#tsukishima texts


Resentment and Ignorance

feat tsukishima!

tw: tsukki has a mental breakdown

ie. a tsundere actually showing emotion for once

many big kisses and humungous thank yous to the beautiful @aliensknowmyillusionsfor helping me with the ending<3

word count under cut- 852

loosely based on ‘Pierre’ from 'Natasha, Pierre and the Great Comet of 1812’

As Tsukishima neared your house, he found himself practising his nervous habits more. He caught himself using his own fingers as fiddle toys, letting out a soft sigh before his knuckles gave three curt knocks on your door. After a moment of stillness, he tries again, silently begging for access. Defeatedly, he storms in, hesitant feet dragging him along the hallways which he knew so well. He rushes up the stairs urgently, navigating to the room in which he found most comfort in. Bursting in, he saw you sat atop your bed, staring at your phone as though it had just presented you bad with news. Cocking an eyebrow, he places a hand on his hip, sharp eyes boring into you.

You swiftly turn your head to face him, cheeks heating up at the speed of his heavy breathing and the butterflies which had erupted in your stomach after seeing him. No, you refused to feel such childish feelings. He had taken it too far, your resolve would never break. Petty as it may be, Tsukishima Kei was not deserving of your attention today.

“Why are you ignoring me?” he questioned accusingly, causing you to scoff and shake your head. That had sealed it- he couldn’t even recognise what he had done.

“Y/n? Really? When did you become so childish?!” he sneers down at you, acutely aware of the advantages which his height brings him, exaggerated by you being sat down. His broad and tall stature caused you to fault slightly, tone and words proving detrimental to your mindset right now.

“So first, you call me clingy, then you can’t take the hint to leave me alone?!” your sudden outburst had made him stumble backwards, features not shy of his taken aback nature. It was in his person to be mean to the people he wanted to keep closest, not knowing how to accept compliments and receive love, nor affection. He often found himself beating him up for it, and there wasn’t a day that passed by where he didn’t wish he could be more open about his feelings for people, especially for you.

He had become a pro at concealing his true feelings, his true feelings which were actually a lot more soft than he’d let on, a fact known only to his intimates.

“Its dawned on me that I can’t go on living as I am. I used to be better… I know it’s my fault that I let these situations get away from me, its just so hard sometimes. Right now, my friends fight and bleed in their own wars, and yet I stand idly by, abandoned to distraction. And everyday, I hate myself for it.” You couldn’t help the daunting shock that spills over your face.

“I hate not being able to show my emotions like a normal person. Why can’t I just be normal?” this was seemingly his breaking point, as his face seemed to almost soften, tears beginning to streak down his pale cheeks.

Whycan’t I just emote normally, all I want is to be empty and stupid and contempt. I just want to be satisfied with my place, but it’s never enough, I’m never enough.” you were about to object, but he didn’t leave you any room. You sighed, supposing he needed this.

Why can’t I be like merry, stupid little Hinata, wearing my emotions on my sleeve. Why do I have to be so different?!” by this point, his voice had raised a few notches, before he occupied the space on your bed next to you, resting his head on your shoulder.

You turn your body to face him, wrapping your arms around his shoulders and bringing his face to the crook of your neck as to run your fingers deftly through his hair. You felt his tears wet you, but you brushed it off, debating what approach to use on the emotionally unstable tsundere.

“Tsukki I- … they struggle too. There is no normal way to emote, because there is no normal way to be. We’re all different, of course the way in which we showcase our feelings is gonna be a representation of that. Why can’t you just see that you being so different is what makes me love you?” you spoke so softly, and with his lack of reactions, you were afraid he hadn’t heard any of that at all. Yet slowly but surely, he begins to lift his head, posture which had been ruined in seek of your comfort fixing up a bit.

The meek and timid look on his face is one you will forever consider one of your favourites.

Tsukishima blinks at your declaration. You what? He didn’t even know how to comprehend that, he never thought he’d have a chance with someone like you. You were, well, you. And he was, to put it lightly, horrible. He blinks feverishly at you, eyes brimmed with hope.

You enjoyed that look, too. It made you feel strangely proud, with him gazing down at you as though you were his whole world.

In Tsukishima’s mind, it wasn’t far off.
