#trek novels


I do love a good miserable scoffing


These four pages from The Vulcan Academy Murders by Jean Lorrah have everything:

  • Kirk, Bones, Spock, and Sarek swapping mission stories
  • Amanda almost trading away Sarek for dilithium
  • Bones snarking at Kirk about his proclivity for using his wiles on women at every opportunity
  • Kirk and Bones trying to preserve their dignity on a nudist colony mission
  • Sarek being completely unaffected by their argument about this
  • Sarek serenely revealing to a shocked Spock after decades that he once attacked an enormous warlord over Amanda
  • Bones and Sarek discussing an orgy
  • Sarek’s “I believe I said that” to Bones showing EXACTLY where Spock picked up that tactic
  • Sarek calling a violent brawl “creating a diversion”
  • Amanda being so pissed off at the warlord that she scares him and therefore earns Sarek his respect (not Sarek fighting him)
  • Sarek obliquely trying to make peace with Spock by telling him they have the same job
  • Spock stubbornly Not Getting It
  • Kirk wanting to strangle Spock for Not Getting It
  • Everyone just enjoying each other’s company for once


Ending to the novelization of The Immunity Syndromeepisode

The Enterprise is getting ready for RnR right before the events of this episode, and after killing the giant single-celled organism they finally get to take their vacation, with Kirk’s last comment suggesting that he and spock will be spending it together on the mountains

This comment unintentionally foreshadows a scene in the Star Trek V film, where Spock surprises Kirk while the man is scaling a mountain during their shore leave

I guess kirk just REALLY likes rock climbing?


Afterward of Menagerie, The Star Trek Reader II

An open letter to Mister James Blish, who died in 1975,

The reason why I love the novelizations is for the slight alterations, the slightly different way some scenes take place, the ability to read what the characters are thinking in a way that isn’t possible in a visual format like television. Not to mention some things cant be translated well into text without it becoming confusing. I love the novelizations because, even though I don’t have every word of every episode memorized, the comparison between the two is what makes it so fun! The variance adds to the stories being told, not subtracts them.

Even though he might not hear it, I want to thank him for the time and effort he put in to writing the episodes into novelizations. I mentioned in a previous post, but when I saw that my local bookstore had more of them in stock my hands started shaking because I was so excited.

So thank you, Mister James Blish - even half a century later your contributions to the story about the little spaceship that explores the universe still makes people smile
