#ts4 decades

scythesms: Early 1890, half a year into their marriage, Isaiah and Elyse Ambroise began the rest of scythesms: Early 1890, half a year into their marriage, Isaiah and Elyse Ambroise began the rest of


Early 1890, half a year into their marriage, Isaiah and Elyse Ambroise began the rest of their lives in their new home in St. Vaughn Harbor of Windenburg.

The Ambroise Legacy
Introduction to Elyse Ambroise.
Introduction to Isaiah Ambroise.

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Gilbert’s day was a busy one, he was very much ready to head home when he heard the door opening once more and someone clearing their throat behind him. What a nerve, he thought, he had just put the CLOSED sign outside.

- I’m sorry but we are closed… Oh, Mr. Grant, Mrs. Grant, I was just about to leave. 


-Mrs. Grant? Oh… I see you’ve met my sister, Amelia. Said Mr. Grant. The lady couldn’t contain the little laugh that escaped her. 

What a foul he was, of course, now that he saw her with her hair down, he realized the young lady in front of him couldn’t be much older than he was.

Gilbert was a confident boy and as soon as he realized his mistake, instead of feeling ashamed he quickly spotted an opportunity. 

- Miss Amelia, I believe I wasn’t properly introduced. My name is Gilbert MacLagan. It is a pleasure to meet you. I’m sure Mr. Grant has told you that I’m working here because I want to become a doctor like him.


Amelia and Gilbert became friends rather quickly. The Grant’s residence was right upstairs from the pharmacy so she would often come to the store after her classes -she was tutored at home- and keep a little conversation with Gilbert. 

They mostly spoke about the clients, Amelia knew everything about every single one of them and even if Gilbert was not as interested in their lives as she was, he welcomed the opportunity to speak to her very much. 

One day he was telling her about his ambition, how much he yearn to learn everything about human anatomy, but how frustrating it was for him that Mr. Grant did not have the time to teach him anything, or perhaps he didn’t want to.

-Well, I think my brother is afraid.

-Afraid you say? Of what?

-Of you, of course! Don’t you see it? He will never teach you anything, at least nothing useful really. He doesn’t want you taking his place. He is the only doctor in town and he likes it that way.

-But I don’t even want to stay here in Henford! He sighed, if what Amelia was saying  was true then he was doomed, everyone in medical school would have some medical knowledge already, he couldn’t enter college without knowing a single thing about medicine. 

-Oh, don’t give up so easily! I have a plan.

-What are you thinking?

-His library. He has loads of medicine books, I can take you there and give you some books, he won’t notice if we take one at a time. 

-I don’t know Amelia… if he finds out, I can lose my job…

-Oh, don’t be a coward Gilbert MacLagan! 


Amelia took Gilbert’s hand and led him to their apartment. They entered a small room that had nothing but a desk and a library with tons of books.  

Amelia took the chair from the desk and placed it right in front of the bookcase. She reached for the books that were on top of the library.

-I’m sure if we take one from up here, then he won’t be able to notice it…


The chair she was standing on lost its balance and Amelia fell off, Gilbert was quick to catch her before hitting the ground. He found Amelia in his arms, she fitted perfectly around him, and he could smell her subtle perfume, it was the most intoxicating smell he had ever felt. God she was beautiful. 

-Shhh, don’t make any sound, or we are going to get caught. 


One night, like so many others, Jo heard noises coming out of her window, immediately she knew what it meant: Louis was throwing rocks to let her know he was there.

Jo made sure no one was awake before letting him in, as she always did.

It was cold that night, yet she noticed Louis was not dressed to match the temperature outside, she worried about him like so many nights before.


He said he was tired and rested his head on Jo’s lap. She knew it was one of those nights again, he must have fought with his father and ran away from his home. She thought at least this time he didn’t have any bruises on him, at least none that Jo could see.

She sighed before speaking. -This has to stop

-What do you mean?. His voice sounded frightened -you don’t want me here anymore ?

-No Louis, I mean this with your father. She began speaking softly -I worry… what he might do to you… if this keeps going. Jo trembled at the thought.

-There has to be something we could do, maybe if you would let me tell my parents, we could… Maybe you can come live with us? You already spend so much time here, I don’t think it would make such a difference.


-You don’t need to worry anymore. Everything will be over soon. He is getting old and sick, alcohol now makes him weak, I’m not afraid of him and neither should you, either he will be gone soon, or I will.

-Please, don’t say that.

- You know I mean gone, as from this town, I want to travel the world. And I have been waiting to tell you, I’ve heard there is a job as a fisherman in a city called Brindelton. I don’t wish to be a fisherman but I have to learn my way into a ship before sailing anywhere else, so I thought this is as good as I can get… I wish you could come with me.


Jo immediately searched for his face, looking for a clue of what that meant. The silence began feeling thick in the air, and all she wanted to do was kiss him.

Jo had thought about this moment for so long, she was expecting to feel a soft kiss, but she was suddenly stopped by a strong grip in her hand.

- I’m sorry, Jo. I didn’t mean it like that… You… and Gilbert… what I want to say is… you are like a sister to me.

Josephine’s world fell down with those words, the embarrassment made her unable to say anything else.

-I’m sorry Jo, I have to go.

For the first time that night, Louis didn’t stay to sleep on the floor next to her bed.

