#ts2 buy


Hey, guys, I have in my sleeve some TS4 “Seasons” conversions today! The Christmas tree needs this great mod to summon Santa! Some of the objects are really pretty. You`ll see! :D

For those, who missed it, the beehive can be found here. :)

Credits:Honeywell, EA/Maxis, Sims 4 Studio.

Hey, guys, guess what I`ve done!

I`m so happy! :D I`ve successfully converted my first animated object!

Look, here it is:


Isn`t it cool? :D It looks pretty impressive in game! It has all TS4 recolors. I cloned this awesome ts3 converted beehivebyuntidyfan and Gwenke. All the necessary files are included with many thanks!!

Get bees here!

Credit goes to untidyfan, Gwenke, Shasta, EA/Maxis, Sims 4 Studio and Dr. Pixel at MTS with his extremely helpful tutorial!

Kinda nitpicky thing but I really like Bio’s Japanese farm set in all its classic old cc glory, but bugs me somewhat that the descriptions aren’t correct (don’t think it’s a translation issue as the objects have the same descriptions as the objects they were cloned from in this case). I’ve made a few edits to the descriptions and categories of the packages, plus made a version of the persimmon that is fridge stockable (overwrites the original, choose from the labelled folder whether you want that or the original). other than that the files are the exact same as the originals!

Download Bio’s Nouka set edited
