#ts2 objects


For The Sims 2


Original by Bloom can be found here

Thanks to @hugelunatic for helping to making it recolourable.

Both sail and boat can be mix and matched.

I also tweaked the pie menu as only the lounge option was working to add Sit and Nap options. Two sims can sit together and the loveseat/sofa options work.

Mesh included

Can be found in Misc/Cars like Bloom’s original


Now for something that’s not for bodyshop! here’s a lil collection of geisha-related objects ^^

First up, an edit of Huabanzhu’s nihung from their Japanese set 1- I’ve edited the mesh to add backfaces and to slightly better fit the stand (included, hecc TSR). It shouldn’t overwrite the original. I’ve also made an edit of the blue version so it’s a recolour of the red one, rather than a separate object. Then I recoloured it into a variety of hikizuri to hang in your house!

Ninth Wave converted this screen from snowy escape but it bothered me to have like, 3 similar screens in my game and not even be able to recolour the frame on that one! so I’ve plonked the stream and bird designs (the shoji are very similar to the BV screen, so didn’t bother with those) on the sims 2 store modern Asian screen, so hopefully you can have a few more recolours in one place now, too.

Three objects slaved to the touch of teak tansu dresser- the kyoudai mirror and butterfly mirror I made a few mesh edits to also, to add the metal details in. 8k’s wazataku table is p much just the same. Then I made a few decorative recolours of the tansu, with antique metalwork style details, with checkerboard style woods in ikea colours, and with lacquer and pearl inlay details.

8k’s sudare curtains with the shorter versions slaved to the longer one, plus various wood recolours.

lastly the clutter, various Jeanie objects recoloured!

Download Henshin impact part 4 - Okiya objects!

If you’d like to support me making more CC, please support me on my Ko-fi so I’ll be able to spend time on it!
