

Pairing: Guard Captain!Bakugou x Fem!Assassin!Reader

Warnings/Tropes: enemies to lovers, mention of kidnapping, mild sexism, blood (non-sexual), stabbing, poisoning, vomiting (non-sexual),  explicit sexual content, bondage, choking, blood kink/play, pain kink, spanking

Word Count: 3.2k

A/N: Hello friends! This is my piece for the Anilysium Server’s Secret Santa exchange, written for the wonderful @candychronicles! Beta read by my lovely husband

As always my content is 18+ only MINORS DO NOT INTERACT.

“Don’t worry, I’ll forgive this misunderstanding-”

“There is no misunderstanding, Captain Bakugou. I am aware of exactly who you are. I simply do not care.” The audacity of the blonde musclehead standing in your command tent would have been unbelievable had you not heard tales of his arrogance from the soldiers you’d met in passing. If anyone in this god forsaken place needed knocked down a peg or two, it was him. And you were just the person for the job. “This operation requires skills you and your men do not possess, therefore I shall be taking charge. Seeing as my team and I do possess those skills.”

“I don’t take orders,” Bakugou growled, stepping closer in an attempt to intimidate you, “especially not from little girls pretending to rival grown men.”

“I don’t pretend to be anything other than what I am, Captain. If you have an issue with my leadership status perhaps you should consult with Prince Shouto, seeing as he was the one who hired me into this role.” You kept your tone even, refusing to show any emotional response to his goading. Even if he was grating on your nerves.

“King Enji trusts me to rescue Queen Rei-”

“Oh yes, because you aggressively stomping into an enemy camp and blowing things up would be a rescue mission,” you snapped, tiring of his bullshit. “I think we both know that if you were to take the lead we would be undergoing a recovery and not a rescue.”

Bakugou’s lips curled. The vein in his neck throbbing in time with his hammering pulse. A lesser person would recoil in fear of the furious anger permeating the air around him. Yet a small part of you- one you’d never acknowledge let alone admit to- enjoying seeing him so riled up. Anger suited the beast of a man.

“Stay out of my way, Bakugou, and let me do the job that brought me here. Before you do something more reckless that you’ll regret.” His bright red eyes flashed with something dark, something you imagined to be guilt. The Captain’s history wasn’t a secret. His best friend had followed him into the National Army, the two of them rising through the ranks side-by-side. At least until a less than well thought out plan executed by the fiery blonde had resulted in his companion being slain on the battlefield. You disliked using emotionally manipulative tactics like this, but he was making it impossible for you to force him aside otherwise. You were serious that his involvement would be detrimental to the mission.

“Remember when your plan goes astray that it was your own pride that got in the way of allowing a true leader to succeed,” Bakugou snarled before turning on his heel and stomping out of the tent. This was going to be a long few days.

“Well he’s certainly a character.” The smoky voice of your co-operative from the Guild filtered from the darkness that seemed to permanently cling to the back wall of your tent. The scarred man who stepped into the light was a more visually acknowledged representation of the Assassin’s Guild. The dark flowing cloak hiding the deep burgundy burns that covered the majority of his body.

“Captain Bakugou, it seems, is going to be a thorn in my side for the entire duration of this job. He’s annoying, Dabi, very much so.”

“Annoying and? I’m sure there is another word you would use to describe him,” Dabi drawled knowingly as he leaned against one of the support pillars. Your nose scrunched in distaste at the man reading you so easily, so you only scowled at him hoping your expression conveyed that he was the current source of annoyance in your life. “Don’t give me that look. We’ve worked together often enough for me to know that the blonde hothead is just your type.”

“Why are we having this conversation again? We both know that you couldn’t care less about my love life. So do us both a favor and let’s focus on planning this rescue, yeah?” Dabi only shrugged as he moved to sit in the chair across from you, his figure spread wide as he relaxed. He couldn’t be more different than the blonde Captain. With his dark hair and chilly indifference. His presence calmed your racing heart from its encounter with Bakugou. “So, intel says the Queen is being held here…”

The deep purples and pinks of dusk were fading behind the distant mountain range as you strapped on your weapons, securing them beneath a cloak as dark as midnight. You’d left the encampment where you had encountered Bakugou several days ago and had been slowly making your way to the outskirts of the Mundo-Ismur forest where the kidnapped Queen was currently being held.

As part of the Assassin’s Guild you rarely involved yourself in political drama. The disconnect you felt from that world of backstabbing also left you with very few opinions on the change of political leaders. The leader of the encampment you would be sneaking into was different. You had heard many tales about the atrocities the Bandit King Shigaraki had committed along his path of destruction. His rise to power was truly built upon the bones of his enemies and the souls of the innocent. Which was precisely why you had accepted this job. If an opportunity arose to take out the most ruthless man this world has seen, you would gladly take it.

“Ready when you are boss.”

“The day permanently in charge of you lot will be the end of the world as we know it,” you snickered. Your voice was barely a whisper of strength but you knew they would hear you. They wouldn’t have made it this far in the Guild if they hadn’t.

“Through shadow, into blood,” Dabi added as we stepped into the shadows.

“To line our pockets with the riches of the damned.” You finished the phrase soundlessly, taking strength from the Guild’s motto. This was just another job, in another place. You would succeed as you always did.

The shadows had always felt like home. A place of quiet where you could embrace your inner darkness shamelessly. A cloak of solitude. Though part of you longed for the light. Which you often found in the company of someone different than yourself. What’s the old saying? Opposites attract. Your calm and quiet needed balance from someone hotheaded and loud.

Someone like Captain Bakugou. Dabi was right- he’s just your type.  With that blonde hair you just wanted to dig your hands into. Those rippling muscles you can already imagine moving above you- wait this wasn’t the time to be thinking about him. This was exactly why you couldn’t pursue even a simple hook up. You had minimal interaction with the Captain and he was proving to be enough of a distraction to pull your thoughts away from the job. A job that could easily result in your death if not done correctly. You needed to focus.

The sound of voices exiting the tent before you helped to pull your attention back to the here and now. All of the intel Dabi had gathered showed that this was where Queen Rei was being held captive. The sizable canvas seemed odd for a jail cell. As did the two guards posted only at the front. Either the Bandit King had let his successes go to his head, or there was more going on here than you had anticipated. Regardless, your team would be ready and waiting in the shadows to stop anyone else trying to enter after you.

Your footsteps were light as you crept toward the standing guard, knowing that his elevated position would block your advance from the sight of the second guard, who was seated on a small stool. It was almost too easy to pierce the first guard windpipe, cutting off any chance he had to raise an alarm. Before the second guard could react another knife was leaving your hand and embedding itself between his eyes. Pulling your fingers to your lips you let out a well-practiced bird call to alert your team of your advance.

Ducking beneath the tent flap you were shocked by the well kept quarters where the Queen was being held. It seemed a bit too out of character for the ruthless Shigaraki. As you stepped from the shadows Rei squealed, her eyes wide. “Your highness, with me if you would,” you muttered as you stepped to where she sat on the edge of a sleeping cot. Her mouth moved, but no words came out. Tears sprung from her eyes, her face fallen. It took you a moment to figure out what she was trying to say in her hysteria.

I’m so sorry.

Your brows furrowed in confusion as to why the Queen, someone trained from a young age in nobility and the art of emotional bottling, would be so wrecked by being kidnapped by the enemy. It was an action unbecoming of her stature. Composure in times of high stress was a pivotal requirement for-

A trap. The entire operation was a set up, and you were caught in the center of the spider’s web. Movement behind you had you spinning on your heel, weapons drawn and ready to find a new home in whoever was entering the tent. You relaxed as only Dabi stepped from the shadows. Mouth open to warn him of the disadvantage scenario you were in. Only a sharp breath escaped as a blade pierced your abdomen just below the right side of your ribs.

“I would apologize, Y/N, but we both know I would be lying.” Dabi pulled the knife out, his gaze darkening at the sight of the blood coating the blade. “You really shouldn’t have taken this job. I did try to warn you. A problem of the past now though.” He must have read the betrayal and hurt in your eyes. His laughter echoed through the small tent. “Come now, this is part of the world we live in. Assassins only truly watch out for themselves. You should know that better than anyone.”

“Why” you rasped, struggling for breath. He must have angled the blade just upward enough to pierce your lung.

“Oh, now that’s the truly exciting part isn’t it? You never questioned me about my life before joining the Guild.” He was calmly walking around the space as you heaved, swaying on your feet. He must have coated his blade with poison. A common tactic used in your line of work. He paused picking up the small royal symbol that would have adorned the Queen’s cloak during her stroll through the capital. “You followed the age-old tradition of putting the past to rest and assumed everyone around you would do the same.”

Dabi turned toward you once again, his eyes swimming with something you couldn’t recognize. Something that made the Queen’s silent tears pour quicker. “But I didn’t. I couldn’t. Not after what they did to me. What she let my father do.” He crossed the space to where Rei was seated, gripping her by the hair and forcing her to turn fully to face you. “Can you see the resemblance? It’s all in the eyes. Of course the scars don’t help.”

Realization dawned on you much quicker this time. Dabi was the lost prince. Touya Todoroki. The forgotten heir.

“Ah, there it is. Now you recognize me don’t you? Too bad you won’t survive to meet my real family- the ones I chose. I’m sure Shigaraki would have loved a chance to play with you.” His words were thick with implications you didn’t dare to consider. The thought quickly crossed your mind that you had also led Bakugou and his team to their deaths. A pang of guilt swept through you as the Captain’s words rang in your mind. No. You needed to focus, to find a way out of this situation. Regrets could be compiled later.

Bile rose from your stomach, the force of it dropping you to your knees. The sound of your retching nearly drowned out the sudden commotion in the camp outside. Before you could find a way to take advantage of the distraction, an explosion rocked the ground beneath you. Bakugou. You knew it was him before the tent had even opened. Dabi swore, ducking back into the shadows and dragging the Queen with him. You met the bright rubies that were Bakugou’s eyes as he scowled at you. Your eyes heavy as your consciousness drained.

The last thing you registered was the burning heat of something hard pressed against you and a gruff “Don’t die on me, I still need to gloat.”

Stale air filled your lungs. Your chest ached with each breath. Memories flashed through your mind in broken chunks. The job. The betrayal. Bakugou.

Dabi- Toyuya, whoever he chose to be, was right. You shouldn’t have been so shocked by his deception. Treachery was a common part of a Guild member’s life. Perhaps you’d let the dark haired assassin get too close. Grew to trust him too easily. A dangerous mistake. A rookie mistake. And one you vowed to never make again. The only person in this world you could rely on was yourself.

“Is as soon as you wake from the brink of death too soon to say I told you so?”

You blinked. Your eyes slowly opened to reveal a dusty room. It was sparsely decorated. The most notable thing in the space was the disheveled blonde sprawled in a chair by the door. Bakugou looked exhausted. With dark circles beneath his eyes and messy hair. He had lost his usual Royal armor in exchange for trousers and a shirt. A shirt that was hanging open revealing his very solid chest and the spattering of blonde hair across it. You even peeked some blonde tufts leading down below his waistband.

“Oi, my eyes are up here.”

“I don’t believe an unexpected betrayal counts as a failure of my plan,” you blurted quickly, ignoring the heat that rose to your cheeks and forcing yourself to meet his gaze. “Especially not one at the hands of the lost prince himself.”

Bakugou’s surprise was apparent. His narrowed eyes and crinkled brow gave away his disbelief. “No. No way. That’s just some bullshit Shigaraki and your pal Dabi concocted.”

“They have the same eyes, Bakugou. I saw the similarities myself. And even if I hadn’t when Dabi confessed to actually being Touya, Queen Rei’s reaction confirmed it. He was telling the truth and she knew exactly who he was.”

“You, of all people, wouldn’t know the Queen well enough to know what her nonverbal reactions were relaying,” Bakugou growled. He pushed up from the chair, the wood scratching against the floor as it knocked into the wall behind it. He began pacing the floor, running a hand through his hair frustratedly.

You sat up, ignoring the swimming of the room. “Reading people is quite literally one of the most important aspects of my job, asshole. I know what I saw. I don’t care if you choose to believe me.” He was so frustrating. It would be so much simpler if he just trusted you, something he has adamantly chosen not to do from the day you met.

Bakugou stopped, glaring down at you. “If- and I say this with the highest skepticism- if you are correct and Dabi is actually Prince Touya then your team botching this rescue mission puts you at a double failure. Just admit it,” one of his thick, calloused fingers tilted your head up further, straining the muscles in your neck, “I was right all along.”

“If you really think-“ you spat the words through gritted teeth, but before you could blink Bakugou’s palm was wrapped around your throat squeezing hard enough to cut off your oxygen supply.

“You’ve lost the right to speak , little assassin.” His breath was warm against your cheek as he growled the words in your ear. You were breathless. Both from the pressure on your windpipe and the rush of arousal coursing straight to your core. “Mmm, just as I thought. The big, bad assassin is already weak in the knees and I’ve barely even touched you. Already soaking the bed with your desire like the disobedient little girl you are, aren’t you?”

Your lust-addled brain refused to react as he spun you around, a tick hand of rope securing your wrists to your ankles as he forced you to arch backward uncomfortably.

Searing pain spread across your side just as you felt a different type of wetness soak through your shirt. “Tsk, look at what you’ve done. Ruined the stitches I spent so much time on,” Bakugou chastised. His voice was thick with attraction as he pulled your shirt apart at the seams, tossing the blood soaked fabric aside. “I guess I can forgive you, but only because of how much this suits you. All tied up and at my mercy with blood running down your thighs.” Three of his fingers ran through the small trails of red leaking from your wound before dipping below the waistband of your pants and pushing deep into your core. The stretch was the perfect blur of pleasure and pain. Your moan echoed loudly in the small space you shared as you shamelessly attempted to ride his fingers.

His hand was ripped away from you only to come cracking down along your backside. “I’m in charge now, little assassin. Your pleasure is in my hands, quite literally. So be a good girl and maybe I’ll let you get away with only coming on my cock a handful of times.”

You felt yourself nod, slowly relinquishing your control of the situation. It was oddly comforting to let go and allow Bakugou to lead. You trusted him to not push you past your limits. That moment of panic came crashing in as you found yourself unwilling to give in to the ease you felt around the Captain. He would end up stabbing you in the back just as Dabi and so many others had before.

As if he could sense your inner turmoil Bakugou tilted your head back, forcing you to look up at him at an awkward angle. “Focus.” His one word command had your mind slowly emptying. Leaving only the rough feel of the rope around your limbs, the pulsing pain of your ripped stitches, and the throbbing need between your thighs.

“Good girl.”

He rewarded your obedience by shimmying your pants down to your knees and plunging his blood covered fingers back into your empty core. A sigh of relief escaped your lips before you could suppress it. Everything ached from your earlier encounter and yet it blended so well with the pleasure each thrust of his digits brought you that you were being pushed over the brink of euphoria much quicker than ever before.

Bakugou’s free hand left your throat, instead striking down sharply against your pussy. The sting of pain jolting through your neglected clit was the catalyst to your complete undoing. Black dotted your vision as you were pushed into a second orgasm on the tail end of the first. The scream that tore from your parted lips rattled the walls of the cabin.

Your body collapsed as much as it could within the binding that held you. The heat of Bakugou’s body firmly pressed against your back temporarily relieving the strain in your muscles.

“Don’t relax now, little assassin, you haven’t even come on my cock yet.”

*throws october gore at you*

*throws october gore at you*

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