


Dannymay 2022

Anddd we’re BACK for Dannymay 2022! This year we’re switching it up a little bit and decided to include AU Monday where we’re featuring a new popular AU each week (plus a bonus day on the 28th). As always for these prompts. you can draw, write, create music, make a video, craft something cool, really whatever you want! Crossovers and OC’s are allowed for all prompts!

Whether you just wanna do one prompt or all of them, everyone’s welcome to join! This is a fun event first and foremost, so go at your own pace. Once you’re done with your creation, post it to Tumblr with the #Dannymay2022 tag so we can see it!

Below the cut, I will give a brief explanation for the 6 AU/HC’s included, as well as a few other prompts that need an explanation. I will also put a text list of all of the prompts. If you have any other questions, feel free to send an ask!

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Dannymay 2022

Anddd we’re BACK for Dannymay 2022! This year we’re switching it up a little bit and decided to include AU Monday where we’re featuring a new popular AU each week (plus a bonus day on the 28th). As always for these prompts. you can draw, write, create music, make a video, craft something cool, really whatever you want! Crossovers and OC’s are allowed for all prompts!

Whether you just wanna do one prompt or all of them, everyone’s welcome to join! This is a fun event first and foremost, so go at your own pace. Once you’re done with your creation, post it to Tumblr with the #Dannymay2022 tag so we can see it!

Below the cut, I will give a brief explanation for the 6 AU/HC’s included, as well as a few other prompts that need an explanation. I will also put a text list of all of the prompts. If you have any other questions, feel free to send an ask!

Keep reading


DannyMay day 5: lies

don’t be suspicious, don’t be suspicious~

I absolutely love how Sam and Tucker’s expressions came out

Red eyes abruptly darted open and Vlad blindly flailed against his covers. Hyperventilating he clumsily backed away from Sam and onto the edge of the bed. In a muted pop of pink, he teleported out of the bedroom and into the bathroom. Every light in the house flickered on and off rapidly. Several bulbs burst and water could be heard coming from faucets in the open bathroom. The shattering of a mirror jolted them to action. Darting into the room both Tucker and Sam eyed the dimly glowing red eyes peeking out from behind Vlad’s shaking arms in the shower.

Daniel could be heard cursing from the bedroom and quickly arrived in Phantom form. Stepping down and feeling the glass underfoot his eyes widened. “VLAD?!?”

Vlad numbly swallowed. “ It….it burns….someone….make it stop…..I’m sorry….make it stop…”

Sam and Tucker gently tried coaxing Vlad out of the dark corner so they could inspect him. Daniel leaned down worriedly, “ Fruit-Loop? Come on…answer me…?”
Vlad shuttered. “ B-Badger…..the fever…..it’s getting….worse…-won’t stop….Someone….make it….make it stop…”

Sam went to touch Vlad’s sleeve through the water and her eyes widened in horror before she quickly retracted her fingers. Tucker noted the expression and quickly tried the same thing only to quickly retract his hand in disbelief. Turning to Daniel he yelled, “ Pham?!? Cool the room! That waters evaporating off of him!”

Daniel’s green eyes flashed blue and he quickly began deep freezing the bathroom. Vlad continued shaking and soon more glass could be heard breaking around the teenagers. Vlad covered his ears and screamed in agony. Green tinted red slowly curled from his nose as he backed up in a panic against the tile.

Hyperventilating he begged, “Someone….please……it hurts…..I’m sorry…”

Sam went to rush forward only for Daniel to hold her back. “ Go get the taser!”

Nodding she quickly ran out of the room while Daniel stumbled through the pitch black and toward Vlad. Vlad began coughing violently. Daniel ran toward Vlad at the sound and hissed from the unnatural heat radiating off of the adult. “Vlad! Come on! I’ve got you!!! Please…”

Vlad numbly registered the voice but his eyes were turning a dull rust, completely devoid of his spectral energy. Daniel’s arms cooled and wrapped around him in an effort to calm him. Vlad gurgled weakly as he was held and continued softly spasming. Feeling Vlad’s breathing hitch the teen yelled, “ SAM! HURRY!”

The thud of boots against tile quickly closed the distance. Grabbing the taser from Sam, Daniel flicked the switch and connected it to the small of Vlad’s back. Vlad numbly registered the pain from the shock but unable to scream simply went limp in Daniel’s grip. As if on cue the lights in the house flashed on.
Vlad’s breathing was labored and sporadic against Daniel and his eyes weakly watered as he was held.

Sam and Tucker gaped at the room in horror. In the shower there were splatters of blood and neon green ectoplasm riveted across the walls in frantic grasping motions. Besides those, large claw-like gashes were stamped into the ceramic. Noting Vlad’s bloodied hands, Sam ran for the first aid kit. Daniel grimaced and gently hugged Vlad against him in an effort to cool him down. Vlad numbly registered the running water above them and a few tears began dripping down his features. Daniel noticed and comforted, “ You’re alright Vlad… Whatever those monsters gave you is going to filter out. I promise. Breathe.”

Vlad choked a faint breath before his eyes rolled back and his neck fell over Daniel’s arm. Daniel looked to the shower knob above them and cut it off with his powers. Picking up Vlad and gently laying him down in a spot free of glass or blood, he began trying to tend to his wounds with Sam and Tucker’s help. Vlad numbly writhed as the bandages on his neck came loose and Sam growled in anger. Blackish tendrils where lacing through the flesh and bruising the surrounding tissue.

Daniel duplicated and positioned his doppelgängers around Vlad. “ I’m going to burn the wound…”

Tucker grimaced. “ Are we sure that’s a good idea?”

Sam looked to Vlad sorrowfully. “ I agree with Danny. The heat will probably purify whatever’s in his system. He’s obviously trying to fight a paranormal poison with fever but he can’t regulate. If Danny torches the one spot Vlad should be able to recover faster.”

Tucker winced and took hold of Vlad’s right shoulder blade. “ Okay…Let’s get this over with.”

Sam nodded. Daniel took a deep breath and turned Vlad’s neck to expose the bite mark. Charging his right hand, the teen squeezed the flesh together. Vlad bucked and tossed slightly. Dull blue eyes shot open once the energy surge connected and the adult choked against the pain. Limbs became rigid and then protested against the contact. Tears slowly leaked and trailed down his pale features as he numbly shook and shivered against the heat burning his flesh. After a few seconds, he began begging in his sleep. “M’sorry…please stop…..please….”

Sam comforted, “ He’s almost done. Hold on…I promise….Jesus Christ, Vlad we’re sorry….”

Vlad continued writhing and his chest arched. White light tried condensing around his right wrist and he tried pulling his head away from Daniel. “ M’ sorry….please….please…stop…it -it burns….please…”

“ I know Vlad… God… I’m almost done. I swear! Hang in there!” Bloodied hands clawed into the tile, scratching and sparking. Vlad was sweating profusely and his features had started elapsing between pained states of alertness and hyperized semi-consciousness by the time Daniel completed the burn. Daniel’s duplicates faded with a muffled hiss of air. Gasping and choking, Vlad numbly felt a cool hand grasping onto the wound.

Bright red sclera eyes, so commonly seen in Plasmius, flashed spastically from dull blue, to red and then to orange irises despite the ghost taser’s usage.
Quickly washing and wrapping the wounds, Daniel cradled him against himself to further cool his skin. “Shhh….Breathe Vlad….”

Vlad numbly reached for Daniel’s sleeve and leaned further in against the teen’s cryo-core as he held him. Eyes continued flashing spastically between forms and tearing numbly. Still shaking, he began starting to come to. “ D-Daniel……..What…..happened…..?”

Daniel began rubbing circles against his back in an effort to calm him further, “Whatever bit you poisoned you Vlad…. It’s alright though… You just need to relax.”

Vlad continued shaking. “ B-Badger…?……It still….hurts…Why….-”

Vlad coughed weakly and his eyes sparked white. Sam and Tucker bent down next to him and held onto his hand. Vlad registered the touch and his fingers twitched slightly in their hold. “F-Foley….M-Manson?….That’s you two…r-right?”

Vlad swallowed and continued shaking. Sam and Tucker worriedly noted the eye changes and quickly pulled him from Daniel. “ Vlad! Hey… Dude? Can you see anything?”

Vlad fearfully gripped the hand beside him. “ E-everything…..is blurring…It hurts….t-thermal…..night vision…..n-normal…it won’t s-stop..”

Daniel’s eyes widened at the now more predominant eye changes and he gently cupped a hand to Vlad’s jaw. “Vlad? Hey…It’s alright. We’re going to fix you.”

Vlad continued shaking and dizzily reached for the blurry white and black limb comforting him. “…..B-Badger..?…..I-I…am….kinda…..scared….I-…I can hear….everything….r-right now….without…p-powers….”

Daniel’s face went ashen. “ Vlad? It’s going to be alright. Breathe…just breathe.”

Tears started dripping down his cheeks. “……D-Danny…..c-claws….ripped through hands….didn’t shift….like with ghost form….t-tore open….human…side…..s-shifts….aren’t s-splitting…”

Vlad’s eyes began to dull further. Sam saw the lack of color and paled. Reaching over and patting his cheek she ordered, “ Don’t you dare! Stay awake!”

Vlad’s eyes weakly gained back some color again and he tried smiling. “….I-I…am not….the best..c-company….Ms.M-Manson….”

Sam gently rubbed his hair. Tucker grabbed his now free hand. “Come on….you’re going to be fine Vlad. Don’t pull something lousy like going full ghost on us when we’re just now growing attached to the sarcasm.”

Vlad choked out a weak laugh and reached for one of the hands keeping his face up so he could breathe easier. “…..D-Did….you know….halfa’s…can’t g-go….full g-ghost….?”

Daniel’s eyebrow furrowed. “Vlad….What are you talking about…?”

Vlad numbly swallowed and his hand began going slack. “ When…y-you’re both….you can’t s-switch….back to one…We…c-can't…”

Vlad flinched and shivered as Tucker reached over to get some of the hair out of his face. “ Don’t talk like this Vlad. You’re fine… just confused.”

Vlad swallowed, “ F-Foley….?….S-something's….wrong….V-very….wrong…”

Vlad’s eyes numbly locked on Daniel as he was lifted up and hugged against him again. “ Shhhh…Vlad…It’s going to be okay….”

Vlad continued shaking. “ B-Badger…..I-I think….’m d-dying….”

Daniel withdrew Vlad and sharply inhaled at the sight of green ectoplasm dripping from his jaw and nose. Vlad’s normally storm blue eyes looked whitewashed and sickly and his skin was becoming a deathly paler.

Daniel immediately laid him down and began cooling him. “ You’re going to be okay….I promise…We won’t leave you! Just stay awake!”

Vlad numbly choked and tears began dripping down his features again. He tried to smile, “J-Jack…said…t-the….same….t-thing…..B-Badger…”

Sam lifted his head up. “ Vlad…Keep talking while we cool you down! Please?”

Vlad winced as he was lifted up. “I-I’ll….t-try….S-Sam…”

Daniel quickly carried him out of the shower and to the tub. The teen’s white boots cracked against the broken mirror on the floor. Vlad weakly gripped his sleeve as he was carried. Several sickeningly wet coughs came from Vlad’s throat and crimson dripped lazily down his jaw. Daniel froze at the red splatters and quickly set Vlad down in the tub. Dull caspian eyes stared blankly into ice blue as the water was turned on.

Sam gently reached under his head to support him better while they filled the tub, “Come on Vlad…. You promised to talk.” Sam pleaded.
Vlad rasped, “ S-Sorry….What do….y-you..want t-to…talk h’bout…..?” His voice trembled slightly as his eyes stared into the ceiling.

Sam felt his pulse. “ Danny! His heart is slowing down!”

“ Keep talking to him Sam! Tuck? Quick! Go get ice!!! Every tray in the fridge!”

Sam began patting Vlad’s cheek, “ Vlad? You’re still here right?”

Vlad choked, “ Y-Yes…”

Daniel’s hands reached down and phased his pants off. Vlad grimaced and shuttered against the teen’s icy touch.

Daniel began cooling the room more rapidly. “ Vlad? What’s your favorite color?”


Daniel smiled encouragingly. “Good… What’s your middle name Fruit-Loop?”

Vlad started darting out and Sam patted him. “ Come on Vlad. Please.”

Vlad numbly turned in the water and winced. “ ..D-Damian…”

Tucker could be heard stepping over the broken glass with several trays. Vlad swallowed numbly and shook as the ice was poured in. Sam continued, “Your ghost name?”

Vlad coughed and his eyes began rolling back. Daniel shook him slightly. “Vlad! Wake up!”

Crying, Vlad answered, “..Plas…mius-s”

Tucker gently held his hand. “Vlad….hang on man…. Jesus… Just pull through this.”

Seeing Vlad slipping under again, Sam shook him. “ Vlad? What was your little girl’s name?”

Vlad began crying slightly harder and he choked, “ A-Annabe-ll.”

Sam patted his head gently as he shook. “ How old was she?”

Vlad started becoming distant and Daniel cursed at the sweat still gathering on Vlad’s still paling skin. Putting a cold hand to Vlad’s brow he gently jostled him with the other limb. “Come on Fruit-Loop. How old was she?”

Vlad numbly swallowed, “ E-Eleven…”

Tucker quickly questioned, “ Who was your mother?”

Vlad trembled against them and began slipping, “ I-I d-don’t…k-know…S-Sheryl..?”

Sam gently patted his cheek. “Stay awake….Vlad? It’s alright. Slow breaths. Easy.”

Vlad choked slightly and his hand numbly twitched in Tucker’s hold. Daniel leaned over and began patting his face. “Vlad?” Vlad remained unresponsive so the teen lightly shook him, “Vlad? Can you hear us?!?!”

Vlad’s brow weakly furrowed. “ B-Bad-ger?….I-I…….want-t….to go-o…….to s-sleep…….”

Daniel growled and shook him again, “ You listen here you selfish asshole! Stay awake! I’ll be damned if I finally consider being your friend only for you to fucking die on me!”

Vlad numbly began crying again. “B-Badg….?….It’s b-burning…..”

Daniel felt his head and turned to Tucker, “ Tuck! Thermometer, quick!”

Vlad weakly tried lifting his arm only for Daniel to catch his palm. “ Come on Vlad… You always fuck up and come back swinging! Don’t you dare prove me wrong now!”

Vlad weakly gripped the limb. “ B-Badger….I-” Vlad’s chest slowed and his hand went limp in Daniel’s hold. Blue eyes numbly closed and Sam’s fingers shakely reached for his neck. Feeling no pulse, she began shaking Vlad desperately. “DANNY! HE’S NOT BREATHING!”

Grabbing Vlad into his arms, Daniel quickly left Sam and Tucker upstairs while he rushed Vlad to the infirmary.



Decided my contribution for Dannymay 2021 was gonna be finishing this goofy story about the Phantom gang playing matchmaker with Skulker (desperately fighting a crush) and Technus (just here for the memes).


Rated G, all four chapters uploaded, summary below!

After his 2.0 upgrade, Technus seems different, and Skulker isn’t quite sure how he feels about it. Per Ember’s suggestion, he decides to try and hang out with Technus some more, and unexpectedly learns all at once EXACTLY how he feels about Technus. Unfortunately, it’s at the same time they’re fighting the ghost boy, and he and his friends also catch wind of what’s going on. Hoping to disrupt their enemies’ flow, they decide to play matchmaker, and Skulker is forced to confront exactly why those butterflies won’t get the hell out of his system.

Danny’s parents are mermaid hunters (for scientific reasons) and Danny is transformed into a half merman when he accidentally activates a mermaid artifact his parents found in the ocean. Whenever he touches water he turns into a merman. He hides his merman form from everyone on land and hides his humanness from the mermaids he meets in the ocean by his town. It’s tough keeping his identity a secret, but at least he has two great friends who can help him get out of sticky situations. Danny’s parents and the mermaids are constantly at odds and it’s up to Danny to keep the peace and stop them from capturing or killing each other.

Wanted to bring mermay and dannymay together! I hope it’s ok I didn’t follow any prompts to do so

[image id: a monochrome comic page featuring characters from danny phantom. in the first panel jazz crosses her arms, a concerned expression on her face. “danny, you can tell us things, you know?” she says. “we’re here for you.” in the second panel sam and tucker look at the camera with concerned expressions, silent. in the third panel, danny breaks eye contact, rubbing an arm self consciously. “i’m fine,” he says. end id]

[dannymay 2022: ft prompts no one knows au, lies, promise, friends]

i draw my favorite au, at last

Starting off Dannymay with a new style challenge! I wonder how many radio stations the ghost zone ca

Starting off Dannymay with a new style challenge! 

I wonder how many radio stations the ghost zone can get

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spookberry:decided to combine day 8 and 9 cuz Ghost King AU goes so well with Stained Glass Keep rea


decided to combine day 8 and 9 cuz Ghost King AU goes so well with Stained Glass

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Dannymay Day 6: Space


I vaguely remember an episode where danny stole valerie’s hover board and went to space to save the day or smth, I can’t remember which one it was though.




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Wanted to upload the full sized images from my going ghost animation as I really liked how he turnedWanted to upload the full sized images from my going ghost animation as I really liked how he turned

Wanted to upload the full sized images from my going ghost animation as I really liked how he turned out! 

This was for DannyMay2020 day 20 - sky! 

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Going Ghost!!

With added gif below! :D 

#danny phantom    #danny fenton    #dannymay2020    #nickelodeon    #dannymay    #my doodles    
goldensart: “Why did you make me do this! You’re fighting for your loser of a father, for people who


“Why did you make me do this! You’re fighting for your loser of a father, for people who hate and fear you. Think, Daniel! You’re far more powerful than any insignifcant being on this planet, they will hate you unti you DIE for them, everyone in this stupid town sees you as a threat! What will you have after they find out your secret”

“My family…I’ll still have…my family”

Guess who’s late to the party! Has this been done? No idea, anyway, enjoy. 

Edit- I just remembered its Dannymay, so yeah, take it as part of the celebration. 

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