


it’s funny when the people complaining about tradcrafters “gatekeeping” fail to realize that almost every major spirit tied to the Craft stands before a gate, a lock, or door in some way. like the whole point is to become initiated by these figures so that you can walk through the “gate” and then reap the benefits of the hidden knowledge, it’s not supposed to be easily accessible.

secondly, no other practitioner is supposed to be able to deny you your power. if you feel like another practitioner is ‘holding’ you back simply because they aren’t sharing their stuff or spoon-feeding you info, learn how to communicate with your spirits instead; they are the ones who are supposed to teach you. and if they aren’t willing to do so then perhaps it’s not your time yet, or perhaps you’re just not called to this specific branch of magic.


Non-rebloggable version: click here.






Some of the main Major Spirits in Recon TradCraft:


- Abundia/Abonde/Satia
- Pharaildis
- Hellequin/Herlechinus

- Queen of Elphame/Titania/Mab/Nicnevin
- King of Elphame/Oberon/Oberycon
- Puck/Púcel/Pouque
- Bucca/Pwca/Púca/Pooka/Phouka/Phooka/Phooca/Puca/Púka
- Robin Goodfellow
- Sorthie, Sorthia and Sorthios/Milia, Achilia and Sibylia
- Gyre-Carling
- Gwydion ab Don
- Gwenhidw
- Shony/Shoney
- Manannan
- Gwynn ap Nudd

- Aine
- Fennel/Finnen
- Finvara/Fin Bheara
- Meave/Nuala

- Holda/Frigaholda/Helt/Unholde/die selige Frawn
- Perchta
- Berchtholde/Berchtolt
- Hera
- Frau Harke
- Woden/Wotan/Wode/Odin/Oden as leader of the Wild Hunt
- Hackelbärend/Hackelbernd/Hackelberg/Hackelblock
- Herodes/Herodis-Röds

- Bensoria/Bensozia/Bezezia

- Nocticula/Noctiluca (source: John of Salisbury’s Policraticus)

- Guroysse/Reisarova

- Alberich
- Elegast

- Diana
- Lucifer
- Herodias/Aradia/Arada/Araja/Sa Rejusta
- Domina Cursus/Lady of the course/Sapiente Sibilla (Wise Sybil)
- Mistress/Lady of the Good Game
- The Abbess (”la Badessa”)
- Richella
- Madonna Horiente (Lady East)
- Sicilian Queen of Fairies/Doña Inguanta/Lady Grace/Greek Lady/Doña Zabella
- Sicilian King of Fairies/King Cozzo/King Cucco
- Donne di Fora
- Appenninic Sybil
- Queen of the Land of the Angels/Queen of the Angels/Queen of the Elves
- Befania/Befana
- Salvanel
- Wild Man

- Mittwinterfrau
- Pehtra Baba
- Zlata Baba
- Quaternica/Quatembermann/Kwaternik/Frau Faste/Posterli/Quatemberca/Fronfastenweiber

- Sträggele
- Tsaôthe Vidhe
- Eiserna Perchta
- Gvozdenzuba
- Garanutzl
- Frau Gauden
- Prechtölterli
- Frau Saelde/Fraw Selten/Fraw Zälti/Fraw Selga
- Frau Venus
- die sälige Lütt/das Guttisheer/lieben seelen/Pöffel daß Guttjns heer

- Baba Yaga
- Jedzbaba
- Nóčna Báa/Nóčna Gospá/Bóžja Déklia
- Mokoška/Lama Baba
- Rusalii

- Vile
- Tetka Vila
- Fairy Jelena
- Fairy of Velebit

- Poludnica
- Pjatnica/N’ed’el’a/Marți Seară/Vineri Noapte/Luca/Woman of the Tuesday
- Marzanna/Марена/Morė/Morana/Morena/Maslenitsa/Mara

- Doamna Zînelor/Irodeasa/Arada/Irodia/Irodita 
- Dragaica
- Brezaia
- Baba Dochia
- Avizoia/Aveziha/Avezuha
- Jerodiecele/Iroditele
- Zîna Magdalina
- Ileana Cosânzeana
- Făt-Frumos
- Ana-Foca/Foca

- Ana
- Bugiana
- Dumernica
- Foiofia
- Lacargia
- Magdalina
- Ruxanda
- Tiranda
- Trandafira
- Rudeana
- Ruja
- Păscuţa
- Orgisceana
- Lemnica
- Roşia
- Todosia
- Sandalina
- Margalina
- Savatina
- Rujalina

- Neráïdes/Exotiká/oi Kalokirádes o Kallikurádes/oi Kyrádes/ta Korítsia Mas/oi Kalés Arkhóndisses/oi Kalókardes/oi Khairámenais/Gialoúdes/Kalés Kyrádes/Kalótykhes
- the Great Lady/the Beautiful Lady/the Most Beautiful Woman/the Queen of the Mountains/The Queen of the Shore

- Moira/Narechnits/Sudienitsi/Urechnici/Rechenitsi/Orisnici/Sudienitsi/Soenici/Roenici/Ursitoare/Ursitele/Ursoiare/Mirë/Ora/Fatia/Fatmirat/Zonja të Jashtëmë/I Të Tri Grat 

- The Fates (source: Burchard of Worms)

- Estadea
- Trip Reial
- Akerbeltz/Aker/Janicot
- Lady of Amboto
- Marigüena
- Basajarau
- Silbán
- Caçador Negre/Mal Caçador/Gran Caçador
- Count Arnau
- Eiztari-Belta/Mateo-Txistu/Salamon Apaiza
- Mari Urraka

These are the main ones, however, every Nation and every region in Europe had a different one. You can discover the ones of your region by following this procedure:
-How to adapt the basic practices to your Country and Region in order to reconstruct your Regional Tradition

Please, read also:
-The Pantheon of Recon TradCraft and its relationship with pre-Christian Pantheons
-What is a Major Spirit?

Sigils of Mercury and Saturn burned into deer leg bones.

Mercury, for communication between the worlds.

Saturn, for spirit magic, the dead, and conjuration.

Waiting patiently on the last thing I need to finish these tapping bones. This method is inspired by a video showing this method on Instagram, which I fell in love with. I can’t seem to find the video or account now, so if anyone knows the one I’m talking about please comment!

These bones will be cleansed, anointed, and wrapped in iron wire and red thread. They will be used to open and close communication with the Otherworld and spirits. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀

A spirit house I made out of honeysuckle branches, ribbon, and twine. Complete with spirit house rules on the back wall!

People sit here and ask me why their spells are so weak when they’re using locally sourced ingredients and when I ask if they gave back as much as they took, the surprise on their face never ceases to surprise me.

So…what is everyone doing for the moon tomorrow?

What to do with: Ash Trees Edition

Ash trees are tied to several religions. In Norse mythology, Yggdrasil, the world tree, is an Ash tree. In Celtic mythology, Ash trees are sacred to Lugh, who we celebrate during Lammas. In Greek mythology all the Meliae are said to be Ash nymphs. So in general, different aspects of the Ash tree can be used in such a variety of spells that it’s one of the most versatile ingredient sources there is.

Leaves: Can be used as a replacement for clovers for good luck. And unlike clovers, as long as it has just an even amount of leaflets, it’ll be extra lucky. They can also attract love.

Sleeping with them under your pillow can cause prophetic dreams, or in a bowl filled with water next to you to ward away illness.

Berries: A handful of berries in the cradle of a new babe can keep away the Fae.

Sap: A spoonful of Ash sap before a newborn leaves its mothers bed can ward away illness.

Wood/Bark: Traditionally, witches besoms were made out of Ash and it was a common wood for Druid’s wands. It is strongly linked to healing magic, as well as communication with the Gods.

Wearing a garder with shavings from a green Ash tree can be a powerful protection.

There’s quite a few other uses for Ash out there, that I don’t know, or didn’t list. What are your favorite uses for it?

If you post about people calling you out for your shit, and act like you’re being threatened, when you have literally threatened others, some of whom were underage, you deserve to feel that same fear that those you threatened before felt.

Every action has consequences, you sowed this garden yourself.

This looks very interesting, and could be a great addition to your grimoire. Writing a memoir on the development of your craft may offer you a lot of insight on where you began, and where your craft will take you.

I’m definitely going to give this a shot! So I wanted to share this with you guys in case you find it interesting as well.
