

At a young age you learned a vital lesson: never hesitate. Whether you’re rejecting a confession or staring down the sight of a gun, split second decisions have been ingrained in your blood, so when your best friend is brutally murdered the choice is simple.

You’ll stop at nothing to exact your revenge on the man who took her from you, even if it means facing the three men you’d spent years running away from.

Can you survive a deal with Embertide University’s very own Archdemons, or will your dark history with them bring everything you’re working toward crashing down?

Pairing: Fem!Reader x Step Brother!Suna, Iwaizumi, and Matsukawa

Word Count: 2.2k

Warnings: pseudocest, hair pulling (non-sexual), bullying, voyuerism, exhibitionism, explicit sex, masturbation

A/N: HELLO FRIENDS! A new chapter (finally lol). And our first taste of smut. Not beta read.

Series Masterlist

As always my content is 18+ only MINORS DO NOT INTERACT.

I can take anger. Hatred. Disgust. Even indifference. But I can’t handle the possessive longing and regret that fills Suna’s eyes as he glares at me. An ache I refuse to put a name to blooms in my chest so I let my hands fall back to my sides. I’m careful to keep a playful smile on my lips as I turn on my heel to walk away. I need to put distance between us. To escape the pull that still calls me to him. I won’t let old feelings- feelings that should be long forgotten- get in the way of my mission. I just need to focus.

My scalp burns where the strands of my ponytail are pulled tight, my head snapping back as I’m jerked backwards. I’m forced to my knees as the hand wrapped in my hair bends me backward at an unnatural angle. Iwaizumi’s face enters my field of vision, a snarl on his reddened face. “You are going to resign,” he growls. His teeth bared as he tightens his grip. “Whatever silly plan you have concocted in this thick skull of yours- forget it. Walk. Away.”

“You aren’t going to ruin this for us, Y/N.” Mattsun appears beside him, running a finger down my cheek to grip my chin. “You don’t belong here, so give up. Run away like the weak little girl you’ve always been.”

His words sting more than the rough grasp with which he forces me to keep his gaze. The truth of what they think rips the shattered pieces of me to the surface. Goosebumps cover my skin, a chill seeping in despite the warmth of the gymnasium. It would be easy to give in to the tears burning at the corners of my eyes. To lay myself bare before them and expose the darkness that they caused all those years ago. But I know them, even now after being away for so long. They won’t believe me. They don’t want to believe that me leaving was anything other than my choice to abandon them. So I blink back the tears, reinforcing the walls they batter against.

“Hah.” The laugh sounds bitter as I struggle to retain my indifference. “Don’t count on it, boys. As much as you may not like it, I’m here to stay.”

Suna joins them, all remnants of his previous emotions buried behind his own mask of indifference. He considers me for a moment before turning to head to where the rest of the team is beginning to warm up. “Leave her be. If our little puppet wants to compete in the trials, that is her decision. She knows we only play to win after all.”

Mattsun released my chin, walking after Suna with a frown. Iwaizumi seemed more reluctant to agree. Or maybe he just wanted to hurt me further. It was difficult to tell the difference between the two. Finally he removed his hand from my hair, shoving me forward in the process. I threw my hands out to catch myself before I collided with the floor. So fucking rude.

Whatever. I already knew the trials wouldn’t be an easy feat. I can handle anything they throw at me. They aren’t the only ones who play to win.

The contract for the Trials requires me to move into the campus house the volleyball team lives in. According to Tanaka and Noya this is so that none of the other competing teams can get to me when I am on my own. I hate it. All of the boys living here are barely out of their teens. And gross. I’ve already had to side step sweaty gym clothes tossed in a pile by the front door. Their living area is littered with overflowing trash cans. I’m honestly shocked they even bothered to use the bins at all. Looks like I will be acting as manager and their goddamn mother if I have to live here.

I’m grateful that I have the apartment Sugawara and the others are occupying to store most of my stuff in. Otherwise moving into the house would have been thoroughly exhausting. It took every ounce of restraint I had to keep myself from slapping the smirk right off of Iwaizumi’s face as he watched me carry all of my things inside and across the house to where my room sits. He could have helped me instead of just standing there, but of course he didn’t. He even went as far as to send all of the first years off on silly errands to ensure they couldn’t help me either. 


I only saw Suna and Matsukawa long enough for them to give me their “house rules”. It’s amusing they think I will actually be subservient to them outside of the trials. The Embertide Archdemons are about to experience true hell.

I skip down the hallway, searching for a rule to break just to piss them off. Squeaky moans and the arrhythmic slap of skin seeps from beneath the door to the boys’ study. Their sanctuary. It must have pissed them off when they discovered me here before.  “Under absolutely no circumstances are you to enter the study. Don’t even look at the door,” Suna had said, his voice stern. What better time to break this silly rule than when one of them is inside getting laid?

I adjust my skirt, pulling it up just far enough to guarantee that whichever of the boys is inside gets a glimpse of the bottom curve of my ass. Then I shift my face to show indifference and push the door open, letting it bang closed behind me.

Suna sits in one of the three plush armchairs that take over the space opposite the bar. The tiny brunette attempting to ride him squawks when I enter. Her already choppy pace stumbling to a halt. She glares at me indignantly. It must be so rude of me to interrupt her mediocre attempt to get my stepbrother off.

 “I don’t remember telling you to stop,” Suna tells her, unconcerned by my presence. Almost as if he knew I would break his rules. Irritation ripples across my skin as I approach the bar, jumping to sit on its smooth surface and grabbing an open bottle of whiskey. I don’t bother with a glass, instead I just bring the bottle to my lips and sip.

“But ‘Tarou!” the brunette whines. I bite back a laugh as I watch his jaw clench at the nickname. He’s never liked them. I was the only one who could ever get away with using them. Yet he doesn’t correct her. I snort, earning a glare from the half naked girl.

“Make her go away so that I can make you feel good,” she purrs.

“Oh I’m not leaving.”

“You chose to be part of the trials, so if he tells you to leave you have to listen.” Her glare is frostier than the milkshakes I dip my fries in. Oh. Everything clicks into place. Her anger isn’t over my interruption. She wanted the manager position. A guaranteed spot in Suna’s bed for the year. How hilarious.

“Tell you what,” I pause sipping more of the whiskey as I hold her gaze. “If you can get him off in the next three minutes, without him moving to help you, I will withdraw from the trials and resign as manager.” Her dark eyes lit up like sunbeams with the challenge. She takes people at their word too easily.

I watch as she focuses back on Suna, her hips grinding against him. Her skirt is bunched around her waist giving me a clear view of where his cock enters her. She isn’t even fully seated on him, leaving several inches untouched. The greenest of envy thrums in time with my heartbeat. I turn my gaze out across the room, attempting to push down the wave of possession crawling its way to the surface within me.

That should be me. I should be the one riding him. The queen by his side (not that this whiny bitch is anything more than a temporary plaything). I should be taking his cock, his heart, his cum. It belongs to me. It has always belonged to me. Mine. Suna is mine.

My head falls back, my eyes closed as I let myself fall into the fantasy of what could- should- have been. Of his length, longer than it is girthy but still filling, wrapped in my palm. The way it would twitch in my hand as I laved my tongue across his tip to taste him.

I want him to know. To have a taste of what our future would have been.

My hand drifts down along my neck, over the curve of my breast, still dropping lower over my abdomen. I let my knees fall apart. I feel the moment his eyes find me. The beat of my heart matches the rhythm of a wild stampede. Exhilarating. I have never wanted him to take his eyes off of me.

My fingers rub against my core over my panties. I’m wet. Always wet. For him. For them. My free hand fists the edge of my skirt, dragging it up. He needs to see what he does to me. How soaked I am from just watching this whore fuck him.

My fingers aren’t as rough as I imagine his to be. Not as thick. Pulling my panties to the side I watch his eyelids flutter, a deep groan vibrating from his chest as he watches me.

“Oh god, ‘Tarou! You feel so good!”

A snarl forms on my lips, but before I can speak Suna does it for me. “Don’t talk, Hana.” His gaze never leaves me.

I drag my fingers between my folds, gathering some of the wetness there. I know he can see the way I listen as I bring them to my mouth. My tongue darts out, licking my own essence from the digits. I use the additional wetness to rub small circles in my clit. Just enough to slowly build up an orgasm.

The room is full of the sounds of her skin slapping his. Their melody masking the lewd noises my body was making. “Harder,” Rin commands, his pale eyes as dark as the night sky. The stormy quality to his voice sends shivers down my spine. I’m soaking the bar beneath me, but I can’t find it in me to be embarrassed. 

Sinking two fingers into my core I swallow a moan. My teeth sink into the inside of my cheek, biting back the words threatening to spill off my tongue. I need more. I want to rip her off of him and claim what should have been mine. To feel the stretch of his cock filling me. My fingers brush against the most sensitive spot in me, my head falls back. A whimper slips from my now parted lips.

Suna growls, standing abruptly and knocking the brunette to the floor. “Get out.”

A flash of satisfaction replaces her confusion as she watches him stalk toward me, his cock thick and hard beneath the condom that encases it. Her expression falls as he turns to glare at her. “Don’t make me repeat myself, Hana.” She jumps to her feet, defeat and furious anger contorting her features as she stomps across the floor. The door to the study rattles in its frame as she slams it behind her, but my attention is already back on the towering frame above me.

I can feel his warmth as it washes over me, even without any physical contact between us. My breaths are ragged, but full of him. Bergamot and sandalwood and something that’s just pure Rin. It’s a heady mixture. My head swims as I watch him dispose of the condom, his palms wrapping around himself as he watches me. I can’t catch my breath. Can’t look away. The fire in me reaches its peak, his movements matching the pace of my own fingers as they pump in and out of my core.

“Come, little puppet, like the attention seeking slut you are.”

The world spins. My vision spotting with white as I fall apart before him. Everything is muted, the only thing I can focus on is the ecstasy rushing through my veins, the groan that emanates from Rin’s chest, and the warmth of his cum as it coats the inside of my thighs. My chest heaves with my release. My eyes closed.

As sounds start to trickle back in, a bone deep coldness settles over me. Bile rises in my throat at the sticky feel coating my skin. Even with the comfort of his scent to stop me from falling back into darkness I feel nothing but regret. I hate him for making me this way. For taking something that should have been so good for us and ruining it.

Suna’s jaw clenches so tight I’m surprised I don’t hear his teeth break. I don’t try to hide the way I feel from him. He deserves to see my misery, to feel his own at my hands.

Before I can push myself from the bar he has tucked himself back into his pants. “Clean your mess off of my bar, Y/N.” He walks away, indifference spread across his features once again. My regret burns hotter. I feel like Icarus must have when he got too close to the sun.

This was what I wanted wasn’t it? His anger? His indifference? So why does my chest feel more hollow than ever?
