
Rule 35 at its best, from today’s spider-man, if you haven’t read it, don’t bother, but somebody sug

Rule 35 at its best, from today’s spider-man, if you haven’t read it, don’t bother, but somebody suggested this from a side character (apparently her name is Danika Hart, mind that). 

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enough tumblrina infighting. it’s time to unite against our common enemy: people who randomly clutter up the tags in searches with bite size posts full of every possible irrelevant tag they can think of for attention like this


you guys GOTTA start reporting them for spam. im 100% serious, its literally spam under tumblr guidelines

screenshot of tumblr guidelines defining spam. the highlighted portion says "Don't put tags on your posts that will mislead or deceive searchers. For example, don't tag a photo of your cat with "doctor who" unless the name of your cat is actually Doctor Who, and don't overload your posts with #barely #relevant #tags."ALT

if we get enough of these posts removed at least a few people will take notice and cut it the hell out
