#tua s3 speculation


Okay, so i still maintain my theory from waaaay back when the s2 finale dropped and it’s that daddy reginald saw all these umbrella fuckups who told him they didn’t stop the apocalypse and decided to switch them out with a newer better version. and because ben wasn’t there, he adopted him as well cuz he had no idea he was in the umbrella academy.



Sloane:Who took the little jumpy guy?

Jayme:Me. Just gave him a spanking and took him to school


Wait, wait theory time for a sec here. So, the cast was being kinda vague about what Jayme’s power is, but David said something about dreams. And I think it’s odd Jayme says she beat Five when the trailer suggests otherwise so here’s my theory-

She can look through dreams and also induce them, and that’s where the picture of Five and Delores comes from. She induced a dream of his, and while he was distracted, she kicked his ass. It would also explain why Five’s afraid of Jayme, since he’s not scared of someone beating him, but she can distract him and throw him off his game long enough for her to beat him, which would scare him.
