#tsukishima series





tsukishima kei x reader

SERIES SYNOPSIS: tsukishima kei, yamaguchi tadashi, and l/n y/n—the trio, or at least, was the trio. the three of them had been each other’s sides for years, from primary up to high school. so, what exactly changed once they stepped away from Karasuno? what was it that left yamaguchi in between his two best friends, who couldn’t seem to stand the thought of one another anymore? what exactly was it that ended up with the two of them becoming strangers again?

TAGS:angst, eventual fluff, best friends to enemies to lovers, possible yamayachi




With a heavy heart, she felt like she was going through the motions. She should be ecstatic as she was handed her diploma, she should be ecstatic as she looked around for her friends to take pictures. Instead, a fake smile is sewn upon her lips as she says thank you to classmates who congratulated her and gave out hugs to people she knew she’d likely never see again.

But her mood changed when she locked sight of the person she was looking for.

She had begun to run towards the boy with green hair and freckles, mixed in with a bit of acne. She tried to recall the countless times she had gotten him to go to Halloween parties with her dressed as Midoriya as she went through her various different costumes for the female characters from one of her favorite animes: Boku no Hero Academia. Now, she let her feet carry her fast, towards the sometimes timid, but most times snarky, boy.

“TADASHI-KUN!” she exclaimed, bending her knees and allowing herself to jump. She wrapped her arms around the neck of the volleyball player as he stumbled back a few steps before regaining his balance.

The impact had caught him off guard, but he managed to wrap his arms around her waist and keep the both of them steady.

His face went into what she had unofficially dubbed Strawberry Mode—a bright red flash flooding his cheeks, allowing for his freckles to look like the seeds upon a strawberry, his hair acting as the green stem and leaves. It worked exceptionally well considering he always had a small bunch of strands that stuck upright at the very top of his head.

What kicked off Strawberry Mode even harder was when she placed a kiss on his cheek before he released her.

A few gasps could be heard from all around them, alongside snickering. A hand was placed on her head, ruffling her hair.

“I see some things never change,” Sugawara Kōshi spoke, placing a hand on Y/N’s hair to ruffle it when Yamaguchi set her back down on her own feet. “How are you, Y/N-chan?”

She beamed at the sight of their old upperclassman, who had come to congratulate them all on graduating.

Someone came up behind her, arms wrapping around her waist and pulling her off of the ground for a moment.

A familiar voice practically yelled, “She’s probably just glad she’s done with this place!”

“Noya!” she squealed, grabbing onto his arms in an attempt to steady herself.

“How you doin’, pretty?” he asked her, before glancing around in confusion. “Where’s Tsukishima?”

“Yeah, where’s that guy? He’s normally how we find Y/N,” Daichi commented.

Y/N tensed at the mention of Tsukishima. She looked around in the crowd for him, but the glasses wearing blond was nowhere near them, not that it surprised her. Instead, she found his blonde hair sticking out at some other point in the sea of graduates and those who came to congratulate them, along with Akiteru’s darker hair. Her breath hitched when she saw that he, too, was looking in their direction, but he turned his attention elsewhere when he caught her eyes.

Yamaguchi followed her eyes, his attention locking on theirbest friend.

“Tsukki!” he called out, waving a hand up until the blond looked in their direction yet again. With an unamused face, he shook his head and turned away.

“Huh?” Yamaguchi wondered, but he shrugged it off and turned back to the group. “Looks like he’s busy. I think he’s still coming with us to celebrate at Tanaka’s apartment, so it’s fine.”

“Oh, is it?” Y/N asked softly.

“Of course, like he’d miss it.”

As Yamaguchi wrapped an arm around her shoulders and the two of them posed for photos with their upperclassmen, she put on her best dressed smile. So, Tsukishima didn’ttalk to Yamaguchi about what they talked about the night before.


[ a/n: and here is the newly revamped chapter 1! she short but it’s ok, she’s basically just the intro to their college lives ]

TAGLIST — bolded means i can’t tag





when it becomes evident to yamaguchi tadashi and bituin mayari that they both have feelings for each other’s best friends, the two become an unsuspected duo in hopes of helping the other with yachi hitoka and tsukishima kei. the only issue is: now they find themselves dealing with dating rumors, false assumptions, mixed feelings, and blurred lines turn a team up into a series of miscommunications.

parings:yamayachi x oc, tsukishima x oc, yamaguchi x yachi (my yamayachi heart ackkk), yachi x another oc

genre: COLLEGE YEARS; friends to lovers; mutual pining; unrequited; secret feelings; strangers to lovers; angst; fluff


“Hello, Bituin-san.”

Mayari frowned at the name as she held the door open. Tsukishima Kei walked inside of her shared apartment with Yachi Hitoka with his green-haired best friend in tow. They both held bags of snacks as they entered the apartment.

“Mayari-chan,” Yamaguchi greeted her as he passed.

“I told you to start using my first name, Tsukishima-kun,” Mayari grumbled, shutting the door and locking it.

How hypocritical I must seem, she thought to herself. I can’t even bring myself to use his first name either.

Chatter could be heard from Yachi and Mayari’s living room. The timer in the kitchen beeped, pulling Mayari out of her momentary sulk fest. The small patter of her feet could be heard no matter how softly she tried to move—being that the two girls were on the fourth floor of their apartment complex and it was way past the designated “quiet time” of the building.

Monday nights were movie nights. Which, in all honesty, could sound weird considering Monday’s are the beginning of the school week, but with their schedules, it was one of the only days of the week when everyone was free to get together.

Mayari’s presence in Yachi’s life began their first year in college, where they were both set up to be roommates in their dorm. Once their second year began, they had become such quick friends that they decided to rent an apartment together.

Through Yachi, she had met Yachi;s two guy friends from high school—Tsukishima and Yamaguchi. Their group got bigger once Mayari and Yachi moved into their apartment, adding the two girls in the apartment right next to them to it: Lorelai and Rei. Tsukishima and Yamaguchi also had an apartment at the complex, but they were on the first floor.

Their apartment complex mostly housed students going to their university because of its close proximity to the campus.

And thus, the Monday Movie Night Crew was formed—but don’t tell anyone that Mayari unofficially dubbed them that.

“Need help?”

Lorelai and Rei appeared behind Mayari as she turned the buzzing of the timer off before shutting off the fire on the stove.

Like Mayari herself, Lorelai was not full Japanese. Both girls happened to be half Filipino, a bonding point for them in the early days of their friendship. While Lorelai had a fair complexion, Mayari had been told on many occasions she looked like a copy of her Japanese mother with her Filipino father’s darker complexion.

Rei, on the other hand, had been someone Mayari had heard Yachi say “looked like Kiyoko-san” a few times. She had met Kiyoko before, and it wasn’t like Yachi was wrong,but there were some differences.Rei had long black hair like Kiyoko, but she had curtain bangs that framed her face and square thin-rimmed glasses.

“Sure,” Mayari smiled at the two of them, and they ventured further into the kitchen with her.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

Halfway through the movie, Yamaguchi’s eyes widened and he sat up straight in a manner of urgency.

“What’s wrong, Tadashi?” Tsukishima side glanced at his best friend, who was sitting down next to Yachi on the floor next to the coffee table.

On the couch, Tsukishima and Mayari sat on opposite ends of each other with a gap in between them, and Rei and Lorelai also sat on the floor on the other end of the coffee table.

“I forgot I had an assignment I need to turn in online before midnight,” Yamaguchi said in a worried tone.

“My laptop is in my room if you wanna go turn it in real quick,” Mayari suggested, using her thumb to point behind her.

Yamaguchi thankfully accepted, and they paused the movie as he retreated into her bedroom.

A few minutes had passed since Yamaguchi had left when Mayari bolted upright.

Everyone’s attentions moved to her, and with a flustered voice and rushed voice, she said, “Excuse me. I, uh, forgot I have a password lock on my laptop.”

She did not have a password lock on her laptop.

She hurried into her room, a rosy tint on her face as she looked at Yamaguchi. Did he see? She was certain she left the tab open before she had closed her laptop—the tab to her blog.

He had the same flustered look on his face as he typed away.

“O-oh, hey,” he said when she closed the door.

“Did you see it?”

She was staring at him with such intense eyes, it was hard to look away even if he wanted to.

“S-see what?”

“Yamaguchi-kun…” her voice was stern, indicating she wasn’t going to put up with any lies.

“I did,” he sighed.

She slumped down onto the floor by her bed, head turned downwards in embarrassment.

“I won’t tell him, if that’s what you’re worried about,” he attempted to reassure her, moving the laptop off of his lap and sitting down next to her.

“Why wouldn’t you?” she asked. “Why wouldn’t you tell him that Yachi’s roommate is a creepy fangirl?”

“So, you write a tumblr blog about how you feel, so what?” Yamaguchi asked back, tilting his head up to the ceiling. “I don’t think it’s creepy to use writing to cope with your feelings. Plus, it’s not like you call Tsukki out by name.”

“How would you know that? How many posts did you read?!” she whisper-yelled at him, her face heating up even more.

“Am I wrong though?”

She didn’t say anything back, just hugged her knees up to her chest.

“I guess I am a little surprised,” Yamaguchi added when Mayari didn’t speak. “It’s shocking that you’ve been into Tsukki for this long without saying anything.”

“Says the boy who’s been secretly into Yachi since forever,” she teased him right back.

He quickly turned his head to face her, a stunned expression on his face.

“You noticed?”

“I’m shocked to be the only one who’s noticed.”

Yamaguchi pulled his own knees to his chest, the two of them sitting against her bed frame in silence.

A moment passed before Mayari said, “Look at the two of us, secretly having crushes on each other’s best friends. For what it’s worth, I’d trust you with Yachi.”

Yamaguchi chuckled softly, glancing over at her to see that the brown-eyed girl was already smiling at him.

“I’d be ecstatic if a girl like you ended up melting Tsukki’s heart.”

“A girl like me?” she scoffed, pretending to be offended. “You wound me, Yamaguchi.”

He nudged her as if to tell her to stop teasing him, and said, “Seriously though. He’d be lucky to be able to date you.”

“Well, looks like we have each other in our corners now,” Mayari announced, and she stood up. She held a hand out for him to help him to his feet, and said, “What do you say, we wingman this for each other?”

Yamaguchi smirked, grabbing her hand and letting the short girl pull him off of her bedroom floor.

“Yeah, Mayari-chan. Let’s help each other get them.”

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

a/n: for organizational purposes and to prevent any confusion with name switches, everyone except for mayari, lorelai, and rei will be addressed within the narrations by their first name!

also, some filipino fun facts that i wanted to throw in: mayari is the name of the moon goddess is our mythology, and her last name means star. thought it was cute to add in since tsukishima means moon/moon island.

also, idk how college/university works in japan so i kind of modeled it around how it is in California/how my college works.

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