
Toucan - Tikal Maya ruins, Flores - Guatemala 2012 Keel-billed toucan, Ramphastos sulfuratusToucan - Tikal Maya ruins, Flores - Guatemala 2012 Keel-billed toucan, Ramphastos sulfuratus

Toucan - Tikal Maya ruins, Flores - Guatemala 2012
Keel-billed toucan, Ramphastos sulfuratus

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Tucan - Tena, Amazonas - Ecuador 2012

Tucan - Tena, Amazonas - Ecuador 2012

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It’s pretty cool that you can build a homebuilt Tucano now. Oshkosh 2021

It’s pretty cool that you can build a homebuilt Tucano now. Oshkosh 2021

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Quality: http://smu.gs/1Grepvh I was fortunate enough to have this piece exhibited at the Nikon boot


I was fortunate enough to have this piece exhibited at the Nikon booth during the Tokyo Camera Club Hikarie exhibit.

Although the eye will see a scene in its fullest range, the camera allows us to control and express light often revealing the subtle interactions our eyes miss. Seeing The sun feather across the rolling Tuscan hills as the fog made its retreat was a magical moment I continue to see.



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