#tommy shelby headcanon


Request: adopting a dog with tommy

Requested by Anonymous

Thomas Shelby x Reader

Warnings: none

A/n: This took me forever to finish (b/c I forgot about it), but I love this idea. Tommy with animals and babies is always my weakness. And I love that a couple more of my requests involve Tommy and animals. I do have a few more headcanons I’m working on, I’m not sure when I’ll get those finished, but I’ll update the schedule when I get them in the queue.


  • Tommy would not want a dog.
  • Let’s not pretend he would.
  • Or at least, that he would admit to wanting one.
  • “We should get a dog,” you asked one day, lounging on the sofa in his office while you waited for him to finish up with some paperwork.
  • Tommy grunted, too focused on what he was reading to register what you’d said.
  • You rolled your eyes, it would be ages before he’d be pulled away from his work. “Tommy,” you called. “Did you hear me?”
  • “Yes, love,” he grumbled.
  • “Then what did I say?”
  • He sighed, annoyed with all the talking. “I don’t know, I’m trying to get this finished up.”
  • “I said that we should get a dog,” you repeated, this time catching his full attention.
  • Tommy’s eyes shot up to you as he shook his head. “No.”
  • “No?”
  • “No dog. Not in my house, not now, not ever.”
  • “But why?” you whined. There was no reason not to get one.
  • He sighed. “Y/n, dogs are a lot of work and we just don’t have time for one.”
  • “But we can make time.”
  • Tommy didn’t crack and refused to even think about it, but you knew you’d be able to convince him.
  • You didn’t even bother being subtle about it.
  • Any chance you got, you’d mention a reason you should get a dog.
  • When you two would be walking around Arrow House, you’d say it would be something to protect you if you went without Tommy. 
  • When Tommy would talk about going hunting you’d always bring up how he could get a hunting dog.
  • And you would never fail to mention that it would be great to have a dog around when he was on trips in London.
  • Tommy was annoyed with all the mention of a dog and did his best to avoid topics that could allow you to talk about it, but that never worked.
  • You always found a way.
  • And you’d managed to convince him to get one mainly because he was tired of hearing about it.
  • It was late when you slipped into his home office. You’d gone up to bed, hoping he would follow, but he hadn’t. So, you went in search of Tommy, knowing you’d find him in his usual spot.
  • And there he sat at his desk, nursing a glass of whiskey.
  • “Come to bed,” you said.
  • Glancing up at you, he nodded. “Once I’m finished with this. Go on, I’ll be up in a minute.”
  • “I’ll wait.” You took a seat on the sofa. There was silence for a few minutes before you said,” You know-”
  • “If you are about to mention a dog, I will sleep in here.”
  • Your shoulders fell at his words. “Oh, don’t act like a dog is the end of the world. Think about it, maybe the dog would love to sit in here with you. Wouldn’t that be nice?”
  • He didn’t answer, instead sipping on his whiskey, wishing he had locked the door.
  • “Oh, whatever,” you sighed dramaticly, irritated that he wouldn’t even respond. You knew it was a long shot to get him to agree, but you enjoyed the challenge. And being ignored took the fun out of it.
  • You ended up leaving Tommy in his office, going up to bed without him. 
  • A little while later you felt the bed dip beside you as Tommy shuffled under the blankets. “We can get a dog,” he said, wrapping an arm around you. “If you really want one.”
  • You squealed, turning to face him. “Do you mean it?”
  • “Yes, I do.” There was no way he could take it back now, not with how happy you were about it.
  • Tommy still drug his feet about it.
  • He was open to the idea of getting a dog, but now he had begun to list off the various things that a dog could destroy.
  • They could destroy shoes
  • Eat socks
  • Chew on pens
  • List went on and on, but you didn’t care.
  • You would make sure the dog was well trained just so Tommy had nothing to complain about.
  • Eventually you were able to drag him away from the office to go look at dogs. You went to the pound, Tommy grumbling about how he could have just bought one and saved the time. 
  • But once he saw all the dogs, he quickly quit his complaining, taking more interest in them than you.
  • “You poor thing,” he cooed to a small puppy. The puppy hesitantly crept forward, allowing Tommy to pet it. “Would you like to come home with us?”
  • Your heart melted as he picked up the puppy and continued talking to it. And he was very clear that this was the dog that would be coming home, so that was the dog you left with. 
  • Though it was still a puppy, you knew it wouldn’t grow to be that big and you didn’t have the heart to mention that to Tommy. He probably thought the pup would grow to be some big guard dog.
  • Once that dog was brought home, you rarely got time alone with it. Tommy refused to call it his dog, it was always yours, but he always wanted it to be near.
  • If he was in his office, the dog would be on his lap or curled up on the sofa or hiding under his desk. 
  • Any time he walked somewhere, the dog was right behind him and always chasing the birds on your walks.
  • And Tommy was the one to name it, too.
  • He liked the name Daisy since it was a girl.
  • You didn’t complain too much about Tommy stealing the dog. You wanted him to like the dog as much as you did.
  • And that meant it wouldn’t be too hard to convince him to get another. Especially if he took Daisy to work with him, leaving you all alone.


Let me know if you would like to be added to any of the tag lists (please be specific on which ones) and feedback is always appreciated.

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Peaky Blinders:@thendlessdays​ / @simonsbluee​ / @elia-the-bibliophile​ / @astheworlddturns​ / @saltchloe2017​ / @annabelrose5​ / @jenepleurepasbaby​ / @elisabethisdead​ / @soleil-dor​ / @maryams-things​ / @writerdream22​ / @brandydel​ / @annshit​ / @shadow-of-wonder​ / @amirahiddleston​  / @beth-winchester21​ / @jellybeanpie​ / @secret-ssociety​ / @justsimplyme93​ / @whiskeypowder​ / @lilymurphy03​ / @peakascum​ / @haileyybird​ / @theflamecrystal​ / @justalonelyslytherin​ / @walkernigh​ / @babaohhhriley

Thomas Shelby:@captivatedbycillianmurphy​ / @valckenaux​ / @magnificentzombiebasement​ / @terrainhead​ / @everyartistwas-firstanamateur​ / @spurra​ / @savannah-elliott​ / @kathryn-jane​ / @annshit​  / @hanster1998​ / @irishbish​ / @lettersofwrittencollective​ / @albeeox​ / @justsimplyme93​ / @snugleo​ / @in-some-fandoms​ / @multifandomfix​ / @irelanddesires​ / @retromafia​ / @lilymurphy03​ / @infinitelycharmed23​ / @honeyofthegods​ / @itscheybaby​ / @angelusk​ / @janelongxox​ / @would-die-for-bucky-barnes​ / @slytherinicequeen​ / @elenavampire21​ / @nikkixostan​ / @buckyswillows / @lizyshores

Shades of Shelby

A/N: belongs in the same universe as these

this is just a quick little idea I’ve had flitting about in my brain. I’m sure someone’s already done something like this before, if so let me know! And if anyone knows what colour Ada is please let me know (I’m thinking sort of like an Alice blue/silver?)


Words: 552

Summary: The shelby sister associates her brothers with colours.

Warnings: mentions of blood, implied poor mental health (for Arthur)


Tommy is her Navy Blue

  • At first glance his darkness seemed to swallow the world, collecting light and joy like trophies and spitting out misery to take their place.
  • That was to the residents of Small Heath, but to his sister, Tommy’s darkness was a source of comfort and of safety.
  • Like the depths of his long dusty coat, Tommy’s arms could wrap her up in the warmth and stillness only he could provide. Like a den similar to those of the rabbits burrowing by the cut, Tommy’s darkness carved out a home to keep his family safe.
  • He was blue, not like the ice in his eyes, but like the midnight sky. He was a cover of darkness shielding those below him from the harm and horrors exposed by the light of day.
  • He was the peace of village fast asleep, the calm before the storm of a busy morning
  • He was the star-studded night that weighed with the promise of a brighter tomorrow.

Arthur is her Red

  • Those of Small Heath only see the red of his face flushed in anger and of the blood coated fists. To them he is the red cloak that sends the bull running.
  • But his sisters eyes only catch the pink embarrassment rising in his cheeks as he stumbles though a rushed apology, the ruby glaze that clings to his skin, hearty chuckles hurried along by malted veins.
  • His red is of love, rather than hate, of life rather than death.
  • His red is of healing, the only fights are internal, provoked by the demons who clung in the crevices of his mind.
  • Arthur is rosy like the blush of gentle love, Ruby like the fiery passion to protect his loved ones and crimson like his port-flushed veins which will the demons to settle their own bloody tempers and allow him just a minute of sleep.

John is her Green

  • He’s fresh like the beginnings of spring, his own birth gifting his sister a fresh start as an older sibling.
  • He’s spontaneous and playful like sprouting springs in the spring sun
  • He bounces back after any adversity just as the leaves regain their rightful place in the tangled tree branches after a harsh winter.
  • He’s emerald like endless possibilities and jade like the luck on his side as he conquers new adventures.
  • But he is also the calm of Oak, strong and wise beyond his years, knowing just what to say in any situation.
  • He’s the gentle breeze that tempers heated flames, the dew that soothes aching skin.
  • John is green like an expanse of meadows, waiting with open arms to catch you when you feel you can’t go on.

Finn is her Yellow

  • He is golden like sunshine, his smile breathing life into those who feel wilted by responsibilities.
  • Finn is honey, smooth and sweet with a wry smile that makes him practically impossible not to love, even if his sticky fingers bring trouble to your doorstep in the form of Sergeant Moss’ inquires into a recent spate of sweet shop robberies.
  • He is the butter that holds the family together
  • And just as certain as the sun will rise, Finn will always be there to brighten dark days.

Peaky Blinders Headcanon


  • WHEN Tommy asks you out on a date, the way he delivers it is completely unexpected.
  • “date”, because the event is mainly for him and he needs to bring a date.
  • He nearly goes out of his way to invite you to dinner with him at someone else’s banquet party, so you’re not really sure what to even call it.
  • But you’re just honoured to be invited by him.
  • His chauffeur picks you up at your home and he’s there to open and close the door for you
  • Tommy explains the concept on what’s going to happen, but he assures you that he’s not gonna leave you unattended with a bunch of rich people who you don’t even know
  • Certain rich people ask Tommy about you, and you remain polite the whole night, only speaking when it’s necessary 
  • You and Tommy both have glasses of champagne or whiskey on the ready
  • You feel sort of on edge, but even you noticed Tommy was feeling tense. Either it was the event that stressed him out, or it was the date that made him feel nervous, which is generally normal, but not for Tommy, at least
  • It takes him a while, but he compliments your outfit and the way you’ve accessorized yourself whether it’s with jewellery or makeup etc.
  • Tommy has your arm linked with his at all times, and if not, you’re just standing next to him, admiring the theme of the party, the decors, the drinks, the luxuries displayed, the people
  • You would think that you’d feel extremely intimidated - but Tommy, who’s pretty much intimidating already, assures you that he plans on taking you somewhere better 


taglist@ladyxblake@amirahiddleston@thethyri@woahitslucyylu@myriadimagines@fangirlsarah16@your-pixels-are-showing@lucillethings@sirkekselord@kaetastic@champagneholland@locke-writes@multifandomfix@kishie8 )
