#twst drabbles


Vampire!Ace Trappola

CW:Vampires, Ace drinks your blood, mentions of a wound from that.

Just a little bit yabai, please read at your own discretion!

“Are you dumb or something?” Ace mutters. His gaze is conflicted as it rests on you. “Why aren’t you running off?”

You’re the dumb one here.” You scoff, crossing your arms. For someone volunteering to be a bloodbag, you didn’t seem very concerned at all. “Why would I run from you? It’s not like you’re going to kill me from just a meal.”

No - but Ace would’ve preferred if you were more worried for yourself. He sighs, staying in place. “I’m not drinking from you. You should take this more seriously, you know? I could take too much, and then-”

“-and if I pass out, you better nurse me back to health.” You say it as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. You place your hands on Ace’s shoulders, forcing him to look at you. “I know you’re worried about somehow messing this up, but I trust you. You need blood to live, right? And you haven’t fed in a while.”

Ah, this isn’t good - with you so close, the urge to bite grew stronger. You were dangling a dessert right before his face.

“…Just a little.” Ace bit his lip. “Don’t go complaining later on if it hurts more than you expected.”

He contemplated where to drink from, running his thumb over the side of your neck. You tensed. He could feel your pulse more clearly now - it skipped in anticipation, and…

Ace couldn’t help but smile to himself: you acted all high and mighty, but you’re kind of scared too, aren’t you?

He didn’t hate that. It was good that you still had some sense in front of a predator.

As he leaned closer to your neck, you held your breath - only to let out a noise of confusion as he took your wrist instead, drawing your palm to his lips, and bit.

It stung a little, but you were too distracted by the way it tickled afterwards, and how Ace’s eyes were still on you: half-lidded and not completely focused, glowing just slightly as he drank. Your body felt warm, as if he was drawing blood from all over.

Your mind grew a bit fuzzy - perhaps an ability of his to placate his victims - before the warmth of him drew away. Your palm was throbbing slightly where the skin was punctured, but not enough to really hurt. Ace placed a gentle kiss on the wound, and you watched in awe as he muttered in a language you didn’t understand, commanding the wound to heal before your very eyes.

“You feeling okay?” His words were tentative, as if he was still tasting the blood - your blood, on his tongue. Ace licked his lips absentmindedly as he examined your complexion, placing his hands on your face to get a read of your temperature.

“I… I’m fine,” you croaked.

Ace smiled despite himself, chuckling lightly as he brushed his thumb over your cheek - savoring you. “Yeah… You are. Just don’t go offering yourself to some other vampire, alright? Not all of them are as gentle as me.”
