.

“Wow, someone clearly woke up on the wrong side of the bed today…”, Harrison’s whisper trailed off when he saw Tom’s soaked clothes. “Wait, what happened to you?”

“Whathappened to me!? A bus splashed puddle water all over me is what happened to me!”, Tom scream whispered back. Just as Harrison was about to answer Tom, a hush and a “Can you guys be quiet?” came from the row behind them.

Tom felt anger bubbling inside of him. It really wasn’t like him, what he was about to do, but this day was testing his patience. He quickly turned around, ready to curse this person out, but when he saw the girl sitting right behind him, all his anger simmered down.

He felt like he’d been punched in the gut. She was breathtakingly beautiful. Looking at this girl he felt like all air had left his lungs, like he’d run a marathon and now needed to catch his breath. When she locked eyes with him, one eyebrow raised waiting for an answer, Tom felt his cheeks warm up. “Yeah… ehm…sorry”, he softly whispered before he slowly turned around in his seat, ears burning. When did he get this shy?

The first hour of the lecture Tom had a hard time focusing on anything Professor Larsen said. His thoughts wandering to the girl behind him. Who was this girl? And why hadn’t he seen her before? He pondered.He was well over a month into the fall semester already, and he’d been an uncharacteristically good student these first four weeks, showing up for all his classes. He should have seen her in this class!

“Okay you guys! It’s 09.15 so I think it’s time to take a break. Be back here in 15 minutes!”, Professor Larsen’s voice brought Tom back to reality. He had been lost in his thoughts. Beside him Harrison stood to his feet. “I’m gonna go get a coffee in the canteen”, he said. “I’ll come with”, Tom mumbled as he quickly shut his laptop, where his blank word document had stared back at him for the past hour.

When Tom got up from his seat, he saw that you’d done the same. You had your back turned, chatting with another girl on the row behind you while you waited for your friend beside you to gather her things. When he passed you, while climbing the auditorium stairs, he quickly nodded his head in your direction asking Harrison: “Do you know who that girl is?”

Harrison turned his head following Tom’s eyes, “Who? Y/n?”

“Y/n?”, Tom questioned.

“Yeah, y/n! She was in Professor Stanley’s class last semester, and in Professor Nguyen’s class our first semester. She’s always hanging out with Amira and Sophie”

“Sophie? As in…”,

“Max’s girlfriend”, Harrison finished Tom’s sentence.

This new information puzzled Tom. How has he never seen this girl before? You had a lot of mutual friends. He’d done a group project with Amira in Professor Nguyen’s class, and he hangs out with Max all the time.

15 minutes later, back in the auditorium, Tom quickly gave up on listening to Professor Larsen. He couldn’t get you out of his head, constantly fighting the urge to turn around in his seat to steal a glance at you. When the class was over, he’d decided that he’s was going to talk to you. But when he turned around after gathering his things, you had looked at him while giving him a warm smile making his mind go blank. He stood paralyzed watching you quickly put your stuff away in your tote bag as he searched the depth of his mind for something to say to you. But before he could find something to say, Harrison nudged his arm, urging Tom get a move on.

The rest of the week you plagued Tom’s mind. He’d memorized how you’d looked that day, and the smile you’d sent him had replayed in his mind a million times. How awkwardly he had stood watching you, struggling to find something to say, had also replayed in his mind a million times, making him cringe at himself wishing the ground could have swallowed him up where he stood. He really wanted to get to know you. He really wanted to ask you out. There was just something about you that drew him in. Something he’s never felt before. You made him nervous – something he never got around girls. Tom had always been well aware of how a lot of girls wanted him. And ever since he started university two years ago, he’d had no problem finding a girl for a one-night stand after a drunken night. But this, you. The thought of talking to you, made him feel like an insecure twelve-year-old boy again.

When Monday rolled around again Tom strutted confidently into the auditorium for Professor Larsen’s 8am class. He had a plan. He was going to talk to you today. When he saw you seated in the same spot where you’d sat last Monday, next to Sophie, he quickly snagged the seat behind you. When the first break rolled around it was go time! The plan was to be set in motion. He was going to say hi to Sophie, hoping she would introduce him to you, and then ask if they wanted to join him in buying a cup of coffee in the canteen. Sophie was his way in. It was a solid plan! What could go wrong?

He spoke too soon… he chickened out is what could go wrong! The kind smile you sent him as you stood from your seat turned his brain to mush and he couldn’t do anything other than send you a lovestruck smile back. He was sure that if someone asked him what his name was in that moment, he wouldn’t be able to tell them. So… his plan had failed – but next Monday, that’s when he’ll talk to you!


Hedidn’t. He chickened out, again! After chickening out the fifth week in a row – Tom thought to himself that this was getting ridiculous. What was going on with him? He had never been this shy when it came to a girl. Harrison had caught on three weeks in when Tom had asked a little too many of what Tom had thought was subtle questions about you.

“Why don’t you just get her number from the class group chat and send her a text if you’re such a coward?”, he’d teasingly posed. “Ask her if she wants to study together or something? God knows you need it if you’re gonna pass Professor Larsen’s class. You’re too busy staring at her like a creep to hear a single thing of what Larsen’s talking about”

“I don’t stare at her!”, Tom said defensibly, “…and I’m not a creep!”

“No, you’re right! You’re not a creep, you’re a weirdo”, a teasing smile danced over Harrison’s lips.

“Fuck you!”, Tom shoved Harrison’s shoulder as he mumbled “and stop quoting Radiohead you pretentious fuck”. But maybe Harrison had a point? He could just text you, right? But what would he say?

“hi, this is tom. i sit behind you in professor larsen’s class. i got your number from the class group chat and i was wondering if you wanted to hang out sometime? xxx”

He reread the message he’d typed out in the notes app. Did he come off to strong? Maybe it’s the kisses at the end? He deleted them. Then he typed and retyped the massage a hundred times, but he knew in the end, he would never send it. Instead, he continued showing up to Professor Larsen’s class to sit behind the most beautiful girl he’s ever seen, hoping that this was the Monday he’d grow some balls and finally talk to you.


The strong scent of the perfumery hit him like a brick wall, making him feel a little light-headed as he stepped inside the store. It was late November, but the perfumery had already put up their Christmas decorations and signs advertising their holiday sales. Tom adjusted his beanie and unbuttoned his winter jacket before he fished out his phone from his pocket. He searched through his messages until he found the one from his mother telling him what to buy for his little brother Paddy’s birthday. He wanted a cologne apparently. Why his fourteen-year-old brother wished for cologne for his birthday he did not understand, but Tom trusted his mother’s intuition.

“Hi welcome, do you want some help?”, a sweet voice asked. He was about to tell the voice that he’d be fine without any help, but when he looked up from his phone, he was met with your kind eyes.

“Oh… ehm… yes! I’m looking for this co-co-cologne?”, he stuttered out as he held up his phone showing a picture his mother had sent him of the cologne his brother wanted. He could feel a flush of warmth travel to his cheeks as you leaned in a little to get a better look at his phone.

“Oh, yes of course! We have that cologne over here”, you took off – walking deeper into the store. Tom followed you, taking big steps to keep up with your fast pace.

“Here it is!”, you smiled as you gestured to the cologne on the shelf. “We have it in two sizes: one that’s 50ml and the other that’s 100ml”, you pointed to the different sizes as you talked.

“Oh… ehm… I think I’ll buy the 100ml one?”, Tom questioned. His mum hadn’t said anything about if he should buy the 50ml or the 100ml one. But… the bigger the better, right? Tom thought.

“Excellent choice– ”, you chirped as you took the cologne of the shelf, “this fragrance should elevate your handsomeness”, you looked up from the packaging giving Tom your signature kind smile. That smile Tom had come to love over these past weeks.

“Then I’ll take a pallet”, Tom joked earning him a giggle from you. He could feel his chest fill with warmth at the sound. He made you laugh like that!

“Anything else you were looking for?”, you asked while looking around the store.

“Ehm no, nothing else”, he shook his head.

“Okay, then”, you said as you guided him to the register.

While you signed into the register you asked, “Would you like this gift wrapped?”

Tom fished out his wallet from his jacket. “No, no thank you”. Why did he say that?It’s a gift!

Tom watched your hand as you worked the register. “Okay, that’ll be £49.95”

£49.95!! This gift was going to be a lot more expensive than he’d anticipated. Does his mother think he’s made of money? He’s a broke uni student – he can’t spend this much money on something like this. But he couldn’t back out now with you waiting for him. With your eyes on him, he hesitated a little before he reluctantly swiped his card.

“Can I ask you something?”, you said as you handed him his bag and receipt. He could feel a jolt of electricity travel through his body as you accidently bumped into his hand.

A little startled he cleared his throat before he answered, “Yeah, sure”

“You’re Tom, right? Harrison’s roommate? You sit behind me in Professor Larsen’s class?”, your finger unsurely pointing at him as you asked your question. Your nose scrunched up like you were afraid you were mistaking him for someone else.

“Yeah, that’s me”, he confirmed with a nod, “and you’re y/n right? You’re friends with Amira and Sophie?”.

“Yeah, that’s me”, you parroted with a nod. A smile spread across his lips. He was actually talking to you! And you knew his name!

“What do you think of Professor Larson? Have you noticed how he always takes those weird breaths at the end of his sentences? You know like…”, you tried to mimic Professor Larsen’s annoying breaths, making Tom chuckle.

“I have noticed that! I actually find it hard to pay attention in his class”, Tom chuckled. But not because of Professor Larson’s weird breaths, he thought. “Yeah, me too! I get so caught up in his weird breathing- I’m always thinking he’s choking or something”, you laughed. You both talked for a little bit about the class and the last lecture until you asked him if he was going to Max’s party this Friday.

“Yeah! I’m gonna be there”, he nodded his head while he swung the bag with the cologne back and forth. “Me too!”, his heart skipped a beat at the smile you sent him. Then the bell by the door rang, announcing the arrival of a new customer. Your eyes left his for a moment as you greeted the old women that had arrived.

When you looked back at him he asked, “I’ll see you there then?”.

“Yes!”, your smile widened.


Tom was two beers deep when he saw you walking into Max’s flat with Amira and Sophie in tow. Harrison’s voice vanished into the background as a big smile blossomed on Tom’s face. He watched you from across the room, as you greeted some of your classmates. He couldn’t take his eyes off you. He thought you looked so beautiful in your emerald dress. Then you turned your head, locking eyes with him in between the crowd of partygoers. It was like the entire world reduced to just the two of you. Just the two of you in this room, while the rest of the world faded away.


The nudge he felt in his side, as Harrison called his name, brought him back to reality.

“Hm?”, he tore his eyes away from you, joining the conversation with his friends again.

“What do you think of that?”, Harrison asked, “Think of what?”, Tom questioned as his eyes trailed back to you, hoping to lock eyes with you again. He felt a wave of disappointment wash over him when he saw you’d turned your back, having a lively conversation with your friends.

Harrison followed Tom’s gaze and rolled his eyes, “Mate, are you seriously stillpining over y/n? It’s been like almost three months!”. Just as Tom was about to answer his best friend, he saw you excusing yourself from your friend group, making your way through the sweaty bodies, and into the kitchen.

“I’m gonna get another beer”, Tom didn’t answer his friend. “You still have half of your beer left?”, Harrison pointed out with a raised eyebrow. Giving Harrison a shrug, Tom chugged what was left of his beer, before shoving the empty bottle into the hands of a baffled Harrison, and slipping away towards the kitchen.

Your head cocked up from the concoction you were making, as you heard the creaking of the floorboard under Tom’s feet as he entered the kitchen.

“Fancy seeing you here”, Tom joked as he made his way over to where you stood by the kitchen island.

“Yeah, because I didn’t tell you I’d be here at all”, you quipped back flashing him a cheeky smile. His heart skip a beat again, like it always did when you smiled at him. It couldn’t be good for his health, but he’d take his chances at a heart attack any day over not seeing you smile again.

“Soo… whatcha making?”, he leaned in a little closer trying to get a better look at what you were pouring into your cup. You scrunched up your nose, oh my god Tom thought it was so cute, before you held up the bottle of tequila you had found in midst of the sea of bottles on the kitchen island.

“Tequila?”, you chuckled, “not sure what to mix it with though”, you said as you rummaged through the makeshift bar.

“Hmm…”, Tom hummed as he leaned over the island “what about… pineapple juice?”, he proposed picking up the carton of juice and presenting it like a waiter in a restaurant would present a fancy and expensive bottle of wine. The gesture earned him a small giggle – a giggle that made his already wide grin even wider.

“Pineapple juice? That’s what the chef’s recommending this evening?”, you asked as your fingers found your chin, stroking it like you were deep in thought, mulling this decision over in your head.

“Oh yes!”, he held the carton up to get a better look at the carton of juice. “This fine carton of Sainsbury’s 100% pure squeezed pineapple juice, not from concentrate, is the best of the best we have to offer this evening Miss y/n! You can’t make a better choice for your drink than this!”, he said confidently.

You nodded your head with a serious look on your face, fingers still stroking your chin. You were playing along to his silly bit. “Okay, you’ve sold me on the pineapple juice”, you decided, pushing your cup towards Tom.

“Excellent choice Miss! Say when”, he said as he started pouring your drink. “When”. You grabbed your cup, swirling the liquid around, before your brought it to your lips.

“So?”, he asked after you took your first sip.

“Honestly? Not bad at all”, you giggled.

“Oh thank god! Because suggesting pineapple juice was purely a shot in the dark”, Tom said as his right hand traveled to his forehead pretending to wipe the sweat of it, “no pun intended”. He earned himself another one of your cute giggles which prompted a proud feeling of accomplishment to settle in his stomach. He wanted to make you laugh like that for the rest of the night.

“What are you having then?”, you asked peeking over your cup at him.

“Would you find me boring if I told you I wanted to grab another beer?”, Tom asked.

“No, not at all!”, you answered back. “I just thought you weren’t like other girls”, you said with faked disappointment. “I thought maybe you were gonna make the weirdest drink I’d ever seen that would look super distrusting, but taste delicious or something”, you cheekily said.

“So sorry to disappoint”, Tom laughed as he grabbed a beer from the six pack on the kitchen counter. “I guess I’m just like other girls”, he shrugged as he took a sip of his beer. It was a little warm, but right now he couldn’t care less.

“Bummer…”, you sighed, “here I though you were more than just a pretty face”. Just as the words left your mouth you took a sip of your drink. As if the words you’d just uttered weren’t supposed to be said out loud and instead could be taken back and swallowed down, mixed with tequila and pineapple juice.

“A pretty face huh? Are you flirting with me y/n?”, Tom teasingly bumped his shoulder against yours.

“Oh, that’s classified information I’m afraid. So, I can neither confirm nor deny those claims”, you giggled.

“Ah man… classified information huh?”, Tom sighed, “that’s a bummer because if you were flirting with me y/n, then I would tell you how beautiful I think you look right now in your dress, and how I haven’t been able to take my eyes off you ever since you walked in here”. Your eyes widened at Tom’s words while a shy smile appeared on your face. “That is, if you were flirting with me of course”, Tom added. Your smile grew wider as you answered him back, “Of course”.

The rest of the party you two never left the kitchen – staying there talking the whole time. Tom didn’t see his friends for the rest of the night, and neither did you. You were so easy to talk to. You laughed at all his stupid jokes, and you played along to his silly bits. When he was talking to you it was like time stood still – it was just the two of you in this world. The two of you illuminated by the dim yellow kitchen light. A light that maybe would be harsh and unflattering under normal circumstances, but right now cast a soft glow over your face – making you look so pretty that Tom was thinking that his knees surely would buck under from his weight any minute now.

“Oh my god! Is that really the time?”, you suddenly said cutting yourself off mid-sentence. You were in the middle of telling him about the plot to your favourite film just as your eyes had flickered to the oven behind him showing the time. Your sudden new interest in the oven behind him made Tom turn his head too. How could it be past 2am already?It felt like you’ve only been talking for an hour at most!

“Maybe I should start to head home?”, you said. “I could walk you home if you want?”, Tom posed – not ready to say goodbye to you just yet.

You nodded your head as a shy smile ghosted over your lips, “I would really like that”.

With your hand in his you dragged Tom towards the hall and the door. Trainers, boots, and high heels haphazardly covered the floor of the hall – flooding it with shoes. You giggled as you carefully tried to step over the shoes, making your way towards the door while looking for your own shoes. Tom followed your steps, treading carefully in the gaps you’d made. Suddenly, you tripped over a pair of docs. Tom reacted quickly, clutching your hand tighter as he pulled you towards his body, catching your fall. Being so close to you, he caught a whiff of your perfume and floral notes filled the air with sweetness.

“Thanks”, you looked up at him as you let out a shy giggle. Your hand came to rest on his chest – steadying yourself. Inside Tom beamed at the touch, while he hoped you couldn’t feel how quick his heart was beating through his chest from being this close to you.

“No problem, darling”, his tongue grazed the front of his teeth as he teasingly added, “I just didn’t think you would fall for me this quickly”. You rolled your eyes at his words as you let out another one of your cute giggles.

“That’s a smooth one–“, you said with a hint of teasing sarcasm in your voice, “almost sounds like you rehearsed it”, you raised a questioning eyebrow as you patted his chest.

“Maybe I did?”, Tom nonchalantly shrugged, “Or maybe I’m serving you the best of the best pick-up lines this drunk nogging can produce at 2am?”, he pointed a finger at his head while a cheeky grin was spread on his face.

“The best of the best, huh?”, you played along. Tom nodded his head, the grin never leaving his face, “It doesn’t get any better than this, darling!”. You giggled again as you shook your head at his attempt at flirting with you. Then you stepped away from him, your eyes searching for your shoes. You both put your shoes and coats on in silence, only the voices from the other partygoers speaking over the music filled the space between you.

“Ready?”, Tom asked after he’d watched you twist your scarf twice around your head. You looked at him with soft eyes as you nodded your head, “Yes”. Then you two were swiftly out the door, walking together into the December night. A French exit. An Irish goodbye.


When Tom woke up the morning after a grin was permanently glued to his lips. Like a supercut, images of the night before, of you, flooded his mind. How his heart had skipped a beat the first time he laid his eyes on you. How pretty he thought you’d looked in your emerald dress. How your eyes would shine as you giggled at his stupid jokes. And how your eyes would glimmer when you talked about the things you loved. Oh, how he wanted to be something you loved.

When he walked home to his and Harrison’s flat, after walking you home, he’d felt like he was walking on pink clouds. You had been everything he wished you’d be and more. Was it too soon to think that he loved you? Of course it is! What’s going on with him? Who are you turning him into? He didn’t even know you – but he felt like he did. He felt like you’d known each other for years, you were so easy to talk to. Maybe he did love you. What he did know for sure though, was that he was falling for you fast. He was falling for you embarrassinglyfast!

“What happened to you yesterday man? I didn’t see you at all at the party”, Harrison’s voice brought Tom out of his daydream and back to reality. Standing from their sofa, where he’d spent the majority of his Saturday morning, he followed Harrison into their kitchen, pondering over what to tell his best friend.

Harrison was in the middle of making himself a cup of tea as Tom blurted out: “Ehm… I kind of ended up talking to y/n the whole night”, a hand came up to rub the back of his neck, “and then I walked her home”, Tom had a hard time fighting the smile tugging on his lips.

Stopping mid tea making, Harrison turned around with a cheeky grin on his face. “Walked her home you say? Spill!”, he said – one eyebrow raised.

Mate, it wasn’t like that… I didn’t hook up with her. We talked, we flirted, and then I walked her home and came back here”

Harrison was confused now. His eyebrows were knotted together, and his thoughts spinning around in his head. “Wait? You didn’thook up with her? I though you liked her? You literally haven’t shut up about her for months!”

“Ido really like her! And that’s why I didn’t hook up with her– I didn’t want it to be just a one night stand… I want there to be more– and especially after talking to her last night”, and then Tom launched into one of his many speeches Harrison’s had already heard about you.

“Oh god… please make it stop!”, Harrison groaned. “You’re so whipped for this girl! You’re like a teenage girl, you know that mate? Do you write about how she rocks your world in your diary too now?”, he teases.

“Fuck off, you div!”, Tom flips him off, “I thought you’d be happy for me man!”

Tom’s reaction and grumpy face earned him a full belly laugh from Harrison. After calming down a little, Harrison says, “Of course I’m happy for you mate! But mostly I’m happy for myself, because I really can’t listen to any more of your speeches about how much you like her, or I’ll jump off the roof!”

He hated to admit that Harrison was right – he did sound like a teenage girl. You had taken over his mind, turned his life upside down, made him lose his self-control. He wanted to tell the world about you. He wanted to tell everyone that’ll listen how breathtakingly amazing you really are.

He couldn’t wait to see you again in class come Monday.


Tom felt light as a feather as he stepped inside Professor Larsen’s auditorium 15 minutes early. He’d woken up to a clear blue sky with the promise of a rare sunny day in December. His body was buzzing with energy – never having been this excited for Professor Larsen’s three-hour lecture. Slowly making his way down the auditorium stairs he was searching for only one head of hair – yours. But to his disappointment he couldn’t find you. As he sat down in his regular seat behind where you used to sit, he tried to tell himself that you would be here. He was just early. Fishing out his phone from his winter jacket he started mindlessly scrolling – trying to take his mind of his nerves and the butterflies fluttering in his tummy.

“This seat taken?”, a voice said pulling him from his phone. He knew it was you, even before he teared his eyes from his phone, and meeting your kind gaze.

“No, not at all!”, Tom beamed, removing his jacket from the seat beside him.

“Thanks”, you mumbled as you sat down. He watched you in silence as you took of your winter coat and fished your laptop out of your tote bag. When you were settled you turned towards him. God, you looked so pretty.

“Hi”, you smiled.

“Hi”, Tom parroted.

“How are you?”, you asked him as you leaned back in your seat.

“Great, now that you’re here”, Tom answered. Playfully you rolled your eyes at his response.

“What?”, he teased.

“You’re such a flirt– do you know that?”, you giggled.

“Only to pretty ladies who helps me buy cologne and sits beside me in class”, Tom said as he placed his hand on the back of your auditorium chair. You rolled your eyes again while Tom tried to keep his cool as he watched you shift a little closer to him in your chair.

“So… how was your weekend?”, you asked – a hint of a mischievous glint in your eye.

“Oh, you know… I went to this party on Friday where I met this beautiful girl. She was wearing this emerald coloured dress and I couldn’t take my eyes off her the entire night. What about you? How was your weekend?”, he winked. Just as you opened your mouth to give him an answer, Professor Larson’s voice boomed throughout the auditorium: “Good Monday morning– let’s get started on our second to last lecture”.

As usual Tom had a hard time paying attention during Professor Larson’s lecturers – and especially today with how close you were sitting to him. He did try to pay attention – he really did. But every time he tried; his eyes would have a mind of their own wandering to you. He studied you from his seat. How you’d scrunch up your nose as you tried to keep up with what Professor Larson’s was saying, while writing out your notes in your spiral notebook. How you’d nod along every now and then to something your he said. And how you would press the end of your pen to your lips as you were deep in thought. Oh, howhe wished he was that pen–… okay, maybe Harrison was right. He waswhipped.

“Okay, that’s it for today everyone! I’ll see you all back here next Monday for our last class before the exam”, Professor Larson’s voice brought Tom back to reality.

“Do you want to go get a coffee?”, your soft voice asked him as you both packed away your stuff.

“I would love to go get a coffee!”, Tom beamed, standing from his seat throwing his backpack over his shoulder.

It was crazy how time flew when Tom was together with you. You had both agreed that the coffee they served in your uni’s canteen was, although cheap, painfully bad. And instead opted for a cute café a few minutes walk from campus. Tom had never been there before, but you insisted on it having the best coffee you’ve ever had, and how you thought it was the best place to study because of how quiet it was. And he had to admit: it was the best coffee he’s ever had, and if he ever needed a quiet place to study – he would probably want to go here.

One coffee turned to two coffees, and then two coffees turned to cups of tea while the short and sunny December day turned to evening. Sitting at a table by the window your conversation had died down a little, and a comfortable silence had wrapped itself around you like a warm blanket, as you watched stressed Londoner’s hurrying past the café window, carrying bags of Christmas shopping.

“Want to go for a walk?”, you asked when you’d both finished your cups of tea. You’d occupied the same table by the window for hours now.

Out on the street, outside the café, you had a bounce in your step. Above both your heads the street was illuminated by Christmas lights. They glowed like stars on a clear night sky, and the warm and soft light transformed Tom’s world into a glowing vignette, with you in the centre. Reaching out your hand and intertwining them with Tom’s, you dragged him through the streets of London. Together you walked around aimlessly for hours hand in hand – talking and messing around. But eventually all good things must come to an end.

Standing outside the door to your flat Tom thinks back to the last time he had stood right where he was standing right now. Back to Friday night when he’d walked you home. You’d been leaning your side against the door just like you were doing now. And your hands had been interlocked just like they were now. And Tom, he really hadn’t wanted to leave you – just like he didn’t want to leave you now.

“I had a really good time with you today y/n!”, Tom said shyly – breaking the silence. Your eyes were following his thumb rubbing softly over the back of your hand, as a smile tugged at your lips at his words. You looked up at him under fluttering eyelashes.

“I had a really good time with you today too Tom!”, you voice barely a whisper as you moved a little closer. The closer you got the louder and faster Tom felt his heart beating.

“Maybe we could do this again then?”, Tom asked as his eyes fell to your lips. He wanted to kiss you so bad. To feel your soft lips against his. To make you his, and for you to make him yours. He wanted to be yourman.

“I would really like that!”, you breathed out – your eyes flicking from his eyes to his mouth. Tom leaned in a little closer to your face, his lips hovering over yours. When you made no sign of moving away, he looked into your kind eyes and boldly asked, “can I kiss you?”.

Your signature wide smile blossomed on your face at his words and when you nodded your head your nose, cold from the December air, softly bumped into his. With your consent, Tom closed the space between you, and his lips touched yours. You leaned into his kiss and kissed him back, making his stomach burst with fluttering butterflies. Your lips tasted like green tea and Tom found himself craving more of your touch. His hand travelled to your waist, while his other cupped your cheek bringing you even closer to his body.

Running out of air, you both reluctantly broke the kiss. Your hands had found their way to his face, cupping it, while your forehead rested against his. “That was– “, Tom started before you cut him off.

“Kiss me again”, you whispered as you leaned in closer. There was nothing in this world he wanted to do more than to kiss you again. So, he did. He closed the space between you and captured your soft lips in another breathtaking kiss.


tagging:@mayal0pez​,@userholland​,@kissholland,@justapurrcat​​ (tagging you guys since you interacted with my other post about this)


when someone goes through ur blog archive and likes 1000 things at once


Me enjoying the sudden up-tick in notifications


Leave Before You Love Me :-: T.H.

The First Time :-: Part 2

Author’s Note: Hey Everyone! Here is Part 2! Let the story continue!

Summary: After a rocky few weeks post break up, your roommate finally convinces you that the only way to move on is to have a one night stand with a total stranger. So here you are, in a bar across town, looking for just that.

⚠️Warning: Language, mentions of sex, two people being painfully awkward



“So… Are you famous or something?” You asked, trying to disperse the butterflies in your stomach and break the silence that had fallen over the interior of the cab.

Tom sighed next to you. “Something like that.” He said softly and turned his head to look out the window. “I’m a film actor.”

“Hmmm…” You hummed and Tom glanced back at you.

“Hmmm?” He repeated. “What does ‘hmmm’ mean?” He asked looking back at you.

Keep reading

Prepare yourself for absolute filth! Coming Soon!!



Leave Before You Love Me :-: T.H.

The First Time :-: Part 2

Author’s Note: Hey Everyone! Here is Part 2! Let the story continue!

Summary: After a rocky few weeks post break up, your roommate finally convinces you that the only way to move on is to have a one night stand with a total stranger. So here you are, in a bar across town, looking for just that.

⚠️Warning: Language, mentions of sex, two people being painfully awkward



“So… Are you famous or something?” You asked, trying to disperse the butterflies in your stomach and break the silence that had fallen over the interior of the cab.

Tom sighed next to you. “Something like that.” He said softly and turned his head to look out the window. “I’m a film actor.”

“Hmmm…” You hummed and Tom glanced back at you.

“Hmmm?” He repeated. “What does ‘hmmm’ mean?” He asked looking back at you.

Keep reading

Oooo a second part!! Totally missed this. Loved this part so much. So awkward but Reader was cute and I enjoy how confident Tom is. Will there be more?? Thanks for sharing!!

Totally will be more! Just a bit slow writing since my come back. The words just don’t flow like they used to. But, there should be another chapter soon!



Two Days :-: Mob!T.H.

Authors Note: I have been working on this for a long time. Losing motivation, and not sure I wanted to ever finish it. But, inspiration struck so here it is. This is pretty dark. Very triggering. Italics indicate flashback.  If you enjoy my writing please like and reblog! And check out my other stories on my Masterlist.

Summary: You had been kidnapped. Gone for two days. Two days is an excruciatingly long time. A lot can happen in two days.

⚠️Warning: adult themes, language, sexual assault, bruising, blood, implications of torture, a little fluff laced in.

Word Count: 3994… (kinda got away from me)


You were still in shock as Tom threw his suit jacket around your shivering body. You heard him say, “Harrison, get her out of here!” Then he stood and ran out of the dark room.

Harrison helped you to your feet. “Do you think you can walk, Ace?” He asked, using the nickname he had given you after you had kicked his ass in poker.

You nodded, even though you weren’t exactly sure you could. You took a step forward and your knees buckled a little. Harrison caught you by the elbows.

“Guess not, eh?” He said softly and wrapped his arm around your shoulders, allowing him to support some of your weight.

You kept your eyes on the floor as Harrison carefully led you through the corridors of, wherever you had been for the last… two days. He didn’t say much just a montage of “It’s ok, now.” and “I’m gonna get you home.” on repeat. You looked up from the floor as you rounded another corner. Tears filled your eyes as you approached a door, haloed by the late afternoon sun, which would grant you freedom from this torture chamber. A few more feet and you would be out, rescued, safe.

Suddenly, a twisted feeling creeped its way into your stomach, and you realized you couldn’t leave yet. Not without some kind of closure. Not without seeing that sadistic psychopath dead. You stopped moving your feet in step with Harrison’s and you slipped his arm off your shoulders.

“Ace?” His voice held a concerned tone as he turned back to look at you.

“Where did Tom go?” You asked and you noticed that you didn’t sound like yourself. Your voice was hoarse for various reasons. No water, being tortured, crying, and screaming for the last… two days.

Harrison’s icy blue eyes held yours. He seemed to be choosing his words carefully. “He’s taking care of a few things.” He said as he reached to place his arm back around your shoulders. “Come on… let’s go.”

“Would those ‘few things’ happen to be a person?” You whispered and stepped back to avoid his reach.

Harrison’s eyes widened slightly at your movement. But, he recovered quickly. “I think you know the answer to that question, Ace.” He took a step towards you and you took a step back.

“I want to see him.” You took another step back as Harrison took another step forward.

“Y/n… “ the sound of your real name faltered your retreat. “Tom told me to take you home.” He said as he closed the distance between you. “He doesn’t want you anywhere near what’s going on.” His last sentence stirred you up.

“Harrison, I need to see him.” You whispered breaking eye contact to look at your feet, bare and dirty… like you.

“I can’t, Y/n… you know I can’t.” Harrison’s tone was soft and level. “He’ll kick my ass for sure.”

“Damn it, Harrison! Take me to him!” You raised your eyes back to his, and your voice to sound more commanding.


”Harrison… please…” your voice betrayed you as it broke on the last word. Your eyes dropped his and fell to the floor.

“You will see Tom tonight at home. When he’s done…”

“I WANT TO WATCH!!!” You yelled cutting him off. You locked eyes with Harrison. And, he stepped back in surprise at your outburst. Surprised, not so much at the volume of your voice, but the words you had said. “I… I… I want…” You dropped your eyes back to the floor, your voice was barely a whisper now, as you tried to hold back tears. You clutched Tom’s jacket closer around you, and took a deep breath to steady yourself. “I want to watch the light leave his eyes.” You brought your eyes back up to his. “And, I want to watch Tom do it.” Your voice was small, barely a whisper, but firm.

“Y/n….” Harrison said your name with what sounded like pity in his voice. You couldn’t stand the sound of someone feeling sorry for you.

“Take me to him, or I’ll find him myself!” You interrupted him. Nothing he could have said would have stopped you.

He looked at you with wide eyes for a moment. Then he ran his hand through his wavy blonde hair and rubbed the back of his neck. “Ok, fine. I’ll take you. But, he’s not going to like it.” He caved, knowing you well enough to recognize your stubborn determination. He knew you would go off on your own, get lost or hurt, and he’d get in even more trouble because of it. At least, him taking you kept you in a controlled environment. And, Tom would appreciate that… right?

Harrison led you back through the corridors, of what you guessed could be an old factory. As you approached the room where Tom was, you could hear his voice. And, as his voice got louder and clearer with every step you took, so did another voice. A voice you were terribly familiar with. A voice that tormented you for the last.. two days.

Something inside you twisted, again, making you feel sick. “I see why you kept her around for so long, Holland.” You froze when you heard his words clear as a bell. “She tastes so sweet….” The voice was stopped by a loud thwacking sound. You felt bile rising in the back of your throat. “Just like honey.” The man laughed as another thwack resonated through the hall.

‘Just like honey…’ You ran those words over and over in your head, and suddenly the memory of him saying those words to you flooded your mind. You felt your body heave, and you pushed the bile back down with a thick swallow.


“You taste just like honey.” He said then ran his tongue up your cleavage to your neck. You squeezed your eyes shut trying to block out the awful sensation. His breath was hot and thick against your ear. “I’m going to do unspeakable things to you, Princess.” He said taking delight in how you shivered at his words. “And I’m going to make Holland watch.”

Your eyes snapped open at his words and tears welled in your eyes. You didn’t matter. Only Tom. Pain? Torture? You’d been through that all before. But, being used to hurt someone… ‘the’ someone you love most? That was unbearable. “Don’t…” You whispered.

“What are his plans for the Dolores Account?” His voice cut you off and he pulled back to look down at you.

Your eyes widened and you knew you didn’t have the information he wanted. You shook your head. “I… I don’t know…” you stuttered. The mans hand came up to your throat and his grip was tight. You began to gasp for air. “He… he doesn’t…” You gasped as his grip tightened more. “Let me… in… on… busi…ness.” You choked out, and his hand released your neck. You coughed and gasped trying to take in as much air as your lungs would allow.

“I don’t think you’re being truthful, Princess.” He growled at you, and his eyes were full of something sinister and dark. He grabbed your chin, and forced your head up so you would look at him. “I am the Prince of Pain, and I am going to ruin you.” He laughed.

“Do your worst.” You whispered defiantly, but you couldn’t stop the tears as they flowed down your cheeks.


“Ace?” Harrison noticed you frozen behind him. He stood in front of a large metal door. You stared at him for a moment, still in your daze. “You comin’?” He asked as he knocked on the door.

You nodded and took a few steps forward. But, stopped again at the sound of Tom’s voice.

“Don’t go anywhere…” his voice was low and menacing. This was his work voice. One he had never let you hear. “We’ve only just begun.”

“This had better be important!!” Tom yelled as the door flew open. Tom’s eyes widened at the sight of Harrison standing in front of him, and even wider when his eyes flicked over to you. “What the fuck, mate?” Tom yell-whispered, stepping out of the room, and shutting the door behind him. “Harrison, I told you to get her the fuck out of here!” His voice was low, and commanding.

Harrison’s eyes darted to you, and you felt a chill run down your spine. That look told you that Tom was pissed. That maybe… this wasn’t the best idea. Harrison looked back to Tom. “Tom…” He said in a calm smooth tone, trying to settle his best friend enough so he would listen.

Tom was seething. You could see his shoulders shaking slightly, which told you he was trying not to punch something or someone. He closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and slowly exhaled through his nose. Satisfied, that Tom was calm enough to continue speaking Harrison leaned in, and whispered into Tom’s ear. Tom’s eyes were fixated on the floor as Harrison spoke. You couldn’t hear him, but you knew what he was saying. ‘She wants to watch, mate.’ Tom’s brow furrowed for a brief moment then his beautiful brown eyes lifted from the floor to yours. There were so many emotions dancing in his eyes you couldn’t fixate on just one. His eyes darkened and held yours with unbridled intensity, like he was trying to bore a hole straight into your soul. But, you were determined to match his gaze, intensity and all. To prove you were strong enough to handle whatever was going to happen.

Tom walked over to you. It wasn’t more than five steps, but each step felt like it took hours. As, he closed the distance, you felt any confidence or strength you were trying to show dissolving. All you wanted to do was throw your arms around him and cry until you passed out. But, you couldn’t. Not yet. Not until he was finished with that bastard. You held his gaze as he stopped in front of you. His eyes and face had softened, though you could still see the intense emotion behind them. And you knew he wasn’t going to let you see him work.

“Darling…. “ he said softly, his tone no longer full of anger or frustration. “I… I can’t let you see… what’s going to happen. I’m afraid…” He paused trying to find the right words. He was never good with words. He was more of an ‘action’ man. He brought his hand up and cupped your cheek. “I’m afraid if you saw… saw me like that, how ruthless… I can be, you’d never… you’d never look at me the same way.”

You closed your eyes and sighed. “But Tommy…” you brought your eyes back up to his. “I need to see him die… to know that it’s over. He… he hurt me so much, Tommy. And the worst thing… ” You whispered and you could feel tears stinging your eyes. “He said he was going to make you…” Your eyesight blurred as your eyes filled with tears. “Make you wa… watch… what… what he did to me.” You dropped your head and placed your hands on his chest. “So, please… Please, Tommy.” You clutched the front of his dress shirt as the tears escaped and rolled down your cheeks. “Please.”

Tom lifted your face up so he could look into your eyes again. He saw your pain and wanted so much to take it away from you. “Darling… I can’t.” You saw his eyes turn glassy, and you knew he was fighting off tears of his own. “I need you to let Haz take you home.” He said wiping the tears from your cheeks with his thumb.

You sniffled and nodded, but you needed some kind of closure. “If you won’t let me watch you kill him…” you said with some regained confidence. “Could… could I at least… talk to him before I go?”

That was the last thing he expected you to ask and his eyes widened. He furrowed his brow and shook his head. “No… darling… I don’t think that’s… that’s not a good idea.” He said, still a little off guard.

You stood up straight and squared your shoulders. You put the most determined face on you could muster. “Tom, I am not leaving here, until I get to talk to him.”

Tom sighed and closed his eyes, because he knew this was a battle he wasn’t going to win. And, at least you had stopped trying to watch him torture the life out of someone.

“Ok, darling.” Tom breathed and kissed your forehead. “But, if things get out of hand I will shut it down.” His voice held all the authority a leader of the mob should have. You nodded and let him wipe the tears from your cheeks.

Tom put his hand at the small of your back and led you over to the door. Harrison raised an eyebrow when Tom opened the door. “Seriously? You’re letting her in there?” He asked in disbelief. Tom shot him a look that said ‘I’ll deal with you later.’ And, Harrison shut his mouth.

Tom led you through the door with Harrison following in behind. You felt your throat tighten at the sight of the man who was tied to a chair at the center of the room. But, you felt safe with Tom’s arm around you. Firm and warm. The man’s head hung low in front of him, clearly worn out from the beating Tom had started on him. And, that made your mouth turn up at the corners a little.

You looked up at Tom and his jaw was clenched tight. It meant he did not like this. It meant he did not want you to ever have to see this man again. It meant he wanted you home safe, while he dealt with this guy.

“Tom?” You whispered as you placed your hand on his forearm. His jaw flexed for a moment and relaxed as he looked down at you with those beautiful dark eyes that you loved so much. “I can do this.” You slid your hand up to his bicep. “I will be alright…” you’re hand slid further up to his neck. “He can’t hurt me anymore.” You said as your hand came to rest on his cheek.

Tom closed his eyes and leaned into your hand. He brought his hand up to cover yours and slowly took in a deep breath. His eyes opened and you saw they were full of raw emotion. “He should’ve never been given the chance to, love.” His voice was low and his hand gripped yours bringing it down to his lips so he could place a kiss in the center of your palm.

It broke your heart to see that he felt guilty for this whole ordeal. You leaned forward tilting your head up and placed a soft kiss on his cheek. You locked eyes with him. “Don’t you dare blame yourself for this, Tommy.” Your voice was firm as you spoke. “This was not your fault.”

Tom nodded slightly and squeezed your hand. “Sure, love, if you say so.” He whispered. He smiled a small pained smile, trying his best to show you he believed he wasn’t at fault. You smiled back, and knew it would take a lot more than just words to convince him. But, that would have to wait until you were alone behind closed doors. When you could apologize for starting that fight at the party, for the things you said out of frustration, and for ducking your bodyguard to cool your head in the garden. All those terrible choices which caused this nightmare.

You turned your attention back to the man in the chair. “What’s his name?” You asked in a low whisper.

Tom sighed. “Royce.” He growled and you nodded. You hugged Toms jacket closer to you, your smile gone, as you stepped forward. One barefoot in front of the other as you approached the source of your pain from the past… two days.

You wanted to make sure Tom knew the extent of what had been done to you. Wanted him to see it before he started work on this man. As you neared the center of the room you slowly let Toms jacket slip from your shoulders, down your arms, and fall to the floor.

You could feel Toms eyes burning into your back, and knew he was about to run over, cover you back up, and yell, ‘What the bloody hell are you doing?’ But, you heard Harrison whisper, “Its ok, mate. She’s got this.”

You held your head high as you stopped in front of Royce. He seemed to know you’re there and he laughed. “Hello again…” he said as he lifted his head to look at you. “Princess.” He smiled and you are disgusted by his blood stained teeth. Just the sight of him repulsed you making you want to run back over the Tom and bury your face in his chest. But, you held your ground not wanting to let this asshole win anymore.

“Hello, Royce.” You said in a smooth silky voice as you smiled down at him. Everything about you oozed confidence. Even, as you stood in front of him in your underwear body covered in bruises, cuts, bite marks, and hickeys. His smile only widened as his eyes scanned over your nearly naked form. “Oh…” you started looking down at yourself. “Are you admiring your handy work?” You asked and you twirled in place so he could see all of you, and so could Tom. Your eyes flit to Tom as you spin and you don’t miss the look of pure rage on his face or the vice grip Harrison has on his arm.

“You look like a work of art.” He laughed. “A damn Masterpiece!”

“Yeah?…. which is your favorite?” You asked laughing with him. You noticed his eyes zeroing in on your chest.

“That one was especially fun.” He nodded towards your chest and you looked down seeing the deep purplish black bruise displaying a perfect bite mark. You remembered he had bit you so hard that he’d drawn blood.

“Oh? And why was that?” You asked eyes sparkling in the dim light of the room.

“Your screams… the screams of pain and terror… that fell from your… beautiful swollen lips… was like… like music to my ears… Princess.” He said through his laughter and you stiffened at his words. Your hesitation seemed to edge him on. “Oh…” he continued. “Those ones there… on your hips, Princess.” You looked down further and the memory of what he was doing to you as he placed those extremely dark matching thumb sized bruises on your hips, each no doubt had four finger sized partners on the backside of your hips, made your legs almost give out. “That was a good time. Wasn’t it, Princess?”

You knew he was trying to hurt you and, mostly, Tom with the recounting of what he had done to you. You heard Harrison’s whisper behind you, “Tom! Mate… wait.” Followed by Toms heavy footsteps as he started towards you. And knew you needed to end this quick.

“For one of us.” You said as you moved around to the back of Royce’s chair as he laughed again.

You looked to Tom. He was barely keeping himself together. His jaw was clenched so tight, that you were worried for his teeth. His eyes were fixed on Royce and were dark with hatred for the man that had hurt you. His eyes flicked to you and held up your index finger, indicating you were almost done. Tom paused in the middle of the room next to his jacket. He nodded and his eyes drifted down your body taking note of the specific injuries Royce had pointed out. His brows pulled together and you knew he was blaming himself again. But, you would fix that later, because in this moment you needed to prove to this vile piece of rat shit that he failed. Failed to break you. Failed to destroy Tom. Failed to tear the two of you apart.

“So, you like inflicting pain, is that it?” You asked as you stood behind him, watching Tom intently.

“Oh yes… I am the Prince…” he started to say, but you cut him off, and his smile faltered at the sudden icy tone of your voice.

“Prince of Pain… yes I remember you saying that.” You said as you placed your hands of the back of his chair. “But… I’m afraid you don’t deserve that title…” You slowly leaned forward bringing your head down next to his, still locking eyes with Tom. “You don’t know a damn thing about pain.” You felt Royce stiffen and heard his breathing become uneven. “But, don’t worry, Royce….” You whispered, but loud enough for Tom to hear. “… because my Tommy… is a very… good… teacher.” You finished and Royce wasn’t shaking with laughter, anymore, he was shaking with fear. You noticed Royce’s eyes had widened and his jaw clenched as he stared ahead at Toms menacing figure looming in the center of the room.

You saw Tom smile, a ‘that’s my girl’ smile. After everything you had been through before he found you, you had been broken. So, he had taught you how to put yourself back together, piece by agonizing piece. He had taught you how to be strong, brave, and confident in everything you did. He had taught you to never let your enemies see you break ever again. You straightened up and slowly walked to where Tom was waiting. He bent down and retrieved his jacket from the floor and wrapped it around your body once more. You looked up into his gorgeous brown eyes, that looked back into yours with so much love. “Well done, darling.” He whispered and kissed your forehead.

“Break him, Tom. Make him beg for death.” You said as you let your gaze flick to Royce for a moment, and you could see fear in his eyes.

“Oh, don’t worry, darling. I will.” Tom whispered softly.

You smiled and looked back to Tom. “And I’ll see you at home.” You leaned up and captured his lips and Toms arms locked around your back as he held you as close to him as he could. You pulled back and just stared into his eyes for a moment. He tentatively unlocked his arms from behind you almost like he was having a debate with himself. Maybe, he should just go home with you, spend the night erasing Royce’s touch from your body, and return to this asshole tomorrow.

You could feel his indecision and placed a reassuring hand on his cheek. “I’ll see you at home. When you’ve finished.” You repeated in a low whisper and Tom nodded slowly.

Toms eyes drifted down to you chest. The big purplish black bite mark stared back at him, and the flames of wrath reignited in his chest. You saw his eyes harden and knew it was time.

You turned to Harrison. “I’m ready to go now, Haz.” He nodded and held his hand out to you. You took it and let him put his arm around you.

Harrison nodded to Tom and started to lead you out of the room, but paused when Tom spoke. “I love you, Y/n.”

Your eyes widened, and it made your heart skip. Like it always did when he said those three little words. “And, I love you, Tommy.” You said as tears pooled in your eyes. “Always.”

“And forever.” He whispered. Then quickly turned his attention back to Royce, who now trembled with terror.

Harrison closed the door behind you, and you smiled when you heard Toms voice switch back to that low menacing tone. “Now… where were we?”

It took him… two days.



Tag List: add yourself here


Holy- this is A MASTERPIECE

instead of you [part forty-four]

pairing: [best friend’s brother] tom holland x college!reader

summary: you didn’t expect to spend your summer pretending to be your best friend’s girlfriend- then again, you didn’t expect to fall for your best friend’s brother, either.

warnings: swearing,menstruation, mentions of sex

word count: 2.4k

series masterlist + read the next chapter early on ko-fi!!

Sam was still asleep when you snuck back into your room. You weren’t sure if he had woken up at any point while you were gone, but if he had he hadn’t tried to figure out where you’d disappeared to. You hadn’t gotten any notifications while you were out. 

You thought you’d feel guiltier after sleeping with Tom, but you didn’t feel much of anything. Maybe it was the post-nut haze you were still in… or maybe your body simply wasn’t capable of feeling any more guilt than it already had. You had already resigned yourself to a situation in which there was no winner. Maybe that had overridden everything else.

You were still sore when you woke up a few hours later. That was to be expected, but you still groaned in complaint upon rolling out of bed. 

“What’s wrong?” Sam mumbled from beside you.

“My… back hurts,” you lied, hoping he was too out of it to catch it. You did have back problems, but they weren’t bothering you at the moment- at least not in the way you were letting Sam think they were. 

“Need some ibuprofen?” he asked.


You grabbed your toothbrush and retainer case from your suitcase before he could say anything else. For the first time, it seemed like you were up earlier than everyone else. You didn’t hear anyone out in the kitchen and all of the bedroom doors were closed. You were able to brush your teeth in peace without feeling rushed. You took your time getting ready, washing your face and applying sunscreen- two things that you knew would make your friends back home proud if they could see you doing it. For the first time ever, it felt like you were actually having a pleasant morning. Until you noticed a drop of blood on the floor. Confused, you looked around to see where the source could be. A quick glance at the mirror confirmed that it wasn’t a nosebleed. Your mouth and ears were fine too. Then it dawned on you. You looked down at your shorts to see that you’d started your period and bled right through them. 

“Fuck me,” you hissed to yourself, jumping when your best friend chimed in behind you. You didn’t even know you’d left the door open. 

“Don’t I do that enough already?”

You whipped your head around to glare at him. His smile dropped when he realized what was happening. 

“I’ll get you a change of clothes,” he said and disappeared.

You stood there helplessly until he came back, thanking him quietly when he handed you a pair of his own sweatpants. 

“Was there any on the sheets?” you asked, already mortified. 

“No, they’re fine. Don’t worry.”

“Ok, thank you.”

“Of course.” He lingered in the bathroom for another moment. “Do you… have what you need?”

“Yeah, I have some leftover pads from last time. Can you grab me one, actually? They’re in the front pocket of my suitcase.”

He nodded. “Be right back.”

As you watched him leave, familiar tendrils of guilt began to curl in your stomach. It really had been post-nut haze that clouded you. You were a fool for thinking it was anything different. 

Sam reappeared with a pad in hand and traded you for your dirty clothes. 

“I’ll call the lobby and ask for a laundry bag,” he said. 

“You don’t have to do that,” you groaned. 

He walked away before you could say anything else. “I’m already doing it!”


“No wonder your back is hurting,” Sam said sympathetically, rubbing his hand across your shoulders soothingly as you sat in the living room together. “I can rub it later, if you want.”

You nodded absentmindedly, too deep in self-pity to be appreciative. Your best friend was too good for you. But then, you had always known that. You were a bad influence on him from the start. He had never so much as touched a joint before he met you, let alone stolen from  Friends were supposed to make each other better people, they were supposed to mutually benefit from the relationship, and yet most of the time it felt like it was completely one-sided. Sam did so much for you. And how do you repay him? By fucking his brother. 

“Are you going to be good to travel today?” he asked. “We’re supposed to be at the airport in a couple of hours, but we can stay back if you’d rather.”

He was referring to the short little excursion everyone was taking to Beijing. It would only be for a few days, kind of like what you did in Japan. China was just such a big country that it was impossible to experience it from only one city. You were supposed to be flying from Beijing to Tom’s choice, but you assumed Sam was suggesting that you’d just meet the rest of his family there. 

“It’ll be fine,” you assured him. “I was really looking forward to Beijing.”

“Okay, if you’re sure.”

“I’m sure.”

He put his hand on your knee and squeezed it before standing up. “I’m going to go pick up the laundry from downstairs if you wanna finish packing our things.”

You nodded in agreement, lingering on the couch for a moment longer after he’d let himself out. 

You knew Sam didn’t really care about organization so you threw his clothes into his suitcase without much consideration for where things should go. Nothing was folded or sorted. As long as the suitcase would zip, you figured that was enough. It was the same for your own bags. All of your clothes were consistently wrinkly because of the way you packed, but you couldn’t be bothered to change the habit. 

“Where’s Sam?” The voice belonged to Tom, who was leaning against the frame of your bedroom door. You hadn’t even heard him approach. 

“He went downstairs to get something,” you explained, too embarrassed to go into detail about the fact that you had bled through your pajamas. 

“Oh, okay.” He took a step past the threshold, crossing his arms over his chest. “Are you feeling alright? Still sore?”

“I started my period,” you muttered. “Wasn’t supposed to get it for another few days.”

“Must’ve fucked you so hard it came early,” he said smugly, yelping when you threw Shang the shark at him. “It’s a real thing!” he cried in defense, “we read about it in biology!”

“You paid attention in biology?” 

Tom scoffed. “Ouch.”

“Oh please, tell me I’m wrong.” He didn’t. “That’s what I thought. Give me my shark back.” You yanked it from his grasp and shoved it into your suitcase

“You’re the one who threw it at me!”

“And you’re the one who was implying he railed me so hard you made me start my period!”

“I mean, that probably is what happened.” 

“Don’t give yourself so much credit,” you sighed. 

“What, you’ve had it harder?” he asked, suddenly not looking so pleased with himself. 

“That’s not what I meant. I was trying to say that it’s probably a combination of factors, but now that you mention it…”

“Damn, guess I have something to prove next time, then.”

“Next time? That’s a bold assumption.”

“My bad, I shouldn’t have taken making you cum twice as a good sign.”

You swatted at him, but he easily dodged you. “I mean, if you really want to take credit for something that’s making me feel miserable, be my guest.”

He frowned. “I don’t. I’ll just keep the two orgasms on my roster. For now.”

In the distance, you heard the front door to the penthouse open and close and gave Tom a look. He took a step backward, putting space in between you just in time for Sam to come in. Sam handed you the bag of clean clothes and slung an arm around your waist as he turned his attention to his older brother. 

“Something up?” he asked, likely wondering why you were having a conversation with Tom. 

“No, I was just talking to y/n about the flight.”

“What about it?”

Tom glanced towards you, silently asking you to take the lead. Some actor he was. 

“He wanted to know what seat you had, but I told him I didn’t know,” you lied. 

Funny how easy it was for you to lie these days, especially to your best friend who had always been able to see right through you. Sam looked to Tom as if to confirm your claim and he nodded. 

“Yeah, I think I’m in the middle of you guys, and I was wondering if you wanted to switch.”

“Sure, I’ll switch with you,” Sam agreed. 

“By the way, thanks for grabbing this, babe,” you said, changing the subject and kissing him on the cheek. You saw Tom stiffen out of the corner of your eye.

“No problem. Are we all packed?”

“Yep. We should probably check the bathroom to make sure we got all our stuff, but I grabbed everything from the bedroom.”

“I’ll go do that.”

You watched him leave and then glared at his brother. “Get it together.”


As it turned out, Tom did have the seat in between you and Sam. He traded with Sam, leaving his younger brother in the middle and himself in the aisle seat. You sat leaned up against the window, trying to nap. The flight from Shanghai to Beijing was only around two hours long, but seeing as you only got a few hours of sleep the night before you were taking any opportunity that you could to get a little more.

You were able to drift off a couple of times, but never for long. Your cramps were starting to bother you and the discomfort made it difficult to relax. Sam and Tom both noticed your restlessness, though Sam was the only one to say anything about it. 

“Do you want some painkillers now?” he asked. 

“Yes please,” you mumbled. 

He let you have a sip from his water bottle as you swallowed the pills. You smiled gratefully and slumped back in your seat, sighing in relief when he put his warm hand against your back. One of the many perks of having a best friend who ran hot was that he acted like a personal heating pad whenever you needed him to be. That was just one of the many reasons you held hands so often. He was like Jacob Black without the wolf part… or the weird obsession with your unborn child. 

“A little better?”

“Mhm, thank you.”

“‘Course, baby.”

He kept his hand there until the plane landed. 

Baggage claim was easy this time around. It helped that you didn’t have to go through customs. It felt like you were in a cab before you could blink, watching the airport disappear into the background through the window. 

Apparently, the Hollands were tired of  “family time” because you all had your own separate rooms again. It was nice to have a bit of space to yourself, but you wondered how it was going to work with Tom… if it would work at all. He was sharing a room with Harry again, and it was right next door, meaning you wouldn’t be able to sneak off in the middle of the night. You were on your period anyway, so maybe it was for the best. 

You dropped your things off in the rooms and changed into your matching t-shirts before taking another cab to the bus station where you’d spend an hour driving to the Great Wall. It was a hassle to get there, but it had been the thing you were most looking forward to on the trip so you were hyped. 

Not even being sore or bleeding through your clothes or barely getting any sleep or being forced to wear matching shirts could dim your excitement. You were determined to enjoy it. 

“Are you sure you’re going to be okay doing all this walking?” Sam asked as he trailed behind you up the steps to the main walkway. 

 “I’ll be fine,” you assured him. 

You were in fact, not fine. And Harry pointed that out not even ten minutes into the trek. You had started to hunch over as you walked in an attempt to relieve some of the pressure from your abdomen. You had already been limping a little from the damage Tom had done, and you were positive the cramps were only making you look worse. 

“Oh my god, are you okay?” 

“Perfect, why do you ask,” you answered sarcastically. 

“She’s not feeling the best,” Sam supplied for you.

“I can see that. Should she go back to the hotel?”

Your best friend shook his head. “No, she was really looking forward to this.”

“I’m having a great time!” you tried, even though it was evident that neither of the twins were buying it. 


When the sun began to set, Nikki insisted that everyone take a photo together so that she could update her book club friends about how the trip was going. She also mentioned wanting to send it to the boys’ grandparents. You assumed it’d be a family picture and offered to be the photographer, but she flagged down another random tourist to take it so that you could be in it with them.

“Don’t be ridiculous,” she’d said, beckoning you over to the rest of the family. “You’ve been on this trip with us the whole time, of course you’re going to be in the picture!”

You shuffled awkwardly over to the group and slotted yourself in between Sam and Harry, leaning against Sam’s shoulder slightly. You smiled as the nice woman snapped a couple of pictures, praying you didn’t look as terrible as you felt. 

Sam hung back with you while everyone else pushed forward. You were still walking along the wall, just at a slower pace than the rest. Somehow you were able to catch up with them a little later. They had stopped to take in the views of the mountains. Harry was trying to set up a shot with his Canon and called Sam over to help, leaving you standing back with Tom. 

You hadn’t spoken to him much since the morning. There seemed to still be an unspoken agreement between you to keep your distance from each other around the others, which was perfectly fine by you. You were paranoid that spending any amount of time with him would lead to suspicion. He was on the same page. Somewhat. 

“How are you feeling?” he asked when you bent down beside him. 

You could tell he was worried from the way he knit his brows together as he watched you try not to crumble on the ground. 

“Everything hurts,” you groaned, holding your stomach. 

Tom grinned. “You know what helps with cramps?” 

“Don’t say it-”


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*not my gif*

word count: 872

TW: weight insecurity



“How can he look at me and tell me I’m beautiful?” you asked yourself in the mirror. Your fingers shakily lifted up to your face, trailing the tips of your fingers across your flawed skin. In your mind, you made a list of every single imperfection. Blemished skin. Your crooked discolored teeth. The bundle of skin underneath your chin that always makes you lift your phone slightly higher than usual in photographs. When he looked at you, it was almost as if he was staring at the most beautiful painting in a gallery. It made no sense to you because what was in the mirror was nothing short of disgusting.

“You’re doing it again, aren’t you?” Peter asked from the doorway of the bathroom. Your hands dropped from your face, ashamed that he caught you berating yourself once more.

“Sorry,” you whispered, looking away from the creature in the mirror.

He sighed, knowing that you couldn’t help it. He did it too. It was only natural.

“I thought you were still asleep,” you admitted, reaching for your makeup to attempt to hide your blemishes. Before you could reach them, his arms wrapped around your waist and tugged you backwards into him. He hated it when you did this to yourself.

“I was cold,” he mumbled into your shoulder, “Will you come back to bed with me?”

“I was going to-”

“I know. You can do it later.”

You didn’t have the strength to tell him no. So when he grabbed onto your hand and pulled you away from the mirror, you retreated with him. He took you to the bed, sitting down on the edge and placing you onto his lap. It always made you self-conscious to sit on his lap, no matter how many times he told you that you fit perfectly against his body.

“Hey,” he whispered to you, taking your attention away from your insecurities with just the sound of his gentle tone. You felt his soft hand reach up and caress your cheek, directing your eyes to look into his, “You know I love you, right?”

“I know,” you smiled sadly, nuzzling your cheek into his warm palm, “I love you.”

“I love every last thing about you,” he said in a sterner tone, “I love the dimples in your thighs, the way the corner of your eyes crinkle when you smile, the sound of your laugh… those cute little snores that leave your lips when you’re asleep.”

“I snore?” you asked in semi-horror.

Peter laughed, “Just when you’re sick.”

“So that’s how you can tell,” you noted with a tiny laugh. Whenever you got sick, you would keep it to yourself. You didn’t want to worry Peter, he had enough on his plate without having to worry about you. However, he always knew and you never knew how. You’d wake up to see little gift bags by the bed with all your favorite snacks and drinks. On particularly bad days he would surprise you with brand new stuffed animals, he knew they were your favorite.

“Now you know my secret,” he chuckled as he pressed a sweet kiss to your temple. Your eyes close softly as he stays with his lips against your skin for just a secondmore, bringing bright blue butterflies to life inside your stomach. As Peter pulled away, he guided your chin between his thumb and index finger to face him, “It breaks my heart that you forget how much I love you sometimes.”

His thumb gently brushed against your bottom lip, a soft smile gracing his lips. You were speechless under his gaze. You were sure that the midnight sky would cry at how much it dulled in comparison to the speckles of light in Peter’s eyes as he looked at you.

“I know you love me,” you whispered, tears beginning to glisten in your eyes, “I just don’t understand how or why you do.”

Peter let out a heartbroken sigh, his lip quivering slightly at your confession. It tears him apart to hear the way you talk about yourself. In his eyes, the two of you were made for each other. He knew from the moment that he met you. He knew that there was no one else that could fit so perfectly beside him. It was you. It was always going to be you. “Because you are everything I’ve ever wanted and more. You’re my person,” Peter said with so much passion in his voice that every ounce of doubt you had shattered in the air. The tears broke from their cages, racing down your flushed cheeks. Peter’s hands moved to cup your face, wiping the flowing tears with his thumbs.

“You’re so cheesy,” you said, crying to calm yourself from the tears. He chuckled, just nodded to show that he agreed. You begrudgingly removed yourself from his hands, wiping your face free of tears, “I’m sorry I act like this.”

“You don’t have to be sorry,” Peter said with a joking eye roll as he wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you back into him, “Can we kiss now?”

You laughed at his childishness before pressing a kiss to his lips, “I love you.”

“I love you.”

Y/N: ………. *patching up Peter after him doing reckless things* You know what I’m going to say don’t you. ( ・᷄ὢ・᷅ )

Peter: Hero mom’s angry?

Y/N: Hero mom’s disappointed. ( ・᷄ὢ・᷅)

Peter: I’m sorry, Hero mom… (*꒦ິ⌓꒦ີ)




Warning: Peter does some bad things and creepy things. Depends on how you look at it. The title is self explanatory. 


It wasn’t like he was a stalker or anything.

That’s exactly what a stalker would say.

Shut up, Ned! Ahem. Anyway, he’s not a stalker.

Peter just liked you, a lot, and since he didn’t have the guts to ask you out, he turned to…other measures. Ones that would be less noticeable. Yes, he had the notifications on for all of your social media. Yes, he saved some of your pictures because he just wanted to look at it forever and ever. Yes, he had memorised your bio by heart. Yes, he took screenshots of the sort text messages that you shared which were mostly you asking about the Physics homework or the whereabouts of your teacher. Well, that didn’t change the fact the his heart skipped a beat whenever a ‘thanks Pete!’ popped up next to your profile picture.

So…you do know that they call those an online stalker.

Yes! Yes, I know, Ned! But these are different from a real stalker! Real stalkers are really bad. They’re threatening and those are the kind of people that Spider-man has to take care of to keep the city safe. I’m…not like that. Am I? I’m not. He’s not. He wasn’t like that at all.

Sure, Peter.

I’m not! Ok. Anyway. 

Stalker or not, he was going to keep it a secret to his grave. He could never risk you finding out. You would despise him until he graduated. You would never even want to talk to him again. That’s why he couldn’t tell anyone. Not even his best friend.

At least, that’s what you planned until…

Until today.


When Peter thought back to it, it was kind of Mr. Bail’s fault.

“Listen up, Class! Just to juggle things around a bit, we’re going to have new seating plans today! Everybody, pick up your bags, come to the front, pick a stick and go sit in your new groups!”

Peter slowly slid his laptop and notebook into his bag as everybody else groaned. He didn’t really get why teachers thought that “mixing up” the students would automatically end up in making more friends. He liked where he was sitting right now. It was at the corner, his group didn’t really care that much about him, he could secretly work on web fluids from time to time. Peter let out a short sigh before walking towards the front of the class to pick his new seat. It didn’t really matter anyway. It wasn’t as if he-

Peter looked at the piece of unfolded paper on his hand.

As if he-

He looked back at his seat. 

“What are you staring at, Dickhead!”

…As if he minded seating next to anybody.

Anybody except for one.

Peter regretfully slumped his backpack over his shoulder and walked towards the one person he wished to avoid. Flash returned the look with a frown when he realised the reason for the young boy’s stare.

You? You’re sittinghere?”

Peter didn’t answer, but instead, just sat down next to Flash, turning his head the other way. This was going to be a hard month for him.

“Oh, no way. Your lameness is going to rub off me! I can already feel myself getting infected by dollar store germs!”

When Peter continued to ignore him, Flash soon got tired of mocking and turned his attention back to class. Hmm, maybe this wouldn’t be so bad. This is just like Flash on normal days. I just have to wait until he forgets about me.

Or that’s what he thought.

“Ok, class. That will be it for today. Oh, and I hope you like your new partners because you will be working with them on the final project for this semester! Class dismissed!”

Peter turned to Flash with horrified eyes.

Without a word, Flash just scowled and stormed out of the room, leaving Peter behind. Alone.


“I don’t know, Ned. I don’t think I can ever work with him. Or, more importantly, I don’t think he will ever work with me.”

3 hours had past since the incident in Chemistry, and Peter had already filled his best friend, Ned, on the details. Now, they had PE together and Peter still couldn’t get over his thoughts about Flash. Ned however, was less concerned.

“It’s not really that big of a deal, Peter. You had plenty of partners who left you to do all the work. Flash is just going to be one of them.”

Peter wrinkled his eyebrows.

“Dude, that’s not a good thing.”

Ned just shrugged.

“Well, yeah, technically. But you shouldn’t be so worried about it.”

Peter was just about to reject him when a voice above them interrupted their conversation.

“Parker. Get up.”

Peter looked up to see none other than Flash standing next to his mat and scurried to his feet. What was he doing here? Did he hear what he had said?

“Yeah, w-what’s up?”

“Give me your phone.”

“My what now?”

Flash let out an exasperated sigh and looked at Peter as if he was a moron.

“I’m going to need your phone to put in my number so you can call me for the chem project. Remember?”

Of course he remembered.

“Oh, yeah, yeah. Sure.”

Peter fumbled through his gym shorts pockets until he found his phone and handed it to Flash who stared at it with a disgusted look on his face.

“An iphone 4? Are you serious?”

Peter scowled and sat back down, facing Ned. Just when he had almost convinced himself that Flash may not be that bad. Of course he was that bad. Peter was thinking that maybe it would actually be better to do the project himself rather than have Flash help him when-

“WHAT THE FUCK do you have on your PHONE?!”

Peter snapped his head around, a sudden chill running down his spine, to see Flash holding up his phone with the photos app open.

“Why is your phone filled with pictures of y/n? God, Penis Parker, I knew there was something weird about you but not this weird! I’m going to have to call you Pervert Parker now!”

Peter stood up to stop flash from exposing his little secrets but it was too late. The whole gym had their heads turned towards them now. Including you.

“Where do you even get all of these? Isn’t this from a story? You took a screenshot? Parker, do you jerk off to these or something? Eww, gross!”

Flash ran over to you, handing you the phone. Peter’s mind went blank. Now he just wished this was all a dream. A really bad dream. It all seemed like slow motion. How you stared at Flash with a confused look on your face as he made his way towards you, how you took the phone and looked down at it, how your eyebrows morphed into a frown. And that’s when Peter ran.

He ran outside the gym, into the nearest bathroom, got into a stall, locked the door and slid down onto the seat.

He covered his face with his hands.

What was he going to do now.


And that was also when he realised that he had left you with his phone. With everything.



AN: I’m sorry I didn’t post anything for a long time. I was just busy for a while and also my region is seriously effected by the coronavirus so things are kinda off balance for me. I really hope I can continue to post more things once it settles down. Also, I’m kind of trying out stuff for this one. Hope it was ok! 

Taglist: @thewayilookatbacon​ 



Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Part 6


It was a rough night for Peter. Honestly, every night was rough ever since he left his little spot on your bed but tonight was especially worse. He never remembered it being this bad. Because it never was. Yes, he didn’t really like lightening. Yes, they bothered him. But it was never this bad.

Turning his head from the window, Peter hid himself underneath the covers. Why was it so hard for him? Everybody went through it, right? Every gunshot, every explosion, every weird alien technology they faced, they all got over it and he should too. He was an avenger now. It was about time he person-up a little. ‘Come on, Peter.’ He thought to himself as he rolled over to the side. ‘It can’t be that bad. You’re imagining it. See? It’s not even that loud when you don’t think about it…’

Well, maybe one day Spider-man will become a mature, experienced hero inside and outside of he battlefield. One day. But today, Peter found himself standing in front of a door he was way too familiar with. He sighed as he brought his hand up to knock, instantly regretting it.

What was he even doing here? He should go back. This was a mistake in the first place. He’ll just give up sleeping. Yeah, that wasn’t so bad. Tony slept like, what? 40 minutes a day? He was fine. 

Peter weighed out his options. Confronting you vs. not getting any sleep tonight? He could take a restless night. But how about next time? And the time after? And the time after that? He couldn’t keep avoiding you like this. He had to tell you.

He took one last deep breath and knocked. 

Peter’s heart sank when the door opened and he was met with your tired eyes. 

“Oh, hey. It’s you.”

His mind suddenly went blank. What was he supposed to say? ‘Yeah, hey, it’s me. I don’t know if you remember but I have this thing with thunderstorms so I was wondering if you could hug me to sleep like when I was small and furry. Oh, yeah, and by the way, I’m in love with you.’? 

He just stood there, staring at you blankly through the door frame.

“So… Uh, anything you wanted to say?”

“I, I mean, there was a really, really…loud…thunder. And I- It was just-”

When he finally gathered the courage to open his mouth, words just tumbled out, tripping all over each other and Peter knew that this wasn’t going to work. He must sound stupid. And even if he didn’t, the contents of his words definitely did. This is never going to work. He would always just be this rambling idiot in front of you. Peter quietly murmured an ‘I’m sorry’ under his breath. He was about to turn around and go back to his room when you took his hand and gently tugged it towards you. When he looked up at you, he saw those soft, understanding eyes that he knew so well. A sudden rush of relief washed over him, standing in that dark hallway, the single stray of light coming out from your room.

“Honey, It’s ok.”

What Peter did next, well, he wasn’t very proud of it. If there was a line in this messed up relationship, he definitely crossed it. But in that moment, he needed you. Only you. His world was tumbling down on top of him and yet, he just needed you. 

When his lips interlocked with yours, it was like finally breathing for the first time in a very long time. He sucked you in, all of you, until every last inch of his body, the very last blood in his veins was filled with you. You, who he had so wished for. 

It wasn’t until he was sure that he had died and went to heaven that Peter finally let go.

“I-I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have- I know I shouldn’t-”

But you cut him off by reaching out and gently caressing his cheek.

“How about you sleep in my bed tonight, and we keep it a secret.”

“Does that mean-?”


“Just to be clear, I didn’t mean-”

“Yes, Peter.”



“I was cuter.”

“Yeah, but you’re not here anymore.”

Four months had flown by ever since Peter had showed up at your door and now, you two were looking inside a fence filled with a litter of six golden brown puppies.

Lots of changes had been made around the Avengers compound since then. The biggest one being that you had your own office now. Tony had emptied out a computer lab and redesigned it so that you could focus on your cases. Although you did miss being out on the field, you were happy that you could help in your own way. Especially when it involved Spider-man. 

Speaking of Spider-man, that was another big change for you. You hadn’t had a boyfriend ever since…ever because you joined the Avengers way too early to get a chance at any of that and it took some getting used to. 

Peter frowned. 

“I’m still here!”

“You know what I mean.”

You gave the pouty boy a little kiss before turning to the owner.

“We’ll take this one.”

But above all that, this was about to be the biggest change yet. Tony, after the sixth time, finally said yes to making the compound pet friendly. (He also tried argue that an alpaca would make such a better pet but got denied by everybody else.) So there you and Peter was, ready to take home the newest member of the family.

“What are you going to name him, by the way?”

Peter asked as he opened the door for you at the passengers side of the car.

You smiled and looked into the black, round eyes of the little animal in your arms.

“His name is Ohana.”

Peter let out a laugh.

“Ohana means family?”

You nodded.

“And family means nobody gets left behind.”


AN:Hey guys! Thanks for reading and I’m sorry for being so late. I had a terrible cold (it wasn’t the coronavirus it’s ok I’m fine) and I just had 0 energy for the past few days. But here it is! The end of our Puppy-sitting series! I know it’s a bit cheesy but I found the ending satisfying. I didn’t give that much backstory for the reader but the Avengers is like family for her and she was feeling uncertain because of all the changes that they were going through and she felt like she was losing her place in it but as she looked after Peter she kind of realised that the Avengers is not just about saving the world but a group of people making each other better people. And Peter didn’t feel like he belonged in the Avengers because to him, he is still the little kid who doesn’t know what he’s doing instead of this great almighty hero but he also realises that becoming a part of the Avengers is not just about having cool skills and kicking ass but also being a team and a family and he learns that through reader because through her, he found that love. Ok just wanted to say that in case I forgot bye and thanks again for reading!


Tag list: @crumpets-are-better-with-jam@spideylovin@clara-licht @thewayilookatbacon@rogue-of-sound@deadlyaffairs@enjoymyloves @himarisolace

