#tw queerphobia


If you are a bi person who hasn’t been radicalized by battleaxe bis or similar queerphobic movements, you need to start listening to pan people immediately. 

Anti-pan rhetoric is everywhereon this site, much of it very well disguised and masquerading as legitimate bi activism. I can guaranteeyou have already reblogged some. I have never followed a single bi person on this site who has not at some point reblogged some form of disguised panphobic rhetoric. These were all people who I had vetted before following and who were not panphobic. Many of them were outspokenly pro pan and for mspec solidarity. You are not immune. 

Follow pansexual activists and information blogs.Learn what panphobia actuallylooks like. You can’t be an ally unless you take the steps to be an effective one.

Battleaxe bis, panphobes, and anyone who is in any way “anti-mspec” or “anti-pan” do not fucking BREATHE on this post.




Shoutout to the problematic little elfs who need to get their shit together


Get your shit together

[text ID: a comment by oliver on instagram: @queeraspaula Also mir wird schlecht, wenn ich so einen intoleranten Müll lesen muss. Nein, wir sind nicht trans*feindlich. Wir sind nur der völlig korrekten Meinung (welche ja laut selbsterklärten Supertoleranzlingen wie Ihnen zensiert gehört), dass die künstlich hochstilisierten Befindlichkeiten einer absoluten Minderheit nicht zu regiden Vorschriften für die Mehrheit führen dürfen. Das ist Demokratie. Schon mal reflektiert, warum sich Leute “nicht angesprochen fühlen”? Weil sie sich nicht angesprochen fühlen w o l l e n. Weil ihnen irgendwelche Radikalfeminist_/-(I):*inninninen und Genderist_/-(I):*inninninen an den Unis gesagt haben, sie sollen sich nicht angesprochen fühlen, auch wenn sie es eindeutig sind. Ich fühle mich ja so diskriminiert. Kann ich bitte 1000 Sonderregelungen in Anspruch nehmen, weil ich so ein armes Diskriminierungsopfer bin? Früher musste man etwas leisten - heute “outet” man sich groß inszeniert und erwartet dafür Beifall und Belohnung. /end ID]

if i hear germany is sooooo tolerant of queer people once more I’m going to combust. this shit is why i might never be out in public lmao

(via queeraspaula on ig)

itsanidiom: benjamingecko:whyyoustabbedme: We stan!!!! chaotic good There’s a happy ending t




We stan!!!!

chaotic good

There’s a happy ending to, because the robbery was unsuccessful, the couple ended up getting the money Eden needed from a movie inspired by em! Also John only had to serve part of his sentence. Check out their wedding photos btw they’re beautiful.

reblogging because I’ve seen this post a thousand times and I’ve never seen the happy ending!! 

Hate to ruin it for yall but this guy was a HORRIBLE abusive transphobe. And you need to stop glorifying him.

Post link



We live in a society in which everything is sexualized, and yet heterosexuality is somehow decoupled from the sex part of it.

Being straight is so ubiquitous, it’s somehow not thought of as a sexual thing most of the time. I think it has something to do with conflating sex and love, which is a whole other barrel of monkeys. But I think this explains so many homophobes and exclusionists’ views:

  • That simply being gay is seen as being openly sexual, even when the person in question is just kissing or holding hands with their partner, or even just mentioning their orientation
  • That an asexual person mentioning that they are asexual is “dragging people into their sex life”
  • Meanwhile, a straight person mentioning that they are straight, talking about their partner, and being openly affectionate in public with them is not seen as being unnecessarily sexual or corrupting the children because that’s just love
  • Related, that assigning children as heterosexual and joking about it is normal (onesies with “ladies man” and such on them)

If I may add; the casual tone that cishets will discuss how they’re “trying to have children” etc. Which is literally just sex like that’s sex. You can talk about sexual reproduction and how often you attempt it but GOD forbid my girlfriend and I share a milkshake at the park
