#hq imagines


‣‣‣RUN2U !!six

“ no matter who you are, over and over

it’s okay if i get hurt, i’ll run to you „

series masterlist|next

the house was eerily quiet. yachi could probably hear the sound of your heart thumping from across the apartment. any attempt at calming yourself would just resort to your heart beating even faster.

you didn’t really know why you were so nervous. it was just suna you were talking to. over the past few weeks the two of you had become close, and fast. though, nearly all of your communication had been through texts with the occasional voice message thrown in, never phone calls. what were you even gonna say to him? what was he gonna talk to you about? was this even appropriate? it’s not like it’s easy to get any advice on your situation. hell, you didn’t even know if there was a situation anyways.

after five minutes or so, you finally got the courage to press the call button.

“hello?” the sound of his voice nearly made you jump out of your skin. you knew what he sounded like. you heard his voice countless times. why now was your heart fluttering. “not gonna lie, i thought you got scared and chickened out” the slight chuckle in his voice didn’t go unnoticed by you. he was amused, obviously.

“i’ll be honest, i didn’t think this through fully” you admitted bashfully. him agreeing really didn’t cross your mind. the idea popped into your head and without a second thought you texted him. if you had actually thought about it you most definitely would’ve chickened out. though, your logical thinking seems to go out the window whenever you talk to him.

there was a bit of shuffling in the background before suna replied again, “you? not thinking things through fully? no way” he replied sarcastically, something you learned he likes to do a lot. “but why are you awake anyways? you’re an early bird.”

another thing you’ve learned about him is that he knows just how to get you to say what’s on your mind. you knew your friends had good intentions, but they often treat you like a child. things you say don’t normally get taken seriously. sometimes you feel like they don’t listen at all, only hear what they want to hear just so they can tell you to “be careful.” suna however, he listens to you. he doesn’t undermine your feelings and he actually offers useful help. it’s helped you in the last few weeks.

you knew he would listen to you, but you couldn’t go to suna with all of your problems. especially not the problems you’re having with his best friend.

your friends are done hearing about osama. they don’t like him and they don’t think you should be with him. the only advice they’ll offer to you about him is to cut him off, and you’ve thought about that. a lot. you also really care about osamu. he hasn’t been the best boyfriend in the past, but he also hasn’t been the worst. you love him, you just don’t know if you’re in love with him anymore.

and that sucks because he’s trying really hard for you.

“oh, it’s about osamu right?” by now suna knows that you only hesitate when it comes to osamu. he’s not so different from you though, he doesn’t really like to bring him up either.

anytime he thinks about him a wave of guilt hits up. the two of you haven’t done anything but playfully flirt, but it still feels wrong. suna knows something like this would hurt osamu. that’s why he was hesitant to even pick up the phone. imagine how bad i’d be, getting caught talking to your best friend’s kinda ex at two in the morning. it’s a bad look. how would he even explain it? the last thing he’d want to do is hurt his friend, one of the only people that’s there for him. is he really willing to risk that for a bit of flirting with you? would osamu really be that upset over it?

“yeah. he and i went out today and i just wasn’t feeling it” you told him quietly, interrupting his train of thoughts.

“we had this discussion that has me thinking: oh! maybe we shouldn’t be together” you said, frustrated that you were still stuck on the events from earlier. you tried to move on, you really did, but for some reason your mind kept bringing you back to that one conversation.

“what was the discussion?”

“it’s silly.. i honestly shouldn’t even be upset” suna could almost hear the frown on your lips. he wishes he could see it. “osamu said he doesn’t wanna get married. he thinks weddings are a waste” you bit down on your lip.

whenever you talked to osamu about being in a relationship, it was always long term. talks about living together, growing old, and even kids. but oddly enough, the two of you have never talked about marriage. well not until that convo happened. osamu doesn’t want to get married, he’s got a negative view on it and doesn’t plan on changing his mind. you on the other hand, enjoy the idea of marriage. to you, it’s a beautiful celebration of love. you’ve always envisioned yourself getting married to him. sadly, the thought probably doesn’t cross his mind as much as it does in yours.

“you want to get married, right?” he asked and you hummed in response. “then, that’s not silly at all,” he spoke again after a few seconds. “if getting married is something you want in life.. be with someone who also wants it. you shouldn’t have to live your life longing for something you could’ve had” another wave of guilt washed over him. he knew how much osamu loves you, yet here he is, encouraging you to find someone else. “but you know, you could always talk to your partner and work on it together. you’ve got to compromise sometimes right?”

“you’re right, i should’ve just talked to him about it instead of silently being upset” you pressed your lips together, trying to piece together what he told you. “but, since we’ve got to compromise and all, doesn’t that mean i should as well?” you questioned.

suna laughed a bit. it made you smile, you definitely wanted to hear it more often. “shit, you’re right. i told you that i don’t really know what i’m saying. so just ignore that last part and focus on the first one” he said. “you should be with someone who wants the same things as you in life, long term speaking of course.”

“hmm, do you want to get married suna?” you decided you were done with the problem talk and switch to something more fun. you knew he’d reply with some corny pick up line. they never failed to make you laugh.

“if i get to marry you, then yes,” and if your heart didn’t speed up for that, his next line definitely got you going. “call me rin, please?”

you nodded with a grin , even though he couldn’t see you. “should we start planning the wedding then, rin? do you wanna be added to my wedding pinterest board?” you giggled, now kicking your feet like a schoolgirl with a crush.

him responding “what the hell is pinterest?” only made you crack up even more.

a/n. sorry for all the delays! i wont be updating for the next few days so this is all i’m leaving everyone with? </3. hope you all enjoy the chapter!


‣‣‣RUN2U !!four

“ no matter who you are, over and over

it’s okay if i get hurt, i’ll run to you „

series masterlist|next

a/n. hiii, i hope you all like this au so far. i’m gonna be going on a trip later this week so i’ll be taking a little break from posting chapters probably. thursday will be the last update before my trip. also please check out loona’s intro performance for queendom!! thank uu <3


{ ♡ } — texts from ex bf suna.

summary: while out with your friends, you end up in the restaurant as suna and his friends. one|two

an: sorry for being so late with this part. i kept changing things. i did this whole written part, didn’t like it and deleted it. there’s gonna be another part, maybe written, maybe not!! but anyways, enjoy this late part and give more suggestions!!

{ ♡ } — texts from ex bf atsumu.

summary: you get a random 3am text from your ex boyfriend miya atsumu.

an: hay!! there will be another parts to suna’s, im just having a little trouble with that currently. so here’s texts from ex atsumu while y’all wait!!

Chapter 10: Wrong Account




  • “Doughnut” is the more traditional spelling, although its shortened form, “donut,” is also acceptable.
  • A glazed doughnut has about 240 calories, of which 120 are from fat.
  • The longest line of donuts ever recorded stretched 1,841 feet 10 inches in Berlin on April 27, 2014.
  • The largest serving of donuts weighed a whopping 1,470 pounds in Kazakhstan on November 2, 2013.
  • The world’s most expensive donut is made of 24k edible gold, edible diamonds, and aged chocolate balsamic vinegar. The remaining ingredients are top secret. They sell for $100 a piece.


Taglist: @amberalisa @mint-mai@134340-cm@quietsimp@anejuuuuoy@kurokawa-aida@gooseyhouse@youpieceofwasabi@bbkiyoomi@chaelysian@chichibia@elianetsantana@maitenight@moonlightaangel@captaincyberqueen@tchalameme@laughingismorefun@tsukkinginamo@keiarma@agaashesmilktea@itsimjaebeomsforehead@rogueariadne@h0wab0utw3d0ntd0that@yamayoomi@tendo-sxtori@its-the-aerieljeane@karasuqueen@omibaby@graykageyama@koofii@belongtothewcrld@lady-tokugawa-of-mikawa@tsukkiswifeey@qangaji@oohcherry@yongboxerrr@kellesvt@tsukkisfatsimp@ssunasimpp@hollypastl@merrdlp@iish@bakugoandkageyamaswife@re-i-chel@yqshirov @katxsukishima @toaster-stick @kodzukken5 @erinoikawa@hxked@thesuitelifeofafangirl@miyacentral@marvelousbakugou@erens-piss-cleaner

Chapter 9: Aichi




  • You saw their messages as an accident
  • Osamu was driving around Aichi for 2 hours and Atsumu was calling him for that long too
  • The two had to watch old videos of the team going to Suna’s house just to remember where he lived
  • Osamu thought of calling Kita but he couldn’t because he’d get scolded if the former captain finds out that you got too upset you went home and asked for a breakup
  • They found the address through an old mail packaging that your mom sent to Osamu
  • Atsumu had to go to his brother’s place for it
  • Mama Miya calls you “Daughter-In-Law”
  • Your mom saw Osamu’s car parking outside their house but she didn’t say a thing to your dad and just let you be when you snuck him in

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Taglist: I can’t paste anything again what’s wrong with this app!!

Sakusa’s Best Gift

: fluff, domestic, dad!sakusa, dad!sakusa

a/n: happy birthday to my mans!! ❤️

Sakusa sighs heavily as he slings the bag over his shoulder. He glances at his watch and frowns. It’s 30 minutes after 10PM. He only has an hour and a half left to celebrate his birthday. If it wasn’t for the damn training that took over his whole day, he would have spent his day with you and your daughter.

Sakusa never even liked celebrating, but your daughter was so excited about his birthday. She rambled all night about how she would make it the happiest birthday of his life. She even planned a surprise for him, which he knows all about, because the child wasn’t particularly good at whispering and keeping secrets.

Sakusa knows about the cake your daughter iced herself. He knows about the dried peaches that she made for him. He knows about the card she wrote for him. But her plans are all ruined because of a training he could have skipped, but he didn’t want to. He regrets making that choice.

After a quick drive to your house, Sakusa checks the time before getting out of his car. A little over 11PM. It’s still his birthday. He silently wishes that you are still awake so at least he can spend the remaining time of his day with you. He enters the house and sees how dark the hallway is, the only light provided is the one from the kitchen.

“They must be asleep…” Sakusa frowns. He stalks to your room and finds your sleeping figure tucked under the bed. He drops his bag on the floor quietly before sitting on the foam. He pulls his mask down and plants a kiss on your forehead, mouthing a soft ‘I love you.’

The athlete changes into his pajamas and just when he’s about to join you in bed, the door opens.

“Papa?” A small voice speaks and the door opens wider. Sakusa smiles at sight. His little girl in a black Jackal pajama set, that was specially made for her given by the team. Her small hand rubs on her eye, the other clutching on her her fuzzy blanket.

Sakusa walks over to her and tries to pick her up, but she avoids his hold and gets out of the room. He follows after her small figure. “Hey, baby. Why are you still awake?”

She goes to the kitchen and pulls the fridge handle with all her might, the blanket pooling on her ankles. Sakusa watches her in confusion and amusement. The refrigerator door finally opens and she points at a box. She looks up to him with dog eyes. “Papa, help…”

“Oh, sorry,” Sakusa chuckles. He was so amused of her actions he forgot to help her. He takes the box from her and places it on the dining table. “What’s this?”

“Don’t open it yet!” Your daughter scolds. She runs out of the kitchen and ventures back to her room. Not long after, the small girl comes back quickly with a big box in her arms. She checks on the digital wall clock and sighs in relief.

“What’s that?” Sakusa asks her and she climbs on the dining chair, the box she was bringing now on the table.

“Happy birthday, papa!” She cheers, taking the lid off the first box. There’s a cake inside covered by pink icing and topped by sliced peaches, a lot of sprinkles too. “I love you!”

Sakusa hugs her tightly, lowering his body to kiss her cheek. “Thank you, baby. I love you too.”

“I waited for you to come home!” She proudly tells him, hugging him back. “I made you a gift! Open it! Open it!” He opens the gift as she says. It’s a scrapbook with a bracelet that he can tell she made herself from the mismatched beads. There’s also a bottle of alcohol that is designed with car and rainbow stickers. A

“I like it. Thank you.” He smiles at her, and she returns the favor, flashing her small pearly teeth at Sakusa. “Let’s go to sleep. It’s late.”

“No! No! It’s still your birthday. We have to celebrate it until that clock turns 1 and 2!” His daughter argues, pointing at the clock.

“We can celebrate it tomorrow.” He picks her up from the chair despite her whines, but she eventually gives in to her sleepiness. As the father and daughter reach your shared bedroom, she’s already fast asleep, too fast for someone who was jumping like a bunny a few seconds ago.

“Omi?” You sit up from the bed, hand slowly rubbing on your eye. Sakusa can not help but smile. You and your daughter act way too much similarly. No wonder why he loves her the way he loves you.

Sakusa lays your daughter in the middle of the bed before slowly pushing your should back down to the bed. “Go back sleep.”

“But your birthd-”

“Shh… no wonder why our daughter is so excited about my birthday. We can celebrate it tomorrow.” He pecks you on your lips and you nod, wrapping your arms around your child before closing your eyes and drifting back to sleep.

After making sure that the two of you are asleep, Sakusa gets out of the room to put back the boxes on the table back to its proper places. He puts the cake box back into the fridge first, after snapping a photo of course. He would never forget to take a picture of his daughter’s masterpiece.

Out of curiosity, Sakusa picks up the scrapbook and flips through it. It’s just pictures of him when he was a child up to now. He takes a mental note to call his mother, because other than her who else would give you access to such embarrassing pictures? He stops on a page, seeing his baby picture with his parents, and a small note you wrote at the side.

Don’t forget to thank your parents for giving life to you. Because I surely am thankful to them for giving birth to you. ❤️

Sakusa lets out a snicker. “So cheesy.” He smiles at your note nonetheless. On the next page was him as a baby and your daughter months after her birth. The resemblance is uncanny. She surely is her daughter. He laughs at your written note at the side.

I carry her for nine months and go through so much pain to push her out, but she still ended up looking like you! That’s so unfair! But it’s okay as well. At least I get to see a little you everyday.

He stops on a page with a picture of only the two of you back in high school. Sakusa is sure that the picture was taken during his 18th birthday. In the photo, he was holding on to a cake you baked, while you were hugging him by the waist. He never understood what was so happy about birthdays until that day. He doesn’t forget to read the note.

Your first birthday that we spent together. Komori and I had a hard time planning it because you didn’t want to celebrate it, but we know you had a great time that day. And we did it for the first time that day

Sakusa chokes at his own saliva after reading the last sentence. He clears his throat and continues to skim through the book. At the very last page is a picture of the three of you together. It’s a simple picture but it’s Sakusa’s favorite. The three of you were in bed, your daughter’s arms wrapped around his neck, while you are seated between his legs. One of his hands was on your growing belly, and the other is on the back of your daughter’s back. The note on the side undoubtedly makes his heart swell in happiness and his lips curl into a big smile.

Thank you for being born in this world.

And below your handwriting is your daughter’s.

We love you so much.

Before the clock strikes 12, he opens his phone and posts a picture of you and your daughter in his Instagram, his first ever post in his account. He’s a private person, but everyone deserves to see the two of you— the best gift ever given to him.

p*$$y fairy #2

akaashi x reader

warnings: 18+, smut, fingering, overstimulation, oral (f receiving), semi-public sex

“Don’t be surprised you know I’m freaky. Them double-hand motions you gon’ get a surprise. You way too fine just for a quickie, so when I go down I gotta take my time.”

“Keep quiet, or we’ll get caught,” Akaashi warns you, one hand covering your mouth, while the other is in between your thighs. Your whines are muffled and at the same time amplified by his hands. You throw your head back, hair messed up by the mirror behind you. “Out of all times, you chose to be needy tonight. At my work’s anniversary party.”

He removes your hand away from your mouth and allows you to reason. “You look so good in your suit.”

Because that’s the truth. You’re so needy because your boyfriend looks good in his 3-piece suit, he especially prepared for tonight. What he didn’t prepare for was, that he’ll be in his workplace’s toilet, two fingers knuckles deep inside your pussy.

Akaashi chuckles, his empty hand finding your jaw. As if you are programmed to, you open your mouth, tongue out. He smirks, his thumb pressing over your tongue, enabling you to speak once more.

“You know how much I hate quickies…” Akaashi looks down at you, his gunmetal blue eyes filled with lust that reciprocates your needy ones. “Yet you still begged me to do you in this bathroom.”

His fingers inside you curls, his thumb doing circular motions over your clit. You attempt to moan but Akaashi pulls his thumb out of your mouth and changes it with his forefinger and middle finger.

“Suck it,” he orders, and you follow. Eyes closed, you do as he says, tongue lapping over his long fingers, playing with them one by one. Akaashi continues his actions on your womanhood, while he stares at your fucked out image. He has only been using his hands and you’re already thisruined.

Akaashi adds another finger inside of you, stretching you out. Not able to handle the stretch, you moan but don’t stop on sucking his fingers. Akaashi matches the pace of your bobbing head his plunging fingers, delivering you quickly to your high.

Just when you’re about to cum, Akaashi removes his fingers out of your pussy and mouth. You scowl at him almost immediately, so he leans in, his mouth close to your ears.

“Be a good girl for the rest of the night and I might give you a reward when we return home.”

And you did. You remained good the rest of the event, tried so hard to keep your hands to yourself. Though your thoughts were filled of how good Akaashi’s fingers were inside of your hole.

The reward? Akaashi eating you out.

He has been eating you out since you don’t know when. You’ve cum multiple times, but Akaashi doesn’t stop because you’ve been such a good girl. At this point, you’re unsure if he’s punishing you or rewarding you.

Akaashi’s tongue is playing with your clit, three of his fingers deep inside you. His other hand is on your thigh, pushing the muscle down to stop you from squirming. Your fingers find home to his hair, grabbing them for your dear life.

You look down; that action is the worst but the best thing you have done. Akaashi’s eyes are looking up to you, watching your every facial expression, examining your every reaction. You regret making eye contact because he looks high, high from your juices and pussy. Little do you know, he’s addicted to it.

“I love eating you out. You taste so good,” Akaashi mutters, pulling his fingers out of your sex. He reaches up, and puts them inside of your mouth, not giving you the chance to get ready for it. “See? You taste good.” Akaashi pushes his long fingers deeper, making you gag. You swear you saw him smirk before he started eating you out again.

Akaashi sucks on your clit harshly, causing you to choke out a desperate moan. You feel the tip of his tongue poking on throbbing bud, the constant pleasure he has been giving you now building up.

“Keiji… Cumming…” you manage to mumble despite your head feeling empty and his fingers throat deep in your mouth. With one last hard lick on your clit, you come undone for the nth time.

Akaashi removes his fingers from your mouth, and lays his head on your thigh. You’re trembling and panting, and your oh so sweet boyfriend is only running his hand up and down your thigh. Your eyes are closed, letting your body get over from the multiple highs. You reach down to cup his cheek, running your hand through his hair occasionally.

“Baby?” Akaashi calls you, which you respond with a hum, too fucked out to actually process anything.“Can you ride my face?”

Chapter 7: Wrong Information

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  • It was Kita who convinced Osamu to pursue you and your relationship.
  • Kita assured Osamu that he would be the one to talk to Suna if he ever finds out unplanned.
  • Osamu saw the necklace idea while he was scrolling through his Pinterest feed. It was a random picture amidst the packaging ideas and kitchen interior designs.
  • Osamu didn’t tell Atsumu why he was meeting up with the jeweler because the blonde will get too excited and tell you about it.
  • This is Osamu’s first serious relationship.

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Taglist: tumblr won’t let me tag anyone ):

p*$$y fairy #1

iwaizumi x f!reader

now playing: p*$$y fairy (otw) by vedo

warnings: smut, f!masturbation, phone sex kinda, overstimulation, creampie (please practice protected sex) message me if i missed anything

“You know I love fucking you, cause I stroke with intentions. Bet I make you remember baby how I made you cum for me. Well I guess it’s looking like you’re stuck with me.”

You know it’s wrong. You know you should stop. You know you’re not supposed to think about it, about him. That night was a mistake. It should not have happened. You both promised to not talk about it to avoid complications at work.

But you can’t stop thinking about that night, especially now that you have your fingers in your underwear, clumsily rubbing your clit for satisfaction. You whine, not able to feel any pleasure from your soft pads.

“Iwaizumi…” You groan loudly and shamelessly. You’re on your own in your apartment, doors locked and curtains closed. No one can hear you, that’s for sure.

“Hajime,” you moan his name, tracing your slit with your forefinger, teasing your own entrance.

This is all his fault. This is all Iwaizumi Hajime’s fault. If only the athlete trainer didn’t fuck you so good that night, then maybe you wouldn’t struggle with making yourself cum. He did you that good.

Everything he did was just perfect. The way he entered you, pounded into you, ate you, fingered you—everything. The amount of times you came for him in a single night is impossibly possible but satisfyingly painful.

Your phone rings, and you choose to ignore the first time. The second time, you reach for your phone in annoyance. You answer the call, your fingers still playing with your folds.

“(Y/N)?”His voice on the other line causes your breath to get stuck on your throat. You cough, clearing your throat. “You okay?”

“Yes, Iwaizumi. Why did you call?” Your eyes are shut, shame thrown out of the window. Maybe his voice can help you. A finger slip into your core, and you stop yourself from making any obvious sexual sound.

“Have you reminded the about the medical files I asked them to fill up?” Iwaizumi asks you, and you try so hard to comprehend his words as another finger is added inside you.

“Yeah,” you reply, your breathing becoming faster as you curl your fingers inside of you, hitting that certain part of your wall. “But I’ll remind them again.”

“Thanks. But are you sure you’re okay? You sound like you’re running out of breath,” Iwaizumi says and you can hear the concern in his voice.

“Yeah,” is all you can reply. You take your panties off, your foot kicking it off the bed. Your fingers dip in and out of your womanhood, making a loud noise that you hope the man on the phone can hear.

“Are you-? Did I disturb you? I’m sorry. Good b-” he sounds flustered. He finally realizes what you are doing.

“Hajime,” you moan his name loudly, your voice vibrating through his ears and straight into his member. The thought that you’re thinking about him while you’re touching yourself is turning him on.

“Y-yes?” Iwaizumi stutters, not knowing what to do. His hand is over his crotch, mind already going into different places.

“Come over. Please,” you plead, your breath becoming shorter and quicker. “Need you so bad.”

Iwaizumi wants to scold you, sermon you about how these activities can affect your work dynamic, but his dick is painfully growing hard in his sweats. His feet brings him to his apartment entrance as if it has it’s own brain.

“On my way, baby. Make sure you’re ready for me when I get there.”

You can’t think of anything else. The way Iwaizumi is stretching you out is all that can process. He has your knees, hands on your back as he thrusts his cock in and out of your aching core. He has made you orgasm twice before using his mouth and fingers, so you’re more than sensitive.

“I fuck you once and you can’t cum without me?” Iwaizumi chuckles proudly, his pace slowly increasing in speed. “I guess I’ll have to claim your pussy now.”

“So good… It’s so good,” you pant, cheek planted on the bed beneath you.

“Fuck, you’re too tight…” he hisses as he feels your walls spasm around his cock, the grip slowing down his movement. He groans as he pulls out of you and then slamming back in immediately. The tip of his manhood hits your cervix, making you arch your back. His hand holds onto your wrists, the other hand landing a slap on your ass cheek. He leans his body down, his chest pressed onto your back, his lips attaching to the shell of your ears.

“Who owns this pussy, baby?” Iwaizumi whispers, his mouth nibbling on your earlobe as he continues to thrust into you.

“You, Hajime! You!” You scream, his quick thrusts turning into harsh pounds. He lets go of your wrists and you swiftly grab onto the sheets tightly as he reaches deeper into you.

“I’m cumming,” Iwaizumi pants, his hands gripping into your hips. He pushes your hips to meet his, matching the rhythm of his thrusts.

“Cum inside me,” you manage to say in between heavy breaths. Your words make him thrust deeper and faster. The pleasure causing your orgasm to build up. “Gonna cum, too.” After a few thrusts, you feel your orgasm wash over you, your body trembling from the pleasure.

Iwaizumi continues to slowly go in and out of you, feeling his own high approach him. Your flushed cheeks, sweaty body, and desperate moans makes him cum, just where you wanted it. Iwaizumi pulls out of you, watching his white creamy fluid drip out of womanhood. His dick hardens again as he sees your lips push his cum out. He flips you onto your back, eliciting a gasp from you. You can’t process anything at this point. Your legs are shaking and your mind is hazing.

Iwaizumi holds onto the base of his shaft, the tip of your other hole, gathering his cum that has reached there. He slides his cum back up using the head of his cock, then slam it back into your pussy.

“Hajime!” The sudden intrusion has brought you back into your senses. You can feel his cock growing inside you as you slowly pull him down for a kiss.

“Can you cum for me one more time?”

A/N: this is a smut series hahaha i’ll probably finish the whole song with different haikyuu boys. i hope you enjoy them


[ — ɴꜱꜰᴡ ᴄᴏɴᴛᴇɴᴛ] [ — ꜱᴜɢɢᴇꜱᴛɪᴠᴇ ᴄᴏɴᴛᴇɴᴛ]

ˑ༄ؘ ۪۫۫ ▹ ʜɪɴᴀᴛᴀ ꜱʜᴏʏᴏ ◃ ۪۫۫ ༄ؘ ˑ

— headcanons:

nothing yet…

ˑ༄ؘ ۪۫۫ ▹ ᴋᴀɢᴇʏᴀᴍᴀ ᴛᴏʙɪᴏ ◃ ۪۫۫ ༄ؘ ˑ

— headcanons:

nothing yet…

ˑ༄ؘ ۪۫۫ ▹ ᴛꜱᴜᴋɪꜱʜɪᴍᴀ ᴋᴇɪ ◃ ۪۫۫ ༄ؘ ˑ

— headcanons:

nothing yet…

ˑ༄ؘ ۪۫۫ ▹ ɴɪꜱʜɪɴᴏʏᴀ ʏᴜ ◃ ۪۫۫ ༄ؘ ˑ

— headcanons:

nothing yet…

ˑ༄ؘ ۪۫۫ ▹ ꜱᴜɢᴀᴡᴀʀᴀ ᴋᴏꜱʜɪ ◃ ۪۫۫ ༄ؘ ˑ

— headcanons:

nothing yet…

ˑ༄ؘ ۪۫۫ ▹ ᴅᴀɪᴄʜɪ ꜱᴀᴡᴀᴍᴜʀᴀ ◃ ۪۫۫ ༄ؘ ˑ

— headcanons:

nothing yet…

ˑ༄ؘ ۪۫۫ ▹ ᴀꜱᴀʜɪ ᴀᴢᴜᴍᴀɴᴇ ◃ ۪۫۫ ༄ؘ ˑ

— headcanons:

nothing yet…

ˑ༄ؘ ۪۫۫ ▹ ᴛᴀᴅᴀꜱʜɪ ʏᴀᴍᴀɢᴜᴄʜɪ ◃ ۪۫۫ ༄ؘ ˑ

— headcanons:

nothing yet…

ˑ༄ؘ ۪۫۫ ▹ ʀʏᴜɴᴏꜱᴜᴋᴇ ᴛᴀɴᴀᴋᴀ ◃ ۪۫۫ ༄ؘ ˑ

— headcanons:

nothing yet…

ᴀᴏʙᴀ ᴊᴏʜꜱᴀɪ

[ — ɴꜱꜰᴡ ᴄᴏɴᴛᴇɴᴛ] [ — ꜱᴜɢɢᴇꜱᴛɪᴠᴇ ᴄᴏɴᴛᴇɴᴛ]

ˑ༄ؘ ۪۫۫ ▹ ᴏɪᴋᴀᴡᴀ ᴛᴏʀᴜ ◃ ۪۫۫ ༄ؘ ˑ

— headcanons:

nothing yet…

ˑ༄ؘ ۪۫۫ ▹ ɪᴡᴀɪᴢᴜᴍɪ ʜᴀᴊɪᴍᴇ ◃ ۪۫۫ ༄ؘ ˑ

— headcanons:

nothing yet…


[ — ɴꜱꜰᴡ ᴄᴏɴᴛᴇɴᴛ] [ — ꜱᴜɢɢᴇꜱᴛɪᴠᴇ ᴄᴏɴᴛᴇɴᴛ]

ˑ༄ؘ ۪۫۫ ▹ ᴛᴇᴛꜱᴜʀᴏᴜ ᴋᴜʀᴏᴏ ◃ ۪۫۫ ༄ؘ ˑ

— headcanons:

nothing yet…

ˑ༄ؘ ۪۫۫ ▹ ᴋᴏᴢᴜᴍᴇ ᴋᴇɴᴍᴀ ◃ ۪۫۫ ༄ؘ ˑ

— headcanons:

nothing yet…

ˑ༄ؘ ۪۫۫ ▹ ʟᴇᴠ ʜᴀɪʙᴀ◃ ۪۫۫ ༄ؘ ˑ

— headcanons:

nothing yet…

ˑ༄ؘ ۪۫۫ ▹ ʏᴀᴋᴜ ᴍᴏʀɪꜱᴜᴋᴇ ◃ ۪۫۫ ༄ؘ ˑ

— headcanons:

nothing yet…

At a young age you learned a vital lesson: never hesitate. Whether you’re rejecting a confession or staring down the sight of a gun, split second decisions have been ingrained in your blood, so when your best friend is brutally murdered the choice is simple.

You’ll stop at nothing to exact your revenge on the man who took her from you, even if it means facing the three men you’d spent years running away from.

Can you survive a deal with Embertide University’s very own Archdemons, or will your dark history with them bring everything you’re working toward crashing down?

Pairing: Fem!Reader x Step Brother!Suna, Iwaizumi, and Matsukawa

Word Count: 2.5k

Warnings: pseudocest, mafia dealings, arms deals, choking, possessiveness

A/N: HELLO FRIENDS! Welcome to the second chapter of my newest series! This is our first chapter from one of the character’s pov! Still just build up for getting into their backgrounds and story. Not beta read.

Track: Clarity- Intentions

Series Masterlist|Next

As always my content is 18+ only MINORS DO NOT INTERACT.

As soon as she steps into the ballroom she has our attention. The woman in the golden mask. She’s stunning with those mile high legs settled in heels so sharp they could probably pierce a man’s jugular with barely any pressure. I know my brothers well enough to know they’d be just as willing as I am to find out. Dark swirling patterns of ink decorate mystery girls’ skin. We’re too far away to make out the details in them, but I know whoever did the work is good. They’re too fluid as she moves to be half assed.  I can’t help but wonder how far the tattoos continue beneath her revealing gold dress.

A growl rumbles from Iwaizumi’s throat, drawing eyes from the crowd around us. I feel it too. My heart is pounding, every cell in my body calling for a chase. There is nothing more thrilling than finally claiming your prey, swallowing them whole before spitting them out. They never come out the same on the other side. Too broken. Too helpless. Too ruined.

It’s been a long time since any of us have felt this. That utterly consuming, possessive need to claim. Not since she was still around. The girl who ruined us. Suna’s stepsister.

Our addiction won’t end well for the girl in the golden mask if we catch her, and, unfortunately for her, we will.

She’s brave. Doesn’t react to us watching her, our intense presence leaving her unaffected. I can feel the stirrings of arousal, wondering just what it would take to break her. A smile pulls at my lips before falling as her attention shifts from us to that fucking loser Touma. It’s hard not to laugh at his attempt really. As if some bottom feeder like him could ever land a girl as badass as her. She’s a damn queen and he’s just a farm boy in comparison.

No star crossed lovers here, we make sure of that. Suna eats the distance between us quickly, with Iwaizumi and myself following close behind. Mystery girl is ours, and it’s time to make sure everyone in Ember knows it.

“Dance with me.” Suna sweeps our mystery girl onto the crowded dance floor. That’s all it takes really, now everyone knows she’s property of the Archdemons.

Iwaizumi and I head back to the open bar, watching from a distance in case anyone decides to challenge our claim. They don’t though, they know the consequences if they do.

“Okay boys, Yoshida and his boys are set up in the security office. Grab Rintarou and go meet with them. Don’t let him pull any more bullshit, got it?” Our coach, and self pronounced handler, Anabara claps us on the shoulder as he speaks. We knew this meeting was taking place tonight. What better cover for prefacing an arms deal than the city’s biggest fundraiser event. I share a quick look with Iwaizumi before heading to gather Suna. Our mystery girl will have to wait until after the meeting.

Suna is already working our girl. The determination mixed with her underlying fear tastes so good on the air around them. She’s going to make such a wonderful play thing for us, temporarily at least. They never do last long with all three of us chasing.

I clear my throat to get their attention, breaking the bubble around them. My eyes roam over her body, soaking in all of the finer details I missed from across the room. Her tattoos definitely continue beneath the neckline of her dress. It’s like Van Gogh himself came back to life to paint across her skin. My fingers twitch at my sides with the itch to run across them.

“That special donor Coach mentioned just arrived.”

Suna steps back, pressing a kiss to her wrist before walking off into the crowd. He’s the hook, the soft words to lure her in and keep her attention on us. I can feel the weight of her stare as she watches us get lost in the mass of bodies. This meeting needs to end quickly.

Yoshida Saito is a man in his late twenties. A kid from the streets who has spent his life rising through the ranks. He only recently acquired his position as the new head of the Brookfield Djinn, only after Iwaizumi had put a bullet between his predecessor’s eyes anyway. He’s a slimy bastard. He’s perfected the creeper vibe, the kind that sends any decent woman running, even if he tries to hide it behind his Givenchy suits and overdosed cologne. He even puts Suna on edge, that’s how disturbing this dude is.

“Ah, the Ember Archdemons have finally made their appearance.” Grating, that’s the only way to describe his voice. Not necessarily the tone, but you can tell he’s someone who enjoys talking about himself- a lot.

“Yoshida.” Suna takes the lead. He’s our figurehead, the brains behind our operation. “What do you have for us?” he asks, sliding into an overstuffed chair near a row of monitors showing the ballroom and other halls. My eyes dart across the screens quickly, searching for our mystery girl, but I come up empty. How curious.

“Shipment is ready to move, but I’m changing the terms.”

My attention snaps back to the slimy fucker sprawled across the other side of the table. An arrogant smile stretches across his thin face. Someone’s grown cocky in the past month. Iwaizumi is tense beside me, his arms pulled tight across his chest and fists clenched. He’s barely containing the rage that always simmers inside of him. Maybe we should let him out to play. Yoshida would learn his place real quick then.

Suna grunts disinterestedly, swirling a tumbler of liquor between his fingers. He’s observing, assessing the situation and applying pressure before responding.

“Forty percent, no less.” Yoshida’s confidence is shaken, his voice losing its boom. He won’t back down now though, his shoulders are still set, his back too straight to concede.

The room is quiet for a few moments, save for the awkward shuffling of Yoshida’s men. They’re nervous, something that is never a good sign when in close quarters. Too easy for someone to accidentally get shot and start a gang war when you’re nervous. My hands itch to grab my gun from its place at my side, but the movement could startle these jumpy fucks.

Suna stands, putting himself in a position to tower over Yoshida and force him to look up at us. “Thirty percent, no arguments. And don’t test me again.” He heads for the door, not waiting for a response. Iwaizumi and I follow. A united front, we set the terms no one else.

“This is bullshit!” I roll my eyes as Iwaizumi’s fists slam into the dash up front of him, the action earning a harsh glare from Suna at the thought of damage being done to his precious ride. “That motherfucker gets one step up the ladder and suddenly he thinks he’s king of the fucking jungle.”

“He’s just testing the waters. He thinks he has extra pull now, so let him think that. When the time is right we’ll show him exactly who runs shit around here.” Suna seems calm. At least more than I expected. He’d usually be white knuckling the steering wheel as he figures out exactly how he’s going to regain control of this fucked in situation.

Iwaizumi only grunts. We need to get him home so that he can work out some of that aggression in the gym. Otherwise he’ll end up wrecking Suna’s car and that will start a war none of us want to be part of.

The house is dark when we pile out of the car, heading straight to our sanctuary- the study with a fully stocked bar. We all need a drink to attempt to appease the crazy that is thrumming just beneath the surface, threatening to allow our inner beasts to break free.

Dim light shines from beneath the study’s door frame, tension building between my shoulder blades at the music that drifts through the wood. No one dares to step foot into our space without an invitation, not even the housekeeper. I cross the short distance to push the door open and step inside.

“If it isn’t the Embertide Archdemons.”

My blood feels like lava with how thickly it flows through my veins, the world moving in slow motion as my brothers step to my side. There’s no fucking way this is happening.

Sitting in one of the plush chairs that decorate the room, my chair, is none other than Suna’s stepsister, Y/N. She’s made herself at home. Skinny jean clad legs thrown over the arm of the chair. A glass filled halfway with amber liquid. A quick glance to the bar and I can barely contain a smirk. At least she has good taste.

“Y/N.” Suna’s voice is flat, disinterested as he addresses her, but there’s a fire raging in his eyes. I imagine if I were to catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror I would look the same. “I wasn’t aware you were back in Ember.”

Y/N shifts in the seat, planting her feet on the floor and leaning her elbows onto her knees to prop her head up at an angle as she observes us. The dark v-neck long sleeve shirt she’s wearing shifts revealing thick, swirling patterns of ink across her chest and down as far as the eye can see beneath the material. Every muscle in my body tenses before immediately relaxing. All the scattered puzzle pieces slide into place. Mystery solved.

“Mmmm, surprise! Aren’t you thrilled to see me again?” Her (e/c) eyes blaze with the same anger and hate reflected in ours. It looks like our little puppet has finally come home. Oh how she has grown. The curve of her hips, those pert breasts, and best of all the fire. She’s no longer the naive, shy puppy dog yapping at Suna’s heels. She came to fight, to show us just how sharp her claws are.

I can’t wait to ruin her.

Suna quickly closes the space between us, towering over her. A single finger digs into the bottom of her chin forcing her to look up at him. The fire in her eyes is temporarily replaced with something softer, something closer to longing and loss. She always was putty in his hands.

“You couldn’t handle being near us back then so what makes you think this time will be any different? Or is that the real reason why you’re here?” My lips twitch into a smirk as he leans down next to her ear, his words still loud enough to be heard over the music in the background. “Did our little puppet come back to be used by us? Do you crave the abuse?”

“Oh I’ve heard all about you and your band of merry misfits. The royalty of Embertide. Every guy wants to be you and every girl wants to be beneath you.” 

Y/N’s attitude makes my body thrum with excitement, my dick twitching beneath my slacks. Her pretty little mouth would look so much better choking on my cock. I bet she’d cry, sweet little tears running down her cheeks as she’s forced to take all of me, stretched to her limits.

“At least until they get a glimpse of the real you- then they’re headed for the hills faster than the Twins walking into an all you eat Ramen shop.” Suna stands his ground, his free hand clenching into a fist at his side as Y/N pushes to her feet, her mouth only centimetres away from his. “That’s the thing, Rinny, I’m the only person on this planet who can handle the real you. The real monsters hidden beneath your perfectly sculpted masks. And we all know it.”

Iwaizumi jumps across the space, fingers wrapping around her throat. He never could handle the moments when she got smug with one of us. Her eyes are wide, pupils dilated. She likes this. Maybe Suna wasn’t so far off about her real reason for returning to Ember.

“So what,” Iwaizumi growls, pushing her back into my chair, “you spent a little time out in the world and suddenly you think you’re some badass? You’re still the same pathetic little girl who goes crying to daddy every time someone’s mean to her.”

I don’t miss the opportunity to join in on the fun, leaning against the door frame and watching her splutter. “Crawl back to whatever sanctuary you’ve been hiding in, Y/N. You don’t belong in this world.”

Y/N’s eyes narrow, coughing as Iwaizumi releases her. She stands again, brushing past my brothers before sauntering toward me, downing the remnants of the whiskey in her glass. “Nope, I don’t think I will, Issei. I’m here to stay.” She tosses the empty glass toward me, scowling when I catch it with one hand. “See you around assholes!”

The front door slams shut a moment later, leaving us to simmer in our emotions. “I need a fucking drink, or several.” I push off the wall, popping open the whiskey Y/N had been drinking and refilling her glass. The edge is smudged with her dark lipstick, I run my tongue over it, tasting the remnants of her. She’s a shot of adrenaline, sweet but venomous. An obsession none of us have ever been able to shake.

“So our mystery girl in the gold mask isn’t quite a mystery after all,” Suna hums as he settles into his own chair. “Our lost puppet returned.”

“A problem is what she is. She’s always been too nosy for her own damn good, and we all know that won’t have changed. So how are we going to handle her?” Iwaizumi grunts, heaving himself up to sit on the bar top and grabbing a beer from the mini fridge beneath it.

His concern is valid. If our little plaything had wanted to live a normal life on campus she wouldn’t have broken into our dorm house to announce her arrival. No, she wants our attention and she certainly has it. There’s only one way for us to find out her true motive for coming back to Ember.

“We’ll handle her the same way we always have.” They both look at me, burning hunger in their eyes as they already know what I’m going to say.

“We’re going to break her.”


At a young age you learned a vital lesson: never hesitate. Whether you’re rejecting a confession or staring down the sight of a gun, split second decisions have been ingrained in your blood, so when your best friend is brutally murdered the choice is simple.

You’ll stop at nothing to exact your revenge on the man who took her from you, even if it means facing the three men you’d spent years running away from.

Can you survive a deal with Embertide University’s very own Archdemons, or will your dark history with them bring everything you’re working toward crashing down?


Pairing: Fem!Reader x Step Brother!Suna, Iwaizumi, and Matsukawa

Word Count: 2.5k

Warnings: pseudocest, minor character death, breaking and entering, cyber espionage, mentions of: bullying, mafia dealings, human trafficking

A/N: HELLO FRIENDS! Welcome to the first chapter of my newest series! This is a pretty mild start to introduce the characters and story, so I hope you enjoy it! Thank you to my beta readers @/krystalgaia for looking over this for me!

Track: I Shouldn’t Be Here- JP Saxe

Series Masterlist |Next

As always my content is 18+ only MINORS DO NOT INTERACT.


Coruscating light dances along the edge of my vision, dimmed by the dark tint of the town car’s window. Someone new, someone who didn’t look too deeply, might be blinded by the falsity of this place. Fall for the mesmeric facade the Mayor struggles to maintain. It’s easy to feel that Ember is an innocuous haven, an escape from the cruelty of the other, larger cities nearby.

But I know better. I grew up on these streets. Have seen the monsters that linger in the shadows of the dark alleys.

Ember isn’t any safer than the rest of this world. Miscreants lurk around every corner, waiting for their chance to pounce- to maim and devour the unfortunate souls caught in the web of lies that surround the city. They aren’t even the ones you should fear, not here. Ember’s real villains hide in plain sight, a masquerade only money and power could keep intact. The Embertide Elite, alumni from the local University. Generation upon generation of mendacity. A hierarchy of outdated principles, harsh expectations, and condescension.

A life I escaped long ago.

I shouldn’t be here, yet here I am, sitting in the back of a fancy car and barreling toward everything- everyone- I had run from. This is a mistake. I can already feel the dread seeping into my bones as I edge closer to the monstrosity that is the Embertide Auditorium. Packed inside of the carefully sculpted bricks and manicured lawn are the best and brightest- Embertide University’s source of pride. In reality they’re just a bunch of pampered bullies, but the world would never view them that way. Their success would blind everyone to the truth, just as it always has.

The car pulls to a stop entirely too soon. My fingers tremble on my lap, vision swimming as my head begins to feel light, breaths coming in short bursts as I glance out the window to the crowd of waiting media workers.

“Y/N.” I manage to tear my gaze from the window, glancing to the front and meeting Tanaka’s gaze in the rear view mirror. His smoky Aegean eyes say everything without a word passing through his firm lips. Fluttering my own eyes closed I draw in a deep breath, holding it for a ten count and blowing it out through my nose. I’m here for a reason, I just need to focus on that.

Tanaka rounds the car, opening the door and holding a hand out. I accept it, easing myself from the seat and standing tall. This is just the beginning.

A single step on my journey to revenge.

It’s an odd sensation, having every eye in the room on you. A weird mixture of empowerment and overwhelming anxiety roars through my veins, my heartbeat pounding against the inside of my skull. I shouldn’t be here. I don’t belong, not any more. 

I can feel the weight of the judging stares and harsh whispers. My body defies their rules, a testament only proven by the harsh glares sent my way from beneath their ornate masks. The floor length golden dress I donned for the evening sports double hip high slits in the sides, revealing too much skin to fit the modest expectations of the crowd. Each step I take down the grand staircase showcases the dark swirls of ink that cover both of my thighs. The deep v along my chest reveals the same swirls. It’s everywhere. Down both arms, across my full chest and back, my thighs. A story permanently etched into my skin. My tattoos are just another reason for condemnation here. 

I can hear my step-grandmother rolling in her grave. I already know she’d have colorful words about my appearance. Unsightly. Inelegant. Offensive. The marks of a delinquent. I chuckle to myself, frowning slightly at the noise before schooling my features back to their usual placidity.

The hair on the back of my neck raises, goosebumps spreading across my exposed skin. My fists close to fight against the instinct to wrap my arms around myself. Scanning the room I find them, the piercing eyes that have haunted my every nightmare and wet dream for as long as I can remember.

Have you ever jumped into a river in the dead of winter? That’s what it feels like to be caught under the curious gaze of Suna Rintarou, my step brother. I can’t decide if I want to run away or fall to my knees before him, obsequious to his every desire.

I hate it. I hate the way my very soul reacts to him. Aches to be in his presence.

Forcing my eyes off of him, I notice his two best friends Iwaizumi and Matsukawa standing to his left. Their eyes are pinned to me as well. For the briefest moment I feel panic bubble up my throat, my mind screaming at me to run while I can. They don’t recognize me, they can’t. Not with this intricate golden mask obscuring half of my features. Deep breaths.

“Now what is someone as breathtaking as you doing attending an event of this stature alone?”

Turning to the side I’m met with a very tall, broad shoulders man. He’s dressed in a more simple suit, the top two buttons of his white dress shirt undone. A rule breaker, at least his attitude conveyed that he seemed to think so. His mask is as plain as his suit, but the startling chestnut eyes shining from beneath it hint at a hidden beauty that on any other day may have pulled me in. A quick glance out of the corner of my eye confirms my next actions.

If the barely noticeable furrow in Rin’s brow is any tell, our interaction won’t last very long anyway.

“I actually just moved to the area. My uncle asked me to attend in his place. He’s not a very social person these days.” A lie of course. For tonight, at least, no one will know who I am. As far as Ember is concerned until 9 am tomorrow LN YN left and decided to never come home.

I bite back a grimace as he takes my hand, pressing a kiss to the back and grinning at me. “Well then, allow me to be the first to welcome you to Ember, Miss..” He trails off, expectancy written in his eyes as he waits for my name.

“Come now Touma, surely you don’t think that someone so enchanting would ever give you the time of day if she saw you outside of the Masquerade. Why waste your time?” It’s hard to breathe, the sound of Rin’s voice alone setting every nerve in my body on edge. I really shouldn’t be here.

“Suna. I see you and the rest of the volleyball goons decided to come drink the bar dry,” Touma responds dryly, not bothering to drop my hand from his grasp. Rin’s eyes narrow on the link between us, his lips turning down at the corner just slightly. He’s annoyed.

Oh how I am enjoying this.

Taking half a step closer to Touma, I flutter my eyelashes up at him, feigning innocent curiosity. “A friend of yours,” pausing, I duck my head a little, imitating shyness before adding a soft “Touma?” I stifle a laugh. It’s too easy. Anyone nearby could see the way his eyes light up, the little golden hearts that seem to fill them. Barely even a minute into meeting me and he’s wrapped around my finger, putty in my hands. It’s disappointing really. I love a good challenge.

Touma stands a little taller, his cheeks coloring a bright red. “This is Suna Rintarou, Captain of the universities’ volleyball team.”

I finally turn to face Rin, ignoring the sharp glare he is throwing Touma. He turns his attention to me, eyes glowing with a possessive desire that threatens to steal the breath from my lungs. Really, I shouldn’t revel in how easily Touma melts for me when one glance from my step brother and I’m practically a puddle. I don’t even have time to address him before a firm weight clamps down on Touma’s shoulder. Iwaizumi’s thick fingers digging into the boy’s shoulder as he issues a rough greeting.

I’m not surprised when Touma suddenly excuses himself, his face much paler in the face of the three deviants. Archdemons, I muse. A fact Noya had dug up for me. The royalty of Embertide University. A crock of bullshit if you ask me. They’re still the same insecure bullies they’ve always been. The only difference is now they have an entire college campus to terrorize instead of the high school.

“Dance with me.” A command, not a question. Rin’s arrogance has only amplified since I left him behind during my first year of high school.

“I’m sorry, I don’t-”

“You can trust me,” he interjects. Bile rises in my throat at the words. Trust him? That’s laughable. The best goddamn joke I’ve ever heard. But for tonight I’m not me. Y/N doesn’t exist right now, and neither does our history. So I slide my hand in his, allowing him to pull me further into the crowd.

I really shouldn’t be here. If a single glance from Rin had me melting, the feel of his large hand settled on my waist, his fingers on the other hand entwined with my own as he guides me in lazy circles, is debilitating. I’m surprised my brain has managed to function well enough to follow his lead.

The way he’s watching me isn’t helping either. I know that look. It’s just how he used to look at me. Back before everything changed. Before our parents got married. Back when it was just Rin and Y/N. My chest aches with an all too familiar pain, one I had buried years ago. I swallow thickly, forcing myself to watch the crowd around us in a weak attempt to push that feeling back where it belongs.

“Do I scare you?”

Rin’s voice is soft, but the curve of his lip tells me exactly what he wants my answer to be. “No,” I snort, shoulders tensing as the sound escapes me. Peeking at him from the corner of my eyes, I notice the way his eyes have narrowed slightly. Shit. Time to go, this is too reckless. I’m not here for him- for them. I let myself get too lost in the anonymity of the event. A small taste of the life I’ll never have. A life where they’re just Rin, Hajime, and Issei. Where I’m just Y/N. A life without this gaping hole in my heart that happens to look just like them.

“You should be.” His breath is warm against the shell of my ear when he leans in. It sends shock waves straight to my core, lighting a fire I’d thought long extinguished. I can barely contain a groan when his nose presses against the soft skin below my ear, breathing me in. The room seems so much warmer now, sweat beading along the back of my neck. I have to get out of here.

My mind races, searching for an excuse, when a voice clears over my shoulder. Issei stands behind me, eyes raking along my exposed back hungrily before flitting to Rin’s face. “That special donor Coach mentioned just arrived.” It sounds sketchy, the way he puts emphasis on the word special. I’m not surprised they’re doing business here. With the massive crowd to cover their brief disappearance. It’s the perfect place and time for a meeting with Embertide’s mafia kingpins.

Rin pulls away. My body aches at the loss of his touch, his warmth. “I’m afraid I have duties to attend to, pretty girl. Thank you for the dance.” His eyes bore into my own as he lifts my arm, lips pressing a ghost of a kiss against the inside of my wrist.

YN.exe has stopped working. Pretty girl. Holy fuck. What I would do to hear those words fall from his pretty lips again-

I deflate, shoulders dropping. I’m not Y/N tonight. If I was he’d certainly never have called me something so sweet. My permanently bruised heart aches. I already knew I shouldn’t be here. I don’t know why I am letting myself feel so hurt.

Ignoring the sudden need to scrub his touch from my skin, I watch them walk away, getting swallowed by the crowd, I grab my dress and head in the opposite direction. The Embertide Archdemons aren’t the only ones here to work tonight.

Pushing through a side door I quickly shimmy out of the bright gold dress, pressing it into a bag that Tanaka had stashed by the back door. I slip into a pair of black skinny jeans and a dark sweater. Slinging the bag over my shoulder, I creep across the empty campus- it’s time to get what I came for.

Breaking into a college Dean’s office really shouldn’t be so easy, but it is. Or maybe I’m just so used to a good b&e that it seems easy. Suga had hacked in and looped the cameras earlier in the evening, so I slip into the room unnoticed, accessing his computer and planting a program that Suga had designed to mimic his antivirus while providing us constant access to any files he opens. 

It is an invasion of his- and everyone he interacts with- privacy. A small part of me feels guilty for what I’m doing. But really if he doesn’t want his computer to be hacked or his phone bugged he shouldn’t be knee deep in a criminal organization with rumored ties to a large scale human trafficking ring. I can write off a lot of crimes, but dealing in people will never be one of them. Whatever happens, he deserves it. He’s just a stepping stone for me anyway. I have much more important heads to cut off of this hydra.

Tanaka is waiting at the far end of the campus when I make it there. Gone is the fancy town car he had ‘borrowed’. Instead he leans casually against his motorcycle, arms crossed over his chest and head tilted back. We’ve been friends for a few years. Met when my father and his wife, Rin’s bitch of a mother, had shipped me off to some hell hole school for troubled teens.

We had only become closer recently, after his sister, my best friend, had been brutally murdered. A shiver runs up my spine at the memory. All they’d even recovered of her was a single tooth and a few nails. Instinctively my hands grip the necklace tucked beneath my shirt. Her necklace. I’d cleaned the blood off of it, knowing she’d hate to see it so ruined. Tanaka’s eyes fall on me, noticing the way I cling to the jewelry.

“Mission accomplished?”

He doesn’t mention Saeko. Like me he knows that nothing either one of us could say would bring her back. The only thing we can do is move forward. Which is exactly why I’m here, returned to this shithole of a town, to willingly face down my own demons. “Mission accomplished.” I grin as I climb onto the motorcycle behind him.

Nothing heals the wounds in our hearts like a healthy dose of revenge.


Prompt: Eavesdropping

Pairing: Matsukawa x Fem!Reader

Word Count: 2.9k

Warnings: angst- just pure angst, heavy self blame and insecurity, toxic relationship traits, Issei isn’t a good boyfriend, mild gaslighting, breakdown.

A/N: Hello friends! Here is my SFW collab piece for this month! It’s based on the song of the same title by Olivia Munn, I highly recommend listening because it’s just a great song. Not beta read, this Captain goes down with her ship.

Find the other Anilysium collab works here!

As always my content is 18+ only MINORS DO NOT INTERACT.

Cigarette inside your hand

Wish you would hold me like that

Breathe me in and pull me close

I can only wait so long

The crowded bar is almost overwhelmingly hot. The floor sticks to the soles of your boots, remnants of spilled beer. Sweat, smoke, and an obnoxious mix of perfumes fill the dense air, clinging to your lungs. Your nose scrunches as someone wanders past the tall table you’re standing around, knocking into you and sloshing beer from their cup down onto your leg. It shouldn’t be this surprising. Aoba Johsai reunions were always a disaster, yet you still attended each and every one.

It’s instinct the way your eyes scan the opposite side of the bar, lips turning up at the corners into a small smile as you watch your boyfriend of eight years, Matsukawa Issei, laughing with his old volleyball buddies. He’s sprawled out on the bench, taking up over half of it. His muscular arm is slung across the back, white button up rolled up to his elbows and revealing the dark swirling ink that covers his forearms. A cigarette rests in the hand that rests on the table, a habit he had picked up from his best friend Hanamaki during your final year of school. His hair is pushed back, the deep black locks even more disheveled than usual, a sign that he’s been sweeping his fingers through it.

A soft sigh escapes your painted lips, burying down the desire to cross the room and perch yourself on his lap, to claim him. A small shake of your head as you tear your eyes away from their table. You’re being too clingy, YN, Issei doesn’t like it when you’re clingy you remind yourself.

The arrival of more of your old friends is a happy distraction. They’re the reason you’re here after all. You have all the time in the world to spend curled up next to your boyfriend, nights out with your friends are less common now that you’re older. Most of them are married or engaged, a few even have kids of their own.

Part of you envies them, the way their lives keep pushing along while you feel as if you’re at standstill. You’ll marry Mattsun one day, you know you will, he’s just not ready yet. You just have to be patient, something he always reminds you that you aren’t very good at.

Do you think of me in your bedsheets

Do they feel the same without me

‘Cause the flame is out and now I choke

As the love we had it turns to smoke

“So where’s Matsukawa at YN? Working the late shift?” One of your friends voices the question you know they’ve all been avoiding. They know he’s here, it’s almost impossible to miss the raucous laughter from their table, the high pitched whines from Oikawa when they tease him. As if they knew they were being talked about the sound of their voices carries through the densely packed space. “Oh! He is here after all!” A frown forms on her bright red lips as she turns back to face you. “What are you doing over here? Go spend time with your man!”

It’s difficult to hide your grimace, your disappointment. “Nah, he’s having fun catching up with his friends,” you reply nonchalantly, trying to brush her curiosity off, but she doesn’t get the hint.

“Oh come on, we all know he and Makki see each other every day and Iwaizumi is here at least every weekend. And they’re your friends too YN! You should be catching up with them just as much as he is!”

Shaking your head, you force a smile. “If he wants me there, he’ll come get me.”

This is what you hate the most. The pity in her eyes as she finally fully looks at you. It must be easy to see how badly you want to be over there, how conflicted you feel about your boyfriend not wanting you there. If only you had a better poker face, a mask to hide behind to avoid that look in her eyes as she decides to change the subject. Nothing hurts worse than having people feel sorry for you.

The night is a whirlwind of reminiscent tales and new stories that have to be shared. It’s easy to get lost like this, to forget the envy as you allow yourself to live vicariously through them for just a moment.

You could tell them about the job offer you received. That’s group chat worthy. They’d all freak out, fawning over you with proud smiles on their faces. But you won’t. What’s the point in sharing the news when you already declined the offer? It was too far away. You couldn’t ask Issei to move to the other side of the country with you. He’s working too hard to build a life here and you respect that. His dreams are more important right now, yours can wait.

You push the thought aside, ignoring the pang of… whatever that just shot through your heart and focusing on their stories. Your mind moves from one imagined future to the next, filling your heart with a hopefulness you hadn’t known in months. One day you’ll have stories to tell of your own, happy news to share in your group chat, you know it. You just have to be patient.

That bubble of sanguine joy shatters into pieces at the end of the night. You turn from your friend group, eyes falling across the much emptier bar. Except much like the bar, the table where your boyfriend had sat with his friends is vacant, the tabletop wiped clean as if no one had even occupied the space. Your eyebrows scrunch in confusion as you dig your phone out, bringing the screen to life in search of a missed call or text.

Instagram notifications, emails, a text from your coworker about a project you’d been working on. There isn’t even a hint of Issei attempting to contact you, of him remembering that you’d come here together. A part of you hopes he’d just ridden back with Iwaizumi and the others, but as you step into the sparse parking lot, scanning for the familiar make of your car, that hope burns out.

With shaking fingers you order an Uber. Your mind shouldn’t instantly conjure excuses for him, you should be able to grab on to the anger you feel as you stand in the freezing cold, snow falling down around you, but you can’t. You justify his actions without a second glance. Because he loves you. He’d never leave you behind like this, he was probably just harassed into some late night shenanigans with the boys. He forgot to text you about it, that’s all.

God you sound so clingy. It’s not like he has to tell you where he’s going all the time. He deserves to have his own space, his own life outside of your relationship. Guilt drowns out any lingering fragments of your anger. You’re such an obnoxious girlfriend, always wanting to be touching him. Hovering around him whenever he’s nearby. You just need to chill out, take a deep breath and relax. He loves you, you know he does.

Is it true you love me yes or no

‘Cause back in June you told me so

And now I’m in your house alone

The embers burn my body slow

You hadn’t even registered that you’d given the driver Issei’s address until you pulled up outside of the familiar building. You’re torn between paying for the extra trip back to your own place or heading upstairs and waiting for him to come home. The impatience of the driver makes the decision for you, and you find yourself standing before his door moments later. Deep breaths, he’s your boyfriend of course he wants you here. Right?

As your hand wraps around the doorknob, you hear voices inside. You still, listening. Maybe someone had broken in. Oh god, what if someone is robbing his apartment? The familiar gruff drawl of Issei’s voice relaxes your tense shoulders, immediately easing your worries. He must have made it home before you could get here!

“Dude, did you text YN and tell her you left?” Makki’s voice rings loudly through the apartment. The con of their shared space is the thin walls. It has led to some rather awkward mornings. Awkward for you anyway, Makki never seems bothered by it.

“No. She’s a big girl, she can find a ride home.” Aww, it’s so nice to hear Issei vouching for how responsible you are. You’d hate it if he babied you after all.

“What are you doing Matsukawa?” This time it’s Iwaizumi who’s speaking. Oh, they all must be here. A nice little after party for the legendary Seijoh Four. Maybe you should call for another Uber and go home after all, better to not interrupt them.

Yet your feet don’t move. You don’t quite know why, but the exasperation in Iwaizumi’s voice has you rooted to the spot. You shouldn’t be eavesdropping on their conversation, it’s so rude, a real invasion of all of their privacy. So why won’t your feet move? And why is your heart beating so fast that it almost hurts?

“What?” You hear Issei respond dumbly, obviously not knowing what point his friend is trying to make.

“Come on dude, you’ve bailed on her for weeks now. Even tonight. You didn’t even glance her way once,” Makki replies.

He’s just been busy, you want to say. His friends don’t understand, but you do. They don’t know him like you do.

“When’s the last time you took her out on a date? Had more than just a late night quickie cause jerking off wasn’t cutting it? It’s pretty easy to see that this ship has sailed. Just cut the poor girl loose already, she deserves to be happy. ” Iwaizumi’s words cut through you like a serrated knife- slow and painful.

No. They’re wrong. You want to pull open the door, to convince his friends that things aren’t like that. Issei loves you, he’s always loved you. You’re the one, you’re his person. Sure, dates are rare and the sex is quick but he’s just been busy. He’s working toward a better life for both of you. Why can’t they see how hard he’s trying for you?

“Mattsun you can’t just reply with a shrug. Are you really just going to keep dragging YN-Chan along when you know that you don’t love her the way she loves you?”

Oikawa. What does he know? He lives halfway across the fucking world! He has no right to make a claim like that. He’s probably jealous, yeah that’s it- he can’t find what you and Issei have so he’s trying to stir shit up. They all are. Issei loves-

“What the fuck am I supposed to say? Sorry YN I don’t love you? Actually looking back I don’t think I ever loved you, you were just convenient? We all know I can’t handle this shit. I’ve tried. She’ll cry, I’ll feel bad and take it all back. It’s a never ending cycle that I’m just stuck in.”

You know that weightless, still, quiet that comes when you submerge your entire body beneath the surface of the pool? When the world just fades away and all that’s left is your own thoughts and the burning in your lungs as you hold your breath just to feel it longer? That’s your world right now.

Nothing registers. Not the voices carrying from the apartment. Not the way your purse drops, spilling across the carpet beneath your feet. Not the movement of your feet across the pavement. Not the wet tracks of tears pouring down your cheeks. Not the sting of the cold winter air.

The only thing you can comprehend is Issei’s words as they rattle around in your head. “You were just convenient.” Like nabbing a parking spot close to the store, or finding a really good restaurant right next to where you work. You’re convenient.

Do you think of me in these bedsheets

Do you hear me babe I’m screaming

‘Cause I thought I loved you now I know

That good love shouldn’t turn to smoke

The sky is dark. The occasional star somehow breaks through the thick layer of city hunk that lingers in the air over Sendai. It Isn’t as bad as Tokyo, you imagine, where the city lights would drown out the stars before the smog even has a chance to.

You picture Tokyo being louder too, constantly abuzz with some form of life. Not the quiet that covers Sendai after midnight. It would be harder to feel this lost in a city filled with so much life.

You aren’t sure how long you’ve been sitting on the park bench, but based on the hefty layer of snow covering your legs and hat it has to have been awhile. You can’t feel your nose, and your cheeks are stiff from crying. You flex your gloves fingers, trying to loosen the stiffness, a side effect of the cold setting in.

Your phone buzzes loudly in your pocket, a phone call. You should pull it out, see who is calling. But you don’t. You can’t. If you look at the screen and see his name, his picture, you’ll fall apart all over again. So you ignore it. Or at least you try to, but the incessant buzzing finally forces you to face this.

It isn’t his name, or his face. It’s Iwaizumi’s. It still hurts just as bad.

You ignore the call, switching to do not disturb to end them all together. You have several missed calls from Issei, from Makki, even a few from Oikawa.

Memories flood your vision. Moments where maybe you hadn’t done enough, hadn’t been enough. You should have done more. Tried harder to be what Issei needed, what he wanted.

You can still do it. You can do whatever it takes to be the girl he wants, to become someone he can love. To stop being just convenient and become something more. You can be better for him.

“She deserves to be happy.

Iwaizumi’s words suddenly resonate through the tattered remnants of your mind. Happy. You are happy, aren’t you? With Issei? With the future you were building toward? Your future together?

It’s too overwhelming, the sudden realization that the answer is no. You aren’t happy. You are complacent. Too afraid to face the fact that you want more, that this life you’ve been building with him just isn’t enough for you anymore. Are you really willing to change yourself for a life of complacency?

Your fingers fly over the screen of your phone as you shove off of the bench, fighting back a shiver as your soaked backside meets the chill of the night air. You don’t let yourself hesitate. Even one second of doubt and it will be just like Issei said- a never ending cycle that you’re both just stuck in.

The line only rings twice before it’s picked up with a familiar, sleepy drawl. “YN, to what do I owe the pleasure of this late night call?”

“I apologize for waking you Osamu-san. I was wondering if the position you had offered me was still available?”

“Changing yer mind, huh? The position is yours if ya want it. It’s be a pleasure to work with ya.”

“I’ll take it. When can I start?”

Osamu laughs, the first sound to put a genuine smile on your face in- well you don’t quite remember the last time. “Yer certainly eager, aren’t ya. I’m in Tokyo at my shop there, so how ‘bout we meet at my shop in Osaka on Tuesday, ‘round 9 o’clock. That too soon for ya?”

“No, Osamu-San-“

“Just Osamu, YN, please.”

“Okay, Osamu. Tuesday works perfectly.”

“Alright. I’ll see ya then. Goodnight now YN.”


I got two more days

Till I leave this place

You’ll stay the same

I got two more days

Leaving here I’ve gotta go

I’m leaving you I have to grow

The light from the apartment building is blinding in comparison to the dim bulbs along the path through the park. You barely can make out the hulking shadow that paces by your car, at least not until his weight crashes into your chest.

“Jesus Christ, YN. Where the fuck have you been? You’re soaked and freezing. Come on, let’s get you inside-“


Whether it’s the fact that he finally looks at your face or the tone of your voice you aren’t sure. You watch as he swallows thickly. He knows. They all know, if Iwaizumi’s sudden ushering of the other two back inside is any clue. They know that you heard them. That you know the truth.

“I got a job offer for a position at a company in Osaka.”

Issei’s face contorts. He’s probably confused, wondering why you aren’t crying. Why you aren’t begging for him to take his words back, to not leave you, to tell you that he loves you. “Uh, that’s… nice?” He sounds so uncertain, like he’s walking a tightrope over a bed of open flames, afraid to fall and get burned.

“I’m going to take it.”

“You’re moving? To Osaka?”

You nod, turning your face up to meet his blank stare. Your words are filled with an unimaginable conviction. No lingering doubt about your decision, no insecurity about what you’re about to do. For the first time in a long time it feels like you’re taking a step forward, like your life is no longer at a standstill.

“I’m going to find my happiness.”

At a young age you learned a vital lesson: never hesitate. Whether you’re rejecting a confession or staring down the sight of a gun, split second decisions have been ingrained in your blood, so when your best friend is brutally murdered the choice is simple.

You’ll stop at nothing to exact your revenge on the man who took her from you, even if it means facing the three men you’d spent years running away from.

Can you survive a deal with Embertide University’s very own Archdemons, or will your dark history with them bring everything you’re working toward crashing down?

Pairing: Fem!Reader x Step Brother!Suna, Iwaizumi, and Matsukawa

Word Count: 1.7k

Warnings: pseudocest, hint of blackmail, mentions of criminal organization activities

A/N: HELLO FRIENDS! Welcome to the fourth chapter of my newest series! This is our second chapter from a character’s pov! We see a little history between Suna and reader. Not beta read.

Series Masterlist

As always my content is 18+ only MINORS DO NOT INTERACT.

“Suna!” A heavy sigh escapes me as I stop swinging, searching for a quick escape. The dark haired annoyance that calls my name is perched atop the main piece of the wooden playground, peering down at me through the slats. Her hands are on her hips, her eyes wide.

“What do you want Mai?”

“You should be nicer to me,” she replies with a pout. It annoys me how she always tries so hard to get my attention. As if I’d want to hang out and be stuck playing house and having tea parties. I’d rather be at home playing video games. “You’re going to marry me one day after all.”


“Suna!” Mai cried, stomping her foot. “You can’t just say no without considering my feelings or explaining why!”

“I’m pretty sure that you are supposed to marry someone you love, Mai, and Suna doesn’t love you.” My best friend Iwaizumi chimed from where he dangled from the monkey bars. He never could stand Mai’s constant whining.

“Of course he loves me!” Mai’s arms crossed over her body as she glared at my friend. She wasn’t going to give up on this nonsense anytime soon. She could be so exhausting when she wasn’t getting her way. Spoiled baby. I knew the only way I could get out of this endless tirade.


From the little wooden pirate ship across from the swings popped a familiar head of (Y/H/C). Y/N draped the chapter book she was reading over the edge of the wood, propping a hand beneath her cheek as she met my eyes. “What is it, Rin?”

“Want to get married when we’re older?”

Ignoring the irritated scoff from above me, I watched Y/N’s little lips purse in thought as she contemplated my offer. I liked Y/N, more than any other girl anyway. She never demanded things from me, or whined whenever we didn’t want to play the same games. If I had to marry anyone, it would have to be her.

“Depends,” she finally answered, narrowing her eyes and raising her chin, “will you buy me books and take me to eat yummy foods?”

I snorted, I couldn’t help it. Of course she would negotiate with me instead of helping me out by just agreeing. “Only if you buy me video games and come to all my volleyball matches.”

“Deal,” Y/N beamed before disappearing back into her hideaway.

“Rin!” Mai aggressively pouted the nickname, drawing out the end in a high pitched whine. I pushed to my feet, letting the swing clatter against my legs as I turned to face her.

“You don’t get to call me that, Mai. Go find someone else to coerce into marrying you. I don’t want to play with you.” Spinning on my heel, I strode across the small playground and climbed over the side of the wooden ship, collapsing onto the bottom beside Y/N. She didn’t even glance in my direction, but reached out to offer me my choice of the snacks she usually smuggled in her backpack. Yeah, I was definitely going to marry her one day.

Waking up from dreams of a past I try so hard to forget and feeling as if all of my energy has been drained puts me in a sour mood. Luckily the familiar scent of the gym pulls a little of the tension from my body as I make my way to the team’s locker room with Iwaizumi and Matsukawa at my side. We are a force to be reckoned with when we band together, both on the court and off of it. No one will get in our way, especially not some ghost from our past.

As I pull my practice shirt down over my head, the locker room door swings open. Coach Anabara walks in. His face is drawn in exasperation, his forehead creased and a frown stretched across his lips. A sinking filling edges into my stomach. “Everybody out on the court.” He meets my eyes, non verbally communicating that he doesn’t mean the three of us. As the rest of the team trickles out, he lets out a heavy sigh. “I’ve got bad news, and worse news.”

“Just tell us, old man,” Iwaizumi grunts, his arms crossed as he leans against the lockers. He hates when his time on the court is cut short and he has to resort to finding other means to release his pent up aggression.

“Okay, a couple of the street runners have heard rumors that Yoshida is planning to make a trade with the Fallen Angels. We don’t have anything solid to put truth behind the rumor yet, but given his sudden change in attitude it wouldn’t be surprising.” He’s right. It makes sense that the idiot’s newfound confidence is coming from an alliance with our rivals. A mistake on his part, since we’ll never let him get away with double dipping in our city.

“And what’s the bad news?” Matsukawa asks, brushing off the news about Yoshida. None of us are very surprised. We will deal with our little rat problem later.

“That was the bad news.” My jaw clenches tight, that gut feeling worsening and my brain going alert as I realize I definitely won’t like what he is about to tell us. “Dean Ikeda is assigning us a new manager.”

“Like hell he is!” Iwaizumi shouts, jumping away from the lockers with his fists clenched at his sides. “Did you remind him that we own this town, and this university?”

“He won’t budge. Whoever this manager is, they must have something real heavy to hold over his head.”

“And that makes them a threat.” I didn’t like the sense of dread pooling in my stomach. Instinct tells me that I know exactly who is behind this. “Who is it?”

“I haven’t met her yet-” Her. Of course it’s Y/N. I don’t even need her presence to know she’s behind this. That stupid girl. At least it should be easy to convince her to back down after she learns about the trials. “But she’s supposed to be at practice today.”

“We’ll take care of her.” I promise, stepping past him and heading the main gym. I tell myself that I’m hurrying forward with the intent to regain control of my team and not to see Y/N. It’s a lie. She’s always pulled me into her orbit. The ragged, broken pieces of my now darkened heart are as twisted as they are because of her. I won’t let her close enough to ruin me. Not again.

Laughter echoes in the open gym as I step inside. The sound has my heart fumbling over itself, which only infuriates me further. Stupid, useless organ doesn’t seem to care that the she-witch pushing herself into my life is the reason why no one can ever get close enough to matter to me.

Watching her bouncing on her heels in those ridiculous shorts and knee high gym socks, her ass jiggling with the movement, has another organ betraying my anti-Y/N agenda. My teeth grind with the effort to restrain myself from closing the distance and forcing her to her knees to show every single motherfucker in this room who owns her. That smart ass mouth would feel so good wrapped around my cock, but humiliating her in front of the entire team on her first day would really be the highlight of the evening.

Unfortunately Dean Ikeda has decided to make the introduction of our new manager a personal affair. He looks almost as annoyed as I feel as he tries to hide his glares at Y/N. I wonder just what my girl managed to dig up on the Embertide elitist. I’ll be making sure that whatever it is we end up with the same knowledge by the end of the week.

“Ah, perfect timing! Miss L/N, this is the team’s captain Suna Rintarou and his vice captain Iwaizumi Hajime. Boys, meet Miss L/N Y/N. Your new team manager.”

Y/N beams at the three of us, ignoring the obvious anger rolling off of Iwaizumi. Maybe I should let him terrorize her a bit. She deserves whatever he throws at her.

“And why exactly is the university assigning us a manager this year?” Iwaizumi growls from beside me.

I don’t wait for the Dean’s response, interjecting with my own thoughts on the issue. “It doesn’t matter why. She can’t fill the role. Y/N is my stepsister, Dean Ikeda, and as you are personally aware of the requirements for a manager to this team she will have to find a role to fill elsewhere.”

Ikeda’s head snaps to Y/N, his eyes wide as he sputters. He’s obviously looking for an answer from her, but she only laughs before stepping closer. “Oh, don’t worry Rinny. I’m fully aware of the requirements for a manager. I’ve already signed the paperwork consenting to anything you have to throw at me, so you can’t get rid of me that easily.” 

Her y/e/c eyes glimmer with mischief and malice as she wraps one palm around my forearm, the other pressing to my chest. My lips tug into a scowl as she glances back to the Dean, asking him to agree with her. His response is drowned out as I am swallowed by her scent, that familiar warmth of magnolia and black tea narrowing my focus to the contact of her skin with mine. Every atom of my being hums with an unwanted calm, the feeling almost like I’m taking a breath of fresh air after spending years trapped beneath the earth.

Y/N’s eyes meet mine and the ground trembles, every heartbeat spent without her at my side finding its way to her and fracturing the world around us. Or at least that’s what it feels like. Whatever intensity she finds in my eyes is enough to have her dropping the contact between us.

Shaking myself of the craving she has awakened in me, I notice that the Dean finally left. Time to let my best friend do some damage. Y/N is underestimating us. Something she is about to learn the hard way.

At a young age you learned a vital lesson: never hesitate. Whether you’re rejecting a confession or staring down the sight of a gun, split second decisions have been ingrained in your blood, so when your best friend is brutally murdered the choice is simple.

You’ll stop at nothing to exact your revenge on the man who took her from you, even if it means facing the three men you’d spent years running away from.

Can you survive a deal with Embertide University’s very own Archdemons, or will your dark history with them bring everything you’re working toward crashing down?

Pairing: Fem!Reader x Step Brother!Suna, Iwaizumi, and Matsukawa

Word Count: 2.3k

Warnings: pseudocest, blackmail, human trafficking, very brief mention of death/disfiguration/amputation/severe injury

A/N: HELLO FRIENDS! Welcome to the third chapter of my newest series! This is our second chapter from the reader’s pov! We see a lot more of Sugawara and the reader’s side of the underworld in this chapter. Not beta read.

Track: through the looking glass- ella jane

Series Masterlist|Next

As always my content is 18+ only MINORS DO NOT INTERACT.

The door rattles as it slams closed behind me, vibrating subtly against my back as I collapse onto it. My hands are clenched into fists at my side, knuckles white and nails leaving crescents in the skin of my palm from the strain. My heart still threatens to beat out of my chest despite the near hour long span of time since I had left the Archdemons house.

I hate them. I absolutely loathe them for the effect they still have on me. It’s been years, so why does my body still quake in their presence? Why is every nerve ending in my body craving their eyes on my skin? The heat of their touch?

Why the fuck do I still long for them? Shouldn’t the shattered pieces of my broken heart be reminder enough of the havoc they can wreak?

“Here.” An open bottle of wine is shoved into my face, pulling my attention away from the ridiculous physical reactions. “Looks like you could use it.” Sugawara stands before me, a half full glass dangling precariously in his other hand. His eyes showcase his mixture of amusement and concern. He always has loved getting a reaction out of me.

“Thanks,” I mutter, snatching the bottle as I push away from the door. My feet drag across the floor as I force myself to move further into the space. The wine floods my taste buds with its dark, smokey flavor as I drink straight from the bottle. I’m more of a hard liquor girl, but the Cabernet Sugawara chose to ease my anxieties isn’t half bad.

I’m careful not to splash the liquid as I flip down onto the couch on my stomach, my face dangling at the edge to cling to the bottle in my hand. I pointedly ignore the silver haired rascal as he crouches before me. “Do you want to talk about it? Or just get hammered?”

“Neither,” I laugh knowing that if I drink too much I’ll end up talking about it anyway.

Sugawara’s eyes lose the amusement I’m so used to seeing there, gaining a seriousness I would previously have doubted he was capable of showing. “You know you don’t have to do this.” His voice is low, cautious almost. As if I’m a cracked mirror who is one glance away from shattering completely.

It pisses me off to be looked at like this. Like I’m broken. I mean I am, but I own that shit. Him walking on eggshells around me makes me feel like all the work I’ve done to become the goddess I am today was futile. He should know that I’m not the broken naive girl I once was. She died shortly afterI left Ember five years ago and I rose from her ashes bigger and badder than I could have ever imagined.


“Saeko wouldn’t want you to think you have to do this for her.”

Anger and grief swirled thickly through my mind, weighing me down. Each intake of breath strained against the weight on my chest. “I’m doing this,” I said with finality. How dare he try to pull the Saeko card knowing that getting justice for her murder was the entire reason we were even back in this hellhole of a town. I will do whatever it takes to get to the bastard who killed her.

The apartment door thudded loudly against the wall as it was flung open, laughter following behind as Tanaka and Nishinoya returned. A frown pulled at the duo’s lips as they stepped into the tense atmosphere we had created.

“I have something that will cheer you up,” Suga offered in an attempt to ease the discomfort. My eyes turned to his extended hand which held a small flash drive.

“Blackmail for Dean Ikeda?” My eyes were wide with the hope I felt filling my chest. I know that the background program has only recently been installed onto the Dean’s computer, but Sugawara is very good at what he does. If anyone could decode the entire devices memory in just a few hours it would be him.

“Very compelling blackmail at that. And there’s more in case we need it along the way.”

“You beautiful, beautiful man! If you didn’t prefer a hard cock I’d kiss you!” All of the boys laugh, the sound wiping away the lingering tension.

“We have something to cheer you up too YN, does that mean we get a kiss?” Noya wiggles his eyebrows suggestively as he hops the back of the couch to sit on my back. He ignores my sounds of protest as he slides a Manila envelope onto the coffee table. I raise an eyebrow in question as I take another deep swig of the wine in my hand.

“You’re not actually going to like it, gorgeous,” Tanaka offers exasperatedly as he collapses into an armchair across from us. We all settle in, Noya climbing off my body so that I can sit up and examine the package’s contents.

Inside is a contract signed by the former manager for the Embertide Volleyball club. I had asked Noya to look into her to find out why she had left. Not that any of the team’s managers had managed to last more than one season, but her departure was the freshest. The first page is just the usual mumbo-jumbo about daily tasks and expectations. It isn’t until I make it to the third page of the agreement that things take a turn.

The Manager agrees to compete in the Cimmerian trials- a unique competition of subservience among several local Universities. The following rules will be adhered to by all participants in regards to any tasks/events requested of the Manager:

  1. No task or event shall interfere with the volleyball season. Including but not limited to practices, matches, press events, Etc.
  2. No task or event shall interrupt the Managers University standing. Including, but not limited to, daily attendance, performances/competitions, exams, study groups, etc. As such the Manager must inform their Captain of any and all schedule changes to allow for easier planning within the trial.
  3. No task or event shall result in permanent disfiguration, loss of limb/bodily function, or loss of life. All tasks/events that require physical aspects of submission (of both a sexual and non-sexual manner) will be consented to by the Manager in writing at least two weeks prior.

My mouth was drier than the Sahara desert as I reread those words over and over again. Sexual and non-sexual. I wasn’t a blushing virgin by any means, yet heat crept along my cheeks at the thought of performing any sexual act with the three Archdemons. I should back out now, steal away in the night and never look back at this shitty town. But I won’t. This is my only chance for revenge on Saeko’s murderer. And if that means I have to have sex with my ridiculously hot step brother and his equally as attractive best friends then so be it. Maybe I can even use this to my advantage. Let them get addicted to me before pulling the rug from beneath their feet.

Yeah, I’ve got this. No big deal. I’m a goddess in my own right, so good luck trying to break me boys.

Sugawara read the agreement over my shoulder, his face pulling in a pained expression. “Are you sure-”

“Yes. I can do this. I will do this.” I’m not going to let my past define me. Not when there is so much on the line.

“Okay. I’ll work up a new contract tonight and have it ready before you meet with the Dean tomorrow. If there is anything specific you want added or changed let me know.”

“Thanks Suga. Do we have my class schedule? I’m going to grab my books on the way back.”

“It’s right here,” Tanaka laughs, tossing the paper across to me with a smile. I quickly scan the page, noticing most of the courses are mandatory freshman bullshit. The only highlight to the next few months will be the introductory acting course and the accompanying dance class. I may be here for revenge but I’m going to make the most of it.

“Maybe I should enroll and join your dance class too.” Tanaka jumps to his feet, pulling me up from my spot on the couch and attempting to twirl me around the living room. He isn’t as great on his feet and we end up collapsing on the floor beside the coffee table, laughing breathlessly.

“Nah, you’re doing it all wrong!” Noya exclaims, pulling me back to my feet and swinging me over his back. I collide with the couch with an “Oof” before devolving into giggles.

“I think you’d both be better off sticking to working at the gym and running jobs for Ukai,”  Sugawara chuckles before falling into dramatic schemes of how to win over my future dance professor to be allowed to join the class.

I beam as I watch them from my upside down position across the room. I know these moments will be increasingly rare as we move forward in our plan to get closer to the man who killed Saeko- the Matador. A stupid nickname if you ask me, what does bullfighting have to do with the gang underworld? At least he won’t be alive to hold that title for much longer, not if everything goes according to plan anyway.

The steps to the administration office where the Dean’s office is located are bright with the midday sun. It feels like heaven beating down against my skin. It’s a beautiful day.

A beautiful day for blackmail.

The stout middle aged woman who acted as Secretary to Dean Ikeda shoots me a poor imitation of a genuine smile as she pushes open the door to his office, quickly scowling when she thinks my attention has been pulled into the room. Apparently she isn’t going to be my biggest fan. Must be the tattoos, with the way she keeps eyeing them with disgust. Sucks to be her with those wrinkles and graying hair and absolutely no sense of fun. “Thanks Dolores.” I take a wild guess at her name to intentionally irritate her.

“It’s Mrs. Sato to you, girl.”

“What was that Deborah? I couldn’t hear you over the sound of me not giving a shit.” She stormed off, her complaints echoing down the hall.

“Miss L/N, I see you’re already making quite an impression around campus and the semester hasn’t even started. I would appreciate if you didn’t antagonize the staff. While your father may be a prominent figure in this community-”

“Let me stop you right there Akio.” I shut the door before stepping forward to perch on the edge of the gaudy velvet seats he has positioned before his large oak desk. “I’m not attending this University using my father’s money so he has no influence over me. As a matter of fact let’s just go ahead and consider me untouchable from here on out.”

“Miss L/N I believe you are seriously misunderstanding your place-”

“Oh, I’m certainly not. Here’s what’s going to happen Akio: from here on out you will comply with every demand I make. If you don’t-” I pause, pulling an envelope filled with several of the more incriminating images Sugawara managed to find hidden on the Dean’s desktop. Who seriously keeps this type of evidence on a computer? That’s practically asking for someone to blackmail you. “I will release these images and all the other pieces of inculpating evidence we have recovered from your p.c. to every local news outlet within five hundred miles of Ember.”

Dean Ikeda jerks the files from my hand, dumping the contents onto the top of his desk. His wrinkled face turns ashen as he realizes exactly what images I was referring to. They’re nauseating- the graphic images of him purchasing barely legal (if at all) boys and girls stolen from around the country. I know that as soon as he loses his value in our plan one of the crew will be back to take care of him. Hopefully painfully.

“I see. And what exactly are these ‘demands’ you are referring to?”

“To start with you are going to appoint me as the Manager for the volleyball club.”

“Miss L/N, given your relationship with the team’s Captain, Suna, I doubt you will want-”

My lips press into a thin line at his assumption that my step brother being on the team will alter my willingness to take on the role. Then again I guess not everyone has been in love with their step brother since before they even knew what love was.

“I am fully aware of the requirements for the position and I fully plan to accept them. And before you ask that does include participating in the Cimmerian Trials. Leave the specifics to me, just make it happen.” I reach into my bag again pulling out the folder Sugawara had placed the revamped Manager contract in. “This will be the contract for my position, it only requires your signature as well as the Coach’s. So make that happen. I’ll be at the gym Monday evening to meet the team at their first practice of the semester.”

I stand, adjusting my skirt before turning to the door. I pause with it halfway open, turning back to face the Dean with a sinister smile. “I so look forward to working with you.” He only glowers in response, shoving the photos I had supplied into his paper shredder with more aggression than the action required. I guess someone is salty about being blackmailed. Sucks to suck doesn’t it douchebag.

A giddy feeling fills me, tingling beneath my skin with the electric feeling of excitement. Tomorrow my journey begins.  By the end of the semester I will have killed the man who stole my best friend from me and, if I play my cards right, I will have my revenge on the three boys who ruined me.

It really is a beautiful day.

onion rings & other deadly sins


Pairing: Kenma Kozume x gn!reader

Genre: crack. absolute crack. but with a dusting of fluff.

Warnings: mention of insomnia? also burning tongue on extremely hot onion rings, but that was well-deserved.


Summary: It’s the middle of the night, and Kenma smells something…s u s p i c i o u s. Could it be you, making tantalizing late-night snacks that make his mouth water?

(A/N): GUESS WHO’S BACK (but not really alksdjfhl). uhh i genuinely haven’t written in ages so please forgive me if this is absolute trash, and i don’t know when i’ll be able to write next since ap tests are coming up, and uhh i’m generally a Very Stressed Human Being right now so this might be a bit rambly and whatever but it’s FINE, everything’s FINE… request by @alpha-beta​ my beloved <3


Kenma awoke in the dead of night, throat parched. Or, rather, in the wee hours of the morning—technically. He didn’t have the best sleeping schedule.

Groping blindly at his nightstand, he let out a frustrated sigh as he realized that his handy glass of water wasn’t there.

Dang. He’d have to go down to the kitchen. There was no possible way he was going to be able to fall asleep after this.

Rubbing his eyes, he sat up, producing a feline yawn. Belatedly, he shoved his feet into the fuzzy bunny slippers you had gotten him for his birthday last year—pink, with floppy ears and small, beady glass eyes—and stood.


He squinted.

There was a faint glowing light coming from outside the bedroom door. He took cautious steps forwards, cracking the door open slightly. No reasonable person should be awake at this hour, much less have the lights on. What an inexcusable transgression. An unforgivable error. A total and complete lapse in judgment—

He interrupted his own train of thoughts with another wide yawn. Fumbling with the handrails, he half-slid, half-stumbled down the stairs, still in a sleepy stupor, even with the light shining from below—exceedingly bright to his eyes, which were still accustomed to the dark.

By the time he reached the bottom of the stairs, he could tell that the light was coming from the kitchen. What’s more, there was a persistent smell of something delicious, the scent of something being baked in the oven. Were those…onion rings?

Suddenly, Kenma snapped wide-awake, his attention sharply focused. Gone was the sleepy, ruffled Kenma: in his place, there stood a Kenma with a growling stomach and a newfound appetite for warm, crispy, tantalizing treats at 3am. He quickly rounded the corner, feet skidding on the smooth wood floor of the rental house the team was occupying, and startling you out of your cooking-induced reverie.

“Eek!” You let out a sharp squeal, not expecting anyone to turn up and intrude upon your midnight snack. “Kenma!”

He didn’t respond; instead, he trotted right up to the oven and peeked inside, clearly trying to discern when the goods would be ready for consumption.

“They’ll be ready in five more minutes,” you answered his unspoken query, sounding a bit sheepish. “Did I wake you up?”

He shook his head—verbalizing things was for his awake-brain, not his sleep-addled and hungry one. You took it as encouragement and felt a bit less guilty about your midnight shenanigans.

As he poured himself a drink of water, you kept a vigilant watch on the golden, crispy onion rings toasting in the oven, careful not to let them burn. They had to be crunchy, yes, but just the right amount, no more, no less; Kenma was a bit like Goldilocks in that regard.

Without you noticing, Kenma crept up behind you and tapped you on the shoulder, pointing towards the sink. After his glass of water, he seemed more awake, his eyes a liquid amber in the fluorescent lights of the kitchen that you feel like you could fall right into within the blink of an eye. The sink in question was cluttered with various baking utensils, onion peels, and a vat (pot, but you sometimes liked to imagine yourself a witch) that had been emptied of its batter.

“From scratch?” His eyes were curious, a little bit pleading.

You smiled. “From scratch.”

His smile grew wider, and when the oven dinged, you turned around, oven mitts in hand, to take them out. By the time you turned back around, Kenma was already waiting at the small kitchen island, a large plate ready.

“Eager, huh?” You laughed at the way his eyes trailed the onion rings.

He nodded, reaching out to pluck one from the tray before you’d even set it down, then hissing in pain as his fingers made contact with the sizzling snack. You were about to open your mouth to admonish him when he stuffed the whole thing in his mouth—after knowing how painfully hot it was—and started panting with his mouth open to try to get it to cool down.

“Kenma!” You deftly moved the tray away before he could snatch another one. “Be careful!”

He smiled, then shook his head, resolutely chewing and swallowing the one in his mouth, which should’ve been about as hot as coal in a fire. “It’s good,” he said, somewhat muffled.

You blushed—his compliments, no matter how small, never lost that effect on you. “Well, they’ll stay good even if you’re patientandwait before you burn your tongue off. Or do you not trust my crunchy techniques?”

He stuck out a tongue—red, but not blistered, you noted—at you, then reached for another one. You were a bit more prudent, waiting a couple of minutes for the rings to cool down. A spark of something bloomed in your chest as you watched this utter goofball, this clown of extreme proportions, absolutely gorge himself on onion rings. His tousled hair glowed beach-bronze in the bright lights, and—not for the first time—you found yourself smiling at how unabashedly himself he acted around the people he was comfortable with.

“Hmm?” He pushed the tray towards you, brows slanted into a question, and you realized that you’d spaced out, probably staring at him all the while. You murmured a small “thanks” as you palmed an onion ring from the tray, now comfortably warm temperature instead of scalding-hot, and absentmindedly bit into it. The crispness of the batter, followed by the sweet, fragrant insides, was exactly what you were craving. They probably would’ve been better fried, but Kenma’s coach would probably have your head.

“You should make these more often.” You heard a small, contented sigh from Kenma as he licked crumbs from his fingers.

You rolled your eyes playfully. “I already make them like, once a week. Any more and our apartment’s going to start smelling like a cheap diner.”

“I wouldn’t mind.” He smiled, eyes sparkling with the promise of a future spar, one that you knew you were going to lose.

“Only if you make them with me,” you countered, the corner of your lip tugging upwards in a challenge.

“Fine.” He was smirking still, the lovely little bastard.

“At 3am in the morning, Kenma.”

“Insomnia. A deadly sin. But I’ll do it,” he retorted, “if you will.”

You sighed in playful defeat. “You’re making a deal with the devil, Kenma, and I’ll hold you to it. Swear on this pinky for onion rings”—you held out your right hand—“and on this one for other deadly sins.” You held out your left hand, winking.

Kenma twined his pinkies—both of them—with yours. “Onion rings and other deadly sins,” he said solemnly, “forever and always.”


Taglist: i’m actually going to rework my taglist since i haven’t written in so long & some of the people who used to be on there have now changed blogs so please message me to join my taglist!
