#trans danny fenton


Danny’s parents are mermaid hunters (for scientific reasons) and Danny is transformed into a half merman when he accidentally activates a mermaid artifact his parents found in the ocean. Whenever he touches water he turns into a merman. He hides his merman form from everyone on land and hides his humanness from the mermaids he meets in the ocean by his town. It’s tough keeping his identity a secret, but at least he has two great friends who can help him get out of sticky situations. Danny’s parents and the mermaids are constantly at odds and it’s up to Danny to keep the peace and stop them from capturing or killing each other.

Wanted to bring mermay and dannymay together! I hope it’s ok I didn’t follow any prompts to do so

Okay so I might have some brainworms

A redesign of the original 3 ghost fighting team!

Sam is mixed race (blasian? Maybe —not sure) because for some reason I always thought she was in canon?? Don’t ask me why I have no idea but I love the idea. Also her mother would never let her dye her hair so she wears it naturally strawberry blond and takes out her nose piercing at home. Sam is more into gardening and activism than she is in show and she and Danny bond over gardening and astronomy. She’s pan because I said so.

Tucker is still a geek but he’s got a little bit of a fashionable sense now because I can not stand his old design it gives me hives. He’s more of a computer geek rather than a full techno geek and so he carries his computer is his backpack 24/7. He’s into baseball now and is frustrated that he isn’t able to get onto the baseball team because he’s pretty skinny and has no coordination.

Danny is more into NASA and desperately tries to get his grades up while ghost fighting instead of blowing it off (sadly he’s colorblind and doesn’t know it but it’s okay because he ends up being an astronaut anyway). Danny is the son of two highly intelligent scientists so he used to have really good grades and Mr.Lancer and him got along really well before the accident. He’s also bi and trans because I said so. He doesn’t really like baseball anymore but he and Tucker really bond over it.

I love them.

