#blanck and white


the sky was watching,

and the moon listening to her.

they knew

she likes to disappear often.

though they knew,

she can not escape them

and actually finds comfort in their company.

“You know didi, at home, everyone likes It when I sing those old hindi songs, especially my father after having worked hard the whole day. He forgets all the tiredness, and I can see the smile and pride on his face. That is why I want to be a singer. For all the other drivers to listen to me in their car while working, and feel happy.”

Story telling, mumbai 2020.

Ash - Inktober 2019 I am particularly proud of this drawing because of the challenge it supposed for

Ash - Inktober 2019

I am particularly proud of this drawing because of the challenge it supposed for me. I have drawn more complex drawings and paintings, in terms of technique and realism than this one. However, this was one of the first times I had to fully imagine, create and portray an idea. In this case, the word “ash”. And I’m very happy with the result!

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