
“English 8, Home Ec, Social Studies… get no harder than middle school man. Just remembe

“English 8, Home Ec, Social Studies… get no harder than middle school man. Just remember: lOve nO 1.” #struglife #jrhigh #trustnoone #thestruggle #MrSmithcansukit (at Struglife)

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Finally got the frames for my X-Files posters! I have the new ones from seasons 10 & 11! #TheXFi

Finally got the frames for my X-Files posters! I have the new ones from seasons 10 & 11! #TheXFiles #thetruthisoutthere #trustnoone #trustno1 #aliens

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Fox Mulder #mcm #babe #xfiles #thetruthisoutthere #iwanttobelieve #trustnoone #trustnobitch #suitand

Fox Mulder #mcm #babe #xfiles #thetruthisoutthere #iwanttobelieve #trustnoone #trustnobitch #suitandtie #hottie #work #businesscasual

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