#sentinel prime


Some of these were a bit difficult because I don’t recall TFA super well and what I can recall is a bit basic. I also decided to cut off some people from the list I originally had. If someone has a specific request for a certain character, feel free to ask me and I’ll respond with my answer for that character. For now, part 2 of my DnDformers!

Race - Background - Class (Subclass)



  • Optimus Prime: High Elf - Knight - Paladin (Oath of Redemption)
  • Ratchet: Hill Dwarf - Soldier - Cleric (War Domain)/Artificer (Battle Smith)
  • Bumblebee: Tabaxi - Folk Hero - Sorcerer (Storm Sorcery)
  • Bulkhead: Half-Orc - Guild Artisan - Fighter (Rune Knight)/Artificer (Armorer)
  • Prowl: Eladrin (Summer) - Urchin - Ranger (Fey Wanderer)/Rogue (Thief)
  • Jazz: Dragonborn (White) - Entertainer - Bard (College of Swords)
  • Sentinel Prime: Aasimar (Protector) - Athlete - Fighter (Cavalier)
  • Jetfire: Half High Elf - Inheritor - Monk (Way of the Four Elements)
  • Jetstorm: Half High Elf - Inheritor - Monk (Way of the Four Elements)
  • Blurr: Tabaxi - Investigator - Monk (Way of the Open Hand)
  • Ultra Magnus: Eladrin (Winter) - Noble - Fighter (Champion)


  • Megatron: Dragonborn (Silver) - Gladiator - Fighter (Eldritch Knight)/Paladin (Oath of Vengence)
  • Starscream: Air Genasi - Noble - Artificer (Alchemist)
  • Lugnut: Orc - Soldier - Barbarian (Path of the Zealot)
  • Blitzwing: Feral Tiefling - Faceless - Druid (Circle of Wildfire)
  • Black Arachnia: Aasimar (Fallen) - Haunted One - Rogue (Assassin)/Druid (Circle of the Shepard)
  • Shockwave: Changeling - Spy - Wizard (School of Illusion)
  • Swindle: Tabaxi - Smuggler - Bard (College of Whispers)


  • Lockdown: Drow - Urban Bounty Hunter - Rogue (Mastermind)/Blood Hunter (Order of the Mutant)
  • Wasp: Dragonborn (Green) - Haunted One - Druid (Circle of Land (Underdark))
  • Grimlock: Goliath - Fey Lost - Barbarian (Path of the Berserker)
  • Swoop: Aaracokra - Fey Lost - Barbarian (Path of Wild Magic)
  • Snarl: Minotaur - Fey Lost - Barbarian (Path of the Battlerager)


   In the hallway towards the Magnus Office he met with various other bots. Some that knew him bowed their heads to him, recognizing his rank and acting with all respect. Others (New recruits, mostly) were startled by his frame and presence.

   He WAS a civilian frame. There was still time for his final upgrade, so he was still smaller than the others. But the pointy ends on his silver shoulders and audial fins, red knee joints and claws, instead of servos, gave everyone some warframe’s vibe. He knew the reasons behind it and he had accepted it long ago. And it wasn’t going to let that interfere with his obligations.

   He finally arrived at his destination, courtly knocked at the door and waited for the bot inside to tell him to come in. He greeted the actual Magnus and the one accompanying him.

“Sentinel Magnus, Sir” He bowed at the Autobot Commander “Optimus Prime” And then turned his head towards the fellow Prime


“Silverblade Prime! What took you so long?!” The Magnus didn’t let Optimus greet him properly

“I apologize for the inconvenient wait, there was a feed of new reports when I arrived to retrieve the data. And I’ve had to wait some time for the Minors to finish adding  the new info into the documents so you didn’t have to wait for them”

   His way with words have proven useful once more into easing the anxiety levels of the current Magnus. He gave the data-pad with the latest reports of the activities in the most distant cybertronian colonies to Sentinel and stayed there for any further orders.

   He casted a glance towards Optimus and bowed his head a little. Later, at home, they will talk and be familiar. But right now, they were on job cycle, so it’ll have to wait…

“Five Raids!?” The sudden yell from the Magnus startled his carrier. He himself was surprised, but knew better how to hide his emotions. Just a little twitch on his sharp audial fins gave him away “Only this decacycle, we’ve had FIVE FRAGGING DECEPTICON’S RAIDS on our borders?! Optimus, what are our troops doing?!”

“We don’t have enough experienced bots to cover all the front lines. We are doing the best we can” Optimus was in charge of the guard’s management over the colonies. Silverblade knew how much he was trying to protect everyone

“… Very well…” That final tone on Sentinel wasn’t a good sign “From now on, the Elite Guard’s Academy will only do military careers for everybot interested” There it went

“SENTINEL YOU CAN’T DO THAT!!!” Morally, he couldn’t. Technically, he could

“Aren’t you complaining about the shortage of soldiers? Then I’ll give you soldiers”


“Just do your job and keep protecting the front lines! At least until we got the upper hand on battle… Oh! And Silverblade…”

“Yes, Sentinel Magnus, Sir?”

“… You are dismissed”

    That was his cue to leave. It seemed that his carrier was going to have a hard cycle today again. He sighted after closing the door of the Magnus Office. He’ll prepare some energon sweets for when Optimus returned home

When your 30 sec doodle is better than 3+hours work ho hoWhen your 30 sec doodle is better than 3+hours work ho hoWhen your 30 sec doodle is better than 3+hours work ho hoWhen your 30 sec doodle is better than 3+hours work ho ho

When your 30 sec doodle is better than 3+hours work ho ho

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