#ts2 cc



This is just an extract from the well-known ja-viera’s No Plumbbobs mod. The mod originally appears in two versions: the full version (hiding all plumbbobs and special indicators in the game: over the sims, pets, and lots in NH view), and Sims-only version (just a part that hiding only visible-on-lot indicators). You can found both in the @sims2packratre-hosted sfs folder.

I find the indicators above the sims’ heads useful, and prefer to hide them in other ways if I need it. But in neighborhood view special indicators (plumbbobs, simoleons, luggages etc) are pretty useless for my gameplay and inappropriate during the screenshoting. Well, I have separated the NH part of the mod to solve this.

All credits goes to Ja-viera,I just removed the lot-related resources from the file.



Once upon a time a fellow simmer noticed that the “Dreams Alight by Guildsmen Industries” lamp from Family Fun Stuff pack had no magic sparks. Answering the question about this ocassion, I concluded that the instance number of Effect list resource in the FFS SP core files clashes with the instance number of Effect list from TS Castaway Stories in Pescado’s cs-corefuncs.package. Well, neither fairytale styled lamp nor lots of animated CS conversions should lost their charm in our games! I have applied the unique (and unused) instance number for FFS SP effects list. So now it compatible with corefuncs.




During researching the base game effect list package I found not only sky effects, but also the unused fireworks effect from the SimCity4 (I think it is the same animation that play when you starts the mayor mode). I dreamed of giant fireworks over my TS2 towns since childhood, so when I found it I made the nhood effect right away! Fortunately, it only required to change the name of the effect in the custom file.

It’s pretty easy to use. Just find the cutom icon of fireworks in Neighborhood - Decoration mode - Effects and place it somewhere on the map. Multiple fx-cubes can be placed in different locations for a thicker and brighter light show. Please note that the fireworks explode quite high above the map and the result will be best viewed either from free flight mode (tab) or using a custom neighborhood camera. Also, be careful if you have very weak machines.

Credits:EAxis, Facebook (for emoji icon)


More anon requested hair + one for me

compressed, tool-tipped, base colors, 1024x1024 image

DayLifeSims’ Lilac - SFS/MF

UM, 8.8k poly (reduced from 27k), animated

subtles4stubble’s EA Bob Revamped - SFS/MF

TF-EF, 2.1k poly, animated

EA’s EF11 Tight Curls - SFS/MF

UU, 8.3k poly, animated

SimCelebrity00’s Gianna - SFS/MF

CF-EF, 8.1k poly, animated


gifs under cut


60+ Followers Gift!!

holy shit, this doesnt feel real. i started this blog as a way to post my silly little defaults, and throughout the past two months i have seen so much love and attention and it’s like a dream. i’ve gotten to interact with some of my favorite people in this fandom and have learned to create and share my love for this game. from anyone who has stuck around, to anyone who knew me before, to anyone who’s new here, i want to thank you for this milestone. it certainly means a lot to me, thank you guys so much!! as a gift i’ve converted three hairs for you all, and i’ll be coming out with a collab and another small gift soon,,, but until then, thanks! creds to @kamiiriand@goamazons for the gorgeous hairs <3







goamazons’ panda hair
~5k poly -: ✧ :-゜・.pf-ef

sp13 claw clip updo
3.3k poly -: ✧ :-゜・.pf-ef

kamiiri’s marina
19.4k poly -: ✧ :-゜・.tf-ef

- don’t claim my cc as your own
- don’t put my cc on sites like simsdom
- don’t put my cc behind a paywall, my cc is free to all
- follow the original creators’ tou(s)

resources under the cut!

also, a huge thank you to some of my biggest cheerleaders, yk who you are. basically anyone from kchc but a special thanks to my good friend ky. @anonsensicalsimblr​ ily and thank u for putting up with me bless


Keep reading

wake up, new beau-broke cc just dropped

Hello again! We are back with a fun and slightly random  set centered around the historical cultivat

Hello again! We are back with a fun and slightly random  set centered around the historical cultivation, production and consumption of Opium! There are lots of things to go over, so let us begin!

*There are LOTS of pictures, so please click on them to enlarge for more details. 

Additional Requirements for Set: All Fired Up! Functional Firewood set by Sun & Moon

Opium Crafting:
This set consists of 3 phases: Growth, Processing and Usage. The upfront cost of everything is quite expensive comparatively because the end payoff is very high. This also really isn’t a lower class activity as it’s a pretty expensive hobby.

The plants are cloned from Aysarth’s “Grow Your Greens” plot and we’d definitely like to say thank you to them for providing us such a comprehensive checklist for making Maxis-style plants of our own. These work just like Maxis plants, so your Sim will gain Nature Enthusiasm as well as build gardening Skill Badges. You can Fertilize and Water (and Overwater!), Talk to Plants, Pull Weeds and Spray for Bugs (Some options only unlock as you gain badges). 

Phase One: GROWTH

1. Purchase Opium Garden-Plot from Build>Garden Center for §30 2. Place Opium Plots and you will then have the option to Plant Poppies for §30 apiece.


*Placing the plot can seem a bit tricky as the Furrow is positioned horizontally while the directional arrow on the tile is vertical. Just remember that the direction the arrow on the tile is pointing will always be the direction your furrowed plots follow. 


Seedlings will sprout not long after planting. The poppy plant will flower 24 hours after planting and will shed its petals and reach the pod stage 48 hours after planting.


*Notes about plant health and care. 
Weeds need to be tended to whenever they pop up. Same goes for spraying pests. Your plants will need water but be careful about overwatering! When a plant is ill or overwatered, it will begin to wilt and the color will be noticeably faded, especially if it’s surrounded by healthy plants. Don’t forget that rain can exacerbate an overwatering problem, so be careful about when and where you plant. 

*In the process of testing we found that the plants, when enabled in hood view, can cause weird graphical effects when planted in large numbers (more than 50 on a lot). Doesn’t affect the hood itself, just the plot. To solve this issue for lower-end machines (and even higher end if you plan on making a full-on Opium farm) we’ve included two versions of the Opium Plants. One is Hood Enabled and the other Hood Disabled. YOU CAN ONLY HAVE ONE OF THESE OPTIONS IN YOUR GAME AT A TIME. So please choose the one you’d like to keep. 


When the plants reach the pod stage you will then be presented with an option to “Slice Pod” when you click on the plant. Dead plants should not have any option other than to “Dispose”. Slicing the pod changes the plant texture to one that is scored and oozing raw resin. An empty resin collection pot and scraper will also appear at the base of each plant.


Approximately Every 6 hours the resin jar will fill with the darkened resin and you will be able to click on the plant to collect it. After 18 hours you will have collected the last of the resin and the pot will disappear from the base of the plant. In order to complete the harvesting process, click on the plant and select “Harvest Plant”. The plant will disappear from the plot and you will have a jar of resin in your inventory and one packet of Poppy Seeds for each plant harvested. When you return to your empty fields to replant, you can use those seeds to sow your new crop.


*Plants will die in Winter, you will need to replant them come Spring or another viable season. Plants will survive Winter if placed inside a Greenhouse.

*If you allow your plants to wilt and/or remain sickly, there is a chance that your pods will not produce resin right away, or at all! 


Next, purchase an Opium Processing Station for §500 in Appliances>Miscellaneous and place anywhere.


1. Click on the Station and select “Store Resin” this will remove the resin from your inventory and store it in the station until you are ready to use it.


2. When you are ready to begin you will first need to heat the stove. Using 3 bundles of twigs or 1 bundle of firewood from S&M’s functional fire set, click on the station and select “Light Fire”.

3. After an hour you will see steam beginning to rise from the cauldron, signaling that it is hot enough to begin cooking. The fire will burn until the process is complete. Click on the stove and select “Cook Resin” to begin the process of cooking the raw resin in the Cauldron.


4. When you are finished cooking, your Sim will transfer the contents of the pot to a sieve on the counter to drain away the liquid. This process will take around 3 hours.


5. After 3 hours you will see a new option when you click on the station to “Make Opium Cakes". Your Sim will begin the process of forming the opium into cakes which will then be dried on a rack. The process will take around 1 hour and your Sim will gain Logic skill from it.


6. When your Sim is finished forming the cakes they will stop processing and you then have the choice to dry the cakes on the Station’s built-in Rack which will take 24 hours to complete or to remove the cakes from the station and dry them on the included Outdoor Rack (found in Appliances>Miscellaneous for §200) which will dry them in half the time, provided the weather is fine and sunny. You can also use the smaller rack indoors and it will take 24 hours to dry.


7. The cakes are a Rusty red in their raw state and will turn Black when they are complete, this is when you will know that they are fully dried and ready to be sold.


Removing the cakes from a rack will place the Opium Parcels in your inventory, from which you can place them for sale. Sale price per parcel is §350, so yes, your drug dealer sims will become rich from this.


Phase Three: USAGE

To make use of the Opium, purchase an Opium pipe from the catalogue under Miscellaneous>Party for §2000. 


If you have Opium in your inventory then you will see the option to “Stock Pipe with Opium”. Once Opium is stocked in the pipe, your Sim will be able to smoke it. Smoking Opium will raise your Sim’s Fun and can be a group activity.


*The Opium Pipe stock depletes at one parcel per Sim, and each individual Sim needs to bring their own stock or have stock given to them which they can then use to stock their pipe and join in a friend’s smoking session.

When ending a smoking session Sims will feel dizzy and pass out immediately for a short period of time. 


There is the small possibility to gain a Creativity skill point OR Lose ANY skill point at random, depending on how good or bad their trip was…


As well as a 1% chance of death from using the pipe.


*Your Sim will also have the Jitters for a period after using the pipe.

Recolors for the Station, Rack, pipe and Pillows are included


Ad that’s all folks! Hope you enjoy and please hit us up with any questions!


Thanks to:
The makers of SimPE
Fractured Moonlight
@esotheria-sims​,@niamh-sims​ and Mr. Joe Starr for beta testing for us. 

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mortia-laura:Laura and I have teamed up to bring you what can only be called a disgusting little set


Laura and I have teamed up to bring you what can only be called a disgusting little set for your historical games. Ever desperately wanted to have to deal with the results of all the visits to the chamberpot or the privy? No?! Well here it is whether you wanted it or not! Gong Farming is in the Sims 2!

Keep reading

Hello all! While doing some testing, we came across a bug that had managed to slip by at release; using SimPE to change the Tuning of the number of Ash bags required to clean the pit to “0″ was resulting in the pit throwing an error in-game. That has been fixed in the download below. We also noted that the Middle-Class pit was only requiring 1 Ash Bag to clean it, that has also been fixed to make it require 3 bags instead. 

Simfileshare is doing strange things so please download at the alternate links below. Download just the fixes or the entire set with the fixes included. 



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Hello all!

We’d like to begin by saying thank you so much for the outpouring of support and love for our shared projects that has been shown. We really enjoy seeing people using them in their games, it makes our collective day!

We’d like to gently touch upon the subject of requests, however. We both have ideas for things we really want in our games. We talk about them between ourselves and see if we can make them a reality. We work on them, finish them up and share them with others so that, hopefully, they will find as much enjoyment in them as we will in our games. The fun in this lies in knowing that our personal games will finally have that missing piece that either or both of us have wanted for so long and that’s what makes it fun and rewarding to do. 

On that note, we will not be taking requests for tweaks to mods or sets that we have released or will release in the future. Making slight changes for one person tends to lead to many more people requesting slight changes and that is not a road either one of us is willing to go down. We do this for fun and working on things that we are personally uninterested in makes this whole deal feel like a job. And we both already have jobs >.<. I hope this is something that is understandable. 

If there is a mod that we have released that you would like to make your own version of we strongly encourage you to look into the code, do your research and make an attempt at tweaks of your own. Our TOU is completely flexible for things like that as long as credit is given. And you are free to ask questions along the way; both of us learned by asking questions and being proactive and we’d really recommend doing that to others as well. 

We really hope that this doesn’t come across as selfish, harsh or unyielding, but when it comes to our personal time spent on making content for our games, we are both in agreement that we want to only do things that make us happy and are rewarding to us personally. Thanks for your understanding.

-Mortia & Laura

mortia-laura: Greetings from our shiny new joint Simblr and as a first “official” post here, we thin


Greetings from our shiny new joint Simblr and as a first “official” post here, we think this one is pretty damn exciting (if we do say so ourselves)! 

We are SO pleased to present Greet Expectations, a historical replacement for all default greetings in the game using some existing, but mostly new animations converted to TS2 from TSM and TS4. This mod is driven by the Medieval Caste Traits both by @cedanyblee and @mortia​, and Sims will greet each other appropriately according to class. There’s lots to see so please read below the cut for more info.

Keep reading


Hey everyone! Randomly noticed today that the animation used for the Adult Kneel was the outdated version where the left leg sinks into the ground. The issue has been fixed and the download file updated at the original link and/or at the link below. Please make sure to re-download and replace the files in your download folder!


Thanks and sorry for the mix-up! 

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Greetings from our shiny new joint Simblr and as a first “official” post here, we think this one is

Greetings from our shiny new joint Simblr and as a first “official” post here, we think this one is pretty damn exciting (if we do say so ourselves)! 

We are SO pleased to present Greet Expectations, a historical replacement for all default greetings in the game using some existing, but mostly new animations converted to TS2 from TSM and TS4. This mod is driven by the Medieval Caste Traits both by @cedanyblee and @mortia​, and Sims will greet each other appropriately according to class. There’s lots to see so please read below the cut for more info.

Firstly, we’d like to thank @earlypleasantview​ (omglo), without whom, none of these conversions would have happened. Thank you so much for presenting this as a possibility on MTS and for helping every single step of the way with troubleshooting the process and so much more. It works!! :D

So we can’t possibly go over all of the available combinations of greetings here, but if you’re a real need-to-know person, a pdf will be available at the end detailing each and every class and how they will greet other classes.Don’t say you weren’t warned :) But for now, let’s take a look at a few of our options!


RoyaltyandNobility will greet each other with a hand kiss. Male and Female Royals each have their own unique animations. 


(Mostly) Everyone else will bend the knee for Royalty by default. ClergyandOutcasts are the only exceptions. Clergy because, traditionally, they serve a higher power and Outcasts cause they just don’t care! 


Sims with the Knight Trait will salute each other when they meet. 


Members of the Clergy will greet every Sim they meet (and each other) with their own special blessing. 


Lower Class Sims will always bow or curtsy to anyone higher in Class to them. The Upper classes will bow or curtsy to each other. 


Outcasts love to pretend to forget social cues when meeting the upper classes and will go in for a hug every time. They will just shake hands with lower classes and will greet each other with Bohemian Hugs. 


We haven’t forgotten the kids! This is the lower class greeting shared between PeasantsandYeomen. Children don’t have conversions for all of the new Elder/Adult/Teen animations but they won’t disappoint! Wait till you see a Clergy novice greeting one of his superiors. You’ll die from the cuteness ;)


Teen to Adult animations don’t always line up perfectly, but if you’ve ever had to work with a Teen/Adult romance mod before, you’re probably used to it and we hope it’s not too jarring. 

And also, we did our best to bug test these before posting and we THINK we got them all, but the combination possibilities are a little much, so if we missed anything, please do let us know if there is a problem. 

Note: Bows and Curtsies in general replace the wave or handshake and will also be used for goodbyes as well. Sims who do not have assigned caste traits will also either bow or curtsy by default when being greeted or saying goodbye.

And that’s a damn good taste of what this mod entails, folks! We think it will be a really great addition to historical games of all kinds. The animation conversions aren’t perfect in all places but we’re very happy with them all the same. We really hope you’ll enjoy this and that it will enrich your games. On to the downloads!

@mortia’s re-package of the original Medieval Caste Traits by @cedanyblee and her Medieval Caste Traits Expansion can be found HERE. They have been made Collection-only and are no longer visible in the Catalog. These Traits are required in order to see all of the above animations in your game. 

A PDF of all of our Greeting combinations can be found HERE


Huge thanks again to @earlypleasantiew! @hexagonal-bipyramid​ for the marvelous Traits system, @cedanyblee for the original Medieval Caste Traits. 

Post link
Laura and I have teamed up to bring you what can only be called a disgusting little set for your his

Laura and I have teamed up to bring you what can only be called a disgusting little set for your historical games. Ever desperately wanted to have to deal with the results of all the visits to the chamberpot or the privy? No?! Well here it is whether you wanted it or not! Gong Farming is in the Sims 2!

With this set you’ll get 3 different versions of receptacles for your Sims’ gong (a historical word for human excrement). A Bucket, a Dirt Pit and a Cesspit. There can only be one Gong object on the lot at any time. You can technically use all of them at once, but only one will operate at a time. They are located in Plumbing>Misc for §50/§250/§500 apiece.

So how does it work?

Head over to PBKfor full details on the set and its functions ;) It’s a bit too lengthy to spam your dashes with here.


Many Thanks to Mr. Joe Starr/Sonikku, OpheiliaRainGalaxy and thefantasticalrat for being our testers. Gayars and Ocelotekatl for troubleshooting help, Sun & Moon for their excellent sets and the makers of SimPE.  

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Laura (@bcnsims) and I have finally posted our historical Holiday Set for TS2! Head over to Plum BobLaura (@bcnsims) and I have finally posted our historical Holiday Set for TS2! Head over to Plum BobLaura (@bcnsims) and I have finally posted our historical Holiday Set for TS2! Head over to Plum BobLaura (@bcnsims) and I have finally posted our historical Holiday Set for TS2! Head over to Plum BobLaura (@bcnsims) and I have finally posted our historical Holiday Set for TS2! Head over to Plum BobLaura (@bcnsims) and I have finally posted our historical Holiday Set for TS2! Head over to Plum BobLaura (@bcnsims) and I have finally posted our historical Holiday Set for TS2! Head over to Plum BobLaura (@bcnsims) and I have finally posted our historical Holiday Set for TS2! Head over to Plum Bob

Laura (@bcnsims) and I have finally posted our historical Holiday Set for TS2! Head over to Plum Bob Keep to find out more details and to download :)


Special Thanks to:
The makers of SimPE
simmer22 at MTS

Post link
And here’s the one other thing that I’ve been working on together with Laura (@bcnsims) over at PBK.And here’s the one other thing that I’ve been working on together with Laura (@bcnsims) over at PBK.And here’s the one other thing that I’ve been working on together with Laura (@bcnsims) over at PBK.And here’s the one other thing that I’ve been working on together with Laura (@bcnsims) over at PBK.And here’s the one other thing that I’ve been working on together with Laura (@bcnsims) over at PBK.And here’s the one other thing that I’ve been working on together with Laura (@bcnsims) over at PBK.

And here’s the one other thing that I’ve been working on together with Laura (@bcnsims) over at PBK. It’s an Apple Cider Stand cloned from @crispsandkerosene‘sTS3 Store Al Fresco Market Lemonade Stand for your historical kids to use! Lemons felt a bit pricey, so we wanted to make something that seemed more attainable for your average historical child.  

This item was created with a functional farming economy in mind, so it requires items from several of @sunmoon-starfactory‘s sets to work:

An Apple a Day, Ultimate Fruit Collection
Fetch Water 3.0
The Bee’s Knees Apiary Set 1.1
Busy Bees Wild Hives 1.1

Again, this item will not function without items from the sets listed above! Please refer to the post below for info!

Read more details and DownloadHERE!

Or Download Directly, HERE

Post link


This time I share a ragbag of items I simply like and converted them. More will follow.

4t2 conversions of a Hanging Plant RackbySimsinatra with 5 slots on the lower shelf,

a functional Radio and a Pacman with a Planter

3t2 conversion of Gruesim’s Nordic Sofas

4t2 conversion of SunkissedlilacsStorage Unit with 6 slots and their Urban Outfitters Diamond Shelf with 9 slots

4t2 conversion of Kai-Hana’s Opal Sidetable Floor Lamp,1 slot,and their Wooden Mirror

After taking the pictures I’ve scaled the lamp a bit down.

3t2 conversion Of LilyOfTheValley’s Just Numbers Clock 

Pqsim4′s Cleo Cristalera Separadores/Dividerand

Nikadema’s Tempura Sink and Towel Rack 4t2









The coffee table in the first pic is a conversion by PaisleyAvenueof a TS3 mesh byAngela@TSRand since I like it that much I’ve made a 2-tile table of it because my sims always went through the table. I’ve made a shadow and a 2. subset for the magazines and an invisible recolor and gave it slots. It’s included of course.



Here are 13 recolours / retextures for 3t2 Diesel stuff livingroom chair converted by Amovitam. It came with two recolours (dark grey and sage green). Here’s theDL linkif you’d like to have those.

3t2 Cloudscape Livingroom Chair

animated edit, recolours & add-on

Download (SFS)   

Polygon count: 980, both chairs.

Add-on dining chair obviously requires the livingroom chair file.


In the pic above you can see shiny black leather recolour, it’s not on the swatch, but it is included. Recolours feature corduroy (sort of) fabric, leaves pattern, leather and splattered paint.

If you’re not a fan of worn textures OR you’d like a few brighter shades for this chair, here are yeti recoloursby@withlovefromsimtown​​


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Here are 6 worn / antique wood retextures of the desk from GoT game, converted for TS2 by HafiseAzale and shared here along many other objects (most are quite low-poly).

HAGoT Desk1Recolours

Download (SFS)

It’s a 3-tile desk, cloned from a dining table. My mesh edit is included - I’ve changed the proportions a bit and added a shadow.

Polycount: 1400


Are you viewing this post on my Tumblr and can’t enlarge images? Try to right-click on the picture and choose “open in a new tab”.

Enjoy :)

I took over a request @deedee-sims received, to convert my Long Open Shirt for teens

Long Open Shirt TopforTM

20 recolours*(swatch and more details here)

Download (SFS) polycount: 1500

*Repo recolours also included - these REQUIRE Recolours for AM available HERE (SFS)

Remember to read README.txt file.

Enjoy :)


brand new mesh for TS2

Oversize shortsleeve top

Long Open ShirtforAM & EM 
& 20 recolours

Download (SFS)

Polycount: 1500, preg & fat morph  

* Recolours for EM are repositoried to AM

* PSD texture file is included

You may recognize the shape - I’ve chopped this shirt out of TS2 outfit.

Shirt for TM is here.

Swatch and more details below the cut:

Sakura flower pattern is from here
@katsurinssims​ used it for their lovely yukata recolours 


Mesh comes fromSlob PJs [NightLife EP]. Please note that I’ve completely reworked the thing (collar and neck parts were recreated from scratch). So texture layout is entirely different from the slob outfit.

This project has been sitting in my WIP folder for years. I finally made myself to finish it - I thought my middle-aged male slobs could use more clothing options. But when I finally got it into the game, I was like: “It looks quite trendy or what??” xD

I did what I could to minimize clipping. Looks fine when sim walks or sits down on a couch (with most bottoms, anyway). But it ain’t no dancing shirtlol.

Shown with pants:

Vulrien4t2  Saurus Smartie Chinos

@kurimas​ 4t2 Pixelette Theo Jeans


Recolours feature plain fabric, wool knit, plaid (sourced from slob PJs), camo print and japanese style flowers.

All recolours share one normal map, so grey shirt file is required.



Look what I’ve found. Cute ponytail with bangs! It’s 3t2 Spring hairbyAntoaka Alesso (TS3 version is here on T$R).

It was converted for TS2 byMartini. I couldn’t find a link to original upload. There are a few remified recolours around, but I like’em shiny so I decided to do a retexture with thicker bangs. I think it really transformed this mesh.


3t2 AlessoSpring retexture & animated mesh edit

✦ Download (SFS) 

4 naturals plus light brown, binned, CF-AF

reduced polycount: 10 K (was ~19 K)

Fixed bone assignments. Compatible with existing recolours

* It’s all a single alpha layer, so you’ll get minimal blend glitches. To reduce that I recommendmyscalp overlay.

* I’ve edited the bangs, to be able to reposition this hair on the head. hairline got a bit mangled in the process.

* My naturals are a pretty close match to Io’s colours, maybe aside from brown (I used Io’s grey texture as base)



A little gift for my 1500  1543 followers . I present to you…

Sci-Fi Bathroom Pod

Download (SFS)

* this is for TS2

Polycount: 4180, found inPlumbing/Misc

I’ve cloned it fromAll-in-One bathroom convertion by @veranka-downloads​, specificallyfrom thiseditby@honeywell-mts​ (it can be used autonomously by sims on community lots).


More pics and details and below the cut:

This works exactly like Veranka’s all-in-one-bathroom (boosts both hygiene and bladder). I’ve tried to make something less showery, and more sci-fi, so I removed water & steam effects - sims walk into the pod with their clothes on anyway. I’ve also replaced the shower water sounds with jacuzzi humm.

(Note to creators: changing sounds is very easy, sfx names are in text list resources, usually “Sounds” and “soundinfo”. You just have to edit those.)  


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“No smoking” sign on the door is a separate subset and is not recolourable, so I made it optional. You can have a pod with or without it - pick one version!

