#tw nazis




Here’s the opposite story, though. With apologies because I don’t have the book in front of me, so I may get some details wrong, but I read this “Irena’s Children“ by Tilar J. Mazzeo.

Irena lived in Warsaw during the Nazi occupation, and dedicated her life to rescuing Jewish children from the Ghetto, and her story is complicated in a lot of ways but - well, this story isn’t actually about Irena, per se.

It’s about a bus driver.

It’s about a day when she’s traveling across town by bus with a very young Jewish child, and partway to their destination the child looks up and asks a question - in Yiddish. and the whole bus goes quiet, because everyone knows what that means. And Irena thinks, okay, we’re going to die here today.

And she’s running through her options - all of them bad - and suddenly the bus stops, and the bus driver announces that there’s been a mechanical failure and the bus needs to return to the depot immediately. Everyone off, please.

And she stands and goes to get off the bus and the driver says - not you two. Sit down. So she sits down as everyone else leaves, because, well, what else is she going to do? the options are all still bad, at this point.

and when the bus is empty the bus driver says,

“Where do you need to go?”

And then he drives them as close to their destination as he can, and lets them off, and drives away. And Irena lives, and the kid lives, and they never cross paths again.

So a janitor got three people killed, and a bus driver saved two lives - not to mention all the other lives indirectly saved because Irena was able to continue her work.

I think about that almost every day now, to be honest.

We can’t all be Irena. I couldn’t be Irena. She was in a unique place with very specific skills and connections that let her do what she did. I am just one mentally ill librarian. I can’t be her. But - I can be the bus driver. Or I could be the janitor. Because it doesn’t matter what your job is. It doesn’t matter who you are. In a world like this, every single one of us has the opportunity to do massive harm or massive good. We can save lives or end them.

And that’s scary. but it’s also very comforting? at least for me. Because at the end of the day it means this: no matter of how small and helpless and unimportant you feel, you’re never powerless in the face of great evil.

You can choose to be the bus driver.

On This Day In History

May 6th, 1933: The Deutsche Studentenschaft (German Student Union) attacks Magnus Hirschfeld’s Institut für Sexualwissenscaft (Institute of Sexology). Many of its books would be burned, and its discoveries and histories would be lost.





my great-grandfather had to leave italy in the 20′s because he hit a fascist with a tuba, so if you think I am going to take this sitting down you are going to have to catch these hands and also this tuba

Fun story my Great Great Grandma left Germany in the 1920s because she had family in the US and could get citizenship pretty easily and once she was over in the US she then smuggled over 15 jewish families out by forging family documents so now my aunts are currently in the process of trying to tell the real ones from the fake ones because my great gran just died and there are legally over 100 surviving descendants but we know that math is a lil screwy.

Sometimes a family is you, your kids, your grandkids, your great grandkids, and the 15 Jewish families you helped smuggle out of Nazi Germany.

And your tuba






So let me get this straight… The Russians tried to make it seem like there was an assassination attempt… and to prove it they showed the confiscated materials.

But because they don’t know the difference between a SIM card (that goes in a cell phone) and The Sims, we’re supposed to believe that a group of people who planned to KILL Vladimir Putin were carrying three sims games? Just??? AROUND WITH THEM??

I witnessed this shit being published by the internal security with my own eyes yesterday, and honestly - the highlight of the day. By the way, this is the kind of propaganda we regularly have to deal with, and it’s honestly amazing that people still choose to believe it. You’d think that at some point even they’d say “no, this makes no goddamn sense”, but oy vey, apparently ¾ of the population enjoy living in a virtual reality.

The Vladimir that the alleged “terrorists” were planning to kill wasn’t Pootin, but Solovyov, the central propaganda figure that at this point very well might’ve done as much damage, as it’s now discussed that the Kremlin can’t negotiate to a close whatever they fucking started because their own propagandists have gone wa-a-ay overboard with the n*zi scare. “May you live in interesting times”. There was a whole bunch of pro-Russian “journalists” mentioned apart from Solovyov, too.

Yes, those are Seasons, but I personally like the mysterious green wig more. Truly ties the composition together.

I’ve been trying for five minutes to logically link sims and fa**sm, as russian propaganda did. And let me tell you that the russian propaganda has no logic.

As there is no logic in the war with Ukraine

That is if we assume there’s a real message in the Sims disks being there, and Russians didn’t simply get them mixed up with SIM cards like many theorize.

I’ll repeat here something I’ve mentioned on another resource, and it’s that I’m worried that the game boxes might be there intentionally. It’s a speculation, but so is FSB somehow mistaking Sims disks for SIM cards. I’m worried that at some point Solovyov, the target of this “assassination attempt”, might pull up this fucking photo, point his greasy finger at the disks and say something along the lines of “earlier they tried to smuggle the vile gay marriage into our pure heterosexual state, and now their games are endorsed by literal n*zis. This is the true face of the West! They’re all working together through Ukrainian neo-f*sc*sts to destroy Russia!” and people will eat it up.

It’s actually quite simple. True, Russian propaganda doesn’t care about logic. But what it doescare about is feelings: fear, resentment, animosity towards everything western. And it’s been successfully mixing into a single heap n*zis, liberals, LGBT, video game enthusiasts under a single premise – it’s alien to Russia and therefore evil. “N*zis threatened our land and we fought them. Gays threaten our family values and we fight them. Therefore n*zis = gays”. And it fucking seems to work. I mean, today Russia started placing fines onto TikTok for allowing LGBT content, so it does look like they’re trying to revitalize the good old gay scare.

Also no but why the fuck is there A RANDOM GREEN WIG??? “Andrey, three sims and a wig, that’ll get them!” ???

AKJDLKdla mklmcdmlk,c;sz,asa I apologize for my laughter, but what you wrote back to me is ABSOLUTELY TRUE! They would have promoted it that way

About the green wig. I think it was a reference to feminism. Because in russia, there is a well-established opinion among propagandists that “Feminism is evil and propaganda of non-traditional values! LGBT! And they all have multicolored hair!”

Sims: three

Wig: snatched




So let me get this straight… The Russians tried to make it seem like there was an assassination attempt… and to prove it they showed the confiscated materials.

But because they don’t know the difference between a SIM card (that goes in a cell phone) and The Sims, we’re supposed to believe that a group of people who planned to KILL Vladimir Putin were carrying three sims games? Just??? AROUND WITH THEM??

I witnessed this shit being published by the internal security with my own eyes yesterday, and honestly - the highlight of the day. By the way, this is the kind of propaganda we regularly have to deal with, and it’s honestly amazing that people still choose to believe it. You’d think that at some point even they’d say “no, this makes no goddamn sense”, but oy vey, apparently ¾ of the population enjoy living in a virtual reality.

The Vladimir that the alleged “terrorists” were planning to kill wasn’t Pootin, but Solovyov, the central propaganda figure that at this point very well might’ve done as much damage, as it’s now discussed that the Kremlin can’t negotiate to a close whatever they fucking started because their own propagandists have gone wa-a-ay overboard with the n*zi scare. “May you live in interesting times”. There was a whole bunch of pro-Russian “journalists” mentioned apart from Solovyov, too.

Yes, those are Seasons, but I personally like the mysterious green wig more. Truly ties the composition together.

I’ve been trying for five minutes to logically link sims and fa**sm, as russian propaganda did. And let me tell you that the russian propaganda has no logic.

As there is no logic in the war with Ukraine

That is if we assume there’s a real message in the Sims disks being there, and Russians didn’t simply get them mixed up with SIM cards like many theorize.

I’ll repeat here something I’ve mentioned on another resource, and it’s that I’m worried that the game boxes might be there intentionally. It’s a speculation, but so is FSB somehow mistaking Sims disks for SIM cards. I’m worried that at some point Solovyov, the target of this “assassination attempt”, might pull up this fucking photo, point his greasy finger at the disks and say something along the lines of “earlier they tried to smuggle the vile gay marriage into our pure heterosexual state, and now their games are endorsed by literal n*zis. This is the true face of the West! They’re all working together through Ukrainian neo-f*sc*sts to destroy Russia!” and people will eat it up.

It’s actually quite simple. True, Russian propaganda doesn’t care about logic. But what it doescare about is feelings: fear, resentment, animosity towards everything western. And it’s been successfully mixing into a single heap n*zis, liberals, LGBT, video game enthusiasts under a single premise – it’s alien to Russia and therefore evil. “N*zis threatened our land and we fought them. Gays threaten our family values and we fight them. Therefore n*zis = gays”. And it fucking seems to work. I mean, today Russia started placing fines onto TikTok for allowing LGBT content, so it does look like they’re trying to revitalize the good old gay scare.

Also no but why the fuck is there A RANDOM GREEN WIG??? “Andrey, three sims and a wig, that’ll get them!” ???


So let me get this straight… The Russians tried to make it seem like there was an assassination attempt… and to prove it they showed the confiscated materials.

But because they don’t know the difference between a SIM card (that goes in a cell phone) and The Sims, we’re supposed to believe that a group of people who planned to KILL Vladimir Putin were carrying three sims games? Just??? AROUND WITH THEM??

I witnessed this shit being published by the internal security with my own eyes yesterday, and honestly - the highlight of the day. By the way, this is the kind of propaganda we regularly have to deal with, and it’s honestly amazing that people still choose to believe it. You’d think that at some point even they’d say “no, this makes no goddamn sense”, but oy vey, apparently ¾ of the population enjoy living in a virtual reality.

The Vladimir that the alleged “terrorists” were planning to kill wasn’t Pootin, but Solovyov, the central propaganda figure that at this point very well might’ve done as much damage, as it’s now discussed that the Kremlin can’t negotiate to a close whatever they fucking started because their own propagandists have gone wa-a-ay overboard with the n*zi scare. “May you live in interesting times”. There was a whole bunch of pro-Russian “journalists” mentioned apart from Solovyov, too.

Yes, those are Seasons, but I personally like the mysterious green wig more. Truly ties the composition together.
