#ts2 medieval


Some scenery pictures of Pleasantfort, in case you need a break from the orange sands of Arizona! :D

There’s still a long way to go! I need to build the townie owned businesses, like the tavern for example, and of course the Pleasant Castle, the Burb and Oldie Estates and the Jacoban Church. These lots will be huge and, honestly, I’m a bit intimidated… I will use references for the castle and estates to try and make them look as realistic as possible; I will probably use pictures of German Castles, ‘cause I’ve seen some astonishing sceneries on Instagram and I would be super intrigued in recreating such buildings in the game. I’m open to suggestions!

mortia:Hey all! I’m back with some more fun stuff for your medieval gardens. I actually have a soft mortia:Hey all! I’m back with some more fun stuff for your medieval gardens. I actually have a soft mortia:Hey all! I’m back with some more fun stuff for your medieval gardens. I actually have a soft mortia:Hey all! I’m back with some more fun stuff for your medieval gardens. I actually have a soft mortia:Hey all! I’m back with some more fun stuff for your medieval gardens. I actually have a soft mortia:Hey all! I’m back with some more fun stuff for your medieval gardens. I actually have a soft mortia:Hey all! I’m back with some more fun stuff for your medieval gardens. I actually have a soft mortia:Hey all! I’m back with some more fun stuff for your medieval gardens. I actually have a soft


Hey all! I’m back with some more fun stuff for your medieval gardens. I actually have a soft spot for maxis-style gardening because I love making my Sims’ lives hard and gardening presents that extra challenge for me and them ;)

With that being said, you all probably know by now that I like to remesh pretty much everything and after the Opium set, this seemed like a natural set to work on next. So, onwards to what’s included!

Keep reading


Thanks to @tvickiesims, it was brought to my attention that my custom Compost Heap from this set was not working properly, and it turns out that it needed some extra tweaking as well as a mod to make it work properly. Thanks to Aysarth at MTS, that mod and fix exist!

Please re-download the Compost Heap file and then head to MTS to download Aysarth’s “Compost Heap- Non Default” mod.You will need the file contained in the zip named “Newmodgardenplot.rar” for the custom compost heap to work properly. 


My item has been updated in the full set in the above Download link and you can also download JUST the Compost heap below.


Many thanks to Aysarth for figuring this out!

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I’m (kinda) back! I’ll probably just be uploading the occasional tidbit from my old projects that I’I’m (kinda) back! I’ll probably just be uploading the occasional tidbit from my old projects that I’I’m (kinda) back! I’ll probably just be uploading the occasional tidbit from my old projects that I’

I’m (kinda) back! I’ll probably just be uploading the occasional tidbit from my old projects that I’m currently sorting through and will get back to gameplay stuff in a little while. So here’s the first thing that was ready to post!

I like log walls but I never liked that I didn’t have an edge to make it look like the logs were feasibly being fitted on top of one another. Here are three new log wall textures and a column that can be placed at building corners to give the appearance of a more realistic log wall construction. Use MOO to stack the column or make it fit in places it doesn’t want to go, like underneath sharp roofs. 

The walls can be found under Build>Wall Coverings>Siding, are two panels apiece and cost §5 and the column can also be found under Build>Miscellaneous>Columns for §5. 

The column is an original mesh so please respect my ToU if cloning or converting, recolors are always welcome! 


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