#tw war mention


I am so devastated and sad about whats going on in Ukraine. It’s shocking and cruel. I am not going to close my eyes to it, but I need to be able to digest the information according with my mental health and anxiety level.

I understand the need for Ukranians to inform us on what’s going on, but I beg you to use trigger warnings or recognizable hashtags, so that those of us that simply can’t handle it, can filter that in our feed.

I don’t want to unfollow or block anyone, and especially not Ukranians at this moment, but I might have to, to keep my own sanity.

Take care, all good people.


I keep thinking about the scene where the whole class gets down on killing. And Barry says he kills and like yeah he probably means his hitman stuff, but also like…

That scene was about how war is a socially acceptable way to kill, and suddenly they all feel bad because that was more morally grey. But they all felt bad because they didn’t realize that Barry had that history and they were suddenly confronted with the reality of the thing rather than, just, the hypothetical.

To them Barry is real and before the it was just an abstract.

Gene then goes on to say if you kill outside of war you are fucked though.

Anyway Barry’s killing in these scene could be drawn back into a metaphor for mental illness and everything is fine so long as you show the socially acceptable symptoms.

A very astute observation about that scene I hadn’t considered, thank you so much for sharing! I think a big part of the problem-and this probably isn’t an original thought-is that even if someone hasn’t experienced clinical depression, or doesn’t have an anxiety disorder, everybody knows what it’s like to be sad or scared. While with other less common symptoms (hallucinations, delusions, disorganized thinking, etc) there’s not really a neurotypical parallel. So the average person can’t relate and therefore finds them frightening or simply confusing. Which leads to those of us with illnesses that manifest in that way sharing less and less due to stigma. But anyway, I’ll stop rambling. Thank you for pointing this out OP!
