

At a young age you learned a vital lesson: never hesitate. Whether you’re rejecting a confession or staring down the sight of a gun, split second decisions have been ingrained in your blood, so when your best friend is brutally murdered the choice is simple.

You’ll stop at nothing to exact your revenge on the man who took her from you, even if it means facing the three men you’d spent years running away from.

Can you survive a deal with Embertide University’s very own Archdemons, or will your dark history with them bring everything you’re working toward crashing down?

Pairing: Fem!Reader x Step Brother!Suna, Iwaizumi, and Matsukawa

Word Count: 2.5k

Warnings: pseudocest, mafia dealings, arms deals, choking, possessiveness

A/N: HELLO FRIENDS! Welcome to the second chapter of my newest series! This is our first chapter from one of the character’s pov! Still just build up for getting into their backgrounds and story. Not beta read.

Track: Clarity- Intentions

Series Masterlist|Next

As always my content is 18+ only MINORS DO NOT INTERACT.

As soon as she steps into the ballroom she has our attention. The woman in the golden mask. She’s stunning with those mile high legs settled in heels so sharp they could probably pierce a man’s jugular with barely any pressure. I know my brothers well enough to know they’d be just as willing as I am to find out. Dark swirling patterns of ink decorate mystery girls’ skin. We’re too far away to make out the details in them, but I know whoever did the work is good. They’re too fluid as she moves to be half assed.  I can’t help but wonder how far the tattoos continue beneath her revealing gold dress.

A growl rumbles from Iwaizumi’s throat, drawing eyes from the crowd around us. I feel it too. My heart is pounding, every cell in my body calling for a chase. There is nothing more thrilling than finally claiming your prey, swallowing them whole before spitting them out. They never come out the same on the other side. Too broken. Too helpless. Too ruined.

It’s been a long time since any of us have felt this. That utterly consuming, possessive need to claim. Not since she was still around. The girl who ruined us. Suna’s stepsister.

Our addiction won’t end well for the girl in the golden mask if we catch her, and, unfortunately for her, we will.

She’s brave. Doesn’t react to us watching her, our intense presence leaving her unaffected. I can feel the stirrings of arousal, wondering just what it would take to break her. A smile pulls at my lips before falling as her attention shifts from us to that fucking loser Touma. It’s hard not to laugh at his attempt really. As if some bottom feeder like him could ever land a girl as badass as her. She’s a damn queen and he’s just a farm boy in comparison.

No star crossed lovers here, we make sure of that. Suna eats the distance between us quickly, with Iwaizumi and myself following close behind. Mystery girl is ours, and it’s time to make sure everyone in Ember knows it.

“Dance with me.” Suna sweeps our mystery girl onto the crowded dance floor. That’s all it takes really, now everyone knows she’s property of the Archdemons.

Iwaizumi and I head back to the open bar, watching from a distance in case anyone decides to challenge our claim. They don’t though, they know the consequences if they do.

“Okay boys, Yoshida and his boys are set up in the security office. Grab Rintarou and go meet with them. Don’t let him pull any more bullshit, got it?” Our coach, and self pronounced handler, Anabara claps us on the shoulder as he speaks. We knew this meeting was taking place tonight. What better cover for prefacing an arms deal than the city’s biggest fundraiser event. I share a quick look with Iwaizumi before heading to gather Suna. Our mystery girl will have to wait until after the meeting.

Suna is already working our girl. The determination mixed with her underlying fear tastes so good on the air around them. She’s going to make such a wonderful play thing for us, temporarily at least. They never do last long with all three of us chasing.

I clear my throat to get their attention, breaking the bubble around them. My eyes roam over her body, soaking in all of the finer details I missed from across the room. Her tattoos definitely continue beneath the neckline of her dress. It’s like Van Gogh himself came back to life to paint across her skin. My fingers twitch at my sides with the itch to run across them.

“That special donor Coach mentioned just arrived.”

Suna steps back, pressing a kiss to her wrist before walking off into the crowd. He’s the hook, the soft words to lure her in and keep her attention on us. I can feel the weight of her stare as she watches us get lost in the mass of bodies. This meeting needs to end quickly.

Yoshida Saito is a man in his late twenties. A kid from the streets who has spent his life rising through the ranks. He only recently acquired his position as the new head of the Brookfield Djinn, only after Iwaizumi had put a bullet between his predecessor’s eyes anyway. He’s a slimy bastard. He’s perfected the creeper vibe, the kind that sends any decent woman running, even if he tries to hide it behind his Givenchy suits and overdosed cologne. He even puts Suna on edge, that’s how disturbing this dude is.

“Ah, the Ember Archdemons have finally made their appearance.” Grating, that’s the only way to describe his voice. Not necessarily the tone, but you can tell he’s someone who enjoys talking about himself- a lot.

“Yoshida.” Suna takes the lead. He’s our figurehead, the brains behind our operation. “What do you have for us?” he asks, sliding into an overstuffed chair near a row of monitors showing the ballroom and other halls. My eyes dart across the screens quickly, searching for our mystery girl, but I come up empty. How curious.

“Shipment is ready to move, but I’m changing the terms.”

My attention snaps back to the slimy fucker sprawled across the other side of the table. An arrogant smile stretches across his thin face. Someone’s grown cocky in the past month. Iwaizumi is tense beside me, his arms pulled tight across his chest and fists clenched. He’s barely containing the rage that always simmers inside of him. Maybe we should let him out to play. Yoshida would learn his place real quick then.

Suna grunts disinterestedly, swirling a tumbler of liquor between his fingers. He’s observing, assessing the situation and applying pressure before responding.

“Forty percent, no less.” Yoshida’s confidence is shaken, his voice losing its boom. He won’t back down now though, his shoulders are still set, his back too straight to concede.

The room is quiet for a few moments, save for the awkward shuffling of Yoshida’s men. They’re nervous, something that is never a good sign when in close quarters. Too easy for someone to accidentally get shot and start a gang war when you’re nervous. My hands itch to grab my gun from its place at my side, but the movement could startle these jumpy fucks.

Suna stands, putting himself in a position to tower over Yoshida and force him to look up at us. “Thirty percent, no arguments. And don’t test me again.” He heads for the door, not waiting for a response. Iwaizumi and I follow. A united front, we set the terms no one else.

“This is bullshit!” I roll my eyes as Iwaizumi’s fists slam into the dash up front of him, the action earning a harsh glare from Suna at the thought of damage being done to his precious ride. “That motherfucker gets one step up the ladder and suddenly he thinks he’s king of the fucking jungle.”

“He’s just testing the waters. He thinks he has extra pull now, so let him think that. When the time is right we’ll show him exactly who runs shit around here.” Suna seems calm. At least more than I expected. He’d usually be white knuckling the steering wheel as he figures out exactly how he’s going to regain control of this fucked in situation.

Iwaizumi only grunts. We need to get him home so that he can work out some of that aggression in the gym. Otherwise he’ll end up wrecking Suna’s car and that will start a war none of us want to be part of.

The house is dark when we pile out of the car, heading straight to our sanctuary- the study with a fully stocked bar. We all need a drink to attempt to appease the crazy that is thrumming just beneath the surface, threatening to allow our inner beasts to break free.

Dim light shines from beneath the study’s door frame, tension building between my shoulder blades at the music that drifts through the wood. No one dares to step foot into our space without an invitation, not even the housekeeper. I cross the short distance to push the door open and step inside.

“If it isn’t the Embertide Archdemons.”

My blood feels like lava with how thickly it flows through my veins, the world moving in slow motion as my brothers step to my side. There’s no fucking way this is happening.

Sitting in one of the plush chairs that decorate the room, my chair, is none other than Suna’s stepsister, Y/N. She’s made herself at home. Skinny jean clad legs thrown over the arm of the chair. A glass filled halfway with amber liquid. A quick glance to the bar and I can barely contain a smirk. At least she has good taste.

“Y/N.” Suna’s voice is flat, disinterested as he addresses her, but there’s a fire raging in his eyes. I imagine if I were to catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror I would look the same. “I wasn’t aware you were back in Ember.”

Y/N shifts in the seat, planting her feet on the floor and leaning her elbows onto her knees to prop her head up at an angle as she observes us. The dark v-neck long sleeve shirt she’s wearing shifts revealing thick, swirling patterns of ink across her chest and down as far as the eye can see beneath the material. Every muscle in my body tenses before immediately relaxing. All the scattered puzzle pieces slide into place. Mystery solved.

“Mmmm, surprise! Aren’t you thrilled to see me again?” Her (e/c) eyes blaze with the same anger and hate reflected in ours. It looks like our little puppet has finally come home. Oh how she has grown. The curve of her hips, those pert breasts, and best of all the fire. She’s no longer the naive, shy puppy dog yapping at Suna’s heels. She came to fight, to show us just how sharp her claws are.

I can’t wait to ruin her.

Suna quickly closes the space between us, towering over her. A single finger digs into the bottom of her chin forcing her to look up at him. The fire in her eyes is temporarily replaced with something softer, something closer to longing and loss. She always was putty in his hands.

“You couldn’t handle being near us back then so what makes you think this time will be any different? Or is that the real reason why you’re here?” My lips twitch into a smirk as he leans down next to her ear, his words still loud enough to be heard over the music in the background. “Did our little puppet come back to be used by us? Do you crave the abuse?”

“Oh I’ve heard all about you and your band of merry misfits. The royalty of Embertide. Every guy wants to be you and every girl wants to be beneath you.” 

Y/N’s attitude makes my body thrum with excitement, my dick twitching beneath my slacks. Her pretty little mouth would look so much better choking on my cock. I bet she’d cry, sweet little tears running down her cheeks as she’s forced to take all of me, stretched to her limits.

“At least until they get a glimpse of the real you- then they’re headed for the hills faster than the Twins walking into an all you eat Ramen shop.” Suna stands his ground, his free hand clenching into a fist at his side as Y/N pushes to her feet, her mouth only centimetres away from his. “That’s the thing, Rinny, I’m the only person on this planet who can handle the real you. The real monsters hidden beneath your perfectly sculpted masks. And we all know it.”

Iwaizumi jumps across the space, fingers wrapping around her throat. He never could handle the moments when she got smug with one of us. Her eyes are wide, pupils dilated. She likes this. Maybe Suna wasn’t so far off about her real reason for returning to Ember.

“So what,” Iwaizumi growls, pushing her back into my chair, “you spent a little time out in the world and suddenly you think you’re some badass? You’re still the same pathetic little girl who goes crying to daddy every time someone’s mean to her.”

I don’t miss the opportunity to join in on the fun, leaning against the door frame and watching her splutter. “Crawl back to whatever sanctuary you’ve been hiding in, Y/N. You don’t belong in this world.”

Y/N’s eyes narrow, coughing as Iwaizumi releases her. She stands again, brushing past my brothers before sauntering toward me, downing the remnants of the whiskey in her glass. “Nope, I don’t think I will, Issei. I’m here to stay.” She tosses the empty glass toward me, scowling when I catch it with one hand. “See you around assholes!”

The front door slams shut a moment later, leaving us to simmer in our emotions. “I need a fucking drink, or several.” I push off the wall, popping open the whiskey Y/N had been drinking and refilling her glass. The edge is smudged with her dark lipstick, I run my tongue over it, tasting the remnants of her. She’s a shot of adrenaline, sweet but venomous. An obsession none of us have ever been able to shake.

“So our mystery girl in the gold mask isn’t quite a mystery after all,” Suna hums as he settles into his own chair. “Our lost puppet returned.”

“A problem is what she is. She’s always been too nosy for her own damn good, and we all know that won’t have changed. So how are we going to handle her?” Iwaizumi grunts, heaving himself up to sit on the bar top and grabbing a beer from the mini fridge beneath it.

His concern is valid. If our little plaything had wanted to live a normal life on campus she wouldn’t have broken into our dorm house to announce her arrival. No, she wants our attention and she certainly has it. There’s only one way for us to find out her true motive for coming back to Ember.

“We’ll handle her the same way we always have.” They both look at me, burning hunger in their eyes as they already know what I’m going to say.

“We’re going to break her.”


At a young age you learned a vital lesson: never hesitate. Whether you’re rejecting a confession or staring down the sight of a gun, split second decisions have been ingrained in your blood, so when your best friend is brutally murdered the choice is simple.

You’ll stop at nothing to exact your revenge on the man who took her from you, even if it means facing the three men you’d spent years running away from.

Can you survive a deal with Embertide University’s very own Archdemons, or will your dark history with them bring everything you’re working toward crashing down?


Pairing: Fem!Reader x Step Brother!Suna, Iwaizumi, and Matsukawa

Word Count: 2.5k

Warnings: pseudocest, minor character death, breaking and entering, cyber espionage, mentions of: bullying, mafia dealings, human trafficking

A/N: HELLO FRIENDS! Welcome to the first chapter of my newest series! This is a pretty mild start to introduce the characters and story, so I hope you enjoy it! Thank you to my beta readers @/krystalgaia for looking over this for me!

Track: I Shouldn’t Be Here- JP Saxe

Series Masterlist |Next

As always my content is 18+ only MINORS DO NOT INTERACT.


Coruscating light dances along the edge of my vision, dimmed by the dark tint of the town car’s window. Someone new, someone who didn’t look too deeply, might be blinded by the falsity of this place. Fall for the mesmeric facade the Mayor struggles to maintain. It’s easy to feel that Ember is an innocuous haven, an escape from the cruelty of the other, larger cities nearby.

But I know better. I grew up on these streets. Have seen the monsters that linger in the shadows of the dark alleys.

Ember isn’t any safer than the rest of this world. Miscreants lurk around every corner, waiting for their chance to pounce- to maim and devour the unfortunate souls caught in the web of lies that surround the city. They aren’t even the ones you should fear, not here. Ember’s real villains hide in plain sight, a masquerade only money and power could keep intact. The Embertide Elite, alumni from the local University. Generation upon generation of mendacity. A hierarchy of outdated principles, harsh expectations, and condescension.

A life I escaped long ago.

I shouldn’t be here, yet here I am, sitting in the back of a fancy car and barreling toward everything- everyone- I had run from. This is a mistake. I can already feel the dread seeping into my bones as I edge closer to the monstrosity that is the Embertide Auditorium. Packed inside of the carefully sculpted bricks and manicured lawn are the best and brightest- Embertide University’s source of pride. In reality they’re just a bunch of pampered bullies, but the world would never view them that way. Their success would blind everyone to the truth, just as it always has.

The car pulls to a stop entirely too soon. My fingers tremble on my lap, vision swimming as my head begins to feel light, breaths coming in short bursts as I glance out the window to the crowd of waiting media workers.

“Y/N.” I manage to tear my gaze from the window, glancing to the front and meeting Tanaka’s gaze in the rear view mirror. His smoky Aegean eyes say everything without a word passing through his firm lips. Fluttering my own eyes closed I draw in a deep breath, holding it for a ten count and blowing it out through my nose. I’m here for a reason, I just need to focus on that.

Tanaka rounds the car, opening the door and holding a hand out. I accept it, easing myself from the seat and standing tall. This is just the beginning.

A single step on my journey to revenge.

It’s an odd sensation, having every eye in the room on you. A weird mixture of empowerment and overwhelming anxiety roars through my veins, my heartbeat pounding against the inside of my skull. I shouldn’t be here. I don’t belong, not any more. 

I can feel the weight of the judging stares and harsh whispers. My body defies their rules, a testament only proven by the harsh glares sent my way from beneath their ornate masks. The floor length golden dress I donned for the evening sports double hip high slits in the sides, revealing too much skin to fit the modest expectations of the crowd. Each step I take down the grand staircase showcases the dark swirls of ink that cover both of my thighs. The deep v along my chest reveals the same swirls. It’s everywhere. Down both arms, across my full chest and back, my thighs. A story permanently etched into my skin. My tattoos are just another reason for condemnation here. 

I can hear my step-grandmother rolling in her grave. I already know she’d have colorful words about my appearance. Unsightly. Inelegant. Offensive. The marks of a delinquent. I chuckle to myself, frowning slightly at the noise before schooling my features back to their usual placidity.

The hair on the back of my neck raises, goosebumps spreading across my exposed skin. My fists close to fight against the instinct to wrap my arms around myself. Scanning the room I find them, the piercing eyes that have haunted my every nightmare and wet dream for as long as I can remember.

Have you ever jumped into a river in the dead of winter? That’s what it feels like to be caught under the curious gaze of Suna Rintarou, my step brother. I can’t decide if I want to run away or fall to my knees before him, obsequious to his every desire.

I hate it. I hate the way my very soul reacts to him. Aches to be in his presence.

Forcing my eyes off of him, I notice his two best friends Iwaizumi and Matsukawa standing to his left. Their eyes are pinned to me as well. For the briefest moment I feel panic bubble up my throat, my mind screaming at me to run while I can. They don’t recognize me, they can’t. Not with this intricate golden mask obscuring half of my features. Deep breaths.

“Now what is someone as breathtaking as you doing attending an event of this stature alone?”

Turning to the side I’m met with a very tall, broad shoulders man. He’s dressed in a more simple suit, the top two buttons of his white dress shirt undone. A rule breaker, at least his attitude conveyed that he seemed to think so. His mask is as plain as his suit, but the startling chestnut eyes shining from beneath it hint at a hidden beauty that on any other day may have pulled me in. A quick glance out of the corner of my eye confirms my next actions.

If the barely noticeable furrow in Rin’s brow is any tell, our interaction won’t last very long anyway.

“I actually just moved to the area. My uncle asked me to attend in his place. He’s not a very social person these days.” A lie of course. For tonight, at least, no one will know who I am. As far as Ember is concerned until 9 am tomorrow LN YN left and decided to never come home.

I bite back a grimace as he takes my hand, pressing a kiss to the back and grinning at me. “Well then, allow me to be the first to welcome you to Ember, Miss..” He trails off, expectancy written in his eyes as he waits for my name.

“Come now Touma, surely you don’t think that someone so enchanting would ever give you the time of day if she saw you outside of the Masquerade. Why waste your time?” It’s hard to breathe, the sound of Rin’s voice alone setting every nerve in my body on edge. I really shouldn’t be here.

“Suna. I see you and the rest of the volleyball goons decided to come drink the bar dry,” Touma responds dryly, not bothering to drop my hand from his grasp. Rin’s eyes narrow on the link between us, his lips turning down at the corner just slightly. He’s annoyed.

Oh how I am enjoying this.

Taking half a step closer to Touma, I flutter my eyelashes up at him, feigning innocent curiosity. “A friend of yours,” pausing, I duck my head a little, imitating shyness before adding a soft “Touma?” I stifle a laugh. It’s too easy. Anyone nearby could see the way his eyes light up, the little golden hearts that seem to fill them. Barely even a minute into meeting me and he’s wrapped around my finger, putty in my hands. It’s disappointing really. I love a good challenge.

Touma stands a little taller, his cheeks coloring a bright red. “This is Suna Rintarou, Captain of the universities’ volleyball team.”

I finally turn to face Rin, ignoring the sharp glare he is throwing Touma. He turns his attention to me, eyes glowing with a possessive desire that threatens to steal the breath from my lungs. Really, I shouldn’t revel in how easily Touma melts for me when one glance from my step brother and I’m practically a puddle. I don’t even have time to address him before a firm weight clamps down on Touma’s shoulder. Iwaizumi’s thick fingers digging into the boy’s shoulder as he issues a rough greeting.

I’m not surprised when Touma suddenly excuses himself, his face much paler in the face of the three deviants. Archdemons, I muse. A fact Noya had dug up for me. The royalty of Embertide University. A crock of bullshit if you ask me. They’re still the same insecure bullies they’ve always been. The only difference is now they have an entire college campus to terrorize instead of the high school.

“Dance with me.” A command, not a question. Rin’s arrogance has only amplified since I left him behind during my first year of high school.

“I’m sorry, I don’t-”

“You can trust me,” he interjects. Bile rises in my throat at the words. Trust him? That’s laughable. The best goddamn joke I’ve ever heard. But for tonight I’m not me. Y/N doesn’t exist right now, and neither does our history. So I slide my hand in his, allowing him to pull me further into the crowd.

I really shouldn’t be here. If a single glance from Rin had me melting, the feel of his large hand settled on my waist, his fingers on the other hand entwined with my own as he guides me in lazy circles, is debilitating. I’m surprised my brain has managed to function well enough to follow his lead.

The way he’s watching me isn’t helping either. I know that look. It’s just how he used to look at me. Back before everything changed. Before our parents got married. Back when it was just Rin and Y/N. My chest aches with an all too familiar pain, one I had buried years ago. I swallow thickly, forcing myself to watch the crowd around us in a weak attempt to push that feeling back where it belongs.

“Do I scare you?”

Rin’s voice is soft, but the curve of his lip tells me exactly what he wants my answer to be. “No,” I snort, shoulders tensing as the sound escapes me. Peeking at him from the corner of my eyes, I notice the way his eyes have narrowed slightly. Shit. Time to go, this is too reckless. I’m not here for him- for them. I let myself get too lost in the anonymity of the event. A small taste of the life I’ll never have. A life where they’re just Rin, Hajime, and Issei. Where I’m just Y/N. A life without this gaping hole in my heart that happens to look just like them.

“You should be.” His breath is warm against the shell of my ear when he leans in. It sends shock waves straight to my core, lighting a fire I’d thought long extinguished. I can barely contain a groan when his nose presses against the soft skin below my ear, breathing me in. The room seems so much warmer now, sweat beading along the back of my neck. I have to get out of here.

My mind races, searching for an excuse, when a voice clears over my shoulder. Issei stands behind me, eyes raking along my exposed back hungrily before flitting to Rin’s face. “That special donor Coach mentioned just arrived.” It sounds sketchy, the way he puts emphasis on the word special. I’m not surprised they’re doing business here. With the massive crowd to cover their brief disappearance. It’s the perfect place and time for a meeting with Embertide’s mafia kingpins.

Rin pulls away. My body aches at the loss of his touch, his warmth. “I’m afraid I have duties to attend to, pretty girl. Thank you for the dance.” His eyes bore into my own as he lifts my arm, lips pressing a ghost of a kiss against the inside of my wrist.

YN.exe has stopped working. Pretty girl. Holy fuck. What I would do to hear those words fall from his pretty lips again-

I deflate, shoulders dropping. I’m not Y/N tonight. If I was he’d certainly never have called me something so sweet. My permanently bruised heart aches. I already knew I shouldn’t be here. I don’t know why I am letting myself feel so hurt.

Ignoring the sudden need to scrub his touch from my skin, I watch them walk away, getting swallowed by the crowd, I grab my dress and head in the opposite direction. The Embertide Archdemons aren’t the only ones here to work tonight.

Pushing through a side door I quickly shimmy out of the bright gold dress, pressing it into a bag that Tanaka had stashed by the back door. I slip into a pair of black skinny jeans and a dark sweater. Slinging the bag over my shoulder, I creep across the empty campus- it’s time to get what I came for.

Breaking into a college Dean’s office really shouldn’t be so easy, but it is. Or maybe I’m just so used to a good b&e that it seems easy. Suga had hacked in and looped the cameras earlier in the evening, so I slip into the room unnoticed, accessing his computer and planting a program that Suga had designed to mimic his antivirus while providing us constant access to any files he opens. 

It is an invasion of his- and everyone he interacts with- privacy. A small part of me feels guilty for what I’m doing. But really if he doesn’t want his computer to be hacked or his phone bugged he shouldn’t be knee deep in a criminal organization with rumored ties to a large scale human trafficking ring. I can write off a lot of crimes, but dealing in people will never be one of them. Whatever happens, he deserves it. He’s just a stepping stone for me anyway. I have much more important heads to cut off of this hydra.

Tanaka is waiting at the far end of the campus when I make it there. Gone is the fancy town car he had ‘borrowed’. Instead he leans casually against his motorcycle, arms crossed over his chest and head tilted back. We’ve been friends for a few years. Met when my father and his wife, Rin’s bitch of a mother, had shipped me off to some hell hole school for troubled teens.

We had only become closer recently, after his sister, my best friend, had been brutally murdered. A shiver runs up my spine at the memory. All they’d even recovered of her was a single tooth and a few nails. Instinctively my hands grip the necklace tucked beneath my shirt. Her necklace. I’d cleaned the blood off of it, knowing she’d hate to see it so ruined. Tanaka’s eyes fall on me, noticing the way I cling to the jewelry.

“Mission accomplished?”

He doesn’t mention Saeko. Like me he knows that nothing either one of us could say would bring her back. The only thing we can do is move forward. Which is exactly why I’m here, returned to this shithole of a town, to willingly face down my own demons. “Mission accomplished.” I grin as I climb onto the motorcycle behind him.

Nothing heals the wounds in our hearts like a healthy dose of revenge.

At a young age you learned a vital lesson: never hesitate. Whether you’re rejecting a confession or staring down the sight of a gun, split second decisions have been ingrained in your blood, so when your best friend is brutally murdered the choice is simple.

You’ll stop at nothing to exact your revenge on the man who took her from you, even if it means facing the three men you’d spent years running away from.

Can you survive a deal with Embertide University’s very own Archdemons, or will your dark history with them bring everything you’re working toward crashing down?

Pairing: Fem!Reader x Step Brother!Suna, Iwaizumi, and Matsukawa

Word Count: 2.2k

Warnings: pseudocest, hair pulling (non-sexual), bullying, voyuerism, exhibitionism, explicit sex, masturbation

A/N: HELLO FRIENDS! A new chapter (finally lol). And our first taste of smut. Not beta read.

Series Masterlist

As always my content is 18+ only MINORS DO NOT INTERACT.

I can take anger. Hatred. Disgust. Even indifference. But I can’t handle the possessive longing and regret that fills Suna’s eyes as he glares at me. An ache I refuse to put a name to blooms in my chest so I let my hands fall back to my sides. I’m careful to keep a playful smile on my lips as I turn on my heel to walk away. I need to put distance between us. To escape the pull that still calls me to him. I won’t let old feelings- feelings that should be long forgotten- get in the way of my mission. I just need to focus.

My scalp burns where the strands of my ponytail are pulled tight, my head snapping back as I’m jerked backwards. I’m forced to my knees as the hand wrapped in my hair bends me backward at an unnatural angle. Iwaizumi’s face enters my field of vision, a snarl on his reddened face. “You are going to resign,” he growls. His teeth bared as he tightens his grip. “Whatever silly plan you have concocted in this thick skull of yours- forget it. Walk. Away.”

“You aren’t going to ruin this for us, Y/N.” Mattsun appears beside him, running a finger down my cheek to grip my chin. “You don’t belong here, so give up. Run away like the weak little girl you’ve always been.”

His words sting more than the rough grasp with which he forces me to keep his gaze. The truth of what they think rips the shattered pieces of me to the surface. Goosebumps cover my skin, a chill seeping in despite the warmth of the gymnasium. It would be easy to give in to the tears burning at the corners of my eyes. To lay myself bare before them and expose the darkness that they caused all those years ago. But I know them, even now after being away for so long. They won’t believe me. They don’t want to believe that me leaving was anything other than my choice to abandon them. So I blink back the tears, reinforcing the walls they batter against.

“Hah.” The laugh sounds bitter as I struggle to retain my indifference. “Don’t count on it, boys. As much as you may not like it, I’m here to stay.”

Suna joins them, all remnants of his previous emotions buried behind his own mask of indifference. He considers me for a moment before turning to head to where the rest of the team is beginning to warm up. “Leave her be. If our little puppet wants to compete in the trials, that is her decision. She knows we only play to win after all.”

Mattsun released my chin, walking after Suna with a frown. Iwaizumi seemed more reluctant to agree. Or maybe he just wanted to hurt me further. It was difficult to tell the difference between the two. Finally he removed his hand from my hair, shoving me forward in the process. I threw my hands out to catch myself before I collided with the floor. So fucking rude.

Whatever. I already knew the trials wouldn’t be an easy feat. I can handle anything they throw at me. They aren’t the only ones who play to win.

The contract for the Trials requires me to move into the campus house the volleyball team lives in. According to Tanaka and Noya this is so that none of the other competing teams can get to me when I am on my own. I hate it. All of the boys living here are barely out of their teens. And gross. I’ve already had to side step sweaty gym clothes tossed in a pile by the front door. Their living area is littered with overflowing trash cans. I’m honestly shocked they even bothered to use the bins at all. Looks like I will be acting as manager and their goddamn mother if I have to live here.

I’m grateful that I have the apartment Sugawara and the others are occupying to store most of my stuff in. Otherwise moving into the house would have been thoroughly exhausting. It took every ounce of restraint I had to keep myself from slapping the smirk right off of Iwaizumi’s face as he watched me carry all of my things inside and across the house to where my room sits. He could have helped me instead of just standing there, but of course he didn’t. He even went as far as to send all of the first years off on silly errands to ensure they couldn’t help me either. 


I only saw Suna and Matsukawa long enough for them to give me their “house rules”. It’s amusing they think I will actually be subservient to them outside of the trials. The Embertide Archdemons are about to experience true hell.

I skip down the hallway, searching for a rule to break just to piss them off. Squeaky moans and the arrhythmic slap of skin seeps from beneath the door to the boys’ study. Their sanctuary. It must have pissed them off when they discovered me here before.  “Under absolutely no circumstances are you to enter the study. Don’t even look at the door,” Suna had said, his voice stern. What better time to break this silly rule than when one of them is inside getting laid?

I adjust my skirt, pulling it up just far enough to guarantee that whichever of the boys is inside gets a glimpse of the bottom curve of my ass. Then I shift my face to show indifference and push the door open, letting it bang closed behind me.

Suna sits in one of the three plush armchairs that take over the space opposite the bar. The tiny brunette attempting to ride him squawks when I enter. Her already choppy pace stumbling to a halt. She glares at me indignantly. It must be so rude of me to interrupt her mediocre attempt to get my stepbrother off.

 “I don’t remember telling you to stop,” Suna tells her, unconcerned by my presence. Almost as if he knew I would break his rules. Irritation ripples across my skin as I approach the bar, jumping to sit on its smooth surface and grabbing an open bottle of whiskey. I don’t bother with a glass, instead I just bring the bottle to my lips and sip.

“But ‘Tarou!” the brunette whines. I bite back a laugh as I watch his jaw clench at the nickname. He’s never liked them. I was the only one who could ever get away with using them. Yet he doesn’t correct her. I snort, earning a glare from the half naked girl.

“Make her go away so that I can make you feel good,” she purrs.

“Oh I’m not leaving.”

“You chose to be part of the trials, so if he tells you to leave you have to listen.” Her glare is frostier than the milkshakes I dip my fries in. Oh. Everything clicks into place. Her anger isn’t over my interruption. She wanted the manager position. A guaranteed spot in Suna’s bed for the year. How hilarious.

“Tell you what,” I pause sipping more of the whiskey as I hold her gaze. “If you can get him off in the next three minutes, without him moving to help you, I will withdraw from the trials and resign as manager.” Her dark eyes lit up like sunbeams with the challenge. She takes people at their word too easily.

I watch as she focuses back on Suna, her hips grinding against him. Her skirt is bunched around her waist giving me a clear view of where his cock enters her. She isn’t even fully seated on him, leaving several inches untouched. The greenest of envy thrums in time with my heartbeat. I turn my gaze out across the room, attempting to push down the wave of possession crawling its way to the surface within me.

That should be me. I should be the one riding him. The queen by his side (not that this whiny bitch is anything more than a temporary plaything). I should be taking his cock, his heart, his cum. It belongs to me. It has always belonged to me. Mine. Suna is mine.

My head falls back, my eyes closed as I let myself fall into the fantasy of what could- should- have been. Of his length, longer than it is girthy but still filling, wrapped in my palm. The way it would twitch in my hand as I laved my tongue across his tip to taste him.

I want him to know. To have a taste of what our future would have been.

My hand drifts down along my neck, over the curve of my breast, still dropping lower over my abdomen. I let my knees fall apart. I feel the moment his eyes find me. The beat of my heart matches the rhythm of a wild stampede. Exhilarating. I have never wanted him to take his eyes off of me.

My fingers rub against my core over my panties. I’m wet. Always wet. For him. For them. My free hand fists the edge of my skirt, dragging it up. He needs to see what he does to me. How soaked I am from just watching this whore fuck him.

My fingers aren’t as rough as I imagine his to be. Not as thick. Pulling my panties to the side I watch his eyelids flutter, a deep groan vibrating from his chest as he watches me.

“Oh god, ‘Tarou! You feel so good!”

A snarl forms on my lips, but before I can speak Suna does it for me. “Don’t talk, Hana.” His gaze never leaves me.

I drag my fingers between my folds, gathering some of the wetness there. I know he can see the way I listen as I bring them to my mouth. My tongue darts out, licking my own essence from the digits. I use the additional wetness to rub small circles in my clit. Just enough to slowly build up an orgasm.

The room is full of the sounds of her skin slapping his. Their melody masking the lewd noises my body was making. “Harder,” Rin commands, his pale eyes as dark as the night sky. The stormy quality to his voice sends shivers down my spine. I’m soaking the bar beneath me, but I can’t find it in me to be embarrassed. 

Sinking two fingers into my core I swallow a moan. My teeth sink into the inside of my cheek, biting back the words threatening to spill off my tongue. I need more. I want to rip her off of him and claim what should have been mine. To feel the stretch of his cock filling me. My fingers brush against the most sensitive spot in me, my head falls back. A whimper slips from my now parted lips.

Suna growls, standing abruptly and knocking the brunette to the floor. “Get out.”

A flash of satisfaction replaces her confusion as she watches him stalk toward me, his cock thick and hard beneath the condom that encases it. Her expression falls as he turns to glare at her. “Don’t make me repeat myself, Hana.” She jumps to her feet, defeat and furious anger contorting her features as she stomps across the floor. The door to the study rattles in its frame as she slams it behind her, but my attention is already back on the towering frame above me.

I can feel his warmth as it washes over me, even without any physical contact between us. My breaths are ragged, but full of him. Bergamot and sandalwood and something that’s just pure Rin. It’s a heady mixture. My head swims as I watch him dispose of the condom, his palms wrapping around himself as he watches me. I can’t catch my breath. Can’t look away. The fire in me reaches its peak, his movements matching the pace of my own fingers as they pump in and out of my core.

“Come, little puppet, like the attention seeking slut you are.”

The world spins. My vision spotting with white as I fall apart before him. Everything is muted, the only thing I can focus on is the ecstasy rushing through my veins, the groan that emanates from Rin’s chest, and the warmth of his cum as it coats the inside of my thighs. My chest heaves with my release. My eyes closed.

As sounds start to trickle back in, a bone deep coldness settles over me. Bile rises in my throat at the sticky feel coating my skin. Even with the comfort of his scent to stop me from falling back into darkness I feel nothing but regret. I hate him for making me this way. For taking something that should have been so good for us and ruining it.

Suna’s jaw clenches so tight I’m surprised I don’t hear his teeth break. I don’t try to hide the way I feel from him. He deserves to see my misery, to feel his own at my hands.

Before I can push myself from the bar he has tucked himself back into his pants. “Clean your mess off of my bar, Y/N.” He walks away, indifference spread across his features once again. My regret burns hotter. I feel like Icarus must have when he got too close to the sun.

This was what I wanted wasn’t it? His anger? His indifference? So why does my chest feel more hollow than ever?

At a young age you learned a vital lesson: never hesitate. Whether you’re rejecting a confession or staring down the sight of a gun, split second decisions have been ingrained in your blood, so when your best friend is brutally murdered the choice is simple.

You’ll stop at nothing to exact your revenge on the man who took her from you, even if it means facing the three men you’d spent years running away from.

Can you survive a deal with Embertide University’s very own Archdemons, or will your dark history with them bring everything you’re working toward crashing down?

Pairing: Fem!Reader x Step Brother!Suna, Iwaizumi, and Matsukawa

Word Count: 2.3k

Warnings: pseudocest, blackmail, human trafficking, very brief mention of death/disfiguration/amputation/severe injury

A/N: HELLO FRIENDS! Welcome to the third chapter of my newest series! This is our second chapter from the reader’s pov! We see a lot more of Sugawara and the reader’s side of the underworld in this chapter. Not beta read.

Track: through the looking glass- ella jane

Series Masterlist|Next

As always my content is 18+ only MINORS DO NOT INTERACT.

The door rattles as it slams closed behind me, vibrating subtly against my back as I collapse onto it. My hands are clenched into fists at my side, knuckles white and nails leaving crescents in the skin of my palm from the strain. My heart still threatens to beat out of my chest despite the near hour long span of time since I had left the Archdemons house.

I hate them. I absolutely loathe them for the effect they still have on me. It’s been years, so why does my body still quake in their presence? Why is every nerve ending in my body craving their eyes on my skin? The heat of their touch?

Why the fuck do I still long for them? Shouldn’t the shattered pieces of my broken heart be reminder enough of the havoc they can wreak?

“Here.” An open bottle of wine is shoved into my face, pulling my attention away from the ridiculous physical reactions. “Looks like you could use it.” Sugawara stands before me, a half full glass dangling precariously in his other hand. His eyes showcase his mixture of amusement and concern. He always has loved getting a reaction out of me.

“Thanks,” I mutter, snatching the bottle as I push away from the door. My feet drag across the floor as I force myself to move further into the space. The wine floods my taste buds with its dark, smokey flavor as I drink straight from the bottle. I’m more of a hard liquor girl, but the Cabernet Sugawara chose to ease my anxieties isn’t half bad.

I’m careful not to splash the liquid as I flip down onto the couch on my stomach, my face dangling at the edge to cling to the bottle in my hand. I pointedly ignore the silver haired rascal as he crouches before me. “Do you want to talk about it? Or just get hammered?”

“Neither,” I laugh knowing that if I drink too much I’ll end up talking about it anyway.

Sugawara’s eyes lose the amusement I’m so used to seeing there, gaining a seriousness I would previously have doubted he was capable of showing. “You know you don’t have to do this.” His voice is low, cautious almost. As if I’m a cracked mirror who is one glance away from shattering completely.

It pisses me off to be looked at like this. Like I’m broken. I mean I am, but I own that shit. Him walking on eggshells around me makes me feel like all the work I’ve done to become the goddess I am today was futile. He should know that I’m not the broken naive girl I once was. She died shortly afterI left Ember five years ago and I rose from her ashes bigger and badder than I could have ever imagined.


“Saeko wouldn’t want you to think you have to do this for her.”

Anger and grief swirled thickly through my mind, weighing me down. Each intake of breath strained against the weight on my chest. “I’m doing this,” I said with finality. How dare he try to pull the Saeko card knowing that getting justice for her murder was the entire reason we were even back in this hellhole of a town. I will do whatever it takes to get to the bastard who killed her.

The apartment door thudded loudly against the wall as it was flung open, laughter following behind as Tanaka and Nishinoya returned. A frown pulled at the duo’s lips as they stepped into the tense atmosphere we had created.

“I have something that will cheer you up,” Suga offered in an attempt to ease the discomfort. My eyes turned to his extended hand which held a small flash drive.

“Blackmail for Dean Ikeda?” My eyes were wide with the hope I felt filling my chest. I know that the background program has only recently been installed onto the Dean’s computer, but Sugawara is very good at what he does. If anyone could decode the entire devices memory in just a few hours it would be him.

“Very compelling blackmail at that. And there’s more in case we need it along the way.”

“You beautiful, beautiful man! If you didn’t prefer a hard cock I’d kiss you!” All of the boys laugh, the sound wiping away the lingering tension.

“We have something to cheer you up too YN, does that mean we get a kiss?” Noya wiggles his eyebrows suggestively as he hops the back of the couch to sit on my back. He ignores my sounds of protest as he slides a Manila envelope onto the coffee table. I raise an eyebrow in question as I take another deep swig of the wine in my hand.

“You’re not actually going to like it, gorgeous,” Tanaka offers exasperatedly as he collapses into an armchair across from us. We all settle in, Noya climbing off my body so that I can sit up and examine the package’s contents.

Inside is a contract signed by the former manager for the Embertide Volleyball club. I had asked Noya to look into her to find out why she had left. Not that any of the team’s managers had managed to last more than one season, but her departure was the freshest. The first page is just the usual mumbo-jumbo about daily tasks and expectations. It isn’t until I make it to the third page of the agreement that things take a turn.

The Manager agrees to compete in the Cimmerian trials- a unique competition of subservience among several local Universities. The following rules will be adhered to by all participants in regards to any tasks/events requested of the Manager:

  1. No task or event shall interfere with the volleyball season. Including but not limited to practices, matches, press events, Etc.
  2. No task or event shall interrupt the Managers University standing. Including, but not limited to, daily attendance, performances/competitions, exams, study groups, etc. As such the Manager must inform their Captain of any and all schedule changes to allow for easier planning within the trial.
  3. No task or event shall result in permanent disfiguration, loss of limb/bodily function, or loss of life. All tasks/events that require physical aspects of submission (of both a sexual and non-sexual manner) will be consented to by the Manager in writing at least two weeks prior.

My mouth was drier than the Sahara desert as I reread those words over and over again. Sexual and non-sexual. I wasn’t a blushing virgin by any means, yet heat crept along my cheeks at the thought of performing any sexual act with the three Archdemons. I should back out now, steal away in the night and never look back at this shitty town. But I won’t. This is my only chance for revenge on Saeko’s murderer. And if that means I have to have sex with my ridiculously hot step brother and his equally as attractive best friends then so be it. Maybe I can even use this to my advantage. Let them get addicted to me before pulling the rug from beneath their feet.

Yeah, I’ve got this. No big deal. I’m a goddess in my own right, so good luck trying to break me boys.

Sugawara read the agreement over my shoulder, his face pulling in a pained expression. “Are you sure-”

“Yes. I can do this. I will do this.” I’m not going to let my past define me. Not when there is so much on the line.

“Okay. I’ll work up a new contract tonight and have it ready before you meet with the Dean tomorrow. If there is anything specific you want added or changed let me know.”

“Thanks Suga. Do we have my class schedule? I’m going to grab my books on the way back.”

“It’s right here,” Tanaka laughs, tossing the paper across to me with a smile. I quickly scan the page, noticing most of the courses are mandatory freshman bullshit. The only highlight to the next few months will be the introductory acting course and the accompanying dance class. I may be here for revenge but I’m going to make the most of it.

“Maybe I should enroll and join your dance class too.” Tanaka jumps to his feet, pulling me up from my spot on the couch and attempting to twirl me around the living room. He isn’t as great on his feet and we end up collapsing on the floor beside the coffee table, laughing breathlessly.

“Nah, you’re doing it all wrong!” Noya exclaims, pulling me back to my feet and swinging me over his back. I collide with the couch with an “Oof” before devolving into giggles.

“I think you’d both be better off sticking to working at the gym and running jobs for Ukai,”  Sugawara chuckles before falling into dramatic schemes of how to win over my future dance professor to be allowed to join the class.

I beam as I watch them from my upside down position across the room. I know these moments will be increasingly rare as we move forward in our plan to get closer to the man who killed Saeko- the Matador. A stupid nickname if you ask me, what does bullfighting have to do with the gang underworld? At least he won’t be alive to hold that title for much longer, not if everything goes according to plan anyway.

The steps to the administration office where the Dean’s office is located are bright with the midday sun. It feels like heaven beating down against my skin. It’s a beautiful day.

A beautiful day for blackmail.

The stout middle aged woman who acted as Secretary to Dean Ikeda shoots me a poor imitation of a genuine smile as she pushes open the door to his office, quickly scowling when she thinks my attention has been pulled into the room. Apparently she isn’t going to be my biggest fan. Must be the tattoos, with the way she keeps eyeing them with disgust. Sucks to be her with those wrinkles and graying hair and absolutely no sense of fun. “Thanks Dolores.” I take a wild guess at her name to intentionally irritate her.

“It’s Mrs. Sato to you, girl.”

“What was that Deborah? I couldn’t hear you over the sound of me not giving a shit.” She stormed off, her complaints echoing down the hall.

“Miss L/N, I see you’re already making quite an impression around campus and the semester hasn’t even started. I would appreciate if you didn’t antagonize the staff. While your father may be a prominent figure in this community-”

“Let me stop you right there Akio.” I shut the door before stepping forward to perch on the edge of the gaudy velvet seats he has positioned before his large oak desk. “I’m not attending this University using my father’s money so he has no influence over me. As a matter of fact let’s just go ahead and consider me untouchable from here on out.”

“Miss L/N I believe you are seriously misunderstanding your place-”

“Oh, I’m certainly not. Here’s what’s going to happen Akio: from here on out you will comply with every demand I make. If you don’t-” I pause, pulling an envelope filled with several of the more incriminating images Sugawara managed to find hidden on the Dean’s desktop. Who seriously keeps this type of evidence on a computer? That’s practically asking for someone to blackmail you. “I will release these images and all the other pieces of inculpating evidence we have recovered from your p.c. to every local news outlet within five hundred miles of Ember.”

Dean Ikeda jerks the files from my hand, dumping the contents onto the top of his desk. His wrinkled face turns ashen as he realizes exactly what images I was referring to. They’re nauseating- the graphic images of him purchasing barely legal (if at all) boys and girls stolen from around the country. I know that as soon as he loses his value in our plan one of the crew will be back to take care of him. Hopefully painfully.

“I see. And what exactly are these ‘demands’ you are referring to?”

“To start with you are going to appoint me as the Manager for the volleyball club.”

“Miss L/N, given your relationship with the team’s Captain, Suna, I doubt you will want-”

My lips press into a thin line at his assumption that my step brother being on the team will alter my willingness to take on the role. Then again I guess not everyone has been in love with their step brother since before they even knew what love was.

“I am fully aware of the requirements for the position and I fully plan to accept them. And before you ask that does include participating in the Cimmerian Trials. Leave the specifics to me, just make it happen.” I reach into my bag again pulling out the folder Sugawara had placed the revamped Manager contract in. “This will be the contract for my position, it only requires your signature as well as the Coach’s. So make that happen. I’ll be at the gym Monday evening to meet the team at their first practice of the semester.”

I stand, adjusting my skirt before turning to the door. I pause with it halfway open, turning back to face the Dean with a sinister smile. “I so look forward to working with you.” He only glowers in response, shoving the photos I had supplied into his paper shredder with more aggression than the action required. I guess someone is salty about being blackmailed. Sucks to suck doesn’t it douchebag.

A giddy feeling fills me, tingling beneath my skin with the electric feeling of excitement. Tomorrow my journey begins.  By the end of the semester I will have killed the man who stole my best friend from me and, if I play my cards right, I will have my revenge on the three boys who ruined me.

It really is a beautiful day.
