
Some clothes & fabric accessories from DollyTeria that have been sitting here for a month now. ISome clothes & fabric accessories from DollyTeria that have been sitting here for a month now. ISome clothes & fabric accessories from DollyTeria that have been sitting here for a month now. ISome clothes & fabric accessories from DollyTeria that have been sitting here for a month now. ISome clothes & fabric accessories from DollyTeria that have been sitting here for a month now. ISome clothes & fabric accessories from DollyTeria that have been sitting here for a month now. ISome clothes & fabric accessories from DollyTeria that have been sitting here for a month now. ISome clothes & fabric accessories from DollyTeria that have been sitting here for a month now. ISome clothes & fabric accessories from DollyTeria that have been sitting here for a month now. ISome clothes & fabric accessories from DollyTeria that have been sitting here for a month now. I

Some clothes & fabric accessories from DollyTeria that have been sitting here for a month now. I’m so behind. But this is a really fun batch of stuff!

First pic – “mohair sweater” in beige, from Aprism. It’s gorgeous. It’s a dream item for V, really. And… after just running that blog post through Google Translate, I realize that I’ve laid it down backwards, since the tag should be on the left. Whoops. It’s more or less reversible, but now I feel silly. XD

Second pic – brown knit turtleneck/tunic. I’m pretty sure it’s by Maricotinha, but I’ll have to trawl through their blog posts to confirm. As with many of their works, similar shapes and fabrics show up again and again, so it’s tough to find one piece among several look-alikes. At any rate, it’s lovely and a bit billowy, which makes it look odd and rumpled when flat.

Third pic – gray & white striped turtleneck, possibly this one from tres*jolie. I haven’t decided if I’m going to keep it yet. The neutral colors mean it would work well for layering, but I don’t have anything else from this dealer. It’s also a bit oddly constructed, in that there’s a seam up the center back, but no closure? There are side seams, too, so having the center back seam without an opening of any kind is unnecessary… I’m not sure what the purpose of that construction would be. It’s weird. ?_?

Fourth pic – reversible chiffon skirt by Aprism, in black. The fabric has a really neat silky feel to it. As usual, the photos on DollyTeria were terrible and difficult to decipher… it took a lot of squinting at the listing to determine that the hem and waistband matched up with Aprism’s pics. I did get lucky with my guess, though; it’s clearly tagged inside. <3

Fifth pic – fantastic hat also by Aprism. This style shows up a few times in various posts on their blogs, as part of sets and such, but never as a stand-alone piece. I’m not sure if it was offered separately, or if the rest of its outfit set is still floating around somewhere. It’s a shape I really love, so I hope to put it to good use, both for the boys and V, I think.

Sixth pic – it’s a ribbed knit hat by +d! But it’s different than the other ribbed knit hats I have from +d, so it’s okay, heh. It has a distinctly unique shape compared to the others, and the brim is wired so that it can be bent up or down as desired. Will Jer wear it the most? Probably. XD

Seventh pic – green “military beret” by KABA. Mine doesn’t have a pin, but that’s fine; it looks cute plain, but I might be able to come up with some pins to use with it anyway. Although the design is fairly simplistic, it has such a professional feel to it. KABA’s stuff is like that, I guess! Since it’s a military look, it’ll probably go to Jer, too.

Eighth pic – another dream item from Aprism + Citron. I’d been hoping against hope that, since the key necklace had shown up in an earlier listing, its matching scarf would eventually, too, and sure enough, it did. I just adore the multiple fabrics used, plus the sewn label. If I could get another and choose the color, it’d be the pink version, but honestly, I would love to have them all.

Ninth pic – textured scarf by CoCoon. It’s a fairly early piece (but not so early as to be a pigeon:milk one), and it was sold as part of this “bohemian set”. I’d love to get the other parts sometime! In the meantime, I’ll just mix and match it however I please. XD

Tenth pic – two other scarves by unknown dealers. They’re both made with neat fabrics and are in some interesting colors, but I have no idea where they came from. (They were listed with the A+C scarf.) The pink one strikes me as vaguely familiar, but I can’t place it. Maybe you recognize it?

And that’s that! My favorites are the Aprism + Citron pieces, obviously, but it should be fun to play with these in outfits. <3

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