#tumblr bullshit




Tumblr’s at it again with terminating blogs. It’s happened to quite a few people I know. I’m quite certain it’s a bug, and contacting tumblr will get them reinstated. But it is averystressful moment for a lot of people regardless.

In light of this, I wanted to give some advice: please pleasepleasesave all your headcanons and important muse info (even your theme) in a google doc or a document you can access with ease that is not affiliated with tumblr. You have worked hard on those. You deserve to know your work isn’t going to waste and in the event your blog does not get reinstated, it’ll be much easier to make a new blog and just re-add the information with little hassle, and you won’t feel like you lost something valuable because you’ll still have access to it.

This has been a small psa.

Unfortunately it’s not a bug. Tumblr has been contacted by many roleplayers + our admin team at findrps and they are terminating blogs that post ads through the queue that are copy/pasted or use a third party to fill the queue. It’s considered spam, and tumblr is saying they will not reinstate blogs that do this. Please save your work. And please consider joining the findrps server to promote your roleplays/indies to a 500+ (and growing) member audience.


Since the 17th about 12 of my posts where flagged as adult content and when I went to try and appeal it there was no appeal button. I went through their help and read the whole article. I even contacted support who then copied and pasted their help page not even trying to assist me.  All I know is that there was supposed to be a button for the original creator to click and allow up to appeal but there wasn’t.

On my computer:


On the app:


See no button for appeal.

It has taken me days to figure out this work around and I thought some other people out there might be having this issue.

Now here is how you appeal your post when you don’t have the appeal button

Now go through your blog and find all your pages with censored posts clicking on them to take you to the original post.


Take a look at the url.


See that number there? Copy it!

Open up a new page and type in this:

https://www.tumblr.com/dashboard/blog/your url/

At the end paste that number.


When you hit enter you will get this:

The appeal button is finally there! Click it!


You’ll get this message and then you’ll click appeal again.


Your post is now being appealed.

You can check that it was fixed just by refreshing your blogs page.


And that’s it! I know it is stupid and ridiculous to do such a ridiculous back method but unfortunately it’s the only solution I’ve come up with.

Also no you can’t just use the weird sidebar dashboard to find it as any flagged posts don’t actually show up at all in it.

Anyways I hope this helps you guys.
