#tubbo and ranboo


The fact that neither Tubbo or Ranboo dropped a ‘He’s my husband’ while talking to Aimsey makes me wanna scream

cause on one hand it can say how after Ranboo’s death, or even before, their relationship has been strained and it solidifies the fact that they are essentially strangers


they are just trying to protect themselves because having deep relationships and caring about other people in the dsmp causes death and destruction and ultimately they want to protect what little they have left

Ok but like Tubbo getting mad at Aimsey for seemingly no reason is actually verydirect

Aimsey moved into Tubbo and Ranboo’s mansion because Ghostboo allowed her in, kind of forgetting that Tubbo also kinda lives there. Tubbo gets annoyed cause a person he doesn’t know randomly moves into a house that he shared with his late husbands

In that speech right before he pushes Aimsey off, causing them to loose their first life (I think), Tubbo never refers to Ghostboo by his name. Only saying he and him or calling him a ‘dead man’

That’s cause Ghostboo isn’t Ranboo. Ghostboo is someone that Tubbo doesn’t know and doesn’t trust

Ghostboo is completely different than Ranboo. Sure their core is the same but Ghostboo acts differently, has more/different memories, and even thinks differently

To Tubbo Ghostboo is nothing more than something there to mock him of what he’s lost. Something that shares the same face and voice of someone who was taken too soon

To see a shell of what he knew give away one of the only things left of Ranboo, yeah it made Tubbo mad. Tubbo doesn’t believe that Ranboo is coming back so he’s holding onto the pieces he has left

I mean the second stage of grief is anger
