

This guy on tiktok has gotten thicker and thicker since he started posting videos. It’s been so hot watching his torso grow hairier and midsection lose definition as he’s gained weight. Given the amount he shows off his dadbod for views maybe he’s realized that being bigger is better? Either way, it’s seems like the weight is here to stay and he’ll continue to get chunkier and chubbier to his audience’s enjoyment.

Dr. Doubler’s Sunscreen: Ethan

By the time Ethan got to the boat, Nick was already being transformed by the concoction and had the beefed up Alex’s cock sliding down his throat. He would’ve become entranced by his friend being deep throated by Nick but the huge bear of Braden caught his eye. Soon he was under the same spell that Alex had been, but it felt even more sensual. Ethan found himself making out with the large man as Braden rubbed sunscreen into his skin; he could even feel the heft of the bear’s boner against his ass. Just the smell of the man was going to send Ethan over, but something kept him from finishing.

It was at that time Ethan began to balloon outwards—his once chunky dad bod growing into a full on moobs and huge belly. As he transformed, he kept glancing over to the fun Alex and Nick were having. Watching Nick’s huge body jiggle with every pound of Alex’s hips was incredibly arousing. All of the sudden he found himself continuing to expand as he was riding Braden’s fat cock. Feeling his large belly grind against the awe inspiring gut of Braden was almost about to send him to the edge. Once the transformation completed, Ethan’s throbbing cock began to shoot ropes of cum over his new belly. Now weighing in at 300 after gaining 100 pounds, Ethan was feeling larger than life as his belly represented that. Now solely interested in bearish Braden, he waited for the big man’s next orders.

Dr. Doubler’s Sunscreen: Alex

Alex was the first guy back on the boat after Braden. Though his slimmer body didn’t look like it, he was the heavyweight drinker on trip and could pound away beers like no one else. Once on the boat, he got startled by the huge man that Braden had become. Alex’s slender frame looked minuscule in comparison to Braden’s girth and he could hardly utter a word in response to the sight. Soon the smell of sunscreen flooded his nose and Alex fell into a trance, following every one of Braden’s commands. At his request, the skinny guy began to rub and worship Braden’s massive gut, pressing his face into the fat stomach and taking in all of its glory. While Alex was busy, Braden began to lather his skin in Dr. Doubler’s sunscreen, eager to see what would happen. Being too distracted by the intoxicating scent of the bear in front of him, Alex didn’t notice his stomach jutting out for the first time in his life. His chest followed and soon his whole torso was meatier and larger than before. It seemed as if he had gotten broader and his pecs were now massive and firm besides a little jiggle. His once smaller arms were now beefy and strong, more muscular than fat, and his neck and face got thicker to match. The most noticeable change however, was the enormous backside and chunky thighs that had grown massive and soft with the added weight. Each ass cheek was the size of a melon and stretched the fabric of his swim trunks to the extremes. Overall, Alex had transformed from a slightly toned, slender guy into an over-bulked wrestler with a fat gut and huge appetite for beer. When he finally overcame Braden’s alluring scent, he only had three thoughts on his mind: food, beer, and sex. Grabbing a beer and some chips, he looked out at his friends in the water to see who would be helping him out with the last one.

Dr. Doubler’s Sunscreen: Braden

Braden climbed back on to the boat, the water glistening on his strong, beefy build. Grabbing two beers to bring back with him, he figured he might as well reapply sunscreen. After drying off, he grabbed his bottle and sprayed but nothing came out. After some searching around he found a bottle labeled “Dr. Doubler’s Sunscreen” and figured it would do that job. However, on the side of the bottle a small label warned of a side effect: rubbing it on yourself would suddenly double your weight. Ignorant to what would happen, he began to rub the lotion all over his bottom. Within moments, his body started to gain pounds rapidly. As he expanded, his face got chubby and a double chin formed. Just below, his pecks began to sag from the new fat and now jiggled as he walked. What used to be strong arms were now padded with a layer of pudge and looked huger than ever. As the weight piled on, his bathing suit began to grow uncomfortable as his toned bubble butt grew even larger and his thighs doubled in size. The most drastic change, though, was the immense size of the gut that had exploded outwards with the extra weight. Unsure what happened, he looked in horror at his new massive body but soon his mind cleared and he realized it was better this way. So much better that he couldn’t wait for his friends to come reapply.

Colton sat in his car before football practice began. He had gotten into college on scholarship as a quarterback and given his performance in college, a professional career might be in his future. It was his senior year and he had started to think about what was next for him, but being a quarterback for his career somehow sounded lackluster. While he enjoyed the position, part of him wanted only focus on building muscle—growing larger and stronger. Quarterbacks were supposed to built, but he wanted to get larger than the sport would allow seeing bodybuilders as inspiration. Colton got out of the car and went to the locker room to change for practice still thinking about his future, trying to balance what he was good at and his innate desires.

When he got to the locker room, one of the offensive linemen, Owen, was walking out of the shower with his towel on. Gut on full display, it jiggled slightly as he walked to go change. Even though Colton was appreciative of the guys on the O-Line and they were all so kind, he couldn’t help but judge them for their body. How could a guy let themselves get that fat even if there was a decent amount of muscle behind it? He enjoyed his tone body and so did the girls on campus. After all, Colton was banging hot chicks every weekend while Owen was probably sitting on his couch playing video games. Maybe if he devoted more time in gym he could look like Colton. Guess everyone can’t be a top shot on campus, he thought and chuckled to himself.

As Colton walked towards his locker, his phone buzzed with a text from his friend Michael. After putting his uniform on, he checked it and found a recommendation to check out a website called bearify.me. Michael had commonly sent Colton some hilarious stuff, so he visited the website. He was greeted with a survey page that started off with questions about his age and gender. Interested to see what this was all about, he proceeded earnestly and clicked next after answering the questions. “Do you love football?”, the next question asked. He quickly answered yes, seeing as it occupied most of his time. “Do you want to get bigger?” Colton really wanted to get stronger and build muscle so he assumed that counted. “Are you looking for a new focus in life?” Knowing he was getting  disinterested in professional sports, Colton selected yes even though he was unsure of what exactly he needed to change. After continuing through the survey, he finished the last question and was greeted with a screen saying “Bearification: 0% Complete.” He guessed Michael had sent him some worthless link and out his phone into his locker, leaving the locker room to get to practice.

After warming up, Colton and the other quarterbacks practiced their throws with one of the coaches. In the middle of this, he felt a strange feeling in his stomach but coughed it up to the burrito he ate earlier. It wasn’t until they finished up their throwing drills that he noticed something strange. Where he had previously had washboard abs, there was now a small belly developing at his midsection. Everything felt normal as if he had always been a little pudgy, but he looked bloated compared to before practice started. Not sure what to do, Colton decided to worry about this later and maybe start running an extra mile or two in the mornings.  As the team began to practice a few new plays they had been working on, Colton’s body continued to change. Becoming chubbier and chubbier, most of his chiseled features had been smoothed out. Now his thighs now pressed against each and his arm muscles were slowly being hidden under layers of fat. His midsection had grown out of control with a firm gut that hungover his waistline slightly paired with the slightest love handles.

As Colton grew horrified at this transformation, one of the offensive lineman came over and gave his rear end a good slap. “Colton shouldn’t you join us over here for the drills? The quarterbacks have their own things to do.” The slap caused his ass  cheeks to jiggle as his butt had gotten huge from the new weight he put on. The sensation was incredible, almost causing Colton to lose his breath. Staring down at his stomach, suddenly all he could think about was how it would look if it was slapped like that. He shook his head rapidly, what was happening to him? Why was he thinking like this? Feeling incredibly confused, he told the coach he didn’t feel well. “Alright big guy, you can go take a break. Gonna need you back on the field as soon as possible.” A sudden rush shot through him at the words big guy; it was almost erotic. Yeah I am a big guy, Colton thought.

He rushed to the locker room to figure out what had happened, soon feeling out of breath at all the running he was doing. Early that day Colton had ran 5 miles, now he was tired after jogging to his locker. He stared at himself in the mirror. About 80lbs heavier than when he was an hour and a half ago, a hefty gut spread across his waist and developed into large love handles on his side. His face had gotten full and chubby, losing any indication of its previous chiseled shape. To match the beast of a belly that had taken over him, Colton’s thighs and ass had become hugely thick. A jiggly, soft layer of fat hid strong thigh muscles with a lot of power to them. His ass was now twice the size it had been, and he gave it a nice slap to watch it shake and bounce. What the hell happened to him, he thought. Grabbing his phone to call his parents and probably a doctor, he saw a message saying “Bearification: 60% Complete.” Suddenly, he felt like he had to sit down as his vision became blurry. His mind fogged up and when he came back to focus, he felt completely different.

Colton stood up off the ground, hoisting his gut up as it had continued to grow larger. He felt absolutely massive and loved it, jiggling and exploring his new chubby body. But to Colton it had always been this way; guys on the offensive line are supposed to be big. In some ways, he thought that was why loved football: it was an excuse to get bigger, stronger. Looking at the mirror again, it was clear his body was still changing. The sight of his swelling belly was making him hard but he needed to get back to practice. Looking at his phone, the screen said “Bearification: 90% Complete. Colton wondered what that meant. By the time he got back to the field Colton had completely changed. His chiseled 200lb frame had exploded into a huge 300lb body, with a great deal of power behind it. His round, jiggly butt barely fit in his pants even though he had gotten new ones last week. The fabric around his midsection was stretched out from his massive belly. Overall, he was huge in every regard, maybe the largest guy on the team. He had always dreamed of being this big and wanted to get even bigger.

Jackson sat in the airport, waiting for his flight to see his girlfriend. They had been dating since high school and kept it going through 3 years of college. As captain of the wrestling team and with a body most guys would kill for, Jackson could probably get with most girls-or even guys-on campus but he truly thought he found the one in Audrey. Headed into their senior year, they had spent countless hours studying for the MCAT together so they could attend medical school as a couple.

After a bit of studying, he checked his phone and found a text from his friend Colby. He had sent him a link to a website called bearify.me and told him to check it out for some fun. He clicked on the link and was met with a survey page. The questions started very basic, with things like age and gender but started to become strange. “Do you wish you were hairier?” was the next question. Jackson always wanted to grow out a beard guessing that counted as he selected yes. “What part of your body are you most proud of?” He enjoyed his meaty thighs and ass, after all leg day was his favorite. “Do you like to play sports?” Of course he did. He continued through the questionnaire until the last question. After submitting, a loading screen came up that said: “Bearification: 0% Complete.” Jackson guessed he needed to check back later.

Getting on the plane went fairly seamlessly. As the plane took off, he began to feel strange. Chalking it up to the pressure change, he began to doze off to try and pass some time. Around an hour and half later, he woke up feeling different. Looking down at himself, he saw his midsection had gotten thicker as a bit of a gut had formed where his flat stomach had been. His thighs were much more hairy than before and had grown even meatier than before. To match, his face had gotten fuller and a bit of stubble had grown in. Jackson had no idea what to think but for some reason it all felt normal, even if he had always been this way. He checked the website from before: “Bearification: 30% Complete.” Jackson knew these changes had something to do with the website, but it all made no sense. Looking around, it seemed no one had noticed though a few girls had been making eyes at him. He checked himself in the camera and was stunned by how attractive he looked, his dick getting slightly hard at his new look. Who knew what else would happen?

After some more studying, Jackson started to find it harder and harder to grasp the content and study the text. Areas he had been exceeding in beforehand were now making no sense. It was like he was getting stupider or at least forgetting things. He decided to go to the bathroom to splash water on his face, maybe that would help. Washing his face off, he looked up at the mirror and stared at his body. His pecs had gotten larger, getting stronger while building up a layer of soft fat. New muscle made his arms huge, and his traps and neck were massive. While his thighs had already been large, they now looked like tree trunks and his butt had grown to match. Jackson figured at this point he had gained at least 50 pounds and grew 4 inches on the flight, but it felt as if he had always been this big and tall. Checking his phone, the website now said “Bearification: 70% Complete.” Jackson could barely wait to see what he would look like at the end of the process.

Looking at himself in the mirror had made himself incredibly horny. Figuring he was already in the bathroom, he pulled his pants down to reveal a fat cock and large balls that were barely contained in his jockstrap. He could’ve sworn he had been wearing boxers before but his ass looked so amazing he didn’t mind. He began to stroke his 8 inch penis while squeezing his bouncy pec. As he continued to pump his dick, his body seemed to change faster and faster. His arms and legs continued to swell while new hair grew rapidly on his chest and back, all the while his belly continued to expand. Soon he climaxed in the airplane bathroom, experiencing an incredibly strong orgasm after masturbating to his new body. Shooting ropes of cum all over the bathroom mirror, he saw firsthand how powerful his thick, long penis had become.

After cleaning up and getting dressed, he went back to his seat. Interestingly, no one seemed to notice the huge changes Jackson went through in the bathroom as we walked down the aisle. Just as he noticed, his mind clouded and he soon forgot what just happened. He had looked like this for a while now, he thought. Sitting with his laptop, he didn’t recognize any of the nonsense that was displayed in screen. Had he been looking at stuff for the MCAT? Why would he ever do that? Jackson checked his phone again and saw a webpage that said “Thank you, enjoy your transformation!” He chuckled and started to watch some wrestling, finding the sport incredibly erotic. Once the plane landed, Jackson woke up and ordered an uber. He had flown in to shoot a video for his only fans. He had met the guy on instagram after following his page. Despite his huge frame, Jackson loved to bottom and apparently this guy was an incredible top.

Getting off the plane, it was incredible how much Jackson had changed. Now 6’6 and 260lbs, he had become huge–dominating any room he was in. His massive pecs and ass slightly wobbled as he walked, putting on a display for everyone else at the airport.  He quite enjoyed his body, feeling powerful in it. Barely remembering the existence of his girlfriend or even his time as a college student, Jackson left the airport ready to begin his new life.

 “Girls like her are everywhere now. You can tell them by their…”, she gestures, stretching h

Girls like her are everywhere now. You can tell them by their…”, she gestures, stretching her hands far out in front of her chest, rounding her fingers to grope invisible spheres, and only then whispering the word. “By her hooters. But it’s not just the size. It’s the bouncing. And the playing. And the sweet words she says. And all of the things she does to make you think she’s a nice girl to…”

Another stumble. Again the strain of old-world prudishness overrides his mother’s tongue.

…to go to bed with. But never forget she wants something from you. And if you give it to her, you’ll never get it back.”

His mom had once warned him about a certain kind of girl, but that had been a long time ago, back in the days before his mom had grown into that kind of girl.

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 “Look, I’m not trying to shame you. I’m just saying it’s not normal. Like, I don’t even really unde

“Look, I’m not trying to shame you. I’m just saying it’s not normal. Like, I don’t even really understand where you’re coming from with this. Is it like a dominance thing? Like a power thing, maybe? Kind of a role reversal, I guess. Like ‘oh, I’m the big strong guy. I’m gonna’ jam my dick into this girl and spray my cum all inside her’? Maybe impregnate her?

“What do you even call it? Pussy fucking? A vagina fetish? A coital kink? And if you’re down there doing whatever, where do the boobs come in? Do you squeeze them as you’re kind of thrusting? Like just rub the nipples? I don’t really get it.

“Look, it’s going to be a hard no. And I don’t think I’m being unreasonable there. I really don’t think you’re going to find many girls who are into that. Yeah, yeah, I know people used to. But don’t you think we’ve moved past that, as a society? We were flatter. We didn’t have as many choices back then. I seriously doubt anybody ever actually wanted to be pussy fucked. It’s kind of gross, honestly.

“What? ’A loving, mutual experience of shared affection and bonding’?  Yeah, you’re kind of not selling it to me there. That really doesn’t sound like my cup of tea, sorry. Maybe I’m just too vanilla. But, hey, if you’re into this whole ‘bonding’ crap, I think a month or three between my boobs would really help straighten you out. You don’t mind a little ball pain, do you?”

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 Have you ever seen the homunculus man? Maybe you’ve glimpsed him on the shelf of an old-world museu

Have you ever seen the homunculus man?

Maybe you’ve glimpsed him on the shelf of an old-world museum. The cortical homunculus, that gawking sense map of the human mind with his distended lips and tongue, those bulging eyes, his gigantic hands grasping out as if to touch the world beyond his glass cage.

If an enterprising researcher were to create a homunculus pillow girl, what do you imagine she might look like? She’d still have tongue to taste, and eyes to see, and hands to feel. But what of her breasts? What of those parts of her not just swollen in size, but threaded with new nerves and sensation? Our homunculus girl who gasps and blushes with even the slightest brush of fingers across her titanic chest; who, just by sliding hard nipples across the fabric of a bra, can taste the pheromones of previous wearers; whose world is racked daily by boob-juddering orgasms; and who is satisfied by nothing more than the gasping thud of cock through cleavage.

How could her breasts not dominate her? Our homunculus girl with boobs so big there’s no longer room for anything else. Her turgid nipples scraping against museum glass as she suffocates in a maze of her own overgrown tits.

To our minds, pillow girls seem obsessed. We wonder how loving wives and proud mothers could become the type of person who would demolish husband and son under the pounding of their breasts. But to understand them, we must understand boobs as more than just pseudo-sex organs. They are senseorgans. She is a blind woman now “blessed” with sight. And her titfucking as necessary as blinking for the homunculus girl trapped inside.

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 “Growing trouble?” she said, “We’ve all had times where we felt like we were swelling so fast we co

“Growing trouble?” she said, “We’ve all had times where we felt like we were swelling so fast we couldn’t keep up. Threads start to stretch, shirts start to shred and before you know it, you’ve got nothing left to wear.

Sound familiar?” she nodded towards the camera, still smiling, but her eyes were filled with sympathy for her swollen, leaky audience. “But you don’t need to throw away that old hoodie just yet. A pair of fabric scissors and a little time and I’ll show you how to boob up your wardrobe. It’s time to make those old clothes titfuck friendly!”

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Twas the night before Titmas, when all through the street,
Not a ‘bator was stroking, but one awful cheat.
The gift-bras were hung by our chimney with care,
For fear that Ms. Claus would come visit us there.

The jack-offs resisted their cocks in their beds,
While visions of sugar-tits bounced in their heads,
But mom with no bra, and my hand in my lap,
Her tits silenced my brain for a long winter’s fap.

When out on the lawn there arose a sweet moan,
And I sprang from our bed for we two weren’t alone.
Away to the window I flew like a flash,
One-handed tore open the shutters and sash.

The moon on their breasts way up there in the sky,
Made me lusty and horny for women nearby.
When my wondering ears did hear laughter and bells,
I saw miniature sleigh and eight sexy boob-girls.

Up there a strict Mistress was driving eight whores,
And I knew in a moment she must be Miss Claus.
More lurid than porn-stars her coursers they came,
With a whistle, and shout, she cat-called them by name:

“Ballsmasher! and, Dancer! and Stripper and Vixen!
Oh, Nipples! oh, Cleavage! oh, Boobies! and Tits then!
To the top of the porch! to the top of the wall!
But jiggle your boobs and then take off clothes all!”

As big tits will surge against errant bra thread,
When they meet with a hurdle, straight through it they shred.
So up to the housetop the women they flew,
With a sleigh full of torments, and Mistress Claus too—

And then, in a twinkling, I heard up above,
The moaning and gasping of girls making love,
And before I had taken my hand from my cock,
Down the chimney, Ms. Claus came, and gave me a shock.

Half-dressed all in fur, her big tits nigh in sight,
And her cleavage all silky, and oiled and bright.
With a bundle of gifts she had wrapped in a bra,
Each cup a gift-sack half the size of a car.

Her eyes—how they glared! Her expression, so cruel!
Her cheeks were like roses, but warm not at all.
Her sweet ruby mouth, an ice smile did show,
And the hair on her head was as sleek as the snow.

A handful of sweet-treats held tight in her breast,
So enticing—the cinnamon scent of her chest.
And her huge pair of tits laid on taut little belly,
So they shook when she laughed, like a bowl full of jelly. 

She was sexy, and tall, and sashayed a cute rear,
And I laughed when I saw her, but mainly from fear.
First a wink of her eye, then she blew me a kiss,
And I knew I’d be troubled escaping this Miss.

She spoke a few words, before starting her work:
“You look like a guy who must know how to jerk.”
I snatched hand off my cock, “It’s not true!” so I said.
”I only wank sometimes, and only in bed.”

So laughing, my Mom plucked a sweet from Claus’ chest:
“He’s a wicked young man, and ne'er gives it a rest.
He tugs it, he rubs it, he pumps, and he plays,
He slaps it, he gropes it, and strokes it for days.”

“Is this true?” Claus asked me, “You do nothing but ‘bate?
If nice boys I give treats, then that shan’t be your fate.”
To my mother spoke Claus: “Find the beds. Wake the boys.”
“For all naughty hand-humpers must turn into toys.”

And from house-then-to-house my dear mother did go,
The free-men of our street she did line in the snow.
And naked and freezing we stood out in the cold,
Us seeing no option but to do as she told.

So glared Mistress Titmas, and eight of her tarts:
“You better prepare, in ten seconds this starts.
For any good boy, this test shouldn’t take much:
To prove that you’re nice, then your penis don’t touch.”

And Ballsmasher did grope, and Dancer did tease,
And Stripper and Vixen bounced titties to please,
And Nipples and Cleavage and Boobies and Tits,
Tormented us boys with their scanty outfits.

-The first part of a cautionary poem. ‘Traditionally’ read by unenslaved men around Titmas time.

Traditions ain’t what they used to be.

The second half will follow right now.

 Once, enslaving her boyfriend would have been unthinkable. She used to have all of these little scr

Once, enslaving her boyfriend would have been unthinkable.

She used to have all of these little scruples: morals, restrictions, a sense of fairness. Scruples grounded in old-world thinking—small-boob thinking as they sometimes called it. Fairness just wasn’t the kind of thought you entertained when you had your own heavy pair of superiortits jostling over the neckline of your top. Each boob swollen with billions of intermingled neurons sparking need, and, lust, and pleasure across their soft expanse; endless hidden glands pumping their thick hormone syrup throughout her body and reminding her of what was important; other tiny chemical factories working overtime to fill the air with black-cherry booby pheromones. Her new tits incessant in their desire to stamp their imprint on the world, on her boyfriend, and on her own mind.

Even a single boob was bigger than her own head and one alone would have been more than capable of overwhelming whatever protests still echoed from her forebrain. Two made it hard to remember she’d ever been anything other than this: this big-boobed bitch who’s nipples throbbed so delightfully when she thought of how it’d be to have her boyfriend at her mercy, squirming and writhing between her tits.  She knew, deep in her bosom, that it was entirely the right thing to do. Men deserved to suffer for their lust. They were silly, pathetic, horny things and it was right to take advantage of them, to show them how small and weak they really were.

She couldn’t even think of her lovely breasts as an invasive thing. Her blessing had been sudden, the new weight that had surged out from her body had defied everything she thought she’d known about the world. But she couldn’t think of them as something abnormal. They had simply taken their place as the most necessary part of her. Twinned queens taking up their rightful throne. Her chest proudly crowned by these jiggling mounds of pure lust telling her for the first time who she really was.

Once, enslaving her boyfriend would have been unthinkable. Now, when they were together, she thought of almost nothing else.

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She couldn’t believe she lost her favorite necklace down a storm drain and actually had to pry

She couldn’t believe she lost her favorite necklace down a storm drain and actually had to pry up a manhole to go find it. She had no desire to be wandering around a sewer and ruining a good pair of shoes and pants. The necklace was a family heirloom and she was not about to abandon it. She spent a good fifteen minuets looking for it before she spotted something shiny in the muck. As she reached down to pick it up she felt something bite her hand, She reached back in pain, swearing under her breath and pulling out her phone to use its light to get a better view. A large rat sat on the necklace and her looked rather hostile, but she pushed it away with her foot and it scampered off.

“Damn rat, now I’m gonna have to get a rabies shot or something…” She cleaned the necklace on her pant leg and stuffed it into her pocket. “Okay time to get out of this sewer.” She started walking back to the manhole, but for some reason she could find it. It was over an hour before she realized that someone had put the cover back on, and another hour until she found it and pushed it loose enough to leave.

Tired, dirty and in a bad mood, she stomped back home. Today was turning into a terrible day. She had been stuck in a sewer all afternoon, bitten by a rat, she smelled bad, and now her ears and nose hurt. As she walked into her bedroom to take off her jacket and get ready to shower herself clean she caught her reflection in the mirror. Her ears were huge, round and protruding from the upper sides of her head much like a rodent’s. Her nose had started to grow in size, becoming longer and turning pink at it’s end. Below that her mouth sported a rather long pair of incisors and she couldn’t even keep them hidden with her mouth closed. The only change she didn’t notice was that of the necklace. Deep within her coat pocket it glowed with an eerie greenish light, it’s magic slowly changing her. She took her jacket off thankfully and she stopped turning into a rat, but she still had no idea how she had changed, or how to turn back. Or that the necklace was an heirloom passed down from a distant relative who dabbled in the arcane and was a shapeshifter. The necklace’s magic had allowed her to become a shapshifrter too, but she had no idea that she possessed this power or how to control it.

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When she wished that The Warlock would make her looker hotter, The Warlock decided she should be Haa

When she wished that The Warlock would make her looker hotter, The Warlock decided she should be Haawwwter instead. She couldn’t get her panties down before a long furred tipped tail ripped through them, and she had little time to marvel at the donkey’s tail before her nose began to broaden, her nostrils changing shape in a way that made her eyes smart a little and she felt like she needed to sneeze. She couldn’t hear herself sneeze though, the world had become silent for a moment as her ears moved, changing shape and becoming covered in soft gray fur. She let out an exhausted bray as the changes finished.

She wanted to be mad, but she had to admit she felt strangely sexy in her new body, she gave her tail a experimental flick, and flattened her ears exercising new found control over them. She could get used to this…

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She was studying an ancient culture that worshiped a fox spirit when she came across an obscure text

She was studying an ancient culture that worshiped a fox spirit when she came across an obscure text reference a ritual to summon the spirit of the fox and receive his blessing. She wanted her paper to be authentic and figured she might be able to gain some form of unseen insight into their culture by performing the ritual herself. It was surprisingly simple, just a few herbs, a small chant, a dance… It only took her a few days to have everything ready.

She began the ritual with a small camcorder recording her efforts for her to review later. she danced around a small bonfire, it’s light the only thing illuminating the dark forest clearing. She tossed herbs into the fire at different points, saying the summoning chant as she did. As she threw the last herb she bowed down and closed her eyes. When she opened the, the fire was out, but it was not dark. Above the cooling embers floated a whitish blue fire, it swirled and danced in the air before taking on the shape of a fox.

“Intriguing. It has been many years since I have been summoned, many… Boring years. I enjoy being… entertained, and it seems my followers have abandoned me… Hmmm…. What could possibly have driven you to summon me, you don’t look like a worshiper, what are you.”

“U-uhn, I I’m a student.”

“A scholar? So you too desire to learn… I think you deserve to get a first hand feel of how my worshipers used to live. I am going to give you my blessings, and in return I will watch the world through your eyes, try and keep me entertained.” The fox spirit grew brighter and brighter, turning into the fiery shape once more before launching himself at the girl. She screamed as she expected the fire to burn, but it felt more like she was being caressed, and soon she felt the world drift away and she passed out.

When she woke in the morning she felt like she needed to stretch, she let out a large yawn and leaned forward, arching her back and sticking her bushy red tail straight out. She blinked in confusion, reaching behind her and feeling her tail, then following it to her body before noticing she was a fox from the waist down.

(This is a physical representation of the blessing, your powers will take more time to discover, but it should be… fun to watch you uncover your new gifts)

“Who… Who said that!?”

(You know my name, though you dare not say it… Now, it is time for you to keep up your end, find something to keep me entertained, find me something unique, something I have yet to experience…)

The half fox got to her feet and took a few steps on her digitigrade legs, feeling her paws touch the ground for the first time. She took a few more steps before starting to jog forward, then she broke out into a full run, she was moving faster than she had ever ran before, faster than anyone she had ever seen run before, vaulting over fallen logs, and dodging between trees, navigating the forest with the ease of a fox.

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She collapsed against a nearby tree, the smell was overwhelming. What kind of terrible luck do you h

She collapsed against a nearby tree, the smell was overwhelming. What kind of terrible luck do you have to have to walk in a park and get sprayed by a skunk. The scent was so terrible and strong, her eyes watered, her skin itched, her whole body felt hot. Even her clothes didn’t seem to feel right, like they weren’t quite fitting as well, and she pulled down her pants without realizing it.

Soon she was nude from the waist down, but even that didn’t help cool her off, the hot stinging persisted. She was so distracted by discomfort that she felt she failed to notice as her spine began to lengthen and her ears began to migrate to the top of her head. It wasn’t long before they started to ache a little and her body began to itch as small dark hairs began to grow. In a few moments she had a small tail and was quickly growing fur.

She began to notice her changes as she lost her sensitivity to the smell, she was covered in fur, she had a tail, she was turning into some sort…of…

She was turning into a skunk, the white stripes down her back and the huge fluffy tail, the rounded ears on her head. That skunk had turned her into some sort of… skunkgirl…      

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“They are like, so full of milk you know?” she giggles, squeezing them together and shak

“They are like, so full of milk you know?” she giggles, squeezing them together and shaking them enticingly, you can swear you heard a slight sloshing sound. “I have to milk my girl udders a couple of times a day, it feels so good I just can help it and I… MOooooooOOOoo!” She lets out a loud moo and accidentally whacks you with her large bleaches blonde furred tail. “Gosh I didn’t mean to hit you, your like, okay right?” She looks at you with a pleading look.

“Oh you wanna know how I got to be such a sexy big tittied cowgirl?” She looks embarrassed and giggles again. “I tried this new brand of milk in my cheerios, from TF-Farms. They all had these silly names like Black Bull, and Big Brown, but I tried the Busty Blonde. Now I don’t got to buy any more milk cause I get it right from my big titties. If fact…” She leans in close and looks at you with a smile “I made that cup of coffee your drinkin’ with some of my own cream…”

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She had been a little alarmed when she realized the pendant wouldn’t come off. She could move

She had been a little alarmed when she realized the pendant wouldn’t come off. She could move it around, but as soon as she tried to lift it off of her, it became so heavy it fell from her hands. This was mildly concerning, she had heard tales of magic curses and spells from her grandmother, not that she had ever really believed in them before.

She sure believed in them now though. She had awoken a few days after donning the cursed jewelry to find her ears were larger, stretching upright in a more… animal like way. Also her front teeth seemed bulky and more squared off. She was really starting to worry now, who knows what else was going to happen to her.

She found out later that night as an odd sensation followed by a cramped squished feeling struck her. It was like her pants were pinching down on a…. on… She held a thin fur tufted tail in her hands. She could only stare as it slowly grew out into a rather large donkey tail, a donkey’s tail attached to her. Did that mean she was…

She ran to the mirror and saw her ears now matched her tail, and fur was starting to grow on her arms and legs. She could feel her hands and feet getting stiffer, and knew that she would most likely having four hooves by morning. She had a sense that her transformation was nearly complete, that once she was walking on hooves the changes would stop. At least she hadn’t turned all the way into a donkey. She went to let out a sigh of relief but a loud donkey’s bray came out instead. After a few panicked moments and many failed attempts she was able to speak again, though her speech was peppered with brays and took extra effort on her part. As if looking like a ass wasn’t enough now she sounded like one too.

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