#touch repulsion


“Why did you push me away?”

“Maybe you should seek therapy.”

“If you don’t touch people, what would you do if you were dying and someone had to resuscitate you?”

“Can’t you give me a hug just this once? We’re meant to be family!”

“I’m not coming onto you or anything, don’t be dramatic.”

“You should be over this by now.”

“It’s okay, you don’t need to feel obliged to touch if it makes you uncomfortable.”

“Ah! It felt like it burned when I touched you!” (for powers which make touch difficult)

“Tell me why you think I’m obligated to hug you?”

“This is really awkward, but I don’t want to cuddle or anything. It’s not me being cold or anything…”

“This isn’t normal.”

“I hate being this way, but I can’t help it, so shut up about it!”

“I’m not abnormal, and you need to get over it.”

“Get the fuck off of me!”

“Hey! Keep away from them, they don’t like it.”

“You really hurt their feelings when you refused to hug. You should apologise.”

“It’s a pleasure to meet you. Uh… I don’t shake hands. It’s personal, I’m sorry.”

“My reasons are my own and I don’t have to explain myself.”

The character has autism and struggles to communicate that they don’t like being touched, but someone keeps hugging them anyway. How do they deal with it?

The character has powers which hurt those who touch them unless certain requirements are met. Do they choose to tell others how to overcome the powers, or do they enjoy being left alone?

Two characters meet. One hates the sensation of being touched and the other has an illness which makes touch painful, but they become partners. How do they cope with questions about how they get intimate?

A character used to enjoy being physically close with others, but has been abused recently and unable to stand touch. What do they do about this, if anything, and how do they feel?

The character loves their family, but needs to explain they need physical distance. How do they go about this and what happens?

A character has some item of clothing or physical feature (long hair, a bushy beard, etc) which makes people think it’s okay to violate their boundaries and touch. What do they do the time it drives them over the edge?

A character who is otherwise generally touch repulsed is fine with sex under certain circumstances. How do they explain this to prospective partners?

A person is treated as weird because, for whatever reason, they dislike being touched. How do they feel about this?
