

At a young age you learned a vital lesson: never hesitate. Whether you’re rejecting a confession or staring down the sight of a gun, split second decisions have been ingrained in your blood, so when your best friend is brutally murdered the choice is simple.

You’ll stop at nothing to exact your revenge on the man who took her from you, even if it means facing the three men you’d spent years running away from.

Can you survive a deal with Embertide University’s very own Archdemons, or will your dark history with them bring everything you’re working toward crashing down?

Pairing: Fem!Reader x Step Brother!Suna, Iwaizumi, and Matsukawa

Word Count: 1.7k

Warnings: pseudocest, hint of blackmail, mentions of criminal organization activities

A/N: HELLO FRIENDS! Welcome to the fourth chapter of my newest series! This is our second chapter from a character’s pov! We see a little history between Suna and reader. Not beta read.

Series Masterlist

As always my content is 18+ only MINORS DO NOT INTERACT.

“Suna!” A heavy sigh escapes me as I stop swinging, searching for a quick escape. The dark haired annoyance that calls my name is perched atop the main piece of the wooden playground, peering down at me through the slats. Her hands are on her hips, her eyes wide.

“What do you want Mai?”

“You should be nicer to me,” she replies with a pout. It annoys me how she always tries so hard to get my attention. As if I’d want to hang out and be stuck playing house and having tea parties. I’d rather be at home playing video games. “You’re going to marry me one day after all.”


“Suna!” Mai cried, stomping her foot. “You can’t just say no without considering my feelings or explaining why!”

“I’m pretty sure that you are supposed to marry someone you love, Mai, and Suna doesn’t love you.” My best friend Iwaizumi chimed from where he dangled from the monkey bars. He never could stand Mai’s constant whining.

“Of course he loves me!” Mai’s arms crossed over her body as she glared at my friend. She wasn’t going to give up on this nonsense anytime soon. She could be so exhausting when she wasn’t getting her way. Spoiled baby. I knew the only way I could get out of this endless tirade.


From the little wooden pirate ship across from the swings popped a familiar head of (Y/H/C). Y/N draped the chapter book she was reading over the edge of the wood, propping a hand beneath her cheek as she met my eyes. “What is it, Rin?”

“Want to get married when we’re older?”

Ignoring the irritated scoff from above me, I watched Y/N’s little lips purse in thought as she contemplated my offer. I liked Y/N, more than any other girl anyway. She never demanded things from me, or whined whenever we didn’t want to play the same games. If I had to marry anyone, it would have to be her.

“Depends,” she finally answered, narrowing her eyes and raising her chin, “will you buy me books and take me to eat yummy foods?”

I snorted, I couldn’t help it. Of course she would negotiate with me instead of helping me out by just agreeing. “Only if you buy me video games and come to all my volleyball matches.”

“Deal,” Y/N beamed before disappearing back into her hideaway.

“Rin!” Mai aggressively pouted the nickname, drawing out the end in a high pitched whine. I pushed to my feet, letting the swing clatter against my legs as I turned to face her.

“You don’t get to call me that, Mai. Go find someone else to coerce into marrying you. I don’t want to play with you.” Spinning on my heel, I strode across the small playground and climbed over the side of the wooden ship, collapsing onto the bottom beside Y/N. She didn’t even glance in my direction, but reached out to offer me my choice of the snacks she usually smuggled in her backpack. Yeah, I was definitely going to marry her one day.

Waking up from dreams of a past I try so hard to forget and feeling as if all of my energy has been drained puts me in a sour mood. Luckily the familiar scent of the gym pulls a little of the tension from my body as I make my way to the team’s locker room with Iwaizumi and Matsukawa at my side. We are a force to be reckoned with when we band together, both on the court and off of it. No one will get in our way, especially not some ghost from our past.

As I pull my practice shirt down over my head, the locker room door swings open. Coach Anabara walks in. His face is drawn in exasperation, his forehead creased and a frown stretched across his lips. A sinking filling edges into my stomach. “Everybody out on the court.” He meets my eyes, non verbally communicating that he doesn’t mean the three of us. As the rest of the team trickles out, he lets out a heavy sigh. “I’ve got bad news, and worse news.”

“Just tell us, old man,” Iwaizumi grunts, his arms crossed as he leans against the lockers. He hates when his time on the court is cut short and he has to resort to finding other means to release his pent up aggression.

“Okay, a couple of the street runners have heard rumors that Yoshida is planning to make a trade with the Fallen Angels. We don’t have anything solid to put truth behind the rumor yet, but given his sudden change in attitude it wouldn’t be surprising.” He’s right. It makes sense that the idiot’s newfound confidence is coming from an alliance with our rivals. A mistake on his part, since we’ll never let him get away with double dipping in our city.

“And what’s the bad news?” Matsukawa asks, brushing off the news about Yoshida. None of us are very surprised. We will deal with our little rat problem later.

“That was the bad news.” My jaw clenches tight, that gut feeling worsening and my brain going alert as I realize I definitely won’t like what he is about to tell us. “Dean Ikeda is assigning us a new manager.”

“Like hell he is!” Iwaizumi shouts, jumping away from the lockers with his fists clenched at his sides. “Did you remind him that we own this town, and this university?”

“He won’t budge. Whoever this manager is, they must have something real heavy to hold over his head.”

“And that makes them a threat.” I didn’t like the sense of dread pooling in my stomach. Instinct tells me that I know exactly who is behind this. “Who is it?”

“I haven’t met her yet-” Her. Of course it’s Y/N. I don’t even need her presence to know she’s behind this. That stupid girl. At least it should be easy to convince her to back down after she learns about the trials. “But she’s supposed to be at practice today.”

“We’ll take care of her.” I promise, stepping past him and heading the main gym. I tell myself that I’m hurrying forward with the intent to regain control of my team and not to see Y/N. It’s a lie. She’s always pulled me into her orbit. The ragged, broken pieces of my now darkened heart are as twisted as they are because of her. I won’t let her close enough to ruin me. Not again.

Laughter echoes in the open gym as I step inside. The sound has my heart fumbling over itself, which only infuriates me further. Stupid, useless organ doesn’t seem to care that the she-witch pushing herself into my life is the reason why no one can ever get close enough to matter to me.

Watching her bouncing on her heels in those ridiculous shorts and knee high gym socks, her ass jiggling with the movement, has another organ betraying my anti-Y/N agenda. My teeth grind with the effort to restrain myself from closing the distance and forcing her to her knees to show every single motherfucker in this room who owns her. That smart ass mouth would feel so good wrapped around my cock, but humiliating her in front of the entire team on her first day would really be the highlight of the evening.

Unfortunately Dean Ikeda has decided to make the introduction of our new manager a personal affair. He looks almost as annoyed as I feel as he tries to hide his glares at Y/N. I wonder just what my girl managed to dig up on the Embertide elitist. I’ll be making sure that whatever it is we end up with the same knowledge by the end of the week.

“Ah, perfect timing! Miss L/N, this is the team’s captain Suna Rintarou and his vice captain Iwaizumi Hajime. Boys, meet Miss L/N Y/N. Your new team manager.”

Y/N beams at the three of us, ignoring the obvious anger rolling off of Iwaizumi. Maybe I should let him terrorize her a bit. She deserves whatever he throws at her.

“And why exactly is the university assigning us a manager this year?” Iwaizumi growls from beside me.

I don’t wait for the Dean’s response, interjecting with my own thoughts on the issue. “It doesn’t matter why. She can’t fill the role. Y/N is my stepsister, Dean Ikeda, and as you are personally aware of the requirements for a manager to this team she will have to find a role to fill elsewhere.”

Ikeda’s head snaps to Y/N, his eyes wide as he sputters. He’s obviously looking for an answer from her, but she only laughs before stepping closer. “Oh, don’t worry Rinny. I’m fully aware of the requirements for a manager. I’ve already signed the paperwork consenting to anything you have to throw at me, so you can’t get rid of me that easily.” 

Her y/e/c eyes glimmer with mischief and malice as she wraps one palm around my forearm, the other pressing to my chest. My lips tug into a scowl as she glances back to the Dean, asking him to agree with her. His response is drowned out as I am swallowed by her scent, that familiar warmth of magnolia and black tea narrowing my focus to the contact of her skin with mine. Every atom of my being hums with an unwanted calm, the feeling almost like I’m taking a breath of fresh air after spending years trapped beneath the earth.

Y/N’s eyes meet mine and the ground trembles, every heartbeat spent without her at my side finding its way to her and fracturing the world around us. Or at least that’s what it feels like. Whatever intensity she finds in my eyes is enough to have her dropping the contact between us.

Shaking myself of the craving she has awakened in me, I notice that the Dean finally left. Time to let my best friend do some damage. Y/N is underestimating us. Something she is about to learn the hard way.
