#tos spones


Spones headcanon. Their love (part 3)

Part 1

Part 2


If McCoy was bashful in the normal universe, I think in the Mirrorverse even more so. Not because of his personality, but because of what Spock represents. In the beginning of their relationship, Bones dares very little, occasionally patting him on the shoulder or back. When he feels more confident, maybe a hug, but not too tight. Spock is the one who keeps everything going, he accepts McCoy’s touches, although he would like them to be more. He often caresses him in private, but there isn’t much physical contact either, it’s more like verbal affection. Their relationship takes longer to develop than in the normal universe because it isn’t until later that they fully trust each other.

(Click for better quality)

Spock and McCoy having a little chat

Once Bones discovers that it’s serious, he’s encouraged to give him little kisses, to sit beside him and snuggle into his arms in private. He realises that he really likes him and would like things to go faster, but he gives it time, doesn’t want to spoil it, and is still afraid of upsetting Spock and making him leave the relationship. Spock sees an improvement in McCoy’s attitude and becomes more affectionate verbally, not so much physically. It still gives him a bit of decorum to be around him, and as much as he wants to move on to “the next phase”, he doesn’t force anything.

Spock and McCoy giving each other a Vulcan kiss

I put a “Keep reading”:

Some time later discovering themselves, they start with gentle caresses on their arms and hair. That is what they need in their everyday life, something to alleviate the horror of their universe, something to forget about injustice and violence. It helps them a lot to get to know each other better, to find out what they like, to talk about the future, etcetera. For the first time, they feel happy and comfortable. McCoy sees that Spock is not a bully and Spock realises that Bones is not just a sentimentalist. In short, they trust each other well.

McCoy giving Spock a hug

As their relationship prospers, they share more time together and dare to deepen in their emotions. However, their verbal language is more developed than physical contact. On one terrible day, when they are very tired of their society, they decide to sleep together. They discover that it’s very comforting for them to cuddle, and then they start to attach more importance to physical contact than before. Of course, they hide it from everyone.

Spock and McCoy sleeping together

On the issue of who is the big spoon and the little spoon, in this case I think, without doubt, that Spock is the big spoon. This time it’s not so evenly matched, because McCoy lets himself be handled a lot, and even though Spock is quite soft with him, McCoy likes it. There are times when Bones is dominant, but they’re fewer.

Spock and McCoy kissing

Por cristinardvaya

Spones headcanon. Their love (part 2)

Part 1


I think McCoy is embarrassed to show his affection at first. He doesn’t know if Spock will take a hug, a touch or a kiss. He knows that Spock has been raised as a Vulcan and not as a human, and he’s not sure if he’ll like that sort of thing. He’s also a little embarrassed to question, and asks permission every time he wants to hug him or do any of those things. He knows about romantic relationships, since he had been in several ones, that is to say, he has the experience, but he doesn’t know how to use it with Spock.

The Vulcan knows that Bones must be given his private space, and he verifies it when he sees that even when they are together, the doctor does nothing. And although Spock would like to casual touch him more often, he stops doing so, which makes McCoy insecure.

(Click for better quality)

Spock and McCoy holding hands

Once they have been together for a while, they decide to talk about it and discover that they both want to show their affection, but thought the other didn’t want to. Little by little they start to hold each other in their arms, caress each other’s shoulders, hair, face… all this in private. And they trust each other more to talk about all their insecurities in the relationship.

McCoy giving a kiss to Spock’s cheek

This post is longer, I put a “Keep reading”:

As their love grows, McCoy becomes more affectionate, he treats Spock especially well and Spock appreciates it. They dare to do more things, like sleeping at night together. But they don’t tell anyone, they are both introverted people and don’t feel comfortable showing it to more people. McCoy, when he’s in need of affection, lets Spock hold him, play with his hair, all with gentleness. And when it’s the other way around, Bones floods the Vulcan with kisses.

Spock and McCoy cuddling. Spock is holding McCoy, who is asleep

Who is the big spoon? I think they take turns, but I wouldn’t know who is more dominant. There would be several reasons to think it’s Spock (in many fics it’s him), but I think it would be pretty evenly matched. On the one hand, I think it’s McCoy because he has the most experience, but on the other hand, I imagine him asking Spock to be the dominant, so that’s why I say there’s a balance. Maybe, after a while, there will be one of the two who is a bit more dominant, and then I think it could be Spock.

Spock and McCoy kissing


Part 3

Por cristinardvaya
