

Uta’s New Owners: Part Six

The car carrying Tristan, Anna, Nathan and Uta pulled to the front of a hotel in the village of Malaga. Tristan and Anna got out. He said, “Anna, you and I will stay at the hotel for the night. After I register, you can stay in the room while I go with Nathan to deliver Uta. He wants her to spend the night in the dungeon below the villa where Anne Marie is staying, the villa where the auction will be. Tomorrow we will go to the villa. Besides, I want to talk to Sir Stephen if he is there.”

Anna asked, “Is there a room for us at the villa?”

Tristan replied, “Well, there is for me. You will be staying with the other Roissy slaves in some quarters in the basement of the villa. Don’t worry. You won’t be in the dungeon like Uta. You will merely be sharing a small room with another girl, just like the dormitory wing at Roissy.”

Anna remembered the arrangements at Roissy. Two girls to a small room. Beds back to back. Bare walls save for a hook above each bed with a chain hanging from it. One of the rules at Roissy was that each girl had to spend the night in chains. Each room also had a small dressing table and mirror where the girls could do their hair and make-up before going “on duty” in the bar or restaurant or to library to merely wait to be chosen by a customer. And there was an armoire where dresses for the girls might be hung. “Dresses,” thought Anna. “More like costumes like some of the girls wore in the windows of the red-light district of Amsterdam that I saw the time Tristan took me there. At least though, it won’t be a dungeon like the one I was first kept in when Tristan first took me to Roissy or, no doubt, like the one Uta will be in.”

After registering at the desk, Tristan and Anna went up the hotel room. It was nice with a large bed and a balcony overlooking the village. Tristan didn’t bother to unpack. Nor did Anna. She only had a make-up case and the dress she was wearing. And Tristan had said no underwear. Anna was sure the desk clerk had noticed when she walked up the stairs to the room.

Tristan pulled Anna to him and kissed her long and hard. She felt her loins melt. He slid a hand under her dress and thrust two fingers into her sex. Anna moaned softly. Tristan then pulled down the front of Anna dress, pinched her nipples and said, “Good. Stay wet. I will return as soon as we get Uta settled.”

Then as he was going out the door he said, “And you may as well throw away that dress. I intend for you to be naked when you go to the villa in the morning.”

After his dinner of pasta and salmon, Sutton had a small brandy and watched as Alessa prepared for bed. She undressed, removing her dress, panties and bra. As she stood there naked, she looked at Sutton and said, “Nightie or no nightie?” Sutton swallowed the remainder of his brandy and began undressing himself. He said, “No nightie tonight.,” laughing at his own little joke.

Later as they lay in bed Sutton traced his finger around Alessa’s nipples causing them to stiffen. He said, “You seem distracted, worrying about going to Colorado for the lingerie shoot? You said you’d only be gone two weeks.”

Alessa said, “No. It’s not that. It’s just that you said Anna knows about branding. It reminded me of that Christmas at Roissy, or was it New Years, I can’t remember.” And Alessa’s thoughts went back to that December three years ago:

She and Sutton were in some sort of large room at Roissy. She hadn’t really wanted to go, but Sutton insisted. She remembered Rene was these, along with Ari, who used to be her friend Doutzen’s lover before Doutzen disappeared. Ari’s insufferable younger brother Nathan was also there, along with several other Masters that she recalled seeing at Roissy during her stay there. And in the corner was O, the girl who had once photographed Doutzen and her for another lingerie advertisement. O was stark naked and with an older man, who Alessa presumed was Sir Stephen, the Master O had told her about. She remembered he had a leash in his hand and the other end of the leash was attached to the ring that pierced O’s labia. And of course, Anne Marie was there, standing by a brazier filled with hot coals. She had a small branding iron in her hand.

Anna’s lover, Tristan led her into the room. She, too, was entirely naked. Alessa whispered to Sutton, “She is going to be branded, isn’t she?” Sutton answered, “Yes. At the stroke of midnight. In ten minutes.” Anne Marie motioned for Anna to kneel n front of Tristan. Anne Marie then asked her, “Anna, do you agree to bear Tristan’s brand? For it to be permanently burned into your flesh?”

Anna had looked up at Tristan and said simply, “Yes.”

Then two of the Roissy slaves – Alessa remembered it was Nena and Eurydice – bound Anna to some sort of post in the middle of the room. Her hands were bound to a metal ring in the post above her head, and her feet were tied so that her legs were slightly spread. Then a strap was placed around her belly just above her hips. Anne Marie then put the branding iron in the brazier with the hot coals and said, “Watch Anna, watch while the iron turns red.” Then to Nena and Eurydice, “You may fondle and play with her while the iron heats, but do not let her reach orgasm.”

Alessa’s eyes went from the spectacle of Anna – bound to a stake, being fondled, to the brazier, then to the clock on the wall. Anna moaned occasionally, but as their Mistress had ordered, Nena and Eurydice didn’t allow her to come. As the clock hand approached midnight, the girls backed away. Anna’s eyes were fixed on the brazier where the iron was now red hot. Tristan kissed her on the mouth, then backed off. The clock chimed twelve. Anne Marie pushed the hot iron into Anna’s white flesh just above her pubic slit. She screamed and fainted. The men in the audience applauded.

Alessa looked at Sutton and said, “I cannot remember the exact date, but I’ll never forget her scream.

Albert lead Colette away from the eating area, down the long hallway to the library. Colette, dutifully along behind the young valet like a dog following its master, the only sound was her wooden mules clacking on the stone floor. She watched Albert from behind and thought to herself, “I wonder how he ended up here at Roissy. He was here when I got back from Spain. I was among the entourage of slaves and valets that accompanied Anne Marie to Malaga. What a disaster that turned out to be! There were six of us girls who were to be ‘entertainment’ for guests at the slave auction and later at the crucifixion of poor Uta. Tristan, Anna’s lover, and Nathan – that little shit – had ‘bought’ Uta from her love, Rolfe, after she had that small stroke. Anne Marie had decided that she could no longer function here at Roissy, but I remember her as being just a little ‘off,’ not at all the blathering idiot Nathan made her out to be. After all, any of us slaves here might be deemed a little ‘off’ to put up with what we endure here. Anyway, in Malaga, I watched the auction; Anne Marie purchased four new slaves for Roissy; there were other buyers – Anne Marie’s cousin, Zuri, from that Haus der Sklavin place in Germany, some sort of Arab sheik, and a few other high rollers. I remember I sat with an American fellow who claimed to be a friend of their president. I don’t remember what he said his name was; he had a tiny cock; that I do remember.

“And the next day, we all went to that old Roman amphitheater. I remember poor Uta being led into it on a leash attached to the rings that pierced her sex. Tristan and Nathan had planned to have her hung on a cross. They had a scheme to charge admission to those high rollers to watch her writhe and suffer in the hot sun of the Spanish coast. There were probably fifty people in attendance – men who had been at the auction the night before and female companions. That day I was sitting with an Arab fellow who was somehow connected to the sheik. He was fingering me while Uta was raised on the cross, and I had his cock in my hand. It was pretty big. I did feel sorry for Uta, but it was also quite erotic. Her naked body, marked where she had been whipped the night before, squirming, gasping for breath, pulling herself up only to slump down. The Arab said, ‘Tis a most interesting dance.’ He was right.

“I was very close to coming and I think he was too when the shots began. I saw Tristan’s head explode and all hell broke out. Shooting, screaming, people milling about. My Arab got up and ran to the sheik. A valet, I think it was Karl, hustled me off to the van the other girls and I had been brought down from Roissy in. He basically threw me in and a moment later we roared off. There was a short article about it in the Paris newspaper, called it a terrorist attack on a private party attended by a member of the Saudi royal family. I’m sure the Spanish authorities were bribed to cover up what really happened. It was only after I got back to Roissy that I learned Anne Marie had been shot. Her cousin Zuri was in charge of us for a while. Zuri was a real bitch – cutting our pay.”

Albert opened the door to the library and ushered Colette inside. She saw old, fat Cyril, a Senior Master, sipping coffee and reading a newspaper. He looked up and said, “Ah, there you are. Please get on your knees and unzip me.”

Tristan and Anna in Spain: Part Two

Inside the villa, Tristan found Sir Stephen waiting. He looked at them and said, “So this is Anna. She should do.”

Tristan said, “She is yours for the night. Do with her as you wish.”

Then he unhooked the leash from the collar on Anna’s neck. Anna clung to him for a bit and said, “I love you, Tristan. I do this for you.”

Sir Stephen said to Tristan, “You may go now. There is an envelope of Euros waiting for you on the desk.” Then he turned to Anna and said, “Come with me.”

Tristan and Anna in Spain: Part One

Tristan hurried back to the hotel where he had left Anna. He nearly burst into the room. Brimming with excitement, he found Anna naked, just as he had told her to be upon his return.

“Good, sweet girl. You obeyed me,” he said.

Anna replied, “Tristan, I love you. I always try to do as you say, no matter how vile or demeaning.”

“And that is why I love you. You will do whatever I wish.”

Anna was silent.

“But come here. I have arranged for you to meet the famous Sir Stephen. He will be waiting for you at 9 pm tonight. I will take you there.”

“But, Tristan, want will he do to me? I have heard from other girls at Roissy that he can be quite cruel.”

“That is of no concern. I have promised you to him for the night.”

Anna began crying.

“Quit crying. It’s decided. If he wants your rear, you’ll take it. If he wants to whip you, you’ll bear it. It’s what I promised, what I want.” And to himself Tristan thought, “And I’ll be paid handsomely.”

Anna looked up. “Then at least you make love to me. Do it before I go to Sir Stephen. Do it so I’ll know you really love me.”

And Tristan took her, alternating between Anna’s vagina and rectum, before finally spilling himself in her mouth. Afterwards, Anna hugged him. “I do love you, Tristan. I hope you know that.”

He replied, “Of course I do. Now just wear heels and a collar. You will not need anything else.”

A Conversation between Tristan and Sir Stephen

While Nathan saw to it that Uta was placed in the dungeon below the main level of the villa, Tristan sought out Sir Stephen. He found him in the library of the villa perusing a book illustrated by Georges Pichard.

“Excuse me, Sir Stephen,” Said Tristan.

“Yes, what is it?” the older man replied.

“As you may know, I convinced my lover to go to Roissy. Her name is Anna. I believe you were there last year when Anne Marie branded her.”

Sir Stephen looked non-committal. “Describe her. Anne Marie has branded several slaves while I watched.”

“Anna is quite pretty. Young. Brunette. Grey green eyes. Large tits. I had her branded on her belly, just above her sex. I think you were there with O.”

“Oh yes, I remember now, Branded just above her sex. Unusual. Normally it is done on the thigh, shoulder or buttocks.”

“Well, I had it placed there so she could continue to model bikinis without a brand showing on her rear or elsewhere.”

“And you are telling me this why?”

“I was wondering if you might want to ‘rent’ Anna for a bit. She really is very good.”

Sir Stephen nearly burst out laughing. “Anne Marie told me that you are an enterprising young man. As you are not a Master of Roissy, you may charge Masters a fee for usage of your slave. Very smart of you. Bring her to me. I’ll try her out. If she’s good, I’ll pay a hefty fee. None of the slaves who came down from Roissy appeal to me and I will not get O back for another day. Bring Anna to my room here tonight. Nine pm should be good.”

“Yes, Sir,” said Tristan and he bowed obsequisely on his way from the room.

Uta’s New Owners: Part Seven

Having left Anna in the hotel room, Tristan returned to the car where Nathan was waiting with Uta. The driver of the limousine was standing beside the car, smoking a cigarette and looking bored. In the back Uta who was, of course, naked was sitting beside Nathan. He had taken a small dog leash and attached it to the ring that pierced Uta’s sex, and was holding the other end in his hand. As Tristan got into the car, Nathan said, “When we get to the villa that Anne Marie has rented, I’ll take Uta to the dungeon; I’ll walk her on a leash like the bitch she is. Tristan wondered how much Uta understood; although she had been at Roissy for over two years, her French was hardly fluent, and Nathan spoke very quickly. But judging from the look of fear in her eyes, Tristan assumed she got the gist of Nathan’s meaning.

On the relatively short trip from town, Nathan continued to chatter on to Uta, telling her in great detail that she was to be placed in a dungeon and abused until it was time for what he called “her starring role in the entertainment of the guests.” Again, Tristan wondered how much she understood. After a bit the limousine slowed when it came to the winding road that led down to the large villa Anne Marie had leased for the week. When it pulled in front, a valet came to meet them. He said, “Anne Marie told me you would be arriving soon. May I take your slave to the dungeon we have prepared for her?”

Nathan replied, “No. Just show me the way, I’ll walk her there myself.”

“As you wish, Sir,” he said. “This way.” And he led Nathan and poor Uta trailed behind with Nathan pulling her along by the leash.

Tristan said, “I will be down later to check. Right now, I want to speak to Sir Stephen.”

Uta’s Last Day: Part Five

Uta trudged along; the man in black leading her on a leash attached to the ring in her labia. Although it was the south of Spain, quite near the coast, the day was cool. After all, by Uta’s understanding it was the winter solstice. And Uta was naked, so she felt her nipples stiffen. The ground wasn’t entirely level and Uta struggled at times, almost falling. But the incessant tugging at her sex carried her forward.

“Carrying me forward to what?” thought Uta. “To my doom. Probably. And what did I do to deserve this treatment. All I ever did was fall in love with Rolfe. I recall how sweet and nice he was to me at the beginning. I was just a country girl from a small village south of Hamburg. He was from the big city. He wined me and dined me and gave me nice gifts. Naturally, I fell in love with him. And then one night when we went back to his apartment, there were several men waiting. Rolfe said that they were going to take turns using me, and they did. I was totally humiliated. A man I loved turned me over to other men, and he sat there laughing while they all took turns using me. Shortly afterwards, Rolfe took me to Roissy, and my life changed forever. There I was used as the other girls. At Roissy Rolfe had Anne Marie pierce my labia and insert this ring that I now wear. And on a New Year’s Eve. He had Anne Marie brand me with his initial. I still recall that night. I was bound to a stake. Rolfe fondled me and kissed me, all while Doutzen, beautiful Doutzen, caressed his member with her mouth. Then at the stroke of midnight, Anne Marie pressed the red-hot iron into my flesh and Rolfe came in Doutzen’s mouth. Oh, it seems like yesterday, but was so long ago.”

The man in black tugged on the leash and said, “Come on, bitch. Hurry up.” Uta’s thoughts returned to the past. “After that I became a true slave. And a whore for my lover. Anne Marie once told me that because I was branded and pierced and belonged to a Roissy member, when I was taken by a customer a double rate was charged. Of course, I never saw any of that money, but I’m sure Rolfe made a fortune off me. And then one day an overeager customer chocked me while he took me. I passed out and nearly died. For weeks afterwards, I was not in my right mind. Then Rolfe sold me to Tristan and Nathan. They told him it as their intent to have me crucified, but he didn’t protest. He just sold me without even saying good bye.”

The man in black said, “We are almost there to the amphitheater. Thee you will be crucified in front of an audience.”

And Uta thought, “Crucified. I am no longer a good Christian, but once when I was a child I went to church. I remember see the crucifix on the cathedral wall. Christ crucified. But I also remember the seeming contradiction for in Deuteronomy it says that ‘who is hung on a tree is cursed by God.’ I feel that ever since I met Rolfe and was taken to Roissy, I have been cursed by God. But even if when I first met Rolfe, I had known what my Fate would be, I would have still done as I did. Because women like me who love a man like Rolfe are like that.”

The man in black said, “We are here” Uta heard the applause and strained under the wooden yoke to look up. “These are the people who will watch me writhe in agony on a cross, and they are cheering and clapping.”

M’bo hurried along the trail from Jamilla’s hut back to the village trash pile where he had seen what he thought might be a god. As he did so, M’bo whose people had no word for whore, nor in fact any concept of what a whore might be, thought to himself, “Old Jamilla said that the thing I saw was a Christian whore. I wonder if the word whore is Jamilla’s people’s word for god. I did understand her to say that it was a Christian whore. Could that be the Christian god that I heard about in the other village, the one that was hung on a tree, died and came back to life? Oh, if what I saw was the Christian god and I take it back to my village, all the people there will praise me. Especially, if the Christian god is a god of good luck.”

Meanwhile at the trash pile, Uta began to come into consciousness. She had passed out from the pain of being stung by the desert scorpion and had nearly died. In fact, Uta thought she had died. Images and memories of her life had passed before her eyes:

She saw herself as a young girl in the village not far from Hamburg playing dolls with her older sister Ushi. Then she saw herself as a young woman after Ushi had gone off ‘to save the world’ as Papa had put it. By then Uta was working as a shop girl in a store in Hamburg where she had met a handsome man – Rolfe. She had thought that Rolfe loved her and was going to marry her. But instead, Rolfe had seduced her and taken her to Roissy where she was enslaved. There at Roissy Uta saw herself, bound to a stake, while Anne Marie turned the branding iron over in the red-hot coals. Her labia had already been pierced and a heavy ring inserted there. Then Rolfe had kissed and fondled her while Doutzen, beautiful Doutzen had fellated him. Uta remembered Anne Marie pressing the red-hot iron onto her backside, searing Rolfe’s initials into her. As she had fainted from the pain of the branding, she heard him say, “Now you are marked as mine.” Then in a blur, Uta saw images of herself at Roissy. Being whipped and taken by strange men on a daily basis until one day as a Master choked her, she had a stroke. She saw Anne Marie telling Rolfe that she was no longer suitable to work there at Roissy. So Rolfe sold her to two men – Tristan and Nathan – who intended to crucify her and charge admission for people to watch her pain and humiliation. And finally, she saw herself being led naked into the old Roman arena on a leash attached to the ring that pierced her sex. And then hung on a cross. She thought she had died then, also, but a man in baggy clothes cut her down. And then she had seen herself, driven in the back of a truck through the desert to a village where an old woman had put the scorpion against her clitoris. The pain. The pain. She was sure she was dying.

“Perhaps I have died,” she thought. “And this is hell. But I never expected Hell to look like a trash heap in a jungle.” Then Uta noticed a rustling sound and looked up. When she was a little girl one weekend Papa had taken her and Ushi to the Hamburg Zoo. There had been many animals. And Uta recognized what was making the rustling sounds. It was two hyenas cautiously nosing towards her.

Uta passed out again.

Uta’s New Owners: Part Three

Several weeks earlier, shortly after Tristan and Nathan had “purchased” Uta from her lover, Rolfe.

The two men came into Anne Marie’s quarters which also served as her office. “Well, what can I do for you two?” said Anne Marie, barely attempting to hide her distaste. While Anne Marie was the day to day manager at Roissy and could be cruel beyond belief, she didn’t care for Nathan and Tristan. She thought to herself, “It is different with most men who are associated with Roissy, at least the Masters. They are cruel, not as cruel as I, but cruel nevertheless. Several have brought their lovers to Roissy with the intent of turning them into sex slaves, and I have overseen that – the whippings, the piercing of the sex, tattoos, even the brandings. But those men at least gave a show of caring for, even loving their girls. Rene was like that. I think even Ari cared for Doutzen, at least on some level. He was willing to take her back if only she had not been so vain and jealous, but she was willful, stubborn and eventually got what she deserved. And O. Bringing her here was a way for her to find her true self. Her true inner slave. But these two! Tristan is only interested in money. Look how he makes that poor girl, Anna, work as a model and then brings her here to be pimped out. And Nathan – poor, soulless, pale imitation of his brother, Ari. I wonder how it is to be eighteen years old and be hated by everyone who has met you?”

Tristan spoke first. “You know we have bought Uta?”

“Yes. I am aware. You two will still get your cut of her earnings. As a personal slave she will still be paid at twice the rate of a regular girl. And it seems she is recovering nicely from her stroke or brain injury, whatever it was.”

Nathan spoke up. “But we want her crucified. Crucified like Ari had Doutzen crucified.”

Tristan added, “Nathan wants a spectacle. In front of an audience. In front of a wealthy, paying audience. Perhaps in conjunction with the auction where you will be securing new talent for Roissy. We know you are going to Spain in several weeks to meet with some Middle Eastern slavers. We could do it then. And we could charge a fortune to see Uta writhing on a cross.”

And Anne Marie, barely hiding the contempt in her voice, said, “I’ll begin making arrangements.”

Colette did as old Cyril had told her. She knelt in front of him, unzipped his trousers and pulled out his member. She began massaging it without being told. Colette had experience with Cyril. Usually he had a difficult time getting an erection, and once he did if she used her mouth, he usually came very quickly. However, a few times he couldn’t reach a suitable erection and called for a valet to flog her while he watched. That usually did the trick. Colette hoped this morning wouldn’t be one of those days. Colette worked Cyril’s member in her tiny hands, kissing and sucking on it as she did so. But alas, it was to no avail. Cyril looked over at the young valet, Albert. Colette was sure he was going to tell Albert to flog her, but instead he just said, “Old age is a dreadful thing, boy. Would you be so kind as to hand me that prescription bottle there on the table?” The young valet did so, and Cyril took the top off the small bottle. Taking out a blue tablet, he looked down on Colette and said, “It will take about ten or fifteen minutes for the drug to take effect. Why don’t you play with me while it does?” Then after a moment, “And while you’re down there fondling me, tell me a story. An erotic one. Pretend you’re little Scherazde for ‘1,001 Arabian Nights.”

Colette had no idea what the old man was talking about and said, “I don’t understand.”

Cyril sighed, took a sip of his coffee and thought. Finally, he said, “You know I was there in the rose garden when Ari had that model girlfriend – what was her name?”

Colette answered, “Ari’s lover was Doutzen. She was beautiful.”

Cyril responded, “Yes. That’s it. Doutzen. I found it quite erotic watching her slowly expire on the cross while we all sat around and ate strawberries and drank champagne. Anne Marie did a splendid job with that. But I was in the hospital with shingles and missed the show in Malaga with that German girl that young Nathan and Tristan had acquired. Were you there?”

Colette continued to fondle Cyril’s member; it was beginning to show signs of life. She said, “Yes. I was there. Both at Doutzen’s crucifixion and at Uta’s in Malaga. Anne Marie took six of us girls to be added entertainment for the guests.”

“And that was her name? Uta? The German girl.”

“Yes. Her name was Uta,” responded Colette.

Cyril said, “Tell me about it. About her crucifixion. I know it ended up in a disaster; one of the valets told me about the terrorist attack. Start from the time Uta arrived at the arena.”

Colette began, “The night before Uta had spent in an old dungeon nearby. Tristan and Nathan had told the valets that had come down from Roissy – I think there were four of them – to use and whip Uta all night long. They didn’t want her to have any rest. Then that morning, a man dressed entirely in back arrived in the dungeon. Of course, Uta was still naked, bruises and welts forming on her body where she had been whipped. The valets tied Uta’s hands to a wooden post that would become the top bar on the cross. I bet it was quite heavy. The man in black produced a leash – the kind one uses to walk a large dog. He attached it to the rings that pierced Uta’s sex. Then he led her to the old Roman amphitheater; it was about two kilometers away.“

Cyril said, “Oh do go on. And don’t stop fondling me. This is splendid.”

Colette continued, “It must have been awful for poor Uta. Being led like an animal on a leash. A leash attached to her most private parts. Entirely naked, struggling to carry the heavy wooden post in the heat of the Spanish mid-morning. It was getting towards noon when I saw the man enter the arena tugging on the leash for poor Uta to follow him. She stumbled but didn’t fall as he led her to the middle of the arena where the valets had lain another post down. That one was over three meters in length. Tristan and Nathan were standing nearby. I was in the seats sitting next to an Arab. There were over fifty people also sitting in the stands. I remember Tristan saying to the crowd. ‘We are planning to crucify this woman, but if you wish we will spare her. What do you say?’ Of course, the crowd replied, ‘Crucify her! Crucify her!’ Uta’s fate was sealed. I could only imagine what she must have felt.”

Cyril said, “I’m sure dread of what was to come. Pain from the previous flogging and, of course, humiliation.”

Colette continued, “They laid Uta on the ground and began tying the pole she had carried – the one that her hands were already tied to – to the longer pole making a cross. A notch had been cut in the longer pole to make it easier. Once that was done, the valets tied Uta’s ankles to the long pole. Only then was the leash attached to the ring that pierced her sex removed. Then the valets lifted up the cross and Uta. They set it in a hole that had previously been dug. And there was Uta, hung on a cross in the middle of the arena.

Old Cyril was fully erect now. Colette asked him, “Should I caress you with my mouth now?”

He replied, “Not yet. Tell me a little more about how she suffered. But lick me occasionally as you do so.”

Colette leaned down, breathed her hot breath on the tip of Cyril’s member and continued. “Uta hung there. She would pull herself up as best she could so that she could breathe easier, but her arms would soon tire, and she would slump down. I felt so sorry for her. But,” Colette paused and licked Cyril’s member, then kissed it softly before continuing, “But that wasn’t the worst of it for Uta. Anne Maire at Tristan and Nathan’s direction had a hole drilled in the upright post at a 45-degree angle. A rod with a 23-centimeter dildo was slipped through the hole in the upright post. Vaseline had been smeared on it. It was pushed into Uta’s rectum, impaling her. When she pulled herself up, it almost, but not quite, came out; but when she slumped down, her weight drove it in even deeper.”

Old Cyril sighed at the image and said, “Essentially fucking herself to death.”

As he said this, he grabbed a handful of Colette’s dark hair and pushed her head down towards his crotch. Colette opened her mouth and took his member into it, sucking on it as she worked her hands on its length. A moment later Cyril groaned and discharged into Colette’s mouth.

Ari said, I am calling about my younger brother, Nathan.”

Raymond had met Nathan several times and like anyone who knew Nathan hated him. “That shitty little twerp,” thought Raymond. But he said, “What about him?”

Raymond knew that Nathan was a frequent guest at Roissy, and while many members were sadistic, Nathan was overly so, rivaling only Eric in cruelty. Raymond had watched him abuse at least three Roissy slaves so badly that they had to be hospitalized. And it was he and a fellow named Tristan that had come up with the scheme to ‘buy’ that German girl called Uta from her lover and then have her publicly crucified in the old Roman arena in Malaga, Spain. They had hoped to earn a lot of money by charging the spectators. Raymond had at the time thought that Anne Marie was a fool to agree to it, but Roissy coffers were low. Anyway, it had turned into a fiasco: there was terrorist attack, probably against an Emirate prince who was attending. Several Europeans were killed. Nathan’s partner, Tristan, had met his end – brains blown out all over the sands of the arena- along with some tourists and a minor English nobleman. And six people were missing, probably taken as captives by the terrorists. Nathan was among the missing.

Ari spoke for a bit before Raymond answered, “Yes, I understand. Well, my sources in Africa say that your brother is probably still alive. Surprisingly enough, he is likely being held captive along with that poor girl he had crucified. It’s amazing she survived hanging on that cross, the way she did. My sources say she, two other women and your brother are at a remote village south of the Sahara.”

A pause while Raymond listened, then, “Yes, you’re right. Your father’s estate is quite large. And getting it all for yourself would certainly be better than getting only half of it if your brother is alive. And if you had proof of his demise, you would get it all.”

Raymond thought to himself, “And besides the money I would get for ensuring his demise, I should also get some sort of prize for eliminating a true piece of shit from this world.” Then to Ari Raynond said out loud, “Let me see what I can do.”

The Gathering: Part One

The three vans came into the small village near Malaga. They pulled up in front of a very large building inside an enclosed wall. Sir Stephen and Anne Marie were waiting near the portico. One of the valets emerged from the first van and bowed to Anne Marie. She said, “There is a large area on the lower level. Take the girls down there. There is a bathing area and several beds. They can rest for the evening. Tomorrow will be a busy day. “Yes, Madam.” Said the valet and left to supervise the unloading of the van. Another van pulled up a short while later. It contained only five individuals: the driver, Nathan, Tristan, Anna, and poor Uta. Again Anne Marie greeted them. “Good, you have arrived. There is a small dungeon near the bathing area on the lower level. I suggest you put Uta there. Anna can go into the common area with the other girls if you like. There are several valets to guard and supervise them. Come with me and I will show you around the grounds. There is an opening near the back that leads to a dirt road that ends about a kilometer away in an old Roman ruin of an amphitheater. I think it would be suitable to march the condemned down the road and finish things up in the amphitheater.”

Nathan nodded and said, “You know best, Anne Marie. Ari told me you did a splendid job with his that whore of his, Doutzen.” Anne Marie snapped at him. “Doutzen was not just some whore. She was a successful model and by far the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. It was her pride that was her downfall. She went willingly to her fate.”

Nathan, somewhat cowed, walked away and mumbled, “Whatever.” Anne Marie turned to Sir Stephen, “You know, I really do hate him. If not for the guests already committed and paid, I would call the whole thing off. But the guests. Even Sutton and Alessa are coming.”

Sir Stephen replied, “Oh, they are coming. And the auction is scheduled, as well as the party.”

“And I know you are ready to get O back.”

“Yes, George is bringing her to the party. Then I will take possession,” replied Sir Stephen.

And on a secluded dock not too far away, a small smuggling ship pulled up.

Ari said, I am calling about my younger brother, Nathan.” Raymond had met Nathan several times and like anyone who knew Nathan hated him. “That shitty little twerp,” thought Raymond. But he said, “What about him?”

Raymond knew that Nathan was a frequent guest at Roissy, and while many members were sadistic, Nathan was overly so, rivaling only Eric in cruelty. Raymond had watched him abuse at least three Roissy slaves so badly that they had to be hospitalized. And it was he and a fellow named Tristan that had come up with the scheme to ‘buy’ that German girl called Uta from her lover and then have her publicly crucified in the old Roman arena in Malaga, Spain. They had hoped to earn a lot of money by charging the spectators. Raymond had at the time thought that Anne Marie was a fool to agree to it, but Roissy coffers were low. Anyway, it had turned into a fiasco: there was terrorist attack, probably against an Emirate prince who was attending. Several Europeans were killed. Nathan’s partner, Tristan, had met his end – brains blown out all over the sands of the arena- along with some tourists and a minor English nobleman. And six people were missing, probably taken as captives by the terrorists. Nathan was among the missing.

Ari spoke for a bit before Raymond answered, “Yes, I understand. Well, my sources in Africa say that your brother is probably still alive. Surprisingly enough, he is likely being held captive along with that poor girl he had crucified. It’s amazing she survived hanging on that cross, the way she did. My sources say she, two other women and your brother are at a remote village south of the Sahara.”

A pause while Raymond listened, then, “Yes, you’re right. Your father’s estate is quite large. And getting it all for yourself would certainly be better than getting only half of it if your brother is alive. And if you had proof of his demise, you would get it all.”

Raymond thought to himself, “And besides the money I would get for ensuring his demise, I should also get some sort of prize for eliminating a true piece of shit from this world.” Then to Ari, Raymond said out loud, “Let me see what I can do.”

Tristan and Anna Meet Rene (Part Seven)

The waiter brought out more wine and an after dinner brandy for Anna, who was really quite drunk by now. As Rene and Tristan talked Anna’s head began to spin. She had wanted to know more about this Roissy place, and it seems that Tristan, and possibly Rene, are eager for her to go there. In truth Anna was rather intrigued by the idea. She was madly in love with Tristan and would do almost anything to please him. Rene had told her that his former lover, O, had agreed to go to Roissy to prove her love for him. And now he has said that his current lover, Chloe, will be going soon. Images swirled in her head – images of women being taken by strange men and then being punished. From childhood onward, Anna had masochastic dreams where she was a maiden captured by another tribe. She would be tied up and held for ransom. When she was younger she would sometimes have such vivid dreams that they would awaken her and she felt great pleasure. Later in adolescence, Anna had learned to masturbate to these dreams. Even now when Tristan was taking her, she fantasized that it was a stranger, not Tristan. But she never told him because she was afraid, he would be angry with her. But now, perhaps he was offering her a way to live out her fantasies by going to Roissy. Suddenly the alcohol she had consumed had a startling effect on Anna. She wanted to go home and make love right now. She reached over and grabbed Tristan’s crotch. He turned and said, “Not now, Anna. Rene and I are working out some details.” Anna was frustrated. She put her leg up on the table, exposing herself to both Tristan and Rene. Still the men talked. Anna sulked for a bit, then she got up and staggered over too another table where a man and a woman were eating. Anna put her leg up on the woman’s chair, giving the man a full view of her and said, “Here I am with two good looking men. I was told not to wear any underwear, but neither of them seems interested in taking me.” The man said, “I would, my dear.” The woman looked vaguely amused, but before anything else was said, Tristan came over and took Anna by the waist. He ushered her out saying, “Please excuse my girl-friend, she was overserved.” Just before Tristan led Anna out the door, she pulled up her dress exposing herself and said to Rene, “See, I didn’t wear any underwear just for you. Just like at Roissy.”

Anna had finished walking in a fashion show in Milan. It had been a long week, and Anna was tired, so she took a long, hot bath. Tristan had come to the closing event today, but had stayed there only long enough to pick up Anna’s check for the show. As Anna relaxed in the tub, Tristan came into the bathroom. Anna rose from the tub and in the bath room mirror she caught a glimpse of Tristan’s initial which had been branded into her lower belly just above the slit of her sex. Tristan came over to Anna and took her nipples between his fingers, rolling them until they were quite erect. As he did, he kissed her so deeply that she knew the wetness she felt between her legs had not come from the bath. Tristan told Anna, “You were beautiful today. The most beautiful girl there. It is no wonder that I love you.”

Anna replied, “I love you too, Tristan. I love belonging to you. I am proud to wear your brand on my body. As I was changing one of the other models saw it and said, ‘How barbaric! Your lover has branded you like a cow,’ but I told her I was proud of being marked as your property.”

“Good, because on Monday, I intend to return you to Roissy. And then, after a brief stay, we will go on to Spain. There will be something you need to see there.” Then Tristan slipped his hand into Anna’s warm, wet sex, kissed her again and left, leaving her standing there in the tub naked and aroused.

Anna slumped back down into the tub. Then she reached over and pulled out a cigarette. As she smoked, she contemplated her situation. “I love modeling; I feel alive when I walk in front of people showing off the latest fashions. But Tristan wants more. He wants me to be his slave, his whore to pimp out. A whore to be beaten and used by strangers. Why is he like that? And do I secretly crave being his whore?”

It was a Wednesday night at Roissy. It was Anna and Nicole, one of the new free prostitutes’, turn to work in the bar. Nicole had only just gotten to Roissy the day before, having heard about it from a customer. She had met with Anne Marie who tentatively approved her of working at Roissy. She told Nicole that they used a type of sisterhood system whereby a new girl would work with a regular slave at first. Tonight, Anna and Nicole would serve drinks to patrons or customers who had either already chosen a girl or were merely drinking. At the moment it was slow. There were only two tables that were occupied – one with Frank, one of the Masters, who was talking to Old fat Cyril, another Master and another table where two Middle Eastern looking men were seated with Eurydice and Nena. From the looks there, it would not be long before they went upstairs.

Nicole and Anna were standing near the bar when Nicole asked, out of the clear blue, “Anna, do you think Anne Marie is a handsome woman for her age?”

Anna answered right away, “Of course. She’s still quite beautiful. But in a harsh looking sort of way.”

“What do you mean, ‘harsh looking’?”

“Harsh looking as in her cruelty shows on her face at times.”

Nicole sounded surprised, “Oh, do you think Anne Marie is cruel?”



“Think about it. She’s either whipped or had whipped at her command scores, probably more, girls here at Roissy and at her home at Samios. She’s pierced the sex of many, also. And I know of at least four that she has branded.”

“Branded! Really! Who?”

“I have seen Julienne, and that girl called O. I have seen their brands. She branded Tristan’s initials on me just above my sex. Look.” And Anna pulled aside her dress to show Nicole the branding scar.

Nicole’s eyes flew open wide. “Oh my God!” she almost cried out.

Anna continued, “And then there is Uta and from what I’ve heard a girl named Doutzen before her. I saw Uta’s brand before Anne Marie had her crucified. And I understand it was the same with Doutzen.”

“Crucified! Surely not!”

“Yes, surely. It was in Spain. It was a scheme cooked up by my then lover, Tristan, and the man who had bought Uta with him.”

“Bought? I don’t understand.”

“Yes. Bought. Tristan and a man, a boy really only about twenty, named Nathan bought Uta from the man who was her lover and originally brought her to Roissy to be a slave, just like Tristan did with me.”

“But aren’t you a model? I’ve seen your photograph in magazines.” “Yes. I was; no I am a model. Tristan was my manager. But he made arrangements for me to be here when I wasn’t modeling. That way he could make money from me in two ways – modeling and prostitution here. But I became property of Roissy when Tristan was killed in the terrorist attack in Spain…”

Nicole interrupted, “I heard about that, but had no idea you were there.”

“No, the Roissy Masters new people and hushed it up. But I was there and saw poor Uta crucified.”

“Tell me about it!”

“There was a large crowd in some sort of old Roman amphitheater. Tristan and Nathan had bought Uta for the specific purpose of crucifying her in front of an audience of people – mostly rich men – who paid to watch her suffer on the cross. Anne Marie was in charge of the spectacle as she had overseen Doutzen’s crucifixion a couple of years earlier. Uta had been kept in a dungeon the night before and used brutally by many men. A regular gangbang. Anyway, one of the gates into the amphitheater opened and in came a man leading Uta on a leash.”

“Like a dog?”

“Not quite. The leash was attached to the rings that pierced her sex. I understand Anne Marie had pierced her when she first came to Roissy. Tristan told me that he had been leading her like that for over a kilometer. She looked awful, but beautiful, if you know what I mean. Anyway, he took her over to the cross that was lying on the ground. Several men secured her to it and then stood it up. Uta groaned when the cross settled into the ground, but that wasn’t all.”

“What? What?”

“Anne Marie had made sure that a device – a long stick really, with a dildo on the end could be affixed through a hole in the cross so that it stuck into Uta’s rectum. It went in only a few inches when she was pulling herself up, but when she tired and couldn’t hold herself up any longer, she slid down and the dildo impaled her more deeply. Poor Uta suffered greatly.”

“My God, did she die on that cross?”

“I don’t really know. She let her head slump down and her eyes were closed. Tristan thought she was near death, so he told me to hold a vibrator on her sex. ‘Give her a little pleasure before she dies,’ he said. But when I held the vibrator to her, a shot rang out. It killed Tristan immediately. Then all hell broke loose. Screams and shots. It was very confusing. I thought I would be killed, but a man called Sir Stephen ran out and scooped me up. He took me to safety. I looked back over my shoulder and saw one of the terrorists cutting Uta down from the cross. That was the last I ever saw of her; I don’t know if she was dead or not.”

Then Anna heard Frank call out for another drink. She took it over and when she returned Nicole was gone. She never saw her again either.

Anna Learns her Fate

Anna was pulled from thre small cot in her cell by a man. The man, who Anna did not recognize, was accompanied by the valet, Pierre. Together they both led Anna from her cell in the dungeon in Roissy up a flight of stairs into a long hall. Anna was still naked, of course. They ushered her into a room at the end of the hallway. Anna squinted her eyes in the bright light of the room, but soon saw that there was a desk and chair. Anne Marie was sitting behind the desk, smoking a cigarette. Beside her stood Tristan. Anna cried out, “Tristan, you have come back for me!” She would have rushed to him, but Pierre held her back. Instead Tristan came over to Anna, took her gently in his arms and said, “Anna my love. You have endured all for me.” Anne Marie looked across the desk and said, “Yes, Anna. You have endured much to prove your love, but there is one more thing that Tristan wants you to do.” “What?” asked Anna meekly. Tristan answered, “Anna, do you remember Rene telling you about his former lover, O? And how he gave her away to his step brother, Sir Stephen?” Anna’s heart sank. She said, “No, please no. Don’t give me away after all I have suffered for you.” Tristan said, “Hush, my love. I wasn’t finished. You remember how Rene said that once he gave O to his step brother, she found her true love and what she endured for him. For Sir Stephen?” “What are you talking about?” said Anna, looking confused. “I love you. I have been taken by other men. I have been whipped and chained in a dungeon for you. To prove my love to you? What more could you want?” At this, Anne Marie spoke up. “Tristan wants you to be marked with signs of his ownership. To be marked like O was.” Anna gave a look of confusion or disbelief. Anne Marie couldn’t tell which, but continued. “Your labia will be pierced so that you may wear a medallion there which will have Tristan’s name and yours engraved on it. Any man or woman who takes you will see it and know that you are his property. And you will also be marked permanently with a brand of his initial.” Anna’s face became paler than usual as the blood ran from her face. “A brand? You mean, I’ll be branded like a cow?”


i’m trying a little experiment. i think that if You click on one of the tags below, You should be able to see ALL the posts with the same tag, and therefore see a character’s story(ies). i would appreciate it if some of the Followers of this blog would let me know if it works.

Oh! And by the way, Happy October!

Love, O


Tristan was always one to think of ways to get ahead monetarily, and he saw Anna as his primary tool in that quest. He had a quandary on his hands. He had planned to mark Anna as his property and then either leave her at Roissy where as a personal slave she would be paid twice the rate of a normal girl or perhaps retrieve her from Roissy and pimp her out as a high class submissive. He had told Anne Marie that he wanted to have Anna branded with his initials; once marked as a slave she would be his personal property. But Tristan hadn’t known that Anna had applied to a modeling agency. There would be good money in that, but the modeling agency might not want her if she was marked with a brand on her rear. Tristan had pondered what to do for several hours when he came up with a possible solution. He called Anne Marie, “Yes, I still want Anna to be branded. Yes, New Year’s Eve would be great. And the filming. You say I will get 60% of the fees from the video you will make of the branding. Great, but I want to make one change to the plans.” Tristan went on the explain his dilemma. Anne Marie answered, “Yes, that shouldn’t be a problem. I will make arrangements. Oh, and I hope you don’t mind. There will be a small audience.”

Simone will be there too, she just doesn’t know it yet.  How she will react to Anna’s branding will be interesting.  Of course like the rest of you I will have to wait in suspense to see what happens.

This is going to be good, whatever O-1968 does!
