#travis hackett


Filthily rotating Travis Hackett in my mind (another self-indulgent nsft fantasy)

I know he would probably never do it, but a bitch can dream about CNC scenarios with Travis Like… he’s a cop, and cops have a blighted reputation for A LOT of reasons.

I imagine he has been following me for a while in his cruiser, and when he signals for me to pull over, I do it because I’m a good girl, of course.

Knowing full well I’ve done nothing seriously wrong, and that this is all part of the game we’re playing, I make my voice meek and timid, asking him what’s wrong.

He tells me to step out of the vehicle, and when I refuse, stating my rights, he all but hauls out of my car, slamming me against the door, and he growls in my ear that I’ll behave and obey like a good girl, or I’ll be spending a few nights in jail.

Unable to stop a moan, I struggle against him, knowing where this little game is heading, and that I’ll soon be a sore and sticky mess.

The Quarry nsft self-insert fantasy

Imagining Travis handcuffing me with deceptively gentle fingers, my hands behind my back, and he pushes me to the ground, ordering me to lick his boots.

He calls me a filthy bootlicker, and while the pun isn’t lost on me, shame churns in my stomach alongside wide-hot arousal as I kiss and lick his boots, every now and then looking up at him.

When he decides he’s had enough fun watching me, he pulls me into standing position, guiding me towards the nearest wall, and takes me against it. His ragged breathing in my ear, one hand on my mouth, his scent completely overwhelming.

I’m lost in the wild, frothing sea, and he’s my anchor.


travis hackett brainrot !! i swear to all the gods out there i cannot stop thinking about the man there’s just something about him that’s reeling me in like a fish on a hook !! 

Cross My Heart - Travis Hackett / Laura Kearney

I wish I had gone to sleep like four hours ago, but I was determined to bring you another Travis / Laura fic before passing out. I present to you, the indirect sequel to The Start of Something New

it’s like 4:42am as I post this, so please forgive me for all the mistakes in the fic




“MA! Shut the fuck up! That’s my future wife!”

I imagine that with Chris being the most favored child, any romantic partners he ever had—if they weren’t considered by his parents to be unworthy of the Golden Boy—were welcomed with open arms; meanwhile, anyone outside the family Travis tried to have a meaningful relationship with was shunned or criticized, forcing Travis to choose between a “stranger” or his family…and though it hurt, and maybe he tried to rebel once or twice, he ultimately always chose his family every time.   

Enter Laura, the girl who not only brought more stress onto his shoulders by not listening to him the first night they met, but also killed his beloved niece and can potentially kill off other members of his family…but so long as she doesn’t try to kill him he will not harm her, and he stands up for her against his parents and will still want her help ending the curse even if she kills them.

She has his heart.   

And Ma Hackett has a strong personality. I bet she ran off every girl he ever brought home because who wants her to be your in-law?


finally got around to playing the quarry and i, like most everyone, am a huge simp and am down real bad for one certain sheriff. i will now also write for the quarry and will be taking any requests you guys may have for the quarry!


This is absolutely a love post on Travis/Laura. Block me and move on; I’m not debating it.  


Idk why but I wasn’t really creeped out by Travis like some people were. Idk. It might be because I was first watching John Wolfe’s playthrough and he immediately called out that Travis might be trying to protect them from something at the Hackett’s Quarry, and that was later confirmed by Travis himself. And cause of all the silly, little moments with him. Like, when he by accident showed Laura where the Hackett’s Quarry was on the map, after trying so hard to intimidate them and make them stay at the motel or when he listed 7 reasons Max and Laura can’t be buds with him and one of the reasons was them calling him names lmao or when he was stuttering to answer Laura’s question on why he didn’t kill the werewolf that attacked Max and so many more!!

He was very afraid of others finding out about the secret about his family and didn’t want innocent people to get involved or get killed. So, he desperately wanted to end the curse. He was clearly very nervous and under a lot of stress but didn’t want to show it.


Has anyone else seen the tension between Travis and Laura?

I am, yes. Damn, there’s more chemistry between these two than everyone else


Ля, кто ещё заметил напряжение между Тревисом и Лорой? Между ними больше химии, чем у всех парочек!

Ахуеть, гёт….


Travis+Laura moments (out of order) 17/?


Not gonna lie, when Laura and Max sarcrastically asked Travis about the 7 reasons they “can’t be buds” and he legit said “you keep calling me names”, I laughed

… but then you get to that scene with his ma calling him useless trash and I immediately regretted having that laugh.


laura and max are like one of the few tq ships who have a super healthy relationship and have good communication and despite having opposite personalities they are literally glued to each other. max was super understanding and he didn’t make fun of laura when she freaked out in the forest he tried to calm her down and he kept comforting her and believed her when she said she saw something in the woods instead of telling her she is exaggerating and when he got mad at her for just sending a voicemail to chris he apologized immediately for that. laura enjoys max’s company an she love him being an airhead and tries to make him have a more positive look at life since things weren’t working out for him, she literally kills people just to save him and went through hell just to make sure he is ok. they were never passive aggressive with each other and if someone did something wrong they would communicate and talk it through instead of dealing with it like toddlers (i’m looking at you jacob and emma) and i really enjoy their dynamic everything about them is great and they are an iconic duo

with that being said, you can’t say the same about travis and laura and its kind of silly why i have to explain why this ship is disgusting but i guess some of you don’t get it

the age gap is the most obvious reason and i know some people would say that there are many relationships with age gaps that worked but there is a huge power imbalance between travis and laura he literally drugged her and kept her and max prisoned for 2 months and all of that would have been avoided if he explained what was happening instead of being vague for no reason. if you had a good relationship with travis he doesn’t imply that he likes laura in any way possible they were just allies and nothing more and just because he didn’t kill her that doesn’t mean he is an uwu tsundere he knew that she could help him kill silas of course he wouldn’t miss the chance to kill a creature he was looking for for 6 years even if that means he would be allies with the person who killed his niece. if their relationship was bad they would straight up kill each other (which isn’t romantic if you ask me) and like…..the thought of him dating someone who is as old as his niece is???? even if you ignore all of that travis wouldn’t like laura because he will never forget that she killed his niece and his family even if they were bad people. if they would have a positive relationship it would be father/daughter or allies at least and yes it’s implied that max and laura are older than the other characters but you think there wouldn’t be an age gap if she was 18-19 ? the power imbalance would still be there

travis x laura is shit ship and it completely deserve all the hate it gets and yes if you ship them you are a weirdo max is literally there and y’all decided that shipping her with someone who is as old as her father was a good idea

also max wears laura’s crop top and he definitely gets babygirlified by her so if you don’t have the same argument your opinion is wrong

(don’t use fiction doesn’t affect reality argument that bs)

Be as bitchy or salty as you want, but don’t put ship hate in the ship tag it’s so easy to blacklist the tag and block the people posting about it, but I guess you just want to try and prove you have the moral high ground - by hating a fictional ship? wild - and have your opinion heard


He’s in a good boy prison now.

“ , ”“ , ' . , ”I was watching these two shows at the same time, so here we

“ , ”
“ , ' . , ”

I was watching these two shows at the same time, so here we have it.

TW: Blood | Another version is right down below and yes, there’s a lot of blood just like the ‘Evil dead’ style.


Post link

/darling, you’re the punishment for all of my former sins/
