#track team



Here’s a little something we wrote on our blog. Hope you’ll find it useful whether you’re fitness pro or newbie as we all used to be :)

Walking into a gym with guys who are ripping their T-shirts with muscles can be a tad intimidating for a noob. Maybe it’s not a tad either. When I first stepped into a gym with a fitness routine plan that involved tons of exercises that I was able to perform for the first time in my life, I was a confused mess. What made it even scarier is that this was the first time in my life that I had paid for a gym membership. I had no clue how things work.

What would happen if my form was incorrect?

Would someone scream at me if I left a sweat puddle on the bench (eww) after my presses?


Me in the gym for the first time ( I don’t know why the gif won’t work here, but I’ll leave it anyway :D

That sounds gross to me after spending a couple of years in a gym. But honestly, I had these thoughts nagging at the back of my mind when I was about to step into a gym for the first time.

And it makes me wonder if others will be facing the same conundrum as I once did.

So, here’s a list of things that I wish I’d knew as a gym noob. Call it etiquettes or basics of muscle building, knowing these things will make your life easier when you are about to venture into your fitness crusade.

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I thought this would be good for any of you gym goers as we finish the spring season

Howell High School track team training in the snow(Francis Miller. n.d.)

Howell High School track team training in the snow

(Francis Miller. n.d.)

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