#tv show quotes


By request, some quotes from Avatar the Last Airbender: Book One to use as prompts! Book two and three coming later.

  1. “Your mission is to take back your home.”

  2. “Why do boys always think someone has to be the leader.”

  3. “You’re just a child.” “Well you’re just a teenager.”

  4. “I spent years training for this encounter.”

  5. “If your father really wanted you home, he would have welcomed you back by now.”

  6. “Don’t worry, I hear cowards float.”

  7. “What? I’m not allowed to be angry?”

  8. “Bleeding hog monkeys!!”

  9. “Stealing is wrong, unless it’s from pirates.”

  10. “I’m not the boss. I’m the leader.”

  11. “He was a harmless old man.”

  12. “They don’t understand the demands of war.”

  13. “I said I was going to do this job. I can’t just back out because of some bad weather.”

  14. “How can you betray them.”

  15. “Fish ain’t meat.”

  16. “You can not keep protecting him from his own destiny.”

  17. “The world needs you now. You give people hope.”

  18. “You will learn respect. And suffering will be your teacher.”

  19. “What if, instead of an apology, I give him a free fish and we call it even?”

  20. “Can your fortune telling explain that?”

  21. “You have no interest in this so I have no interest in you.”

  22. “I think I can handle a child.”

  23. “I’ll show you wild.”

  24. “Oh. Were we fighting? I thought you were just getting warmed up.”

  25. “I laugh at gravity all the time.”

  26. “I thought my eyebrows would never grow back.”

  27. “Never underestimate the power of stink.”

  28. “I was thinking. Maybe we could do an activity together.”

  29. “If you want to relax, I suggest visiting a tropical island. If not, I’ll see you both at sunrise.”

  30. “No, please, march right in. I’m not concentrating or anything.”

  31. “I’ll be outside if you’re man enough to fight me.”

  32. “The day we have feared for so long has arrived.”

  33. “The stillness before battle is unbearable.”

  34. “Why should I hold a grudge against you for something in a past life?”

  1. “Everyone lies in relationships.”
  2. “She made me feel safe, even when I hated her.”
  3. “You need to get off your ass and do something.”
  4. “My father killed him.”
  5. “He wanted you.”
  6. “I wasn’t honest with you.”
  7. “I came here to hurt her.”
  8. “I wanted to believe we were above this.”
  9. “You wanted him to leave me.”
  10. “There was a ring.”
  11. “Stay the hell out of my life.”
  12. “You can’t make someone be sober if they don’t want to be.”
  13. “You want me to save the world and be nice at the same time. Well that’s not me!”
  14. “You don’t have to apologize for your people. I don’t apologize for mine.”
  15. “I’m not looking for an explanation. Lord knows people love to spread rumors about me.”
  16. “You will never be able to finish that in one night.”
  17. “He can just hack into it if you don’t give him access.”
  18. “You’re upset and looking for someone to blame.”
  19. “He was gonna die either way. You just saved him some pain.”
  20. “I screwed up. They found out who I am.”
  21. “He never deserved you.”
  22. “You’re supposed to be the hopeful one in this house. Don’t go dark on me.”
  23. “At least tell me what you did with the body.”
  24. “So you hacked his email because you were worried about me?”
  25. “You’ve been lying to us this whole time, manipulating us into kissing you.”
  26. “I need blackmail.”
  27. “You said you never wanted a kid.”
  28. “We can’t keep hurting people and not expect them to hurt us back.”
  29. “You’re pushing away the people that actually love you.”
  30. “It’s time to pay up.”