#tommy shelby x oc


Shades of Shelby

A/N: belongs in the same universe as these

this is just a quick little idea I’ve had flitting about in my brain. I’m sure someone’s already done something like this before, if so let me know! And if anyone knows what colour Ada is please let me know (I’m thinking sort of like an Alice blue/silver?)


Words: 552

Summary: The shelby sister associates her brothers with colours.

Warnings: mentions of blood, implied poor mental health (for Arthur)


Tommy is her Navy Blue

  • At first glance his darkness seemed to swallow the world, collecting light and joy like trophies and spitting out misery to take their place.
  • That was to the residents of Small Heath, but to his sister, Tommy’s darkness was a source of comfort and of safety.
  • Like the depths of his long dusty coat, Tommy’s arms could wrap her up in the warmth and stillness only he could provide. Like a den similar to those of the rabbits burrowing by the cut, Tommy’s darkness carved out a home to keep his family safe.
  • He was blue, not like the ice in his eyes, but like the midnight sky. He was a cover of darkness shielding those below him from the harm and horrors exposed by the light of day.
  • He was the peace of village fast asleep, the calm before the storm of a busy morning
  • He was the star-studded night that weighed with the promise of a brighter tomorrow.

Arthur is her Red

  • Those of Small Heath only see the red of his face flushed in anger and of the blood coated fists. To them he is the red cloak that sends the bull running.
  • But his sisters eyes only catch the pink embarrassment rising in his cheeks as he stumbles though a rushed apology, the ruby glaze that clings to his skin, hearty chuckles hurried along by malted veins.
  • His red is of love, rather than hate, of life rather than death.
  • His red is of healing, the only fights are internal, provoked by the demons who clung in the crevices of his mind.
  • Arthur is rosy like the blush of gentle love, Ruby like the fiery passion to protect his loved ones and crimson like his port-flushed veins which will the demons to settle their own bloody tempers and allow him just a minute of sleep.

John is her Green

  • He’s fresh like the beginnings of spring, his own birth gifting his sister a fresh start as an older sibling.
  • He’s spontaneous and playful like sprouting springs in the spring sun
  • He bounces back after any adversity just as the leaves regain their rightful place in the tangled tree branches after a harsh winter.
  • He’s emerald like endless possibilities and jade like the luck on his side as he conquers new adventures.
  • But he is also the calm of Oak, strong and wise beyond his years, knowing just what to say in any situation.
  • He’s the gentle breeze that tempers heated flames, the dew that soothes aching skin.
  • John is green like an expanse of meadows, waiting with open arms to catch you when you feel you can’t go on.

Finn is her Yellow

  • He is golden like sunshine, his smile breathing life into those who feel wilted by responsibilities.
  • Finn is honey, smooth and sweet with a wry smile that makes him practically impossible not to love, even if his sticky fingers bring trouble to your doorstep in the form of Sergeant Moss’ inquires into a recent spate of sweet shop robberies.
  • He is the butter that holds the family together
  • And just as certain as the sun will rise, Finn will always be there to brighten dark days.

Belter - Tommy Shelby

a bit of Tommy fluff based on Belter by Gerry Cinnamon, because thats what the world needs right now.

i hope youre all doing well and staying inside and safe! nothing lasts forever <3


She is a belter
Different from the rest 

Tommy saw you as soon as you walked through the door. It wasn’t like when he saw Grace or Greta, hefeltyou. You took his breath away, you made the most powerful man in Birmingham speechless, without even knowing it. 

Diamonds on her finger
And she always looks her best

You looked like something from his dreams, from any mans dreams. Every single light in that room hit your dress; you shimmered. He couldn’t ignore you if he tried.

He would never know of the time you spent in the mirror, scrutinising ever part of your body and picking yourself apart - to him you were immaculate. 

 She is a gangster
With a hundred mile stare
When she walks
Her feet don’t touch the flair

You were Tommys ride or die, and everyone knew it. Nobody touched Mrs Shelby - those who didn’t know you well feared tommy too much to do you wrong but the ones who did feared you. 

Just as smart as tommy, you were his equal. Arthur and John were no match for you quick wit, you could level with Ada on complex politics and even Polly admired your strength of character; 

she’s a good one Tommy, that lass, but god be with you if you ever do her wrong

She plays with lightning
I’m a hundred miles high
Dishing out the thunder
Like a God inside the sky

You had no fear of Tommy, and he loved that about you. the way you spoke to him, the way you teased him - made him weak. When you were alone together you hadallthe power. He would do anything you said, and it both terrified and excited him. Sometimes you let him have a flavour of that control, let him take the reins. But he knew it was all on your terms - he would serve you in any way possible, anything to hear the way his name sounded from your lips.

How can she reach me
When I’m high above the shelf
Lost inside a smoke ring
While I ponder to myself

At first the Shelbys accepted you because they had too; Tommys girl was part of the family whether they liked it or not. However, when they saw how you could deal with him, talk him out from those dark corners of his brain he often dwelled in. You brought back parts of Tommy that they hadn’t seen since before the war, parts they thought they would never see again. And for that, they welcomed you into the family with open arms.

Is happiness an option
Or has love just turned me blind

It took Tommy a while to actually believe you would stay. He found it hard to believe that someone as good as you would be willing to blend their future with a man like him. He felt like he wasn’t worthy of the happiness he felt when you were around him, the euphoria he felt under your touch. After all the bad things he had done, how could any god grant him such an angel like yourself. He’d lost love in the past, he knew the feeling of heartbreak and he also knew he could survive it - but he doubted losing you would compare. He had found someone he genuinely couldn’t imagine a future without, and it scared him shitless.

No happy endings
Unless fairytales comes true
But she looks like a princess
And there’s not much else to do

He tried to turn you away, tried to deny the attraction he felt every time he was in your presence - but it was simply a battle he didn’t want to fight nor did he enjoy. All it took was a bit of interest from you and he would lose all resolve, all common scene. You brought him to his knees and he would let you every time.

She gets underneath my skin
But I’ve been stung a few times
So I don’t let no one in

No even belters

it would take a while for you to get inside that head of his, truly. Tommy had built so many walls to protect himself over the years that they were heard to bring down, even when he wanted to let you in. But Tommy was worth the effort, even if he didn’t believe it himself. You loved him and you were willing to put in the leg work to prove he could trust you with all the sides to his personal. 

She is a Belter.
