#raye reblogs




two of them……… (said with heart-bursting affection)

These rabbits are fuckin transgencbeder


what are we trying to hide seweetie



Tiktok has surpassed tumblr LMAO

ok tik tok you win this round



look what my discord frequently used emotes made

fucking squit

this is my son squit hes very anxious be nice to him








Petition to refer to TERFs as FARTs, which stands for Feminist Appropiating Reactionary Tranaphobe

“Trans-Exclusionary-Radical-Feminist,” when you think about it, is a VERY kind term. To be called a TERF is for the person to admit that they still consider you a feminist.

But what kind of feminist excludes so many women from their movement? If you hate so many women for what they are, you really don’t deserve to be called anykind of feminist, radical or otherwise.

Anti-trans people: Stop calling us terfs it’s insulting

fattyatomicmutant, about to coin a new term: ‘K

Feminist Appropiating Reactionary Transphobe is far far more accurate too.

ima just spread this

I’m legitimately going to use this, everyone hop on board, we have to do this 

FARTs, unfollow me!! 

I like this new term better. It accurately captures the implicit bigotry of excluding trans people while also not dignifying hateful people with the epithet “feminist”, which they do not deserve.



enough tumblrina infighting. it’s time to unite against our common enemy: people who randomly clutter up the tags in searches with bite size posts full of every possible irrelevant tag they can think of for attention like this


you guys GOTTA start reporting them for spam. im 100% serious, its literally spam under tumblr guidelines

screenshot of tumblr guidelines defining spam. the highlighted portion says "Don't put tags on your posts that will mislead or deceive searchers. For example, don't tag a photo of your cat with "doctor who" unless the name of your cat is actually Doctor Who, and don't overload your posts with #barely #relevant #tags."ALT

if we get enough of these posts removed at least a few people will take notice and cut it the hell out



Even saying ”I’m so sorry, I completely forgot” sounds marginally better than ” I’m so sorry, I didn’t completely forget, I actually completely remembered. I thought about it the whole time and it stressed me out so much my brain built an insurmountable wall around it.”



god i have seen what you’ve done for others……

this post blowing up in the lesbian fandom




if you have a chronically ill person/someone with chronic pain in your life, sometimes the best thing for you to do is just sit with them and watch a movie. understand that they are in a lot of pain, and there isn’t much you can do but be with them, bring them snacks, and let them know that you care

Fellow chronic pain patient. If someone sat with me for a movie and just let me be in pain - meds, heat pack, pillows, comfy clothes - and brought me tea and snacks?

I’d probably cry.

My condition is beyond severe, two medical quality of life meetings in the last year, and this is absolutely so important.

Patients spend so much time masking, doing ourselves damage to just not burden people to keep them in our lives. Someone who understands that we’re incurable, doesn’t push us into painful treatments or management, and just let’s us be? That we’re worthy of love and compassion even if we can’t be cured? There are no words.

It can be a lot to explain this concept to abled people, even if they mean well. Compassion tends to have an expiration date if the condition is incurable but not terminal. Making other chronically ill friends has saved my sanity. I wouldn’t have made it this far without them. I don’t need to mask and we can just complain at each other without trying to fix it.

Let chronically ill patients just be, sometimes quiet company is life saving.

So many people I would love to just sit quietly with. So many.



Need to start reacting to movies without violence and fighting the same way alloros react to movies without romantic subplots

“:/ guess it was good but i just couldn’t get that invested because nobody got punched in the face”

“Didn’t you think it was boring? There wasn’t even one fight scene”

“Personally i wouldn’t count it as a real movie because there wasn’t any blood, I’m glad u liked it tho”

“There’s no action scene in this movie? Sounds bad, I’d rather watch something else”

alternative: gush over which characters would totally pummel the absolute shit out of each other, like how alloros go ballistic over shipping

“yeah it was good but blorbo and scrumpus should have fought each other. it would have been so cool and honestly it just doesn’t feel right that they didn’t do anything with their rivalry!:”

“oh COME ON you can TELL they want to kill each other so bad just LET THEM DO IT”

“oh… oh my god they put the two of them in an empty room… and they both have weaponsssss!! they’retotally gonna rip each other’s throats out”


What kind of insane fucking treasure hunt am I expected to go on to figure out what you’re talking about with tags like these


Anti-Polyam attitudes that center around “It’s just cheating, but the other person knows about it” SO clearly come from people who have no understanding of why cheating is bad.

Cheating isn’t bad because you had sex with someone else. Cheating is bad because you violated the terms of your relationship. Cheating is bad because you violated your partner’s trust. That’s why things other than sex can be cheating- it’s why there’s emotional cheating.

Cheating is bad because it is violating your partner’s trust. It is bad because you and your partner(s) decided on something, trusted one another, and you said “fuck them and their trust”. THAT is why it is bad.

Polyamory is not cheating. In polyamory, everyone knows about everything and everyone. Everyone consents. There is communication. If not everyone is aware and consents, then it’s fucking cheating. There’s a damn difference.

There’s also the “Polyamory is bad because you’re having sex with someone who isn’t your one true love” which… I could go on all day about how fucking stupid that is, but same principle.

In honor of Pride month- stop shitting on polyamory and polyam people. And stop telling us that we’re all cheaters, because if you say that, you’re coming from a place of totally misunderstanding why cheating is bad. And, spoilers, cheating isn’t bad because of the sex.




the queer community was formed by people who were deemed strange and abnormal in society based on them not conforming to expectations about sexuality & gender. there are no specific boundaries bc this isn’t a club. a cishet guy that likes wearing dresses who fights side by side with us for true liberation, is 100x more queer than a millionaire gay man who’s besties with companies that sell us watered down versions of our own culture for profit during pride while donating to homophobic lawmakers every other month.

i’m gonna say this again because it really pissed some people off: yes, I would rather have a cishet GNC man who stands with queer people, is involved in our spaces and our culture, stands up for us when we are attacked, and is active in furthering queer liberation, than a rich gay man who spits on the lower-class queers who gave him the ability to be out, who sells his soul to corporations who couldn’t give less of a shit about us, just for the wealth and power of capitalism. Fuck that guy. I’m not saying he isn’t gay - he is! Nothing can take that away! But we have the saying “not gay as in happy but queer as in fuck you” for a reason. The family-friendly gay millionaire isn’t my brother. The poor crossdresser who has been a part of this community since it’s inception is. Fuck your bootlicking bullshit.

From the Wikipedia page re: Stonewall

The police, outnumbered by between 500 and 600 people, grabbed several people, including folk singer (and mentor of Bob Dylan) Dave Van Ronk—who had been attracted to the revolt from a bar two doors away from the Stonewall. Though Van Ronk was not gay, he had experienced police violence when he participated in antiwar demonstrations: “As far as I was concerned, anybody who’d stand against the cops was all right with me and that’s why I stayed in… Every time you turned around the cops were pulling some outrage or another.”


When the violence broke out, the women and transmasculine people being held down the street at The Women’s House of Detention joined in by chanting, setting fire to their belongings and tossing them into the street below. The historian Hugh Ryan says, “When I would talk to people about Stonewall, they would tell me, that night on Stonewall, we looked to the prison because we saw the women rioting and chanting, “Gay rights, gay rights, gay rights.”







Credit: @pet_foolery

I think I already reblogged this but im gonna do it again because this is a good reminder on how toxic gatekeeping it.

I’m reblogging this for the amount of thought that was put into figuring out the necessary configuration for a mertaur wheelchair.

MMMMM, the LAYERS to this. 

She’s technically a monster too. She might not look it at first glance and seems mostly human, but it isn’t deniable even despite her looks compared to the other monsters. 

But she realizes that she is still not like the rest of the monsters either and may not have entirely the same experiences as them, which is why she feels that she might not belong to or deserve to go to the support group. By sometimes passing as human, she feels she isn’t worthy of the space. 

The sad reality though is even though she’s mostlyhuman in appearance, that tail she has undeniably would still cause her some struggle. Humans are still gonna look at that tail and think she’s a freak. There are probably still accommodations she needs because of the tail that she may still struggle to have access to. Even if it is just the tail, that tail is still enough to other her from humans and cause her problems and discrimination. 

She should get to belong in that support group even if she gets told she’s not monster “enough”. She still shares some of the same struggles as them that are caused by being a monster, and needs support. 

This is an excellent demonstration of the flaws in the concept of passing privilege. Bravo to the artist. 

NOW I will reblog this.
