#twin sparks splitten sparks au



Tension could be cut with a blade in the large bridge of The Nemesis. Almost all Decepticon Teams were reunited waiting for the news their supreme leader would give them. Megatron was on the top platform with Strika and some other generals… Also, Azure was there too, at the side of his creator.

“Fellow Decepticons!” The deep voice resonated through the walls, every con down there stiffening as if given a secret command “This is the beggining of a new age for us and our cause. These past days we have finally achieved the construction of a functioning space bridge!”

   The lower platform went wild on battlecries, they were finally on the same level with the Autobots, and with the Allspark destroyed, now nothing will stop them from finally defeating their foes. The joy was more palpable than the initial tension.

“The prototype is finished, yes. But it still needs to be tested. And for that, we need a volunteer.” Everycon fell quiet hearing their leader talk. Did they need to offer themselves volunteers? “The cons who offered themselves volunteers are my own creation, Azure, and his team” He signaled the younger blue bot at his side, waiting for him to step forward

Azure hated this, he didn’t liked being the center of attention, but how to avoid it being the faction leader’s creation. He stepped forward, trying to remain still and without trembling too noticeably. The crowd below erupted in cheers once again, he tried to focus on his creator, mute everything around him, conceal himself in an invisible and safe prison. Megatron picked up his feelings through the bond and send a wave of reassure.

Of course, he couldn’t forget everything was for him. He had to start gaining the respect of his Creator’s troops, in case Megatron fall… He had to be a leader, HE HAD TO BE A GOOD LEADER. Azure shaked a little to continue with his part. He leaned down in one knee and put a hand over his spark, trying to look only to those red embers that waited for him, expectantly.

“I’m honored for me and my team to… To participate in such a big event like this one. I won't… Fail you, my lord”

He retreated a little too fast behind his creator, wich caused some little whispers to broke through the platforms. But Megatron washed him with pride, even if the words couldn’t be spoken. He took advantage of his concealed position and smiled widely, a weak act that will be condoned for all his Creator’s troops. But his care was everything Azure needed to survive on his world.

Relaxing Evening

Silverblade had private quarters of his own at the very edge of the Autobot City, were peace and tranquility could be archieved easily. However, lately he has been staying on his carrier’s home, with the sole purpose of watching that the self sacrificing fool didn’t offlined from overwork. His ID was already registered on the block, so it was like entering to his own home.

The place wasn’t a mess because he maintained it clean, but there were still some papers over here and there, reports mid finished and two or three empty energon cubes near the dispenser. He just sighted and started cleaning whatever bits he found out of place. This isn’t how the one who fought against Decepticons to retrieve the Allspark should be treated. Even his carrier’s friends had better lives than this. Bumblebee was now a major on the Academy and was striving further up (He laughed internally at how he could surpass somebot millions of years older than him), Bulkhead was still working as a spacebridge technician, but he was closer to Cybertron and checking on most important ones, with a real maintenance team. Ratchet was teaching and working on the Medical Wing of the Academy (He was feeling sorry for his students) and Prowl was far away doing he didn’t knew what, but the occasional calls showed that he was fine.

Everything was fault of that overgrown sparkling named Sentinel Magnus. Rodimus, Longarm, Jazz, he had several Primes under his command, including himself, but almost everything was landed to Optimus leaving the others with too much idle time. It was infuriating…

Finally, after breems of cleaning and waiting, Optimus arrived home at the late night cycle. His optics were dimmed in exhaustion, pauldrons down and heavy. Silverblade stood quickly and helped him to sit in one of the couches before he stamped himself against a wall, it had happened before

“… Better?” He asked in a whisper

Optimus sighted, servos grasping at his nasal bridge, optics closed. The silver one went towards the dispenser and served them two half filled energon cubes. He added bits of powder to sweeten and bitter up the fuel. He landed the pink one to Optimus, while he sipped from the grey one. His carrier took a long gulp, and the tension eased a little from his field and frame. Silverblade also relaxed again, the height on their bond was dimming little by little.

“Now that’s better…”

“Care to tell me what took you so long?” He sipped from his own cube, but he was paying attention to his carrier, his field, his frame, the bond…

“Last hour reports and orders to go check our borderlines tomorrow…” He quickly drank his cube. He has been starving. And the tiredness didn’t completely leaved his frame “But I still have things to complete-”

“Go and recharge, I’ll fill up the things for you”

“Silver, you don’t need to-” His carrier put his hand over one spiky shoulder, maybe trying to be reassuring. But the grip was too loosen.

Optimus” He didn’t yell, but every time he used that tone with his name, his carrier stilled “You’ll have a long, tiring cycle tomorrow. It will be better if you rest well and long… At least for tonight” He patted his carrier’s hand with his own and then gripped it lightly.

Optimus sighted, and then patted the head of his creation before going to his berth. Slagger, he knew Silverblade didn’t liked that. But he’ll leave him get away with this… For now. The smaller bot stayed there calmly drinking his energon until he finished and got to his carrier’s business. Everything was half finished already, he just completed it, fixed some mistakes, the usual. Some of the new documents were IDs to enter the furthest sectors of the Autobot’s Commonwealth, were the tension and fear for a Decepticon attack were high.

He circled his optics, Sentinel and his paranoia. Being cautious was good, excellent even, but sending one bot to check all the outposts was…

Silverblade checked that his carrier was indeed recharging before continuing with his little idea. It was illegal? Yes. Will he go to jail? If he played well, no. Optimus will get extremely mad at him? When he found out, yes. But it was a small price to pay for his carrier to recover some breems of recharge…


The headless drone fell on the ground with a loud ‘thud’, the fifth time on a row of successful shots on training.

“Great work, oh Great Lord Azure!” Behind him, away from the training field, Lugnut was cheering for him “Such a great aim and precision! You will domain the battlefield on your first battle! Lord Megatron will be proud of your results”

“Thanks… I want to go and tell him now…”

Azure then walked out of the training room and onto one of the many hallways of the Nemesis. Behind him, the loyal Decepticon kept showering him with praises. He closed his optics so no one else could see them glowing with embarrassment, he had a reputation to maintain, for his sire’s sake

He was a Decepticon, big and broad, with a frame almost identical to his sire, but much more… plain. Dark blue instead of gray, and a lighter shade of red. Without any further distractions, they arrived to the Lord Decepticon’s office. Azure tried to knock the door, but Lugnut was faster in punching the door open

“Oh! Glorious Leader Megatron! Your most loyal servant has brought your Marvelous Creation to you!”

The fact was, Megatron was not alone. He was in a meeting with the holograms of his most distant generals. The young Decepticon wanted to disappear, closing his field so no one could sense his shame and discomfort. Optics closed again, he still could heard the low grumble and feel the irritability from his creator through the bond.

“… Maybe we should come back later?” He tried to hide the shame on his voice, too

“There is no need” With simply pushing a button, the warlord cut off the transmissions and the holograms disappeared “Lugnut, get out and close the door”

“Yes, my liege!” Eager to fulfill any order from his leader, the big Decepticon leaved them alone in the room after closing the door.

Alone, in the dark room litted only by the red glow of their optics, Azure fidgeted still uncomfortable by the last events. But very soon he was wrapped with big, spiked arms and a comforting field. He let himself smile, relax, let his own go wild with all his repressed emotions. With other Decepticons, he had to maintain the tough, indifferent appearance. But here, safe from other’s opinions and disapproval, he could be himself. He embraced the bigger Decepticon by his waist

“I’m sorry for disturbing you…”

“Blame Lugnut for interrupting. You are more important than anything else here”

   His optics gleamed in embarrassment, but he didn’t needed to hide it. Slowly, he retracted from the hug and changed his stance, this time it was more natural, less restrain.

“My Lord, I came here to inform you that I have completed the hard level of the shooting training five times in a row” Megatron nodded at him, expression unchanging, but he felt the string of pride through the bond. It made him smile

“… As my heir to the Decepticon Cause, you will soon be send to the battlefield, once me and my commanders discuss a new strategy plan. You shall keep training and studying for when that time comes…”

Azure nodded frantically. He was still unsure about participating in battles, but if it was for the cause, for his fellow Decepticons, for his creator… He will at least try


   In the hallway towards the Magnus Office he met with various other bots. Some that knew him bowed their heads to him, recognizing his rank and acting with all respect. Others (New recruits, mostly) were startled by his frame and presence.

   He WAS a civilian frame. There was still time for his final upgrade, so he was still smaller than the others. But the pointy ends on his silver shoulders and audial fins, red knee joints and claws, instead of servos, gave everyone some warframe’s vibe. He knew the reasons behind it and he had accepted it long ago. And it wasn’t going to let that interfere with his obligations.

   He finally arrived at his destination, courtly knocked at the door and waited for the bot inside to tell him to come in. He greeted the actual Magnus and the one accompanying him.

“Sentinel Magnus, Sir” He bowed at the Autobot Commander “Optimus Prime” And then turned his head towards the fellow Prime


“Silverblade Prime! What took you so long?!” The Magnus didn’t let Optimus greet him properly

“I apologize for the inconvenient wait, there was a feed of new reports when I arrived to retrieve the data. And I’ve had to wait some time for the Minors to finish adding  the new info into the documents so you didn’t have to wait for them”

   His way with words have proven useful once more into easing the anxiety levels of the current Magnus. He gave the data-pad with the latest reports of the activities in the most distant cybertronian colonies to Sentinel and stayed there for any further orders.

   He casted a glance towards Optimus and bowed his head a little. Later, at home, they will talk and be familiar. But right now, they were on job cycle, so it’ll have to wait…

“Five Raids!?” The sudden yell from the Magnus startled his carrier. He himself was surprised, but knew better how to hide his emotions. Just a little twitch on his sharp audial fins gave him away “Only this decacycle, we’ve had FIVE FRAGGING DECEPTICON’S RAIDS on our borders?! Optimus, what are our troops doing?!”

“We don’t have enough experienced bots to cover all the front lines. We are doing the best we can” Optimus was in charge of the guard’s management over the colonies. Silverblade knew how much he was trying to protect everyone

“… Very well…” That final tone on Sentinel wasn’t a good sign “From now on, the Elite Guard’s Academy will only do military careers for everybot interested” There it went

“SENTINEL YOU CAN’T DO THAT!!!” Morally, he couldn’t. Technically, he could

“Aren’t you complaining about the shortage of soldiers? Then I’ll give you soldiers”


“Just do your job and keep protecting the front lines! At least until we got the upper hand on battle… Oh! And Silverblade…”

“Yes, Sentinel Magnus, Sir?”

“… You are dismissed”

    That was his cue to leave. It seemed that his carrier was going to have a hard cycle today again. He sighted after closing the door of the Magnus Office. He’ll prepare some energon sweets for when Optimus returned home

Twin Sparks: A pair of Sparks who share the same signature. These Sparks search for each other in the countless time and spaces until they finally met. Once they do, it will be hard to be apart again. They exist, but are so few the proven cases that the masses knows little about what implies to find your twin spark.

Splitten Sparks: Once one brilliant light, their power was so much that it could hurt the carrier. So the spark divides in two or more, resulting in cybertronians with the deepest bonds. They’ll call for each other when too far apart, they’ll feel mayor injuries and sorrows, as well love and devotion from the other. Splitten Sparks will never hurt each other, nor can.

These bonds who grow deep can’t be spared on war, sometimes the age of the sparks is uneven. There will always be passion in each action taken. There is no sin on longing for your twin spark. The sin comes when you long for your enemy
