#tw narcicism


I’ve been dealing with an abusive local creeper and I need to come out with this story now. Rather than identifying his real name, I gave him the name CancerChaser for legal reasons.

This Masterpost is an abridged recollection that gets to the point. Each of the 9 Chapters and the intro have links that go into depth of what happened in their respective posts. All of this story is real and non fiction.

  • IntroIntroduction to me and CancerChaser, my perpetrator.
  • Chapter 1 CancerChaser reached out to me be for us to become friends, or at least that is what I thought at the time. We bond for a few months.
  • Chapter 2 CancerChaser reveals that we are in a relationship after months of never telling me outright about it. Then he became abusive to me when I politely suggest him a smartphone.
  • Chapter 3 After we reconciled, he would later lash out at me in public and claim that I was laughing at his feelings. He also asked for money from me after I asked if there was anything I could do for him.
  • Chapter 4 I made the mistake of giving him another chance, only for him to get jealous of treating a closer friend with less anxiety. I still make the mistake of accepting him anyway. I would eventually learn how costly that mistake was.
  • Chapter 5 I started doing many favors for him. He often asked if he could send me pictures from his phone to his email. When I ask him for favors, he never is in the mood and when he does do one favor, he left halfway through it. He then harasses me through email.
  • Chapter 6 After the last falling out, he calls me with another number and uses manipulation to coax me to unblocking his number. Another mistake I regret doing
  • Chapter 7 CANCERCHASER GETS IN THE WAY OF MY JOB! He demands that I take time that was already booked in advance for my job to come see him and puts the pressure on me by asking if I don’t like him anymore. This was the final straw, I had enough of his heinous attitude and cut him off for good.
  • Chapter 8 CANCERCHASER SENDS ME HARASSMENT I NEVER WANTED! After a phone repair and transfer, he calls me right after to give me hateful abusive harassment. Some time later he sent me an email telling me how much he never appreciated anything I ever did for him while claiming to be a good friend. I end the chapter with a question to ask if he was truly a good friend or not.
  • Chapter 9 My final thoughts on this situation.

Initially drafted June 21st 2018

Here a mirror a friend of mine posted. It even has the color coded incidents on the chapters like I originally wanted.

His thought on the matter.

3/5/2019: CancerChaser’s newest harassing email - He thinks I am subscribed to his YouTube Channel and makes the same threats as before.

Chapter 8 ~ Harassment and the Reveal of True Colors

Trigger Warnings: Harassment, Abuse, Emotional Abuse, Emotional Manipulation, Narcissism, Suicide Mention, Suicidal Ideation 

Before I get into the harassment that CancerChaser committed after I cut him off for good, I need to mention the conclusions of the Super NES launch party and New York Comic-Con 2017, the events surrounding the incident where CC was trying to get me to leave my job for the purposes of getting me into his home without trying to compromise or ask for proof. Proof which I provided at the end of the Chapter.

The Super NES launch turned out good for me. I left the night before the wristband distribution to secure my place in line. I was around ~50-60 place in line. I actually tried to sleep in the line but failed. Had a bunch of naps but I actually got insomnia. 2:00 EST the store put out a tweet that the wristbands were going to distributed early, 2:15 EST to be exact.When I saw this  tweet, someone in front of me got went away and I had to message him to come back ASAP. He did return fortunately. Both us did get wristbands, but around 5 people behind us, they were people cutting the line there.Wristbands were abruptly ended there. The store put out a tweet that they “ran out”. The commotion over the wristbands was very huge to the point that police was called. I was told by the people from the store to leave the area for safety concerns. I went to the nearby Starbucks.

The situation did resolve itself. Everything about the situation with the wristbands is covered here.

The rest of the night went well. I had fun at the party and I was able to purchase my Super NES Classic at midnight. Played for 30 minutes and home and fell asleep after 30 minutes.

As for the connections. It did not amount to very much initially, I did get some help with some more volunteer employment and a short paid gig. I did get invited to some Facebook groups. The meetups were ok. A few seminars, one of which was in regards to selling on Amazon. I worked at a TVFestival that I received a Job Opportunity at one of those connection meetups. Even though I did came up empty handed, I did get a few more jobs in my resume. And given that I got hired very recently, I think those meetups were very handy. So in the long run, it was worth it.

I attended the Crew orientation of NYCC 2017 and received shirts and my badge. There was traffic and I checked my phone and found that CancerChaser called me earlier but I did not received the call because I blocked him shortly after I cut ties with him. Here a screencap of it. Notice that there is a Blue “No symbol” next to it, compared to the others that have none. This is one instance of the harassment after our most recent falling out. It will get worse later.

New York Comic-Con 2017 was amazing for me. Met some new friends and many cosplayers that were amazing. I only had some hours to enjoy the convention but they were good. Most of my time was spent working. I was able to meet a celebrity who played a character I loved as child. His photo was expensive and it took days for me to think it over but I went with it because I felt he was worth. I think it took so long because I did not know his price. Once did, it took the next day for me get the selfie.

First day of working was great, but I was immensely nervous. I managed a room filled with parents with their kids. The next day I looked over another room with fellow co-workers. The next 2 days I did Photo-Ops. I scanned photo-ops of attendees so they can get their digital versions of the photos they took with their respective celebrities. I found this con to be very enjoyable overall. But my anxiety stayed consistently high.

However, hours after the convention was over, my phone kept shutting down randomly. The battery was inconsistent. A few days later, it would jump from charging at 50% to sudden 100%. Then drop to 67% a minute later. Another instance is when I had a portable charger charging and I actually saw the battery decrease in real time by the second. Eventually, my phone stopped working effectively. It would turn off right after a full charge and display 0 or 50%. It was that inconsistent, unstable, and unusable.

So my phone broke again. This time it was different. When I broke my phone last time, it was due to impact damage. After that, I took better care of my phone, learning from last time. The way it was broken this time was completely different. Next day after my phone kept going on and off, I took it for repairs. They could not do anything about it because it the battery has “expanded”. Th heat from the phone being used/charged cause the battery to expand. And apparently the battery liquids have spread over the phone. So it was time to get a new one.

Around the next week, I got a new phone to replace my now broken one. Going forward, I would turn the phone off more often and not leave it charged overnight anymore. So I made the phone account transfer process after I got my new phone.

Shortly after the phone transfer was completed, I got a phone call from a number I did not recognize completely immediately. I picked up the phone and it was CancerChaser. Apparently, CC’s number got unblocked when my new phone details got transferred. There is no way, I would even think about unblocking him at all. Especially after CC got in the way of my livelihood for his selfish pleasure. He called in through sheer luck and timing.

{9} CancerChaser in a aggressive, hostile tone said “Yeah” and asked if I really thought that he only thinks for himself. I was caught on the spot and not being prepared to deal with stupid nonsense from invasive harassers like CC; I was trying to move on with my life and focus on important matters. CC is the one who called my number to harass me after I told him that I wish to never speak to him again. This is an invasion of my life from CC. In my unguarded state of mind, I replied “Yes”. He told me the following quote and hung up.

“Go F*** Yourself.”

This is clear cut harassment. CC called my number for the sake of giving verbal abuse. Is there is any indication that I did not truly mean what I said when he was selfish? This was weeks later. I did not call him at all afterwards, nor did I sent him any texts to that number. I wanted nothing to do with him. I filter what I say very often and never called him selfish until he finally made me chose between him or my job. His self awareness is almost non existant. There is no way in any time period after the texts I sent him that I would change my mind about him only caring for himself.

Even though, I was unprepared, I did mean what I said through text and what I reiterated over the phone; and it has never changed nor will it ever. What kind of person starts asking emotional manipulating questions when they are told that the other person has a job and cannot help at that time? How many forwarding emails have I ever done for him? How many times has he returned the favor for me, when i asked for gaming companionship? I should have shouted at him over the phone, hung up, then blocked the number.

Now going back to the time he tried to call me on October 4th and his call got blocked. Notice the 7th symbol on the top left corner of the screenshot. It is a “No SIM card” sign. It came from the source phone of the transfer. So not only is this evidence that CC tried calling me for harassment, but also proof that a phone transfer did indeed happen. Not to mention, the calls on the log, which shows usage, proving the transfer further. So it is not a convenient excuse to why I “suddenly unblocked him”, that has to be done manually on the same phone and highly unlikely accident.

Here is a clearer example of the “No SIM card” sign.

Rather than trying to call him back for his leisure of talking over me and hanging up, I sent him an email to give him one last warning to try to get him out of my life.

This is the email and his reply to it.

“Contact me again in any way again and I will alert the authorities. Leave me alone. I don’t ever want to see or talk to you again. Stop calling my number or the police will respond.”

I need emphasize that this email was the last time I have ever tried to contact him. I have never sent him any messages to him after this. No email, phone calls, text messages, or anything like that. Nothing. I never ever said a word to him in real life after I cut him off, either. To this date I made sure to never talk to him ever again on my end.

“And I will do the same!”

Very interesting reply. Stating that he would alert the authorities, if I spoke to him in any way. As if I was harassing him. Except I am not the one who has done some invasive atrocities such as:

  • Evading the block using another number and asking to unblock original number.
  • Calling me randomly and being able to reach me because of technical repair situations.
  • Sending me hateful emails or phone calls following the times I wanted nothing to do with him.

That is all his doing.  I have no reason to ever speak to him at all. He was manipulating me and abusing me for almost 2 years of our friendship which only ended because he got in the way of a job. Any notion of me harassing him is laughable. Does he have any good proof that I harass him? I stated many times I wanted him gone. Why would I tell him anything? The email was because he called me, hence a response.

I warned him about the police because clearly he is the one trying to override boundaries. I do not work for or with him. He is not family. He is not my landlord. He is not part of any city/state/federal government or law enforcement. Most important of all, he is not my boyfriend. And I never gave any consent to be his boyfriend or was even aware at all of any relationship with me and him. Even if I was his boyfriend and he tried to get in the way of my job, I would have cut the relationship off and be clear about it to him. I also have no legally bindind contracts with him either.  He called my number to insult me weeks after I told him and I quote “Please never talk to ne (me) again.Very first line of the texts. Also, Keep in mind, he lives a few blocks away from me. It is CancerChaser who has problems ignoring me, thus justifying the need for law enforcement.

Something tells that he at the very least he knows he is doing wrong himself and using that in an interesting way. That will also play out again.

Afterwards, I was feeling scared for my life. CC injected himself into my life and now that he knows he cannot have me, he might go and possibly kill me. What else was the purpose of his verbal abuse? I had nightmares, night terrors, sleepless nights, panic and anxiety attacks; all kinds of symptoms of fear from this man. After all, he called me during an unguarded moment when I was busy carrying on with my life moving on; I had no knowledge that his number got unblocked and only answering a number I did not recognize. His location of where he lived alongside the fact that he used a different number to call me before to evade my blocking does not help either.

Eventually, I told some of my closest friends about CC’s actions. One person who I will dub AA, decided to speak out about this. Seeing the context of what happened and how I was feeling, he tried to spread info about this situation on several groups as far as I know. I only know about the posts that was posted on groups. Going to be honest, I did not like how he handled to situation. He was very hasty when posted about it. But, AA had good intentions, just needed a bit of guidance on how to handle these situations. I was able to get the post he put about this situation

Here is the post with the redaction of [CC] replacing his real name:

"I honestly did not want to post this but this is a serious problem.

[CC] needs to stop stalking a specific person that I need to keep private. He was told never to talk him again September 27th and yet he kept calling back at at least twice. He has 2 numbers and he used them to stalk his prey. If he keeps trying to stalk this person again, police will be called. I need to bring this up because [CC] is persistent stalker and his actions caused panic attacks and loss of sleep for his target,”

The quoted post was in the opinion of the individual I dubbed as AA.

CC found this message. But did he contact AA? No. He blocked AA with no word to him. Instead he sent me an email about it. He harassed me again. Keep in mind, I did not post that message. I also did notsend him anything. No contact from me. CC sent me an email over a message about his harassment of me and how he needs to stop that.

This email is one of the most vile, yet revealing emails I have ever received. Here is a link to it, but I will save covering it until the ending part of this Chapter. Let’s just say there is a reason most of the previous Chapters and this one have instances curly brackets ({}) appearing during specific crucial moments of CC’s actions. It is leading to this email.

Moving on, I took the emails and the texts and brought them to the police. I told of the context and they told me to go to a different office. I went to that office the next day because it was closed by the time I went to the police. The next day I was simply given papers and told to fill them out and come back the next day to present them. I talked to my family about this situation and they told to not pursue him over this because it was too expensive and time consuming to handle a potential court case regarding CC’s harassment. I had to let the reporting go.

One of the things CC likes to brag about is how he was there for me when I was possibly going to be kicked out of my home and how I threw myself on the floor. I did the same thing  when I went to see another friend in her home. Only this time CC was the problem. He truly sees himself as invaluable, even though other friends did the same as what he did only without the abuse, manipulation, harassment, trying to get in the way of a job, and the claims he made in the latest email he sent. My friend simply told me to ignore CC and try to forget about it.

Now it is time expose CancerChaser for everything he did to me and to prove what kind of a person CC truly is.

The Email Link (again)

“Tell your friends or whoever to stop posting s*** about me on FB.”

Coming from someone who called my number after I cut contact with him, told him I want nothing to do with him, and then blocked him. He reaps what he sows. If he did not want this, then he should have not tried to call my number to abuse me. Have pent up aggression? Take it somewhere else. Vent. I NEVER wanted to hear from him about ANYTHING he had to say, he forced himself on me with the phone call I never wanted. A call that was blocked until a transfer did not transfer over the blocked number list. What gives him any rights for him to do this?

“I do NOT try to contact you, nor do I have two numbers.”

Wrong and Wrong. Here is the most relevant definition of Contact in regards to this context.

communication with someone, or with a group or organization:

And here is Communication

the process by which messages or information is sent from one place or person to another, or the message itself:

Calling my number is contacting me. And he knows it is my number. That is definitively a “try”. And the October 4th attempt was also that, too.

And it does not help that he sent me an email, which also is contacting as well. In regards to a post about something he did, by someone else. As stated before he did not speak to AA. He went directly to me.

So yes, he did contact me and did it again. Since this is after I told him never to talk to me again, that is harassment. And he did it twice over.

And about the 2 numbers. According to this, which was found by searching for CC’s real name; CC apparently does have 2 numbers.

Even if he did not have 2 numbers, it does not change the fact that he used a second number to evade my block and stalk me. Using a second number to evade a block would logically conjure the assumption that CC would have 2 numbers. He indeed used them to speak to me, especially in an invasive context, asking to unblock his first number.

“I’m going to call the authorities if this garbage continues.”

If that is directed at me, then it is an empty threat. What does he have to press charges at me? I did not post that message. Does he have the means to pay his lawyer to sue me and go to court?

If it’s for AA, then CC should be sending him the messages, not conducting harassment at me. I sent CC nothing after the email where I told him to leave me alone.

If he went through this toothless endeavor I don’t think it would go far.

Now for the final line that truly exposes CC for what he truly is.

“I was a good friend to you, but you were NOT to me!”

This is what he has to say to me after nearly 2 years of knowing each other. That he was at his “good” level of conduct and I never even came close to making him feel good at all. Either that or he effectively erased all positive things I ever did for him and rendered them as null and void while pretending he did exceptional things.

Now to recap the actual context and the reality of our relationship.

What he did for me:

To be generous here are the good things he did:

-He gave emotional support sometimes throughout our friendship.
-He never stole from me.

What I did for him:

  • Came to see him at his home when he wanted prior to {8}.

Now I turn to my followers and everyone reading this post. Considering the context above, I will leave you with one open ended question:

