#kaba for doll

Working through a disjointed mess of backlog acquisitions. Most of this stuff is from DollyTeria, wiWorking through a disjointed mess of backlog acquisitions. Most of this stuff is from DollyTeria, wiWorking through a disjointed mess of backlog acquisitions. Most of this stuff is from DollyTeria, wiWorking through a disjointed mess of backlog acquisitions. Most of this stuff is from DollyTeria, wiWorking through a disjointed mess of backlog acquisitions. Most of this stuff is from DollyTeria, wiWorking through a disjointed mess of backlog acquisitions. Most of this stuff is from DollyTeria, wiWorking through a disjointed mess of backlog acquisitions. Most of this stuff is from DollyTeria, wiWorking through a disjointed mess of backlog acquisitions. Most of this stuff is from DollyTeria, wiWorking through a disjointed mess of backlog acquisitions. Most of this stuff is from DollyTeria, wi

Working through a disjointed mess of backlog acquisitions. Most of this stuff is from DollyTeria, with the exception of one thing from Yahoo!Japan. It’s also been sitting around for weeks, so… I’m looking forward to finally getting this out of the way. XD

First, second, & third pics – classic Soylent Green SD-size leather boots, in basic neutrals. I’ve adored owning the pairs I already had in magenta and teal, but having some regular, boring colors will be great for outfits, too. The black and brown came with boxes (and with a pretty floral label design!). I’m not sure any of the three pairs were ever used, though, so I’m cramming them on Joce and V as soon as I can. They’re too great not to be worn! <3

Fourth pic – long ribbed armwarmers by +d. These are also destined to be a staple item! +d has made other variations of these with extra decorations (fur and lace), but these are just the plain ones.

Fifth pic – black lace/mesh stockings by KABA. Looking at them again, I wonder who I had in mind when I grabbed these… I might put them on Joce, honestly. Maybe with the black Soylent Green boots? I’m not sure who else they would suit.

Sixth pic – cute cream stockings by girlish*kiss. I love the delicate textures of the fabric. These are definitely going to be for V.

Seventh pic – fantastic “Treasure Hunter” set by OILSHOCK. It’s another gorgeous triangle stole (with glittery crown print) for my collection, plus the matching necklace. I don’t think this was ever removed from its package, and I couldn’t bring myself to do it just yet… it’ll happen eventually, though. I have to pair the scarf with my map-print Soylent Green boots at some point. XD

Eighth pic – random little black velvet headband and printed fabric scrunchie. Completely unsure of the makers… they came bundled with Citron stuff, but I’m pretty sure they’re not either Citron or Aprism. I guess the scrunchie might have been an Aprism thing, or a little giveaway, but I’ve not see it before, either way. I don’t know if I’ll end up keeping either, but I wanted to make note of them.

Ninth pic – really odds and ends! This is a bunch of extra papers, mini postcards, inserts, and other promo things from Citron (+ Aprism) releases. I feel like they got shoved into a listing as a bonus because DT wasn’t sure what else to do with them, although the previous owner obviously kept them pretty meticulously. The green “Joyeux Noel” card might be the most interesting of the batch, as it details the original order placed (for the “blue sky” scissor pouch), including the person’s name. I’ve blocked that out here, just in case, but it’s a nice detail that Citron printed out cards like that for individual orders.

Back to more exciting photos! Of dolls’ faces! Probably. XD

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Some clothes & fabric accessories from DollyTeria that have been sitting here for a month now. ISome clothes & fabric accessories from DollyTeria that have been sitting here for a month now. ISome clothes & fabric accessories from DollyTeria that have been sitting here for a month now. ISome clothes & fabric accessories from DollyTeria that have been sitting here for a month now. ISome clothes & fabric accessories from DollyTeria that have been sitting here for a month now. ISome clothes & fabric accessories from DollyTeria that have been sitting here for a month now. ISome clothes & fabric accessories from DollyTeria that have been sitting here for a month now. ISome clothes & fabric accessories from DollyTeria that have been sitting here for a month now. ISome clothes & fabric accessories from DollyTeria that have been sitting here for a month now. ISome clothes & fabric accessories from DollyTeria that have been sitting here for a month now. I

Some clothes & fabric accessories from DollyTeria that have been sitting here for a month now. I’m so behind. But this is a really fun batch of stuff!

First pic – “mohair sweater” in beige, from Aprism. It’s gorgeous. It’s a dream item for V, really. And… after just running that blog post through Google Translate, I realize that I’ve laid it down backwards, since the tag should be on the left. Whoops. It’s more or less reversible, but now I feel silly. XD

Second pic – brown knit turtleneck/tunic. I’m pretty sure it’s by Maricotinha, but I’ll have to trawl through their blog posts to confirm. As with many of their works, similar shapes and fabrics show up again and again, so it’s tough to find one piece among several look-alikes. At any rate, it’s lovely and a bit billowy, which makes it look odd and rumpled when flat.

Third pic – gray & white striped turtleneck, possibly this one from tres*jolie. I haven’t decided if I’m going to keep it yet. The neutral colors mean it would work well for layering, but I don’t have anything else from this dealer. It’s also a bit oddly constructed, in that there’s a seam up the center back, but no closure? There are side seams, too, so having the center back seam without an opening of any kind is unnecessary… I’m not sure what the purpose of that construction would be. It’s weird. ?_?

Fourth pic – reversible chiffon skirt by Aprism, in black. The fabric has a really neat silky feel to it. As usual, the photos on DollyTeria were terrible and difficult to decipher… it took a lot of squinting at the listing to determine that the hem and waistband matched up with Aprism’s pics. I did get lucky with my guess, though; it’s clearly tagged inside. <3

Fifth pic – fantastic hat also by Aprism. This style shows up a few times in various posts on their blogs, as part of sets and such, but never as a stand-alone piece. I’m not sure if it was offered separately, or if the rest of its outfit set is still floating around somewhere. It’s a shape I really love, so I hope to put it to good use, both for the boys and V, I think.

Sixth pic – it’s a ribbed knit hat by +d! But it’s different than the other ribbed knit hats I have from +d, so it’s okay, heh. It has a distinctly unique shape compared to the others, and the brim is wired so that it can be bent up or down as desired. Will Jer wear it the most? Probably. XD

Seventh pic – green “military beret” by KABA. Mine doesn’t have a pin, but that’s fine; it looks cute plain, but I might be able to come up with some pins to use with it anyway. Although the design is fairly simplistic, it has such a professional feel to it. KABA’s stuff is like that, I guess! Since it’s a military look, it’ll probably go to Jer, too.

Eighth pic – another dream item from Aprism + Citron. I’d been hoping against hope that, since the key necklace had shown up in an earlier listing, its matching scarf would eventually, too, and sure enough, it did. I just adore the multiple fabrics used, plus the sewn label. If I could get another and choose the color, it’d be the pink version, but honestly, I would love to have them all.

Ninth pic – textured scarf by CoCoon. It’s a fairly early piece (but not so early as to be a pigeon:milk one), and it was sold as part of this “bohemian set”. I’d love to get the other parts sometime! In the meantime, I’ll just mix and match it however I please. XD

Tenth pic – two other scarves by unknown dealers. They’re both made with neat fabrics and are in some interesting colors, but I have no idea where they came from. (They were listed with the A+C scarf.) The pink one strikes me as vaguely familiar, but I can’t place it. Maybe you recognize it?

And that’s that! My favorites are the Aprism + Citron pieces, obviously, but it should be fun to play with these in outfits. <3

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Doodles~I love this outfit, but I don’t know if I want to spend more time with it or change it. The Doodles~I love this outfit, but I don’t know if I want to spend more time with it or change it. The Doodles~I love this outfit, but I don’t know if I want to spend more time with it or change it. The Doodles~I love this outfit, but I don’t know if I want to spend more time with it or change it. The


I love this outfit, but I don’t know if I want to spend more time with it or change it. The weather has definitely put me in the mood for cozier fall clothes, and I’d like to make Jer look super stylish (that is, stylish at all…). Hm. .__.

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Still trying to get caught up with recent hauls! This group is kind of all over the place. XDFirst pStill trying to get caught up with recent hauls! This group is kind of all over the place. XDFirst pStill trying to get caught up with recent hauls! This group is kind of all over the place. XDFirst pStill trying to get caught up with recent hauls! This group is kind of all over the place. XDFirst pStill trying to get caught up with recent hauls! This group is kind of all over the place. XDFirst pStill trying to get caught up with recent hauls! This group is kind of all over the place. XDFirst pStill trying to get caught up with recent hauls! This group is kind of all over the place. XDFirst pStill trying to get caught up with recent hauls! This group is kind of all over the place. XDFirst pStill trying to get caught up with recent hauls! This group is kind of all over the place. XDFirst pStill trying to get caught up with recent hauls! This group is kind of all over the place. XDFirst p

Still trying to get caught up with recent hauls! This group is kind of all over the place. XD

First pic – cream knit hooded cardigan by maricotinha. So cozy! Their work is sometimes hard to find a good blog post for – they didn’t always document “for sale” items clearly, and they used a lot of their own work for personal photos. (Which is normal, obviously, but their personal and work photos are mixed together and it’s not always obvious which is intended to be which.) Anyway. This is gonna be great for cooler weather.

Second pic – also a cardigan by maricotinha, in a delicious dark charcoal gray. (I thought I had the link to a blog post about it, but I’ve lost it… I’ll edit this once i find it again.) I don’t usually go this dark for V, but it’s such a perfect shape and material and color that I can’t wait to play with it. ;o; <3

Third pic – a cool purple top, again by maricotinha. I’m a sucker for this color, as you might know. XD

Fourth pic – black and white striped turtleneck, yes, by maricotinha. This came paired with the Romantica* top from my previous clothing post, and I wasn’t sure who it was by at first. I came across the blog post randomly… and it’s like the only time it shows up in their photos? Like I said, their work can be hard to track. I like the decorative buttons at the neck. (Also, I WANT that mustard yellow top. Cry!)

Fifth pic – super basic turtleneck by maricotinha. I think it’s this old style, which came in a couple different shades? They made tons of different turtlenecks with various materials and types of finishing. This will come in handy for layering.

Sixth pic – elegant pleated skirtby+d. I bought it reflexively because it’s +d, but now I wonder if it’s a little too glamorous for V? I’ll have to try it out on her and see if I can make it work. Is she maybe too mousy for it? Hm.

Seventh pic – neat long military-green jacket, also by +d. Lots of buttons and details! I bought this specifically for Jer, because I think the pseudo-army look suits him.

Eighth pic – plaid button-down top by Fuga Lupinus. It’s kind of… blueberry? I feel like you don’t see this kind of color much in doll clothes, or maybe I’m just looking in the wrong places. It’s too blue to be purple and not purple enough to be blue… should be fun to mess around with in outfits, probably for Jer or Dom.

Ninth pic – ridiculousfloofy gauze top by KABA. I don’t know quite what I’m going to do with it yet. I love how it looks on their Rigel, though, and I kinda want to mimic that outfit style for Joce. He’d look cute like that, right?

Tenth pic – another velvet*paw kitty hat+scarf for my collection! This one is the “milk tea x bitter” color combo. The fur is a different type from my other two, so it’ll make for a nice change. These things are just too cute. :o~~


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Some accessories that came in a while back! It was fun to unpack all of these; the lots I won them fSome accessories that came in a while back! It was fun to unpack all of these; the lots I won them fSome accessories that came in a while back! It was fun to unpack all of these; the lots I won them fSome accessories that came in a while back! It was fun to unpack all of these; the lots I won them fSome accessories that came in a while back! It was fun to unpack all of these; the lots I won them fSome accessories that came in a while back! It was fun to unpack all of these; the lots I won them fSome accessories that came in a while back! It was fun to unpack all of these; the lots I won them fSome accessories that came in a while back! It was fun to unpack all of these; the lots I won them fSome accessories that came in a while back! It was fun to unpack all of these; the lots I won them fSome accessories that came in a while back! It was fun to unpack all of these; the lots I won them f

Some accessories that came in a while back! It was fun to unpack all of these; the lots I won them from were treasure troves of goodies.

First & second pics – more bolo ties by Fuga Lupinus to add to the collection. There are so many color and shape combos!

Third pic – “India” keychain charm by Fuga Lupinus. This is an older style and not as iconic as their yarn pompom ones, but it’s amazingly bright and pretty. I hope I can figure out ensembles that will do it justice.

Fourth pic – soft and gentle necklace, also by Fuga Lupinus. It will probably look nice on Justyn, but I also want to try it out on V.

Fifth pic – black leather belt/harness by KABA. I have it in dark brown, too, but black might prove to be useful. Mostly for Vincynt, I guess?

Sixth pic – black leather bunny mask, also by KABA. The design has gone through a couple of different iterations. It’s a bit misshapen from being in storage, so I need to work on that. I’m not really sure how to use it yet – if it were the cat version, it’d definitely be for Joce, and if it were in natural brown instead of black, it’d be for V. But black + bunny… I’ll have to experiment.

Seventh pic – cute horn accessory, again by KABA. It’s maybe more of a mystery than the other pieces, but hopefully I’ll find a use for it. Possibly it’d work even as background filler? Who knows. That’s a problem for a future me. XD

Eighth pic – french macaron set by Citron, a most coveted piece. I have wished for these for ages… and ages… and ages… and now I finally own them, still in their adorable little package. ;o; <3

Ninth pic – another CoCoon scarf for the collection as well. I knew I would be getting it from the auction pics, but it wasn’t clear that this was, in fact, YoSD sized! It’s my first for Yos. Will I give it to MiMi first? Maybe. >_>

Tenth pic – cute “basket” by HavEy SyRop. At least, I’m pretty sure? They don’t have pics of versions with dark pink flowers, just white, but the style seems very consistent and would make sense, considering other pieces from them I’ve purchased from the same seller. There’s some color transfer on the lace, which is a shame, but it’s not a big surprise given its age. It’ll be easy to overlook once it’s in use.

And that’s it for now! The Fuga pieces and the Citron macarons are my favorites, but the whole batch is really pleasing.

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lady of eternal winter Valyntine (V-noss version) is a Roserindoll Dino head with a faceup by Meggillady of eternal winter Valyntine (V-noss version) is a Roserindoll Dino head with a faceup by Meggillady of eternal winter Valyntine (V-noss version) is a Roserindoll Dino head with a faceup by Meggillady of eternal winter Valyntine (V-noss version) is a Roserindoll Dino head with a faceup by Meggillady of eternal winter Valyntine (V-noss version) is a Roserindoll Dino head with a faceup by Meggillady of eternal winter Valyntine (V-noss version) is a Roserindoll Dino head with a faceup by Meggillady of eternal winter Valyntine (V-noss version) is a Roserindoll Dino head with a faceup by Meggillady of eternal winter Valyntine (V-noss version) is a Roserindoll Dino head with a faceup by Meggillady of eternal winter Valyntine (V-noss version) is a Roserindoll Dino head with a faceup by Meggillady of eternal winter Valyntine (V-noss version) is a Roserindoll Dino head with a faceup by Meggil

lady of eternal winter

Valyntine (V-noss version) is a Roserindoll Dino head with a faceup by Meggilu and a Volks Unoss body. Her pintuck dress is by KABA and the mock turtleneck is by Lush Berry. Her earmuffs are by Syrup*Bunny, the bag is by Antiquald Lucicca, and her necklace is by Citron.

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Endless catch-up. This is some of the more clothes-y stuff, before we get to… clothes I havenEndless catch-up. This is some of the more clothes-y stuff, before we get to… clothes I havenEndless catch-up. This is some of the more clothes-y stuff, before we get to… clothes I havenEndless catch-up. This is some of the more clothes-y stuff, before we get to… clothes I havenEndless catch-up. This is some of the more clothes-y stuff, before we get to… clothes I havenEndless catch-up. This is some of the more clothes-y stuff, before we get to… clothes I haven

Endless catch-up. This is some of the more clothes-y stuff, before we get to… clothes I haven’t even begun to think about photographing. XD

First pic – fantastic SD17 button-down shirt by girlish*kiss. As always, the details and quality of workmanship are just outstanding. I love the use of dusty pink stitching on an otherwise fairly low-key shirt; it will make this a lot of fun to style. Believe it or not, I bought this for Vincynt!

Second pic – card/gambling print shirt in pink, by KABA. I have photos of the same shirt, in a light brown, saved from a Yahoo!Japan auction in 2008. That’s how long I’ve been hankering for one! (I got my first, the dark brown version, years ago for when Dom first arrived.) Maybe I’ll find that light brown one someday, too…?

Third pic – a half-mystery! This is a neat tank by Fuga Lupinus, but there’s almost no record of its existence?? I have tons of photos saved from their website/blog/Twitter, and it only shows up in one, a little outfit layout from 2020. I’m pretty sure it’s older than that, though. When was it released? Was it part of a set? I must find out more. XD

Fourth pic – another +d jacket to add to my collection. While the construction of this is similar to others I have, it boasts blue striped sleeves and a patch on one arm. Cute. Their outfit combos are always so casually stylish; it’s wonderful. This might be interesting on Jer, because of the prominent blue.

Fifth pic – and another +d hat for the collection, too! I’ve mentioned before that their other style of ribbed knit hat, with the recognizable “ALGER/ALAN” tags, is probably the more popular version, but I adore this design. I’m thrilled to have found it in gray.

Sixth pic – silver sequin-covered kitty-ear hat by Puff & Cool. It is… something else. (And by “something else”, I mean “totally awesome”.) It’s for Joce, naturally, because who else would wear this? <3

Okay! Onward~

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I am so behind on everything… ._.Some recent stuff that arrived and has been sitting around, I am so behind on everything… ._.Some recent stuff that arrived and has been sitting around, I am so behind on everything… ._.Some recent stuff that arrived and has been sitting around, I am so behind on everything… ._.Some recent stuff that arrived and has been sitting around, I am so behind on everything… ._.Some recent stuff that arrived and has been sitting around, I am so behind on everything… ._.Some recent stuff that arrived and has been sitting around, I am so behind on everything… ._.Some recent stuff that arrived and has been sitting around, I am so behind on everything… ._.Some recent stuff that arrived and has been sitting around,

I am so behind on everything… ._.

Some recent stuff that arrived and has been sitting around, waiting to be processed! I just can’t seem to find enough time in the day to do all the stuff I want… so let’s take it one step at a time.

First pic – Silver Butterfly outfit set. The three different pieces can be used apart or snapped together, ie: the vest + the pants to form coveralls or the suspenders to the pants. I bought this primarily for Joce. My only gripe (and it’s not necessarily unique to SB) is that the suspenders are pleather, not real leather, so that’s a bit worrisome although they seem to be holding up okay so far.

Second pic – another beautiful bag by Antiquald Lucicca, this time in black. The quality was so nice on the other one I own that I was happy for the chance to get another. Contrary to the above set, they work in real leather, so this bag will last. I recommend their work!

Third pic & fifth pic – new glass eyes for Vincynt! These suit his Iha head much better than the old pair. Finding a good orange pair in the size he requires is tricky, so it was lucky to grab these. The pupils are much smaller, giving him a more intense stare. Not sure on the maker, sadly.

Fourth & sixth pic – new glass eyes for Joce, too, but I’m not 100% sold on them yet. The colors are wonderful and the quality is lovely, but the irises are larger than I was anticipating when in his head, giving him a bit of a doe-eyed moe-moe look. I’m not sure it does him any favors! I’m keeping them in for a while longer and see if the superior colors outweigh the iris size. I don’t know the maker here, either, which is a shame.

Seventh pic – black leather collar and wristlets by KABA, with frills. These are neat accessories, as expected. How much use they’ll get is anyone’s guess, but I do want to try them out on Vince. The effect might be interesting…?

Eighth pic – gorgeous wrap bracelet by OILSHOCK. I bought this on impulse, thinking I recognized it… spent days second-guessing myself because the listing pics distorted some of the details and made me think perhaps it wasn’t OILSHOCK after all… and it turned out my first instinct had been correct. I’m thrilled! I love their bracelets, and this one is already on Dom’s wrist. XD

More to come soon… I post more frequently to Instagram these days, so follow me there if you want, I dunno, actual doll photos once in a while. ^^;

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A mishmash of things arrived, smooshing together a couple of DollyTeria orders and a Doll Up! order.A mishmash of things arrived, smooshing together a couple of DollyTeria orders and a Doll Up! order.A mishmash of things arrived, smooshing together a couple of DollyTeria orders and a Doll Up! order.A mishmash of things arrived, smooshing together a couple of DollyTeria orders and a Doll Up! order.A mishmash of things arrived, smooshing together a couple of DollyTeria orders and a Doll Up! order.A mishmash of things arrived, smooshing together a couple of DollyTeria orders and a Doll Up! order.A mishmash of things arrived, smooshing together a couple of DollyTeria orders and a Doll Up! order.A mishmash of things arrived, smooshing together a couple of DollyTeria orders and a Doll Up! order.A mishmash of things arrived, smooshing together a couple of DollyTeria orders and a Doll Up! order.A mishmash of things arrived, smooshing together a couple of DollyTeria orders and a Doll Up! order.

A mishmash of things arrived, smooshing together a couple of DollyTeria orders and a Doll Up! order. (Not that the distinction matters that much, since Doll Up is just a sub-store of DollyTeria, but whatever. I’m still hoping they start syncing their stock and websites a little better.) Anyway!

First pic – “chef” pants by +d, in a black polyester fabric. It feels like a windbreaker for legs; it’s a very interesting choice. The boys will have to share these, of course.

Second pic – lovely “monotone print flared skirt”, also by +d. I don’t usually go for such a stark scheme for V, but I wasn’t going to pass up the listing, either. While it’s tempting to keep any outfit with this skirt entirely monochrome (and I might do a version of that at some point, just because), I think it’ll be fun to pair it with colors instead. Despite the black and white print, the fabric is lightweight, so it feels oddly spring-y.

Third pic – black leather shorts by KABA. Sadly, mine didn’t include the belt, so I’ll have to find something else to use if I want the “suspenders” look. I’d originally passed over these without really paying attention to the photos, since DollyTeria had them listed as being made from pleather. After I glanced at them again later, I saw the back tag and realized they would, in fact, be made from real leather (one of KABA’s recognizable traits). They’ll be Vincynt’s.

Fourth pic – tank top by your my baby. It’s, uh, sized for Unoa, but I don’t regret purchasing it. Stuff from your my baby shows up few and far between, so I had to snag it while I can. (I slept on an earlier set months ago and still regret it, wah.) The text on the front is certainly… interesting. I’m going to put it on one of the Yo girls and see if I can make it work. XD

Fifth pic – older YoSD set by Lush Berry. It’s cute! Like their other works, this top was available in several colors, I think. The listing pic made it seem very crimson, but it’s more of a raspberry in person (which I like better). It’ll be a fun addition to my collection.

Sixth pic – yellow Converse-style sneakers from CooKids. How could I not get these?! They’re bright yellow, therefore they are great. XD

Seventh pic – cat-eared flying cap by KABA. It’s the brown leather version (there have been several others). This was purchased for Joce specifically. I might have preferred the black for him, given a choice, but I have been waiting for one, any one, to show up for a while now. My plan is to do an airship AU outfit for him at some point. *^^*

Eighth pic – “Asmodeus” horns by KHEM, the “petit” version in “Antique”. I’ve been eyeing various sheep horns for V for a while, and then these showed up… I hesitated for a while, then finally pulled the trigger. I think the smaller size will suit her tiny face better, and I’m excited about the color matching possibilities to the Silver Butterfly stuff I got a couple weeks ago. Building outfits around these will be exciting, I hope!

Ninth pic – bowtie pillow by Ronshuka Couture. It’s cute! This maker isn’t really on my radar because I don’t own the type of dolls they design for, but a pillow like this is pretty free-size. (Although DollyTeria had it labeled as being for Obitsu 11, of all sizes, so that’s a weird one.) I mostly got it because it was bundled with this…

Tenth pic – crescent moon pillow by girlish*kiss. Scream. These are such lovely, delicate things, and I’m tickled, well, pink to finally own one. As always, the beadwork and detailing is stellar.

And that’s that! Kind of a random bunch of stuff, from the different sizes to the mix of clothing and accessories. Maybe that makes it more interesting, though?

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