#train talk like car talk but for trains


“Listen, listen! I wanna be a cop. Crowd boos. But only for TRAIN CRIMES! Crowd goes fucking nuts!

-Alice Caldwell-Kelly, Well There’s Your Problem, Episode 87: UCSB Student Housing Cube, 4:58

AU where Emmet and Ingo host a podcast about trains, Pokémon battles, and sometimes Pokémon battles on trains.

  • Ingo does most of the talking, usually in-depth, thoughtful, and passionate info dumping.
  • When Emmet pipes up he’s half insightful, half agent of utter chaos.
  • Ingo: *detailed analysis of train systems and how they go wrong*
  • Emmet: *dick jokes*
  • Emmet occasionally issues actionable threats to troll reviewers that Ingo has to bleep out.
  • There was intense arguing over whether to keep it to mature audiences and allow for cursing. Emmet won for the adult rating with the argument that it would be funny for either of them to state verrry sternly: “If you are under the legal adult age, cease listening and switch tracks right now. Where are your parents?
  • They frequently have guests. Elesa shows up the most and is the honorary third host. They mainly nerd out about Pokémon. To their chagrin, Elesa is popular with listeners because she likes blitzing them with relentless puns and pushes their buttons by deliberately getting train facts wrong.
  • Sometimes big name trainers guest host. Sometimes fellow Gear Station employees join in. Every time devolves into complete nonsense.
  • Frequent Pokémon bloopers where they’ll interrupt somehow. Common culprits are Archeops screaming and surprise Joltiks.
  • It is the nerdiest freaking podcast but they have quite a sizable audience.
  • They’ve turned down doing ads because this whole thing is just an excuse to talk about trains and Pokémon with absolutely no one to stop them.


“Train good, car bad.”

(P.S. Listen to Well There’s Your Problem, a podcast about engineering disasters. It has slides.)
