#trans race


Requested: Could you do a Trans!Race and Male Reader smut,just like some really fluffy smut with a somewhat insecure Race? If you’re comfortable with that

Warnings: smut, insecure race, sad race for only a little bit, and nothing else really cause fluff

and for all my trans folks out there who might get dysphoric from reading this, Race isn’t fully transitioned so just beware when reading


You’d been watching Tv, minding your own business when Race had walked in, straddling your lap and pulling you in for a kiss. It caught you by surprise but you kissed back, placing your hands on his face, deepening the kiss. Race hummed into the kiss, smiling against your lips before pulling away.

“Well hello there.” You laughed, giving him a small smile. The only response you’d gotten was Race’s lips connecting to your jaw. You let out a breathy moan when Race nipped at your skin, showing your sweet spot no mercy while he did anything he could to get the darkest hickey on your neck. “Race.” You moaned, grabbing his hips to stop him the second he started grinding down against you. “I- I thought you didn’t want-” You tried asking but Race shushed you.

“I want to. Please.” Race almost begged. “I want you.” He mumbled against your lips. 

“Race we don’t have to if you don’t really want to. I know you said the last time you did it with someone, it made you uncomfortable.” You explained, pulling away to caress Race’s cheek. 

“But it’s not fair to you.” Race shook his head with a sniffle, his vision starting to go blurry from tears. 

“Why is it not fair?” You asked, but remembered all the conversations about this you’d had before. “Race we don’t have to have sex okay? That’s not important. We do so many other things that make you feel comfortable, I don’t want to do this when I know that it does the exact opposite.” You explained, watching Race’s lip quiver.

“I want to. I trust you, and I know you wouldn’t say anything about… down there… that’ll make me uncomfortable.” Race explained, trying to hold back his tears.

“Are you really sure?” You asked, earning a nod. “And we can stop anytime, you know that right?” You asked, rubbing his arm, trying to get him to calm down.

“Well… I’m scared to do it from the back, s-so I guess we could do it from the front.” Race explained, his voice shaky. 

“Race look at me.” You said, grabbing his face in your hands making him look at you. “We don’t have to do this. I don’t want you to be uncomfortable, no matter where we do it.” You explained, pulling him down to kiss the tears that had slipped down his cheeks away.

“I really want you Y/N. I won’t be uncomfortable, and I’ll tell you if I am, I promise.” Race explained, wiping his cheeks free of tears.

“Okay.” You smiled, picking him up as you got off the couch, carrying him to your room. 

You tossed him onto your bed, earning a small laugh from Race.You both kicked off your clothes, both of you pulling each other back in for a kiss the second all of your clothes were off. Your tongues explored each other’s mouths while Race tugged at your hair sending shivers down your spine. You let out a surprised groan when Race started to pump your length, but he pulled you in for a kiss to muffle your moans. 

You blindly reached for the condoms and lube you kept in the night stand, kissing Race while you lubed up your fingers and slowly slid them into him. He pulled away from the kiss because of the long moan that left his mouth. Race couldn’t say anything, moans being the only thing coming from him.

“Look at my handsome boy.” You cooed in his ear, picking up the pace of your fingers. Race whined, holding onto one of your arms as his back arched off the bed. “Look at me.” You whispered, making Race finally open up his eyes. “There’s my boy.” You smirked, curling your fingers inside him making Race let out a pleasured cry.

“Y/N.” Race moaned out, his nails digging into your arm.

“Yes?” You smirked, leaning down pecking his lips.

“I need you in me.” He moaned, almost begging.

“Well since you asked so nicely.” You teased, pulling your fingers out of him. You tore the condom open, slipping it on and lining yourself up with Race’s entrance. “Are you sure about this?” You asked, kissing Race’s nose softly.

“Please.” Race nodded, pulling you down for a kiss. 

You slowly sunk in all the way, a moan that sounded like relief leaving Race’s parted lips. You groaned once you were fully in, pulling Race in for a kiss.

“I love you.” You whispered, pulling Race in for a kiss. 

“I love you too.” Race moaned against your lips, bucking his hips up to meet your thrusts.

You picked up the pace, both of your moans filling the room, Race’s nails raking down your back making you shudder. Race pulled you down against him, his legs wrapping around your waist to pull you closer. You reached back to lift his legs slightly, your next thrust hitting Race’s gspot making his back arch off the bed, and a stream of curses and moans left his mouth, his walls clenching around your length making you groan. You rested your forehead onto his, both of you cumming at the same time, and you pulled out, giving Race kiss after kiss, watching as a tired smile formed on his face.

“Are you okay?” You asked, caressing his cheek, kissing his eyes, nose, and lips softly.

“Perfect.” He responded, both of you getting ready for bed and curling into each other’s arms.


Tag List:  @the-moon-looks-old-and-gray@mathletemadison
