#too much fun


So the artist of this image gave me permission to post my photoshop of it, so without further ado, here is Magister Hego Damask granting an exclusive interview to Muun Quarterly.




Old bearded man with a monocle, looking in astonishment at a mushroom. ALT
Old bearded man, smiling, leaning on his side with a basket of mushrooms on his knee. ALT
Old bearded man presenting a mushroom from his basket and smiling. ALT
Old bearded man, holding aloft two mushrooms and smiling. ALT
Old bearded man squatting on the forest floor, holding a mushroom aloft and smiling. ALT
Old bearded man holding a mushroom in one hand and a basket of mushrooms in another, caught in a sun shower. ALT
Old bearded man waving at the camera and holding a basket of mushrooms. ALT

Oh to be the man in these stock photos…

You guys are totally missing the best pictures from actual mycologists

All That the Rain Promises and More! I have this book and I love it. It’s so full of joyful pictures of people and mushrooms:

A smiling man eating mushroom soup. ALT
A smiling man holding fly amanita mushrooms and wearing a fly amanita hat. below, a woman in a fly amanita hat. ALT
A bearded man on the forest floor, about to grasp a mushroom. ALT
A smiling man holding two bolete mushrooms. ALT
A man looking contemplative, wearing a headband with two mushrooms positioned in it like antlers. ALT
A smiling man sniffing a mushroom, a man and a woman grilling mushrooms, and two photos of a man with glasses surrounded by mushrooms. ALT
A woman with glasses, holding a large mushroom that obscures the bottom half of her face. ALT
A man leaning against a tree with shelf fungus growing on the trunk. ALT

Yeah that book was the assigned text for my mycology class. Mycologists are very special people, I love them.

September 7, 2019
