#travel story


“You know didi, at home, everyone likes It when I sing those old hindi songs, especially my father after having worked hard the whole day. He forgets all the tiredness, and I can see the smile and pride on his face. That is why I want to be a singer. For all the other drivers to listen to me in their car while working, and feel happy.”

Story telling, mumbai 2020.

Some moments from Mumbai I will always cherish, are those spent with these kids.

Sitting with them and talking, playing, seeing them being nasty around or just fighting, before they go back to work, to sell what they have – a pen, a packet of tissues, earings. I remember them telling me about their favorite hindi movies. Viraj’s love for chocolate, and burgers. Veer’s favorite subjects at school, maths or sciences. Radhika wanting to be a teacher when she grows up. Them working hard here when they can, to help their family. I remember their stories, of some people they came across, their inhumanity and cruelty, that just made my blood boil.

Life, at times, gives you more than what you expect, and sometimes, just takes away what is needed. Anything that has a value to you, or just something you have a right on. I believe as a child, you have the right to grow up in a healthy and safe environment, surrounded by loving and supportive ones. Life owes you innocence and carefreeness, untainted of burdensome responsibilities or atrocities. What is, sometimes, just taken away, way too early, reflected by worry lines on the forehead.

But everytime we would meet, just seeing them laugh was a good source of oxytocin. Astonished by their maturity, softness and purity. How they would fight with each other to share their juice or food with me or “Didi we won’t have”. Just big hearts and bright smiles.

[ 京都 - 叁 ]數年前我在電視節目中聽聞過城門河的可能性狂想曲, 也在季刊Breakazine內閲讀過香港水道管理的一些矛盾,我從來沒想過我可自然地走進另一個管治的河道 - 鴨川 。星期二下午,我[ 京都 - 叁 ]數年前我在電視節目中聽聞過城門河的可能性狂想曲, 也在季刊Breakazine內閲讀過香港水道管理的一些矛盾,我從來沒想過我可自然地走進另一個管治的河道 - 鴨川 。星期二下午,我[ 京都 - 叁 ]數年前我在電視節目中聽聞過城門河的可能性狂想曲, 也在季刊Breakazine內閲讀過香港水道管理的一些矛盾,我從來沒想過我可自然地走進另一個管治的河道 - 鴨川 。星期二下午,我[ 京都 - 叁 ]數年前我在電視節目中聽聞過城門河的可能性狂想曲, 也在季刊Breakazine內閲讀過香港水道管理的一些矛盾,我從來沒想過我可自然地走進另一個管治的河道 - 鴨川 。星期二下午,我

[ 京都 - 叁 ]

數年前我在電視節目中聽聞過城門河的可能性狂想曲, 也在季刊Breakazine內閲讀過香港水道管理的一些矛盾,我從來沒想過我可自然地走進另一個管治的河道 - 鴨川 。

星期二下午,我從稻荷的一所由婆婆經營的舊式咖啡室內吃過一滿足的蛋沙津三文治和法式牛奶咖啡,萬分家庭式的感覺。 坐上鐵路,我正前往的目的地不算是首或次選的地方,可以說是一個碰碰運氣而由不想花錢去的地方。

走過幾段路,我在賀茂大橋的支河會合處,這段的河水十分淺。 令我意想不到的事就在我眼前,這不是周末的草地或郊外平原,這只是一個普通的星期二,卻我可以看到如畫般的日常百態,這點足以證明這個地方/國家的多元性。 我就坐在這支流的正中間聽著流水聲細看這活生生的一幅畫像。


所有東西都可以來得隨意,慢下來還原做自己, 我亦成為了畫中的一小角。

整條河我沒有看過圍欄,河中還不時看到有過河石供人走來走去,十分有趣。 河旁有人行和單車路,適當位置也有坐位供人休息,這整條河每一處都成為了公共空間。 我覺得這種方式可教育小孩無障礙地自由自在地去玩,玩時特別可訓練自己的大膽而小心心態。 相比香港什麼都加上鐡網圍欄不准進入的習慣,養成 (管理者/使用者) 什麼都怕,我們本地成長的一代的確可作比較一下。



這一帶其實怎樣步行也不會走錯,因為人流大概會引導你往前走,我就是這樣走到先斗町,是河邊旁的一條長巷。 這巷名正言順是一條酒吧餐廳街,從店外的窗可隠約聯想得到店內的氣氛,也有些像是到過好幾次的年輕香港人們推着單車來找餐廳,感覺到香港人在外地的吃喝玩樂可以很專門。 不過我有我的生活版(成)本,吃過Wendy’s快餐和外賣了便利店大餐,回酒店房看不會明白的日語電視節目至夜深。 

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