#john shelby fic


Argument with John (requested by @zablife)

author’s note: martha doesn’t exist here, so katie is the reader’s daughter. thought I’d let you know :)

“Promise me you will stay calm.”, John said to you while he walked inside your house, stopping right in front of you, his hands held up in a way of defence. 

“What did you do this time?”, you questioned, your eyes wide open while you looked him up and down, trying to find out if there was anything wrong with him, hoping that he wasn’t hurt. 

John noticed the way you were watching him hence he put his arms down and took your hands in his, pulling you even closer to him. 

“Don’t worry, there’s nothing wrong with me. Katie has just -”

“Katie has just what, John? What has she done? What happened?”, you asked, getting more nervous by the second as you held his hands even tighter. Your husband quickly pulled his hands away, shaking away the pain before he put them on your shoulders, trying to calm you down. 

“It’s nothing serious. She just had a little fight at school. That’s all.”

Your eyes were wide open, even wider than before as you looked into his blue eyes, a shocked expression gracing your face. 

“A little fight? Are you serious? A little fight or a big fight, it doesn’t matter. She shouldn’t be fighting at all!”, you stated loudly, already stepping away from John to search for your purse. 

“What are you doing?”

“Well, what does it look like? I will go to her school now and ask her teacher what happened.”

As soon as you found your purse, you turned around and started walking towards the front door however you didn’t get far. John pulled you back, not wanting you to leave right now.

“I already talked to her teacher and don’t worry, I talked to our daughter as well.”, he stated, already knowing what you were about to say. 

“She knows that what she did was wrong and she won’t be doing it again … hopefully. But, love, who can blame her? She has your temper and my will to fight.”

You instantly punched his arm before playfully pushing him away from you and although you wanted to be mad at him, you couldn’t. You knew that he was right. 

“Next time, I will talk to the teacher. And I hope Katie doesn’t think she already got away with it. Once she walks through that door, I will give her a piece of my mind.”, you stated, pressing a quick kiss on your husband’s lips before you turned around and started walking towards the kitchen.

John couldn’t help but chuckle as he lightly caressed the spot where you punched him. He already knew that Katie will be exactly like you in the future, maybe she already was.



Shades of Shelby

A/N: belongs in the same universe as these

this is just a quick little idea I’ve had flitting about in my brain. I’m sure someone’s already done something like this before, if so let me know! And if anyone knows what colour Ada is please let me know (I’m thinking sort of like an Alice blue/silver?)


Words: 552

Summary: The shelby sister associates her brothers with colours.

Warnings: mentions of blood, implied poor mental health (for Arthur)


Tommy is her Navy Blue

  • At first glance his darkness seemed to swallow the world, collecting light and joy like trophies and spitting out misery to take their place.
  • That was to the residents of Small Heath, but to his sister, Tommy’s darkness was a source of comfort and of safety.
  • Like the depths of his long dusty coat, Tommy’s arms could wrap her up in the warmth and stillness only he could provide. Like a den similar to those of the rabbits burrowing by the cut, Tommy’s darkness carved out a home to keep his family safe.
  • He was blue, not like the ice in his eyes, but like the midnight sky. He was a cover of darkness shielding those below him from the harm and horrors exposed by the light of day.
  • He was the peace of village fast asleep, the calm before the storm of a busy morning
  • He was the star-studded night that weighed with the promise of a brighter tomorrow.

Arthur is her Red

  • Those of Small Heath only see the red of his face flushed in anger and of the blood coated fists. To them he is the red cloak that sends the bull running.
  • But his sisters eyes only catch the pink embarrassment rising in his cheeks as he stumbles though a rushed apology, the ruby glaze that clings to his skin, hearty chuckles hurried along by malted veins.
  • His red is of love, rather than hate, of life rather than death.
  • His red is of healing, the only fights are internal, provoked by the demons who clung in the crevices of his mind.
  • Arthur is rosy like the blush of gentle love, Ruby like the fiery passion to protect his loved ones and crimson like his port-flushed veins which will the demons to settle their own bloody tempers and allow him just a minute of sleep.

John is her Green

  • He’s fresh like the beginnings of spring, his own birth gifting his sister a fresh start as an older sibling.
  • He’s spontaneous and playful like sprouting springs in the spring sun
  • He bounces back after any adversity just as the leaves regain their rightful place in the tangled tree branches after a harsh winter.
  • He’s emerald like endless possibilities and jade like the luck on his side as he conquers new adventures.
  • But he is also the calm of Oak, strong and wise beyond his years, knowing just what to say in any situation.
  • He’s the gentle breeze that tempers heated flames, the dew that soothes aching skin.
  • John is green like an expanse of meadows, waiting with open arms to catch you when you feel you can’t go on.

Finn is her Yellow

  • He is golden like sunshine, his smile breathing life into those who feel wilted by responsibilities.
  • Finn is honey, smooth and sweet with a wry smile that makes him practically impossible not to love, even if his sticky fingers bring trouble to your doorstep in the form of Sergeant Moss’ inquires into a recent spate of sweet shop robberies.
  • He is the butter that holds the family together
  • And just as certain as the sun will rise, Finn will always be there to brighten dark days.