#tw blades

jensenacklezs:we are going to  d i e. jensenacklezs:we are going to  d i e. jensenacklezs:we are going to  d i e. jensenacklezs:we are going to  d i e. jensenacklezs:we are going to  d i e. jensenacklezs:we are going to  d i e. jensenacklezs:we are going to  d i e. jensenacklezs:we are going to  d i e.


we are going to  d i e.

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 Here you have 100 sentence starters taken from the Operator videos and various trailers of Tom Clan

Here you have 100 sentence starters taken from the Operator videos and various trailers of Tom Clancy’s Rainbow 6 Siege! Please note that Rainbow 6 Siege is a first person shooter game about violence, terrorism and war. Potential triggering/adult content might be present or suggested in those sentence starters. Feel free to change pronouns as you see fit! 

  1. When I was little [name] taught me that “Silence was a woman’s best garment.”
  2. I never really took her advice to heart.
  3. Amateurs…
  4. In a life-threatening situation the average person’s heartbeat can be upwards of one-hundred-seventy-five beats per minute.
  5. I’ve learned from experience that the place to save lives is in the field, not an office.
  6. Sometimes, the only way to save a live, is to take one.
  7. I trust myself not to move, not to flinch.
  8. I trust my teammates, and they trust me.
  9. If you have a few spare hours, I’d love to share the details of how this device is a masterpiece of design.
  10. All my team needs to know is, “Does it do the job, or doesn’t it?”
  11. Does it do the job, or doesn’t it?
  12. And let me tell you right now, it does the job.
  13. I used to be undercover. I did time. I had to deal drugs. I even had to kill. And I was so good at it that… It got me a promotion.
  14. I used to be undercover.
  15. I did time.
  16. I had to deal drugs.
  17. I even had to kill.
  18. And I was so good at it that… It got me a promotion.
  19. They said it could not be done. They were wrong.
  20. I know what you’re wondering: What’s in the [object]?
  21. I could tell you, but then I’d have to kill you.
  22. As for what’s in the [object]. It’s best you don’t ask.
  23. The more crutches you have, the more it hurts when they’re kicked out from under you.
  24. If there’s one thing I know for sure, it’s that a six-inch blade never loses reception.
  25. Do you know what an artist and a sniper have in common? Details.
  26. The only difference is the stakes. Mine are higher.
  27. These soldiers think their training will keep them alive.
  28. They break down doors and come through windows, weapons drawn.
  29. They check the corners, watch each others’ backs, and give the all clear.
  30. They forgot the first rule of survival.
  31. A real hunter always watches where he steps.
  32. Do you think you know anything?
  33. Why do it yourself when a robot can do it better?
  34. Let’s go.
  35. As my friend would say, ‘A really big f*king hole, coming right up.’
  36. Your phone is ringing. Here, let me get that for you.
  37. Your phone is ringing.
  38. Here, let me get that for you.
  39. You never saw me coming.
  40. Don’t feel so bad.
  41. Nobody ever sees me.
  42. I’m in everyone’s blind spot.
  43. They always leave something behind.
  44. The way is clear, I can follow the tracks.
  45. Let me see your pretty faces.
  46. Now you see me, now you don’t.
  47. It’s a brutal, dangerous world out there, but I’ve found my way. 
  48. Chaos is my home, and I’ll make sure you never escape it.
  49. I decide when to restrain and when to kill. 
  50. Only the best calls the shots.
  51. Illusions are fatal. 
  52. If you waver, you’re mine. 
  53. If you pick wrong… you’re mine. 
  54. Come. Break your back against the mountain.
  55. This is where you stop.
  56. I was trapped, for a long time. 
  57. Lived and seen things you couldn’t imagine. 
  58. Now I see things… in a different light.
  59. It’s uhh… quite here.
  60. It’s like really… really.. REALLY- Quiet *sighs*
  61. You’ve heard my price. If it’s too high, then we have nothing left to discuss. 
  62. You think I run a charity? 
  63. I have investors, unlike you. 
  64. Call me when you’re serious. 
  65. You’re making a mistake.
  66. You rescue this ship or you’ll be walking home! ─ Swimming! ─  You’ll be swimming home! So don’t f*ck it up!
  67. [name], they’re actually shooting at us.
  68. They seemed very committed, and they’ve got another firecracker!
  69. So that’s it? They save a ship, and we let them in?
  70. Yes. They save a ship– I think we let them in!
  71. Welp! There goes the neighbourhood!
  72. Everyone is running from something.
  73. So uhhh is this gonna be on the fernsehen? Or is it on television?
  74. It’s always that which we don’t know that poses the greatest danger.
  75. Don’t worry, maybe we’ll get it right next time.
  76. He has no respect for anything! 
  77. If it doesn’t fire a bullet or explode, he dismisses it!
  78. My wife has a strict policy about knives in the house. 
  79. And I have a strict policy about not pissing off my wife.
  80. I know [name] is supposed to be the best, but he’s a hammer and I’m– i’m just a nail to him!
  81. It’ll take time for some but you are nobody’s nail.
  82. You’re angry, that’s good.
  83. Anger could be a powerful tool. 
  84. We’re terrified of losing control
  85. [Name] faced his demons. He knows how to channel his anger.
  86. Who beat ya?
  87. Come on, leave it alone. It was a misunderstanding.
  88. Oh no, come on [name]. Don’t do this.
  89. This isn’t about how [name]’s been treating you, is it?
  90. It’s– I’m just tired of just trying to prove myself.
  91. Get them to let go a little, we’re not the enemy here.
  92. Where’d ya dig that relic up? ─ From under a lot of dead bodies.
  93. They all look surprised.
  94. Same joke every goddamn time.
  95. The coral reinforces bone, grows like a carapce of armour on the skin. In other words, it makes monsters.
  96. What about nuking the town?
  97. Sunuvabitch! *explosion* We’re good!
  98. Hold your horses [name], I’m just making sure they got it right.
  99. You’re a humanitarian, and I’m not sure you can afford to be.
  100. No, he was trying to sell it online.

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